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Theophylline, an inhibitor of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, induced a block of the cell cycle in G1, a temporary arrest in G2 and 70% decrease in the uptake of labelled thymidine in roots of Haplopappus. These effects are compared to those previously found with aminophylline and discussed in view of the possible involvement of cAMP in the regulation of the cell cycle in plants.  相似文献   
The binding between α-dimethylaminonaphthalenesulfonyl-(1–12) and porcine pepsin can be detected by the large changes that occur in the fluorescence spectra of the dimethylaminonaphthalenesulfonyl chromophore due to energy transfer from tryptophan residues of the protein. The interaction was previously shown to consist of two steps: a fast step leading to a greatly enhanced fluorescence followed by a slower rearrangement step which reduces the fluorescence but leads to tighter binding and inhibition of the catalytic activity of pepsin (1). The two steps have been studied over a wide range of values of pH, temperature, and ionic strength to gain additional insights into the physical events occurring during the interaction. Based on the pH and ionic strength dependence, the initial step most likely involves electrostatic interaction of the basic peptide inhibitor with the acidic surface of pepsin in a rapid collision process. The use of this fluorescent reporter group has also suggested that the equilibrium binding after the slower rearrangement may also be pH dependent with most effective binding at higher pH. The kinetics of the slow step were measured by monitoring the continuous fluorescence decay. The resulting rates are compared to the rates observed by others for binding of pepstatin to pepsin. From the pH dependence of fluorescence, pKapp values are obtained for the dansylated peptide (3.25), for the pH dependence of the initial binding step (4.87), and for the equilibrium position (4.75).  相似文献   
The structure and crystal chemical properties of iron cores of reconstituted recombinant human ferritins and their site-directed variants have been studied by transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction. The kinetics of Fe uptake have been compared spectrophotometrically. Recombinant L and H-chain ferritins, and recombinant H-chain variants incorporating modifications in the threefold (Asp131----His or Glu134----Ala) and fourfold (Leu169----Arg) channels, at the partially buried ferroxidase sites (Glu62,His65----Lys,Gly), a putative nucleation site on the inner surface (Glu61,Glu64,Glu67----Ala), and both the ferroxidase and nucleation sites (Glu62,His65----Lys,Gly and Glu61,Glu64,Glu67----Ala), were investigated. An additional H-chain variant, incorporating substitution of the last ten C-terminal residues for those of the L-chain protein, was also studied. Most of the proteins assimilated iron to give discrete electron-dense cores of the Fe(III) hydrated oxide, ferrihydrite (Fe2O3.nH2O). No differences were observed for variants modified in the three- or fourfold channels compared with the unmodified H-chain ferritin. The recombinant L-chain ferritin and H-chain variant depleted of the ferroxidase site, however, showed markedly reduced uptake kinetics and comprised cores of increased diameter and regularity. Depletion of the inner surface Glu residues, whilst maintaining the ferroxidase site, resulted in a partially reduced rate of Fe uptake and iron cores of wider particle size distribution. Modification of both ferroxidase and inner surface Glu residues resulted in complete inhibition of iron uptake and deposition. No cores were observed by electron microscopy although negative staining showed that the protein shell was intact. The general requirement of an appropriate spatial charge density across the cavity surface rather than specific amino acid residues could explain how, in spite of an almost complete lack of identity between the amino acid sequences of bacterioferritin and mammalian ferritins, ferrihydrite is deposited within the cavity of both proteins under similar reconstitution conditions.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO) synthesis is induced in vascular smooth muscle cells by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) where it appears to mediate a variety of vascular dysfunctions. In some cell types tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) synthesis has also been found to be induced by cytokines. Because BH4 is a cofactor for NO synthase, we investigated whether BH4 synthesis is required for LPS-induced NO production in rat aortic smooth muscle cells (RASMC). The total biopterin content (BH4 and more oxidized states) of untreated RASMC was below our limit of detection. However, treatment with LPS caused a significant rise in biopterin levels and an induction of NO synthesis; both effects of LPS were markedly potentiated by interferon-gamma. 2,4-Diamino-6-hydroxypyrimidine (DAHP), a selective inhibitor of GTP cyclohydrolase I, the rate-limiting enzyme for de novo BH4 synthesis, completely abolished the elevated biopterin levels induced by LPS. DAHP also caused a concentration-dependent inhibition of LPS-induced NO synthesis. Inhibition of NO synthesis by DAHP was reversed by sepiapterin, an agent which circumvents the inhibition of biopterin synthesis by DAHP by serving as a substrate for BH4 synthesis via the pterin salvage pathway. The reversal by sepiapterin was overcome by methotrexate, an inhibitor of the pterin salvage pathway. Sepiapterin, and to a lesser extent BH4, dose-dependently enhanced LPS-induced NO synthesis, indicating that BH4 concentration limits the rate of NO production by LPS-activated RASMC. Sepiapterin also caused LPS-induced NO synthesis to appear with an abbreviated lag period phase, suggesting that BH4 availability also limits the onset of NO synthesis. In contrast to the stimulation of LPS-induced NO synthesis, observed when sepiapterin was given alone, sepiapterin became a potent inhibitor of NO synthesis in the presence of methotrexate. This is attributable to a direct inhibitory action of sepiapterin on GTP cyclohydrolase I, an activity which is only revealed after blocking the metabolism of sepiapterin to BH4. Further studies with sepiapterin, methotrexate, and N-acetylserotonin (an inhibitor of the BH4 synthetic enzyme, sepiapterin reductase) indicated that the BH4 is synthesized in RASMC predominantly from GTP; however, a lesser amount may derive from pterin salvage. We demonstrate that BH4 synthesis is an absolute requirement for induction of NO synthesis by LPS in vascular smooth muscle. Our findings also suggest that pterin synthesis inhibitors may be useful for the therapy of endotoxin- and cytokine-induced shock.  相似文献   
The use of bioluminescence as a sensitive marker for detection of Pseudomonas spp. in the rhizosphere was investigated. Continuous expression of the luxCDABE genes, required for bioluminescence, was not detectable in the rhizosphere. However, when either a naphthalene-inducible luxCDABE construct or a constitutive luxAB construct (coding only for the luciferase) was introduced into the Pseudomonas cells, light emission could be initiated just prior to measurement by the addition of naphthalene or the substrate for luciferase, n-decyl aldehyde, respectively. These Pseudomonas cells could successfully be detected in the rhizosphere by using autophotography or optical fiber light measurement techniques. Detection required the presence of 103 to 104 CFU/cm of root, showing that the bioluminescence technique is at least 1,000-fold more sensitive than β-galactosidase-based systems.  相似文献   
Summary The explant used to initiate embryogenic callus and the growth regulators used in subsequent induction (IM) and embryo development media (EDM) both influenced rate of somatic embryo development and conversion to plantlets in asparagus. Embryogenic callus derived from spear-cross sections (SS), in vitro crowns (IVC) and lateral buds (LB) was cultured on IM of MS salts and vitamins with 2, 4-D or NAA at 0, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0 or 10 mg/l and kinetin at 0, 0.1, 1.0 or 10 mg/l. The auxin 2,4-D at 1–10 mg/l, in combination with kinetin at 0–1 mg/l, in IM induced the highest frequency of embryos after four weeks; callus derived from SS, IVC and LB had means of 394, 382, and 344 small globular embryos, and 4, 11 and 9 bipolar embryos per gram of callus, respectively. After 6 weeks on EDM, 128, 116 and 51 bipolar embryos (4–7 mm in length) occurred per gram callus and 4.5, 1.4 and 2.1 embryos converted for IVC, SS and LB, respectively. NAA at 1–10 mg/l, in combinations with kinetin 0–1 mg/l, yielded means of 64, 175 and 225 small globular embryos per gram callus on IM for SS, IVC and LB, respectively. NAA promoted a higher rate of embryo development: means of 27, 54 and 91 bipolar embryos per gram callus for SS, LB and IVC, respectively, on EDM. There were 0.5, 9.4 and 11.9 plantlets from these respective callus sources. There was no difference between kinetin levels of 0–1 mg/l on callus growth and embryogenesis, whereas, 10 mg/l in IM was inhibitory.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - EDM embryo development medium - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - IM induction media - IVC in vitro crowns - LB lateral bud - LS Linsmaier and Skoog (1965) - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid - SS spear-cross section  相似文献   
We have used RFLPs of the apolipoprotein (apo) B gene and apo AI-CIII-AIV gene cluster to estimate the genetic contribution of variation at these loci to the variability of plasmid lipid, lipoprotein, and apolipoprotein levels in 209 children from Sezze in central Italy. The sample was randomly divided into group I (107 children) and group II (102 children). Four site polymorphisms (PvuII, XbaI, MspI, and EcoRI) of the apo B gene and five site polymorphisms (XmnI, PstI, SstI, PvuII-CIII, and PvuII-AIV) of the apo AI-CIII-AIV gene cluster were examined in group I children. After adjustment for gender, age, and body-mass index, polymorphisms at both gene loci (PvuII-B, PvuII-CIII, and PvuII-AIV) were associated with significant effects on the levels of plasma apo AI, apo B, or high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol. RFLPs that showed significant effects in group I were genotyped in group II. All three polymorphisms were associated with similar effects on apolipoprotein levels, though for all RFLPs the magnitude of the effects was smaller in the group II children and only statistically significant for the effect of the PvuII-B genotype on apo AI levels. In the total sample of 209 children 7.4% of the sample variance in apo AI levels was explained by variation associated with the apo B PvuII-B RFLP. In addition, the PvuII-B RFLP was associated with significant effects on plasma apo B levels and explained 5.7% of the sample variance. The PvuII-CIII and PvuII-AIV polymorphisms were both associated with differences in apo AI levels, explaining 3.7%-5.7% of the sample variance. Taken together, the three PvuII polymorphisms explained 17.7% of the phenotypic variance in apo AI levels. There was significant evidence for an effect of nonlinearity of the PvuII-CIII genotypes on apo AI levels, with the individuals heterozygous for the polymorphism having the highest apo AI levels. No evidence of interaction between genotype and gender, age, and body-mass index was shown by covariance analysis. The molecular explanation of this effect is unclear. Our data show that variation at both the apo AI-CIII-AIV and apo B loci are associated with lipoprotein and apolipoprotein levels in this sample of Italian children.  相似文献   
Limitations associated with immunofluorescence enumeration of bacteria in soil derive largely from the efficiency with which cells can be separated from soil particles and collected on membrane filters for staining. Many tropical soils fix added bacteria tightly, resulting in low recoveries. Eight soils, representative of three of the major soil orders found in the tropics (oxisols, vertisols, and inceptisols), were tested for recovery of added Rhizobium strains. All except one Hawaiian andept (Typic Eutrandept) yielded recoveries ranging from <1 to 13%. Recovery from the andept was 100%. In soil-sand mixtures, addition of only a small amount of soil caused a dramatic decrease in recovery of added rhizobia. Increasing the soil content of the mixture from 0% (10 g of sand) to 50% (5 g of soil-5 g of sand) reduced recoveries from >90 to <1%. Varying the ionic strength and pH of the extracting solution did not cause marked increases in recovery. Protein solutions, ethylenediaminetetraacetate, and NaHCO3, on the other hand, improved release of bacteria. We report a modification to the usual membrane filter immunofluorescence procedure which yielded consistently high and reproducible recovery (coefficient of variation, 30%) of rhizobia from several tropical soils. In the modified procedure, partially hydrolyzed gelatin, diluted in ammonium phosphate, was used to suspend the soil. This caused dispersion of the soil and release of the bacteria from soil flocs. The efficiency of recovery of Rhizobium spp. from several tropical and two temperate soils remained high as the content of these soils in soil-sand mixtures was increased from 0 to 100%. The modified membrane filter immunofluorescence procedure was used to follow the growth of a strain of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) Rhizobium in a sterilized oxisol. The results showed a close agreement with viable counts at different stages during the growth cycle. Diluent for the hydrolyzed gelatin also had a marked effect on recovery. The efficiency of release of Rhizobium spp. from an oxisol was in the following order for the diluents used: 0.1 M (NH4)2HPO4 > 0.1 M Na2HPO4 = 0.1 M sodium-phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7.2) > 0.2 M NH4Cl > 0.2 KCl > NaCl = LiCl > water.  相似文献   
Poly(ADP-ribose) has a branched structure in vivo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have searched for the presence of branching in the chromosomal polymer poly(ADP-ribose) as it occurs in vivo. Treatment of the polymer with phosphodiesterase asnd phosphomonoesterase results in the conversion of internal residues to the nucleoside ribosyladenosine and the conversion of points of branching to diribosyladenosine. We have detected diribosyladenosine in digests of the polymer derived from carcinogen-treated SV40 virus-formed 3T3 cells and in normal rat liver, kidney, and spleen. The frequency of residues involved in branching varied from 0.8 to 1.6 mole % over a 50-fold range of total levels of poly(ADP-ribose). Thus, branching seems to be a general feature of poly(ADP-ribose) as it occurs in vivo.  相似文献   
The aim of the present paper was to determine whether the release of glutamate from putative "glutamergic" terminals in the cerebellum is influenced by gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). In a group of preliminary experiments, we present biochemical evidence in favour of a neurotransmitter role of glutamate in the cerebellum: (1) endogenous glutamate was released from depolarized cerebellar synaptosomal preparations in a Ca2+-dependent away; (2) [14C]glutamate was synthesized from [14C]glutamine in cerebellar synaptosomes, and the newly synthesized [14C]glutamate was released released in a Ca2+-dependent way; (3) the elevation of cyclic GMP elicited by depolarization of cerebellar slices in the presence of Ca2+ was partly reversed by the glutamate antagonist glutamic acid diethyl ester, which probably prevented the interaction of endogenously released glutamate with postsynaptic receptors. GABA and muscimol at low concentrations (2--20 micrometers) potentiated the depolarization-induced release of D-[3H]aspartate (a glutamate analogue which labels the glutamate "reuptake pool") from cerebellar synaptosomes. The effect was concentration dependent and was largely prevented by two GABA antagonists, bicuculline and picrotoxin. The stimulation of D-[3H]aspartate release evoked by muscimol was linearly related to the logarithm of K+ concentration in the depolarizing medium. GABA did not affect the overall release of endogenous glutamate, but potentiated, in a picrotoxin-sensitive manner, the depolarization-evoked release of [14C]glutamate previously synthesized from [14C]glutamine. Since nerve endings are the major site of glutamate synthesis from glutamine, GABA and muscimol appear to exert their stimulatory effect at the level of "glutamergic" nerve terminals, probably after interacting with presynaptic GABA receptors. The possible functional significance of these findings is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
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