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Carex sect. Confertiflorae s.l. is a medium-sized species group (ca. 40 species) with its center of diversity in E Asia (China and Japan). According to morphological traits, the section has been proposed to split into two sections (sects. Confertiflorae sensu Ohwi and Molliculae Ohwi) up to five different ones (sects. Confertiflorae s.s., Molliculae, Dispalatae Ohwi, Ischnostachyae Ohwi, and Alliiformes Akiyama). Recent phylogenetic reconstructions showed Confertiflorae s.l. not to be monophyletic, as species traditionally considered part of it were found to belong to other clades, whereas species traditionally ascribed to other sections were nested within it. In this study, we investigated the phylogenetic structure, morphological affinities, and biogeographic history of sect. Confertiflorae s.l. We employed a taxon-based approach to explore the morphological affinities of the species considered in sect. Confertiflorae and compared the micromorphology of the nutlets of almost all the taxa using SEM. We included 40 samples representing 31 species/subspecies of sect. Confertiflorae s.l. and used two nuclear (ETS and ITS) and three plastid (trnL-F, matK, and rpl32-trnL UAG) molecular markers to reconstruct the phylogeny of the group. The phylogenetic analyses confirmed the polyphyly of sect. Confertiflorae s.l., whose representatives were found within five distinct clades. From these, two clades, sect. Confertiflorae and sect. Molliculae, were found to be closely related and contained the majority of the species. The composition of the two clades agreed with the morphological structure of the group, and we confirmed an exclusive combination of features (namely color of basal sheaths, presence of bract sheath, peduncle of lowest spike, inflorescence sex distribution, shape of pistillate glume apex, and color and veins of utricle, among others) characterizing each of the two clades. The origin of the two clades was found to be in the early Pliocene; however, the majority of the diversification events within each clade took place during the Pleistocene. This illustrates that although Asia has been regarded as having little potential ecological space for Carex to diversify due to its climate stability, groups of sedges sub-endemic from that area may have a fairly recent origin related to glaciations. We proposed the rearrangement of sect. Confertiflorae as previously conceived as three independent sections: the monotypic Alliiformes, sect. Molliculae, and sect. Paludosae.  相似文献   
家蝇卵黄蛋白基因编码的卵黄蛋白是家蝇胚胎发育的重要营养来源 .根据 3种家蝇卵黄蛋白cDNA保守序列设计引物 ,用PCR技术从家蝇基因组DNA中扩增到大小为 76 8bp的mdYP1基因的部分DNA片段 .经地高辛标记成特异性探针 ,从构建的家蝇基因组文库中筛选出一个阳性克隆 ,并从该克隆中分离到大小为 3991bp的mdYP1基因组基因 .序列分析显示 ,该基因组序列含有约1 6kb的 5′ 上游区和 1 0kb的 3′ 下游区 ,编码区由一个 6 1bp的内含子和大小分别为 2 2 2bp和10 2 8bp的 2个外显子组成 .5′ 上游区含有典型的CAAT TATA盒 .  相似文献   
CD1d-deficient (CD1d-/-) mouse lymphocytes were analyzed to classify the natural killer T (NKT) cells without reactivity to CD1d. The cells bearing a V(alpha)19.1-J(alpha)26 (AV19-AJ33) invariant TCR alpha chain, originally found in the peripheral blood lymphocytes, were demonstrated to be abundant in the NK1.1+ but not NK1.1- T cell population isolated from CD1d-/- mice. Moreover, more than half (11/21) of the hybrid cell lines established from CD1d-/- NKT cells expressed the V(alpha)19.1-J(alpha)26 invariant TCR alpha chain. The expression of the invariant V(alpha)19.1-J(alpha)26 mRNA was absent in beta2-microglobulin-deficient mice. Collectively, the present findings suggest the presence of a second NKT cell repertoire characterized by an invariant TCR alpha chain (V(alpha)19.1-J(alpha)26) that is selected by an MHC class I-like molecule other than CD1d.  相似文献   
Allelic variability for mouse Chromosome 6 Nkc loci was assessed in 22 common laboratory strains of mice using selected natural killer gene complex (Nkc)-linked sequence tagged site markers. Most Nkc markers distinguished three or more alleles for a particular locus in the assessed mouse strains. Nkc locus alleles were highly conserved among genealogically related inbred strains, whereas far less similarity was observed among unrelated strains. Concurrent strain-to-strain comparisons for all Nkc-linked loci revealed common and uncommon Nkc haplotypes, including some that were likely recombinant. Nkc allele and haplotype assignments in inbred mouse strains and correlation with phenotypic traits should facilitate positional gene cloning strategies for unknown Nkc-linked trait modification loci.  相似文献   
The 23-megabase genome of Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of severe human malaria, contains ~5300 genes, most of unknown function or lacking homologs in other organisms. Identification of these gene functions will help in the discovery of novel targets for the development of antimalarial drugs and vaccines. The P. falciparum genome is unusually A+T-rich, which hampers cloning and expressing these genes in heterologous systems for functional analysis. The large repertoire of genetic tools available for Saccharomyces cerevisiae makes this yeast an ideal system for large scale functional complementation analyses of parasite genes. Here, we report the construction of a cDNA library from P. knowlesi, which has a lower A+T content compared with P. falciparum. This library was applied in a yeast complementation assay to identify malaria genes involved in the decarboxylation of phosphatidylserine. Transformation of a psd1Δpsd2Δdpl1Δ yeast strain, defective in phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis, with the P. knowlesi library led to identification of a new parasite phosphatidylserine decarboxylase (PkPSD). Unlike phosphatidylserine decarboxylase enzymes from other eukaryotes that are tightly associated with membranes, the PkPSD enzyme expressed in yeast was equally distributed between membrane and soluble fractions. In vitro studies reveal that truncated forms of PkPSD are soluble and undergo auto-endoproteolytic maturation in a phosphatidylserine-dependent reaction that is inhibited by other anionic phospholipids. This study defines a new system for probing the function of Plasmodium genes by library-based genetic complementation and its usefulness in revealing new biochemical properties of encoded proteins.  相似文献   
秦青  刘晶茹  于强  马奔  谭宏利  解林红  温亚利 《生态学报》2020,40(20):7255-7266
大熊猫是生态保护的旗舰物种,保护大熊猫及其栖息地具有重要的示范作用和科学价值。中国致力于建设以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系,分析大熊猫保护地生态安全,为建立大熊猫国家公园提供理论依据,具有重要意义。以四川省为例,选取被划入或将来可能被划入大熊猫保护地的典型县域,构建大熊猫保护地生态安全评价指标体系,采用熵权法、层次分析法进行综合评价,并结合空间相关性分析,从时间和空间两个维度对大熊猫保护地生态安全状况进行时空动态分析。结果表明:(1)2003-2017年四川省大熊猫保护地生态安全综合指数呈波动性上升趋势,生态环境改善显著,但仍有部分县域出现不同程度的环境恶化现象。(2)各县域生态安全状况表现出较强的差异性,并且相邻县域生态安全指数存在显著的空间正相关性和空间集聚性。(3)大熊猫保护地生态安全与周边社会经济发展之间矛盾依然尖锐,相邻县域之间的经济发展和生态保护状况相互影响的作用明显,需联合治理,共同促进生态平衡,提高大熊猫及其栖息地保护效果。  相似文献   
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