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The 3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl ring of combretastatin A-4 can be replaced by a 2-naphthyl moiety without significant loss of cytotoxicity and inhibition of tubulin polymerization potency. In this paper we show that the 6- or 7-quinolyl systems can in turn replace both cyclic moieties, keeping in the first case most of the potency as cytotoxic agent and in the second case as inhibitor of tubulin polymerization, related to the activities displayed by model compounds.  相似文献   
Recent evidence indicates that fruit size has evolved according to dispersers' size. This is hypothesized to result from a balance between factors favouring large seeds and dispersers setting the maximum fruit size. This hypothesis assumes that (1) the size of fruits that can be consumed by dispersers is limited, (2) fruit and seed size are positively correlated, and (3) the result of multiple selection pressures on seed size is positive. Our studies on the seed dispersal mutualism of Olea europaea have supported the first and second assumptions, but valid tests of the third assumption are still lacking. Here we confirm the third assumption. Using multiplicative fitness components, we show that conflicting selection pressures on seed size during and after dispersal reverse the negative pattern of selection exerted by dispersers.  相似文献   
Common features in the time-course of expansion of leaves which considerably differed in final area, due to phytomer position, growing conditions and genotype, were identified. Leaf development consisted of two phases of exponential growth, followed by a third phase of continuous decrease of the relative expansion rate. The rate and the duration of the first exponential phase were common to all phytomers, growing conditions and genotypes. Leaves differed in the rate and the duration of the second exponential phase. The decrease of the relative expansion rate during the third phase depended on neither genotype nor growing conditions. It was phytomer-dependent and was deduced from the rate of the second phase via a parameter common to all cases studied. Differences in final leaf area among growing conditions were linked to different expansion rates during the second exponential phase. The duration of the phases at any given phytomer position was the same for the two hybrids in different growing conditions. The dates of developmental events (initiation, end of the two exponential phases, full expansion), and the rate of the second exponential phase, were related to phytomer position, defining a strict pattern of leaf development at the whole plant level. Using this framework simplified the analysis of the response of leaf expansion to genotype and environment.  相似文献   
The protein kinase D (PKD) family consists of three serine/threonine kinases: PKC micro/PKD, PKD2, and PKCnu/PKD3. Whereas PKD has been the focus of most studies, virtually nothing is known about the effect of G protein-coupled receptor agonists (GPCR) on the regulatory properties and intracellular distribution of PKD3. Consequently, we examined the mechanism that mediates its activation and intracellular distribution. GPCR agonists induced a rapid activation of PKD3 by a protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent pathway that leads to the phosphorylation of the activation loop of PKD3. Comparison of the steady-state distribution of endogenous or tagged PKD3 versus PKD and PKD2 in unstimulated cells indicated that whereas PKD and PKD2 are predominantly cytoplasmic, PKD3 is present both in the nucleus and cytoplasm. This distribution of PKD3 results from its continuous shuttling between both compartments by a mechanism that requires a nuclear import receptor and a competent CRM1-nuclear export pathway. Cell stimulation with the GPCR agonist neurotensin induced a rapid and reversible plasma membrane translocation of PKD3 that is PKC-dependent. Interestingly, the nuclear accumulation of PKD3 can be dramatically enhanced in response to its activation. Thus, this study demonstrates that the intracellular distribution of PKD isoenzymes are distinct, and suggests that their signaling properties are regulated by differential localization.  相似文献   
The protein kinase D (PKD) family consists of three serine/threonine protein kinases: PKC mu/PKD, PKD2, and PKC nu/PKD3. While PKD has been the focus of most studies to date, no information is available on the intracellular distribution of PKD2. Consequently, we examined the mechanism that regulates its intracellular distribution in human pancreatic carcinoma Panc-1 cells. Analysis of the intracellular steady-state distribution of fluorescent-tagged PKD2 in unstimulated cells indicated that this kinase is predominantly cytoplasmic. Cell stimulation with the G protein-coupled receptor agonist neurotensin induced a rapid and reversible plasma membrane translocation of PKD2 by a mechanism that requires PKC activity. In contrast to the other PKD isoenzymes, PKD2 activation did not induce its redistribution from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. Thus, this study demonstrates that the regulation of the distribution of PKD2 is distinct from other PKD isoenzymes, and suggests that the differential spatio-temporal localization of these signaling molecules regulates their specific signaling properties.  相似文献   
The sea cucumber, Holothuria glaberrima, has the capacity to regenerate its internal organs. Intestinal regeneration is accomplished by the thickening of the mesenteric border and the invasion of this thickening by mucosal epithelium from the esophagus and the cloaca. Extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling has been associated with morphogenetic events during embryonic development and regeneration. We have used immunohistochemical techniques against ECM components to show that differential changes occur in the ECM during early regeneration. Labeling of fibrous collagenous components and muscle-related laminin disappear from the regenerating intestine and mesentery, while fibronectin labeling and 4G7 (an echinoderm ECM component) are continuously present. Western blots confirm a decrease in fibrous collagen content during the first 2 weeks of regeneration. We have also identified five 1,10-phenanthroline-sensitive bands in collagen gelatin zymographs. The gelatinolytic activities of these bands are enhanced during early stages of regeneration, suggesting that the metalloprotease activity is associated with ECM remodeling. Inhibition of MMPs in vivo with 1,10-phenanthroline, p-aminobenzoyl-Gly-Pro-D-Leu-D-Ala hydroxamate or N-CBZ-Pro-Leu-Gly hydroxamate produces a reversible inhibition of intestinal regeneration and ECM remodeling. Our results show that significant changes in ECM content occur during intestine regeneration in the sea cucumber and that the onset of these changes is correlated to the proteolytic activities of MMPs.  相似文献   
Rey MA  Davies PL 《FEBS letters》2002,532(3):401-406
Limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2A is linked to a skeletal muscle-specific calpain isoform known as p94. Isolation of the intact 94-kDa enzyme has been difficult to achieve due to its rapid autolysis, and uncertainty has arisen over its Ca2+-dependence for activity. We have expressed a C-terminally truncated form of the enzyme that comprises the protease core (domains I and II) along with its insertion sequence, IS1, and N-terminal leader sequence, NS. This 47-kDa p94I-II mini-calpain was stable during purification. In the presence of Ca2+, p94I-II cleaved itself within the NS and IS1 sequences. Mapping of the autolysis sites showed that NS and IS1 have the potential to be removed without damage to the protease core. Ca2+-dependent autolysis must be an intramolecular event because the inactive p94I-II C129S mutant was not cleaved by incubation with wild-type p94I-II. In addition, the rate of autolysis of p94I-II was independent of the concentration of the enzyme.  相似文献   
The effects of temperature and pH/CO(2) were examined in isolated brainstem preparations from adult North American bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana). These experiments were undertaken to determine the effects of temperature on fictive breathing, central pH/CO(2) chemoreception, and to examine potential alphastat regulation of respiration in vitro. Adult bullfrog brainstem preparations were isolated, superfused with an artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) and respiratory-related neural activity was recorded from cranial nerves V, X and XII. In Series I experiments (N=8), brainstem preparations were superfused with aCSF equilibrated with 2% CO(2) at temperatures ranging from 10 to 30 degrees C. Neural activity was present in all preparations in the temperature range of 15-25 degrees C, but was absent in most preparations when aCSF was at 10 or 30 degrees C. The absence of fictive breathing at high (30 degrees C) temperatures was transient since fictive breathing could be restored upon returning the preparation to 20 degrees C. In Series II experiments (N=10), preparations were superfused with aCSF equilibrated with 0%, 2% and 5% CO(2) at temperatures of 15, 20 and 25 degrees C. Fictive breathing frequency (f(R)) was significantly dependent upon aCSF pH at all three temperatures, with slopes ranging from -0.82 min(-1) pH unit(-1) (15 degrees C) to -3.3 min(-1) pH unit(-1) (20 degrees C). There was a significant difference in these slopes (P<0.02), indicating that central chemoreceptor sensitivity increased over this temperature range. Fictive breathing frequency was significantly dependent upon the calculated alpha-imidazole (alpha(Im)) ionization (P<0.05), consistent with the alphastat hypothesis for the effects of temperature on the regulation of ventilation. However, most of the variation in f(R) was not explained by alpha(Im) (R(2)=0.05), suggesting that other factors account for the regulation of fictive breathing in this preparation. The results indicate that the in vitro brainstem preparation of adult bullfrogs has a limited temperature range (15-25 degrees C) over which fictive breathing is consistently active. Although there is a close correspondence of ventilation in vitro and in vivo at low temperatures, these data suggest that, as temperature increases, changes in ventilation in the intact animal are likely to be more dependent upon peripheral feedback which assumes a greater integrative role with respect to chemoreceptor drive, respiratory frequency and tidal volume.  相似文献   
Gibbons DL  Erk I  Reilly B  Navaza J  Kielian M  Rey FA  Lepault J 《Cell》2003,114(5):573-583
Semliki Forest virus enters cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis. The acidic environment of the endosome triggers a membrane fusion reaction that is mediated by the E1 glycoprotein. During fusion, E1 rearranges from an E1/E2 heterodimer to a highly stable, membrane-inserted E1 homotrimer (E1HT). In this study, we analyzed E1HT by a combination of electron cryomicroscopy, electron crystallography of negatively stained 2D crystals, and fitting of the available X-ray structure of the monomeric E1 ectodomain into the resulting 3D reconstruction. The visualized E1HT reveals that the ectodomain has reoriented vertically and inserted the distal tip of domain II into the lipid bilayer. Our data allow the visualization of a viral fusion protein inserted in its target membrane and demonstrate that insertion is a cooperative process, resulting in rings composed of five to six homotrimers.  相似文献   
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