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Vegetative mycelia and spores of the investigated high- and low-producer strains of Streptomyces griseus bound significant amounts (4%) of streptomycin, which could be removed by increasing ionic strength. The release of antibiotic from the spores was easier when the spores were germinating. This phenomenon is considered to play an ecological role. We suppose that the streptomycin released during the germination process may protect the young hyphae from the different bacteria growing in the microenvironment of the Streptomyces spores.  相似文献   
Properly designed (randomized and/or balanced) experiments are standard in ecological research. Molecular methods are increasingly used in ecology, but studies generally do not report the detailed design of sample processing in the laboratory. This may strongly influence the interpretability of results if the laboratory procedures do not account for the confounding effects of unexpected laboratory events. We demonstrate this with a simple experiment where unexpected differences in laboratory processing of samples would have biased results if randomization in DNA extraction and PCR steps do not provide safeguards. We emphasize the need for proper experimental design and reporting of the laboratory phase of molecular ecology research to ensure the reliability and interpretability of results.  相似文献   
Analysis of the coenzyme Q system and the monosaccharide pattern of purified cell walls were used for species characterization in the genus Kluyveromyces. All the type strains of the genus possess coenzyme Q-6 and the mannose-glucose (Saccharomyces type) cell wall sugar pattern. With the help of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA-Polymerase Chain Reaction analysis 17 species were separated: K. aestuarii, K. africanus, K. bacillisporus, K. blattae, K. delphensis, K. dobzhanski, K. lactis (anamorph Candida sphaerica), K. lodderae, K. marxianus (syn. K. fragilis, K. bulgaricus, K. cicerisporus anamorphs Candida macedoniensis, C. pseudotropicalis, C. kefyr), K. phaffii, K. piceae, K. polysporus, K. sinensis, K. thermotolerans (syn. K. veronae, anamorph Candida dattila), K. waltii, K. wickerhamii, K. yarrowii (anamorph Candida tannotolerans). A strain of K. drosophilarum showed with the type strain of K. lactis only 63% similarity. The strain originally described as the type strain of K. cellobiovorus nom. nud. was excluded from the genus (Q-9), and found to be conspecific with the type strain of Candida intermedia.Abbreviations nDNA nuclear DNA - RAPD-PCR Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA-Polymerase Chain Reaction - T type strain of the epithet  相似文献   
Parallel studies of primary breast carcinomas and corresponding distant metastases samples reveal considerable differences. Our aim was to highlight this issue from another perspective and provide further data based on 98 patient samples: 69 primary breast carcinoma and 85 distant metastases from bone, central nervous system (CNS) and lung (56 paired). Two independent series of immunohistochemical reactions with different antibodies for estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PgR) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (Her2), along with HER2 fluroscence in situ hybridization (FISH) were performed on tissue microarrays to classify breast carcinoma and distant metastases samples into Luminal A, Luminal B-proliferating, Luminal B-HER2+, HER2+ and triple negative (TNBC) surrogate breast cancer groups. Correlation and agreement between the two assessments of ER and PgR were fair-to-moderate, and almost perfect for HER2 and Ki67. There was 40% discordance concerning immunophenotype between breast carcinomas and distant metastases. Most common metastatic site of ER+ breast carcinoma was the skeletal system (59.2%), whereas that of TNBCs was the CNS (58.8%) and lungs (23.5%). Distant metastases in bones were mostly luminal (54.3%), in the CNS, Luminal B (53.2%), and in the lung, TNBC (37.5%). The change of drugable properties of primary breast cancers in the respective bone and CNS metastases suggests that characterization of the metastasis is necessary for appropriate treatment planning.  相似文献   
Steppe is among the most endangered biomes of the world, especially in Eastern Europe, where more than 90 % of original steppes have been destroyed due to conversion into croplands, afforestation and other human activities. Currently, steppe vegetation is often restricted to places unsuitable for ploughing, such as ancient burial mounds called kurgans. The aim of our study was to collect and synthesise existing knowledge on kurgans by a review of research papers and grey literature. The proportion of kurgans covered by steppe vegetation increases from west to east and from lowlands to uplands. Despite their small size, kurgans act as biodiversity hotspots and harbour many red-listed species. High overall species richness and a high proportion of grassland specialists are maintained by a pronounced fine-scale environmental heterogeneity. The main factors threatening the biodiversity of kurgans are intensified agriculture and construction works. We conclude that kurgans can play a crucial role in preserving steppe vegetation, especially in intensively used agricultural landscapes in the western part of the steppe zone. Despite the vital role of kurgans in sustaining steppe vegetation, we identified serious knowledge gaps on their distribution, vegetation, flora and fauna and their potential role in steppe restoration.  相似文献   
Because asymptomatic carriage of extended‐spectrum beta‐lactamase (ESBL) producers is a risk factor for infection, data on colonization dynamics are important when planning infection control. This study investigated fecal colonization with ESBL producers among inpatients, outpatients and medical students and compares the characteristics of ESBL producers among these groups. Carriage rates were investigated in 5581 fecal samples; 4343 from inpatients (330, 1397, 619 and 1864 from adult ICUs [intensive care units], adult non‐ICUs, pediatric ICUs and pediatric non‐ICUs, respectively), 814 from outpatients and 424 from screening of medical students. ESBL producers were characterized by co‐resistance, integrons carried, and aminoglycoside resistance and ESBL genes. Dynamic regression models were built to identify relationships between combinations of time series of monthly antibiotic consumption, prevalence of carriers and infected subjects. Inpatients, ICU patients and adults showed higher prevalence than outpatients, non‐ICU patients or children (7.4%, 9.3% and 12.0% vs. 3.1%, 6.1% and 4.1%, respectively). Klebsiella pneumoniae was more frequent in ICU patients; dominance of CTX‐M‐15 producers was more marked in adult than in pediatric inpatients. ESBL carriage was shown to be a consequence of infection in adults in the time‐series analysis; antibiotic consumption had little effect. The epidemiology of colonization with ESBL producers differed between pediatric ICU, adult ICU and adult non‐ICU patients. In adults, carriage of ESBL producers seems to be the consequence of infection, especially in ICU patients; the main source of colonization is nosocomial acquisition. In contrast, children are less likely to acquire colonizer strains in hospitals; importation of ESBL producers by colonized children seems to be significant.  相似文献   
Summary The parthenogenetic elicitation of mature, fertile asci and ascospores inNannizzia incurvata,Stockd. (Sabouraudia,1: 46, 1961) and inMicrosporon gypseum,Guiart &Grigoraki, 1928 by mating them withChrysosporium species is described. The same effect was obtained when culture filtrate ofChrysosporium species alone was used instead of the living fungus. In ascospore-derivatives (ascoagarblock) profound morphological changes were observed as to the shape and size of the macro- and microconidia. The peridial ornaments showed alone or in mixture those ofNannizzia fulva, Nannizzia gypsea along with the ornaments ofNannizzia incurvata. The derivatives of parthenogenetic ascospores were different from the mother-species macro- and microscopically and remained such through many generations as stable mutants.
Zusammenfassung Die parthenogenetische Auslösung von fruchtbaren Asci und Askosporen inNannizzia incurvata Stockd. (Sabouraudia,1: 46, 1961) und inMicrosporon gypseum,Guiart &Grigoraki, 1928 durch Kreuzung mit Arten vonChrysosporium wird beschrieben. Dasselbe Ergebnis wurde erzielt, wenn — anstatt des lebenden Pilzes — das Kulturfiltrat benützt wurde. In den Abkömmlingen der parthenogenetisch erhaltenen Askosporen (Asko-Agarblock) wurden tief gehende, morphologische Veränderungen betreffs Gestalt und Grösze der Makro- und Mikrokonidien beobachtet. Die peridialen Ornamente zeigten eine Mischung derjenigen vonNannizzia fulva, undNannizzia gypsea mit denen vonNannizzia incurvata. Die Abkömmlinge der parthenogenetisch erhaltenen Askosporen waren makro- und mikroskopisch verschieden von den originalen Stämmen und sie verblieben so durch viele Generationen als stabile Mutanten.

Résumé La production parthénogénétique des asques et des ascospores fertiles enNannizzia incurvata Stockd. (Sabouraudia,1: 46, 1961) et enMicrosporon gypseum,Guiart &Grigoraki, 1928 par croisement avec des espèces deChrysosporium est décrite. On a obtenu le même résultat avec des filtrations des cultures liquides deChrysosporium, sans la présence du champignon vivant. Les dérivés des ascospores parthénogénétiques présentent un changement morphologique profond quant'à la forme et à la grandeur des macro- et microconidies. Des ornements peridiales présentent une combinaison de ceux deNannizzia fulva, Nannizia gypsea et deNannizzia incurvata. Les dérivés des ascospores parthénogénétiques sont différents en leur forme macro- et microscopique de l'espècemère, et sont restés sans change par de nombreuses générations comme une mutation stabile.
OBJECTIVES: Characterization of breast cancers by various tumour markers which are appropriate for the identification of high risk groups. Markers related to the metastasis cascade and tumour recurrence have been investigated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: RT-PCR was used to determine the expression of cytokeratin 20 in the bone marrow and sentinel lymph node of breast cancer patients (n=45). The expression of HER2, Cadherin E, Cyclin D, Bcl2 and Bax has been evaluated by Western blot (n=744 invasive ductal carcinomas and 117 invasive lobular carcinomas, 124 recurrent breast cancers). Mutations of p53, APC and beta Catenin genes were detected by PCR-SSCP method. RESULTS: Expression of cytokeratin 20 was found in 30% of the bone marrow samples indicating the presence of micrometastasis. The level of Cyclin D, HER2 and Bcl2 is elevated four-fold in the recurrent breast cancers. The metastasis of invasive ductal carcinomas is accompained by high frequency of p53 mutations (24%) and APC mutations (18%). The invasive lobular carcinomas could be characterized with low frequency of p53 mutation (3%), low level of Cadherin E and high level of catenin beta. CONCLUSIONS: Identification of micrometastasis can promote the development of therapeutic strategy. Evaluation of HER2 level and determination of p53 mutations contribute to the identification of high risk patients. Our results suggest that the progression of invasive ductal carcinomas depends on the APC mutations, while metastasis of invasive lobular carcinomas depends on beta catenin mutations.  相似文献   
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