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Aim Determining the causes of range size variation in the distributions of alien species is important for understanding the spread of invasive species. Factors influencing alien range size have been explored for some species at a regional level, but to date there has been no global analysis of an entire class. Here, we present such an analysis for birds, testing for the effects of introduction event, location and species‐level variables on alien range sizes. Location Global. Methods We used a novel dataset on the global distributions of alien bird species to test for relationships between alien range size and colonization pressure, residence time, extent of the global climatic niche, native range size, body mass and specialization, using a statistical approach based on phylogenetic generalized least squares models. We performed this analysis globally, and for separate biogeographical realms. Results Approximately half of the variation in alien bird range size is explained by colonization pressure in univariate analysis. We identified consistent effects of higher colonization pressure at global and realm levels, as well as support for effects of native range size and residence time. We found less support for effects of body mass, specialization or extent of the global climatic niche on alien range size. Main conclusions Alien bird range sizes are generally small relative to their native range sizes, and many are continuing to expand. Nevertheless, current variation is predictable, most strongly by the event‐level factor of colonization pressure. Whether a species is widespread is a better predictor of alien range size than whether a species could be widespread (estimated by global climatic niche extent), while we also find effects of residence time on alien range size. These relationships may help to identify those alien species that are more likely to spread and hence have greater environmental and economic impacts where they have been introduced.  相似文献   
In addition to classical roles in calcium homeostasis and bone development, 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3] inhibits the growth of several cancer types, including breast cancer. Although cellular effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 traditionally have been attributed to activation of a nuclear vitamin D receptor (VDR), a novel receptor for 1,25(OH)2D3 called 1,25D3-MARRS (membrane-associated, rapid response steroid-binding) protein was identified recently. The purpose of this study was to determine if the level of 1,25D3-MARRS expression modulates 1,25(OH)2D3 activity in breast cancer cells.Relative levels of 1,25D3-MARRS protein in MCF-7, MDA MB 231, and MCF-10A cells were estimated by real-time RT-PCR and Western blotting. To determine if 1,25D3-MARRS receptor was involved in the growth inhibitory effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 in MCF-7 cells, a ribozyme construct designed to knock down 1,25D3-MARRS mRNA was stably transfected into MCF-7 cells. MCF-7 clones in which 1,25D3-MARRS receptor expression was reduced showed increased sensitivity to 1,25(OH)2D3 ( IC50 56 ± 24 nM) compared to controls (319 ± 181 nM; P < 0.05). Reduction in 1,25D3-MARRS receptor lengthened the doubling time in transfectants treated with 1,25(OH)2D3. Knockdown of 1,25D3-MARRS receptor also increased the sensitivity of MCF-7 cells to the vitamin D analogs KH1060 and MC903, but not to unrelated agents (all-trans retinoic acid, paclitaxel, serum/glucose starvation, or the isoflavone, pomiferin). These results suggest that 1,25D3-MARRS receptor expression interferes with the growth inhibitory activity of 1,25(OH)2D3 in breast cancer cells, possibly through the nuclear VDR. Further research should examine the potential for pharmacological or natural agents that modify 1,25D3-MARRS expression or activity as anticancer agents.  相似文献   
Fluorescent proteins have emerged as an ideal fluorescent marker for studying cell morphologies in vital systems. These proteins were first applied in whole organisms with established germ-line transformation protocols, but now it is possible to label cells with fluorescent proteins in other organisms. Here we present two ways to introduce GFP expressing plasmids into avian embryos for vital confocal and two-photon imaging. First, electroporation is a powerful approach to introduce GFP into the developing neural tube, offering several advantages over dye labeling. Second, we introduce a new lipid-based transfection system for introducing plasmid DNA directly to a small group of injected cells within live, whole embryos. These complementary approaches make it possible to transfect a wide-range of cell types in the avian embryo and the bright, stable, uniform expression of GFP offers great advantages for vital fluorescence imaging.  相似文献   
We describe here a protocol for the detection of epithelial cells in effusions combined with quantification of apoptosis by flow cytometry (FCM). The procedure described consists of the following stages: culturing and induction of apoptosis by staurosporine in control ovarian carcinoma cell lines (SKOV-3 and OVCAR-8); preparation of effusion specimens and cell lines for staining; staining of cancer cells in effusions and cell lines for cell surface markers (Ber-EP4, EpCAM and CD45) and intracellular/nuclear markers of apoptosis (cleaved caspase-3 and caspase-8, and incorporated deoxyuridine triphosphates); and FCM analysis of stained cell lines and effusions. This protocol identifies a specific cell population in cytologically heterogeneous clinical specimens and applies two methods to measure different aspects of apoptosis in the cell population of interest. The cleaved caspase and deoxyuridine triphosphate incorporation FCM assays are run in parallel and require (including sample preparation, staining, instrument adjustment and data acquisition) 8 h. The culturing of cell lines requires 2-3 days and induction of apoptosis requires 16 h.  相似文献   
Ballota L. comprises several relevant species largely used for their excellent therapeutic properties. Ballota hispanica (L.) Benth. is widely used in herbal medicine, and it is sold in herbalist shops for its sedative and antispasmodic properties. Considering its traditional medicinal use and the lack of scientific studies on the volatile components of this species as well as on its biological activities, in this study the chemical composition of the essential oil from aerial parts of B. hispanica, collected in Sicily, was evaluated by gas chromatography and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. α-Elemol was the most abundant component of the oil (10.9%), followed by α-ylangene (8.5%), γ-dodecalactone (5.1%), and manoyl oxide (4.8%). A comparison was made of the composition of the different Ballota taxa studied so far showing a peculiar profile of B. hispanica. Futhermore, the antimicrobial and the free radical scavenging activities of the oil were determined.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sugar precursor of the oleandrose units of the avermectins has been purified from a mutant of Streptomyces avermitilis, which does not synthesize any avermectins but which converts avermectin aglycones to their respective disaccharides. This precursor has been identified as dTDP-oleandrose. The purification was achieved by anion exchange and reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. The purified nucleotide sugar had an absorption spectra characteristic of thymidine, released dTMP when treated with phosphodiesterase, and possessed an NMR spectrum in which three resonances characteristic of oleandrose were seen in addition to the thymidine signals. The enzyme, avermectin aglycone dTDP-oleandrose glycosyltransferase, which catalyzes the stepwise addition of oleandrose to the avermectin aglycones, has been demonstrated in cell-free extracts and (NH4)2SO4 fractions of cell-free extracts of S. avermitilis. The enzyme is specific for dTDP-oleandrose as the glycosyl donor but utilizes all avermectin aglycones as glycosyl acceptors. The stoichiometry between dTDP-oleandrose consumed in the reaction and oleandrose units transferred to the avermectin mono- and disaccharide was found to be 1:1.  相似文献   
Invasive mesopredators are responsible for the decline of many species of native mammals worldwide. Feral cats have been causally linked to multiple extinctions of Australian mammals since European colonization. While feral cats are found throughout Australia, most research has been undertaken in arid habitats, thus there is a limited understanding of feral cat distribution, abundance, and ecology in Australian tropical rainforests. We carried out camera‐trapping surveys at 108 locations across seven study sites, spanning 200 km in the Australian Wet Tropics. Single‐species occupancy analysis was implemented to investigate how environmental factors influence feral cat distribution. Feral cats were detected at a rate of 5.09 photographs/100 days, 11 times higher than previously recorded in the Australian Wet Tropics. The main environmental factors influencing feral cat occupancy were a positive association with terrain ruggedness, a negative association with elevation, and a higher affinity for rainforest than eucalypt forest. These findings were consistent with other studies on feral cat ecology but differed from similar surveys in Australia. Increasingly harsh and consistently wet weather conditions at higher elevations, and improved shelter in topographically complex habitats may drive cat preference for lowland rainforest. Feral cats were positively associated with roads, supporting the theory that roads facilitate access and colonization of feral cats within more remote parts of the rainforest. Higher elevation rainforests with no roads could act as refugia for native prey species within the critical weight range. Regular monitoring of existing roads should be implemented to monitor feral cats, and new linear infrastructure should be limited to prevent encroachment into these areas. This is pertinent as climate change modeling suggests that habitats at higher elevations will become similar to lower elevations, potentially making the environment more suitable for feral cat populations.  相似文献   
Crosslink repair depends on the Fanconi anemia pathway and translesion synthesis polymerases that replicate over unhooked crosslinks. Translesion synthesis is regulated via ubiquitination of PCNA, and independently via translesion synthesis polymerase REV1. The division of labor between PCNA-ubiquitination and REV1 in interstrand crosslink repair is unclear. Inhibition of either of these pathways has been proposed as a strategy to increase cytotoxicity of platinating agents in cancer treatment. Here, we defined the importance of PCNA-ubiquitination and REV1 for DNA in mammalian ICL repair. In mice, loss of PCNA-ubiquitination, but not REV1, resulted in germ cell defects and hypersensitivity to cisplatin. Loss of PCNA-ubiquitination, but not REV1 sensitized mammalian cancer cell lines to cisplatin. We identify polymerase Kappa as essential in tolerating DNA damage-induced lesions, in particular cisplatin lesions. Polk-deficient tumors were controlled by cisplatin treatment and it significantly delayed tumor outgrowth and increased overall survival of tumor bearing mice. Our results indicate that PCNA-ubiquitination and REV1 play distinct roles in DNA damage tolerance. Moreover, our results highlight POLK as a critical TLS polymerase in tolerating multiple genotoxic lesions, including cisplatin lesions. The relative frequent loss of Polk in cancers indicates an exploitable vulnerability for precision cancer medicine.  相似文献   
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