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Predators may influence their prey populations not only through direct lethal effects, but also by causing behavioural changes. The natural expansion of the wolf (Canis lupus) into the Alps provided the rare opportunity to monitor the responses of a prey species to the return of a large predator. Density effects have rarely been considered in the study of antipredator strategies. We examined the effects of wolf recolonisation and density modifications on group size and use of safe areas by Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) in Gran Paradiso National Park (Italy), where no large terrestrial predator has been present for about a century. We documented that, in a few years, the variation in the factors affecting the landscape of fear caused significant modifications in ibex behavioural patterns that could not be accounted for by density changes only. Male groups decreased in size and moved closer to safer areas. The distance of female groups from refuge sites, instead, was not affected, and their propensity to live in groups was scarcely modified. Behavioural modifications likely caused a reduction in nutrient intake in adult male ibex, as they necessarily used lower‐quality feeding patches. Our results showed that male and female ibex, which are characterised by a strong dimorphism, adopted different strategies to solve the conflicting demands of foraging efficiently and avoiding predators.  相似文献   
Pectins are a highly complex family of cell wall polysaccharides comprised of homogalacturonan (HGA), rhamnogalacturonan I and rhamnogalacturonan II. We have specifically modified HGA in both tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and Arabidopsis by expressing the endopolygalacturonase II of Aspergillus niger (AnPGII). Cell walls of transgenic tobacco plants showed a 25% reduction in GalUA content as compared with the wild type and a reduced content of deesterified HGA as detected by antibody labeling. Neutral sugars remained unchanged apart from a slight increase of Rha, Ara, and Gal. Both transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis were dwarfed, indicating that unesterified HGA is a critical factor for plant cell growth. The dwarf phenotypes were associated with AnPGII activity as demonstrated by the observation that the mutant phenotype of tobacco was completely reverted by crossing the dwarfed plants with plants expressing PGIP2, a strong inhibitor of AnPGII. The mutant phenotype in Arabidopsis did not appear when transformation was performed with a gene encoding AnPGII inactivated by site directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   
During a two year preliminary study, the spatial organization of a group of male Alpine ibexCapra ibex ibex Linnaeus, 1758 was examined in the Gran Paradiso National Park, Western Italian Alps, Italy. From December 1995 to January 1998 we measured annual, seasonal home range and home range during the rut, plus altitudinal migration of 13 radio-collared adult Alpine ibex. The small annual home range size showed a traditional use of space, confirmed by the high overlapping values between home ranges of consecutive years: the ibex used the same places from year to year. This was also true during periods of rut. Home ranges closely overlapped in consecutive ruts, while their size changed from winter to winter. Snow cover limited the movements of the ibex; winter and spring home ranges were smaller than those in summer and autumn. Mean vertical movement patterns were similar in the two years, showing the highest values in summer and the lowest in spring. Space use was never proportional to availability for each altitudinal range.  相似文献   
Two of the five known mammalian 5'-nucleotidases show a preference for the dephosphorylation of deoxynucleoside-5'-phosphates. One is a cytoplasmic enzyme (dNT-1), the other occurs in mitochondria (dNT-2). The human mitochondrial enzyme, recently discovered and cloned by us, is encoded by a nuclear gene located on chromosome 17 p11.2 in the critical region deleted in the Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS), a genetic disease of unknown etiology. Looking for a model system to study the possible involvement of dNT-2 in the disease, we have cloned the cDNA of the mouse ortholog. The deduced protein sequence is 84% identical to the human ortholog, has a very basic NH(2)-terminus, a very high calculated probability of being imported into mitochondria and contains the DXDXT/V motif conserved among nucleotidases. Expression in Escherichia coli of the predicted processed form of the protein produced an active deoxyribonucleotidase. We also identified in genomic sequences present in the data base the structures of the murine genes for the cytosolic and mitochondrial deoxyribonucleotidases (Nt5c and Nt5m). PAC clones for the two loci were isolated from a library and used for chromosomal localization by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Both genes map on chromosome 11: Nt5c at 11E and Nt5m at 11B, demonstrating the presence of the dNT-2 locus in the mouse shaker-2 critical region, the murine counterpart of the human SMS region. We performed pair-wise dot-plot and PIP (percent identity plot) analyses of mouse and human deoxyribonucleotidase genes, and found a strong conservation that extends also to some intronic sequences of possible regulatory significance.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to examine 24h patterning in the symptoms indicative of third-degree atrio-ventricular (AV) heart block. We found a total of 227 cases (126 men and 101 women) of third-degree AV block that had been diagnosed by the Emergency Medical Department of the St. Anna Hospital in Ferrara, Italy between 1990 and 2001. Determination of the hour of onset of symptomatic third-degree AV block, however, was possible and listed in the records of only 161 or 70.9% of the cases (92 men and 69 women). The onset time of every event was categorized into one of four 6h spans of the 24h: night (00:00-05:59h), morning (06:00-11:59h), afternoon (12:00-17:59h), and evening (18:00-23:59h). The onset of the symptoms of third-degree AV block in the sample of 161 cases was significantly greater in the morning between 06:00 and 11:59h than any other 6h span of the day and night (chi2-test; p < 0.001). The same phenomenon was substantiated in the subgroup of the 92 males (chi2; p < 0.0001), although it could not be detected for the smaller subgroup of 69 women. The 24h pattern, with morning preference, in the onset of symptomatic third-degree AV block is similar to the one in sudden cardiac death and cardiogenic cardiac arrest. The etiology of the 24h pattern in symptomatic AV block is unknown; it may be an expression of intrinsic biological rhythmicity within the heart tissue or its control system, and/or the timing of environmental triggers resulting in coronary ischemia.  相似文献   
Stressful events are accompanied by modifications in dopaminergic transmission in distinct brain regions. As the activity of the neuronal dopamine (DA) transporter (DAT) is considered to be a critical mechanism for determining the extent of DA receptor activation, we investigated whether a 3-week exposure to unavoidable stress, which produces a reduction in DA output in the nucleus accumbens shell (NAcS) and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), would affect DAT density and DA D1 receptor complex activity in the NAcS, mPFC and caudate-putamen (CPu). Rats exposed to unavoidable stress showed a decreased DA output in the NAcS accompanied by a decrease in the number of DAT binding sites, and an increase in the number of DA D1 binding sites and Vmax of SKF 38393-stimulated adenylyl cyclase. In the mPFC, stress exposure produced a decrease in DA output with no modification in DAT binding or in DA D1 receptor complex activity. Moreover, in the CPu stress exposure induced no changes in DA output or in the other neurochemical variables examined. This study shows that exposure to a chronic unavoidable stress that produces a decrease in DA output in frontomesolimbic areas induced several adaptive neurochemical modifications selectively in the nucleus accumbens.  相似文献   
Human salivary cystatins, five major (S, S1, S2, SA, SN) and two minor (C and D), are multifunctional proteins playing a different role in the oral environment. Salivary cystatin SN is able to effectively inhibit lysosomal cathepsins B, C, H and L and cystatin SA inhibits cathepsins C and L in vitro. These activities suggest, particularly for cystatin SN, an important role in the control of proteolytic events in vivo. Differently, cystatins S are involved, together with statherin, in the mineral balance of the tooth. Due to their distinct role, a reliable method for identification and quantification of the different cystatins, as well as of possible truncated and derived forms, could be helpful for the assessment of the status of the oral cavity. To this purpose high-performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI MS) was applied to the analysis of human saliva obtained from healthy subjects. All known salivary cystatins, with the exception of cystatin C, were detected. Strong evidence was also obtained for the presence in saliva of post-translational modified isoforms of cystatins, which may be related to donor habits. Cystatin SN and cystatins S, S1 and S2 were well separated by HPLC-ESI MS coupling from other components and thus this approach can be successfully applied to their quantification.  相似文献   
The unique eukaryotic-like Ser/Thr protein kinases of Streptococcus pneumoniae, StkP, plays a primary role in the cell division process. It is composed of an intracellular kinase domain, a transmembrane helix and four extracellular PASTA subunits. PASTA domains were shown to interact with cell wall fragments but the key questions related to the molecular mechanism governing ligand recognition remain unclear. To address this issue, the full-length structural model of StkP was generated by combining small-angle X-ray scattering data with the results of computer simulations. Docking and molecular dynamics studies on the generated three-dimensional model structure reveal the possibility of peptidoglycan fragment binding at the hinge regions between PASTA subunits with a preference for a bent hinge between PASTA3 and PASTA4.  相似文献   
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