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Swiss stone pine Pinus cembra L. is a species with fragmented range, occurring in the Alpine-East Carpathian mountain system. Seeds of P. cembra are dispersed by nutcrackers, which offers potential possibilities for gene exchange among populations. Using isozyme analysis, we have examined five samples from two parts of the Swiss stone pine range: the Alps (Switzerland and Austria) and the Carpathians (two samples from the northern macroslope of the Gorgany Ridge, Eastern Carpathians, Ivano-Frankivs'ka oblast and one sample from Zakarpats'ka oblast of Ukraine). The allele frequencies of 30 isozyme loci, coding for enzymes ADH, FDH, FEST, GDH, GOT, IDH, LAP, MNR, MDH, PEPCA, 6-PGD, PGI, PGM, SDH, SKDH, SOD, were analyzed using cluster analysis and Principal Component Analysis. Two clusters, corresponding to the isolated Alpine and Carpathian parts of the range, were found. The main contribution to these differences were made by loci Adh-1, Adh-2, Fest-2, Lap-3, Mdh-4, and Sod-4. The interpopulation differentiation proved to be somewhat higher than that typical for pines (FST = 7.4%), but within the limits characteristic for taxonomically close species. Thus, isolation of the populations did not lead to their marked differentiation, which may be explained by gene flow and balancing selection, which equalizes gene frequencies across the fragmented species area. Interlocus (FST heterogeneity (from 0.003 to 0.173) suggests adaptive significance of some of the allozyme polymorphisms or linkage of some loci with adaptive genes. The Carpathian populations were shown to have higher gene diversity than the Alpine ones (expected heterozygosities 0.095–0.114 and 0.060–0.080, respectively). A deficiency of heterozygotes (as compared to the Hardy-Weinberg proportions), observed in the embryo sample, was probably explained by inbreeding. The reduction in the area of Carpathian pine forests in Holocene, caused by the global climatic changes and the anthropogenic impact, is hazardous for the gene pool of the species. The maintenance of genetic uniqueness of both Carpathian populations of P. cembra in general, and individual stands in particular, requires special measures for protection of Swiss stone pine in the Eastern Carpathians.  相似文献   
Tyrosine derivatives labeled with a short-lived fluorine-18 isotope (T 1/2 110 min), namely 2-[18F]fluoro-L-tyrosine (FTYR) and O-(2′-[18F]fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine (FET), promising radiopharmaceuticals (RPs) for positron emission tomography (PET), were obtained by asymmetric syntheses. Accumulation of FTYR and FET in the rat tumor “Glioma 35 rats tumor” and in abscesses induced in Wistar rats muscles was studied and compared with that of a well-known glycolysis radiotracer 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG). It was shown that the relative accumulation indices of amino acid RPs were considerably lower than those of FDG. At the same time, tumor/muscle ratios were high enough (2.9 for FET and 3.9 for FTYR 120 min after injection) for reliable tumor visualization. The data obtained indicated a possibility in principle to use FTYR and FET for differentiated PET diagnostics of brain tumors and inflammation lesions. Of the tyrosine derivatives studied, FET seems to be the most promising agent due to a simple and easily automated method of preparation based on direct nucleophilic substitution of the leaving tosyloxy group of an enantiomerically pure Ni-(S)-BPS-(S)-Tyr(CH2CH2OTs) precursor by an activated [18F]fluoride.  相似文献   
Allozyme variation in natural populations of basidiomycete fungus Pleurotus ostreatus (88 individuals) from three regions of central Russia was studied. The species was shown to have 92.86% of polymorphic allozyme loci and expected heterozygosity H e = 0.49. The mean number of alleles per locus was 3.5. The genetic differences among populations were supported by F-statistics (F ST = 0.750). The low level of inbreeding (F IS = 0.018) suggests that the P. ostreatus populations are panmictic, and the main reproduction mode involves basidiospores dispersing at long distances. Using cluster analysis, geographically isolated populations and intersterile groups were differentiated within the complex P. ostreatus species.  相似文献   
We examine the diversity of six microsatellite loci and partial RAG1 exon of “barabensis” and “pseudogriseus” karyoforms in Cricetulus barabensis sensu lato species complex. A total of 435 specimens from 68 localities ranging from Altai to the Far East are investigated. The results of the population structure analysis (factor analysis and NJ tree based on Nei genetic distances) support subdivision into two well-differentiated clusters corresponding to the two karyoforms. These karyoforms are also well differentiated by the level of microsatellite variability. In several “barabensis” specimens, we found microsatellite alleles that are common in “pseudogriseus” populations but are otherwise absent in “barabensis.” Most of these specimens originate from a single population in one of the zones of potential contact between karyoforms, Kharkhorin in Central Mongolia. These molecular results are consistent with previously published karyological data in suggesting that rare hybridization events between the two chromosomal races occur in nature.  相似文献   
A complex study on the adaptation of cn and vn mutants and the allozymes of alcoholdehydrogenase (ADH) was carried out in initially pure lines, and their panmixia populations during exchange of the mutant genotype with that of wild-type flies (C-S) and D) through saturating crossings. The relative adaptation of the genotypes was estimated by their effect on reproductive efficiency in the experimentally obtained population. Fecundity, lifespan, and the resistance of the studied genotypes to hyperthermia were investigated individually. It was shown that the high level of adaptation of the cn mutants and the low level of adaptation of the vg mutants was correlated with the presence of different ADH allozymes. In the studied population, the F-allozyme of ADH accompanied the vg mutation, while the S-allozyme of the enzyme was detected in cn mutants. Saturating crossings of C-S(Adh Svg(Adh F) and D(Adh F) × cn(Adh S), along with the parallel determination of the allele composition of the Adh locus, demonstrated that the complete substitution of the F-allozyme of ADH in the vg mutants by the S-allozyme in D flies, as well as the substitution of the S-allozyme of ADH in the cn mutants by the F-allozyme in D flies was realized only after the 15th–20th backcrosses. These results favor the coadaptation of cn and vg marker genes with alleles of the Adh locus and indicate the important role of the latter in the adaptation of genotypes. In the studied population, selection acted primarily against the vg mutants, which were inferior to the cn mutants, and heterozygote genotypes in indices of the main adaptation components.  相似文献   
A comparative analysis was performed of the polymorphism of the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Fr.) Kumm naturally occurring strains isolated from the natural substrates from two geographically remote Russian natural preserves, the Central Forest Biosphere Tver State Preserve and the Moscow State University Zvenigorod Biological Station (Moscow oblast), and within the city of Moscow. The results of the frequency analysis for the allozyme loci alleles and for the sexual and somatic incompatibility groups are presented; the genetic structure and the interpopulation relations among 58 Pleurotus ostreatus dikaryotic strains are estimated. The natural samples from the Moscow and Tver oblasts are shown to have a high degree of polymorphism with a genetic differentiation of 0.743; in spite of their territorial remoteness, they are, however, actively exchanging genetic material. The natural fungal isolates form two reproductively isolated groups.__________Translated from Mikrobiologiya, Vol. 74, No. 2, 2005, pp. 231–238.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Shtaer, Yu. Belokon, M. Belokon, Shnyreva.  相似文献   
The epidemiological peculiarities of viral hepatitis in the Estonial SSR as a whole, as well as in Tallinn and in the surrounding Harju region were studied. The study revealed that during the last 10 years the total decrease of morbidity in viral hepatitis was observed due to a decrease in infectious hepatitis, pronounced periodic and seasonal morbidity fluctuations being absent. A sharp decrease in infectious hepatitis morbidity had been achieved by carrying out planned gamma globulin prophylaxis among children. Viral hepatitis morbidity in the republic was determined by the adult population and manifested as sporadic cases of infectious and serum hepatitis. Infectious hepatitis was transmitted mainly through every day contacts, while the leading factor in the transmission of serum hepatitis consisted in various injections. The relatively high morbidity level of serum hepatitis was mainly determined by morbidity in large cities.  相似文献   
Siberian dwarf pine, or Japanese stone pine, Pinus pumila (Pall.) Regel is widespread in eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East; the species is bird-dispersed and has a unique crawling or shrub living form. A mixed mating system (predominant outcrossing with self-pollination and matings of close relatives) leads to the formation of partly inbred progenies in P. pumila, as in the majority of other conifers. The question arises as to whether inbred individuals persist in the reproductive part of a population, which can have negative genetic consequences. The ADH, FDH, FEST, GDH, GOT, IDH, LAP, MNR, MDH, PEPCA, 6-PGD, PGI, PGM, SKDH, and SOD isozyme systems were analyzed to study the dynamics of heterozygosity in four P. pumila natural populations from the Pacific region, optimal for the species. Samples were collected in northern Koryakia, southern Kamchatka (two samples), and the Kunashir Island (Kurils). Wright’s fixation index was used to estimate the level of inbreeding in embryos from dormant seeds resulting from open pollination and in maternal plants. A substantial level of inbreeding (F IS = 0.124?0.342) was observed in the embryo samples but not in three out of the four adult samples. The inbreeding level at the reproductive age was high only in the sample from Koryakia, which can be explained by a relatively young age of plants in the population frequently affected by fires. A general increase in heterozygosity in the course of ontogeny, characteristic of other conifers as well, was attributed to elimination of inbred progenies and by balancing selection in favor of heterozygotes, which is a key factor maintaining allozyme polymorphism in populations.  相似文献   
Using bush snail Bradybaena fruticum Mull (20 populations) as a model, we were the first in Russia and in the world to develop a system of urban ecological genetic monitoring of the gene pool of an invertebrate species. The results of isozyme polymorphism studies in bush snail populations showed a dramatic (up to 70%) reduction in genetic diversity in small isolates from the urbanized environment as compared to large natural populations. In urban populations, genetic diversity parameters were demonstrated to be lower than in natural ones: the mean heterozygosity per locus was reduced up to 0.08 (0.15–0.20 in natural populations); the mean allele number, to 1.9 (2.7 in natural populations); and the number of polymorphic loci, to four, i.e., 2.2-fold (nine in natural populations). In Moscow region, the number of polymorphic loci also decreased to five in the population subjected to anthropogenic pressure. The changes in the population gene pool (as shown by the number of polymorphic loci) were different in Moscow and Moscow region. The percentage of populations with the number of polymorphic loci as low as four to six was 76.9 in Moscow and 23.1% in Moscow region. The gene pool quality of 80% of the urban snail populations was estimated as unsatisfactory, and in half of them, as critical. The main reason for these changes seems to be genetic drift accompanied by inbreeding, caused by fragmentation of the range and reduction in the abundance of populations of the species, due to the anthropogenic pressure. The results of the study were employed in the program of the Moscow government for restoring the gene pools of endangered animals species on the preserved territories of the city.  相似文献   
The genetic diversity of four population of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in Moscow parks have been studied. For the first time, a comparison of the gene pool of planted stands in urban areas with the gene pool of natural populations and planted stands of the Moscow region investigated earlier revealed a significant reduction in the genetic diversity of planted stands of Moscow parks in comparison with conditionally native populations from the Moscow region. In three of the four urban planted stands, a decrease was revealed in the proportion of polymorphic loci (down to 0.41 and 0.50) compared to conditionally native forests (0.64). All plant stands do not differ from conditionally native in terms of average heterozygosity and average number of alleles per locus. However, the test for allelic frequency heterogeneity demonstrated a significant difference of all planted stands (from Moscow and the Moscow region) from conditionally native populations both by 3–11 loci and by all (17) polymorphic loci. The quality of the gene pool of three of the four Moscow planted stands was evaluated as unsatisfactory and one of them as critical. A reduction in viability of urban planted stands with a reduced gene pool diversity was revealed: two of the three plantations died. In our opinion, this is a consequence of the sharp deviations of the observed diversity of the gene pool of the studied plantations from the natural norm, i.e., an optimal state of the gene pool historical in this natural area. Thus, economic necessity of genetic control over the state of saplings in reforestation is obvious.  相似文献   
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