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The development of stratified retinal cell architecture is highly conserved in all vertebrates, implying that a common fundamental molecular mechanism is involved in the generation of the organized retina. However, the detailed molecular mechanisms of retinal development are not fully understood. Here we have identified the Xenopus ortholog of prune and show that it is expressed in both differentiating and differentiated retinal domains during development. Interestingly, these spatial and temporal expression patterns coincide with the expression of prune binding partners, the NM23 family members. Overexpression of prune in retinal precursor cells significantly increases the ratio of Müller glial cells as observed by modulation of NM23 activity (Mochizuki et al., 2009). However, a mutated form of prune that has replacement of four aspartate (D) residues (D'Angelo et al., 2004), essential for phosphodiesterase activity, does not exhibit gliogenic activity. Our observations suggest that Xenopus prune may regulate Müller gliogenesis through phosphodiesterase-mediated regulation of NM23 family members.  相似文献   
We recently reported that human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) carrying PTAP and LYPX(n)L L domains ceased budding when the nucleocapsid (NC) domain was mutated, suggesting a role for NC in HIV-1 release. Here we investigated whether NC involvement in virus release is a property specific to HIV-1 or a general requirement of retroviruses. Specifically, we examined a possible role for NC in the budding of retroviruses relying on divergent L domains and structurally homologous NC domains that harbor diverse protein sequences. We found that NC is critical for the release of viruses utilizing the PTAP motif whether it functions within its native Gag in simian immunodeficiency virus cpzGAB2 (SIVcpzGAB2) or SIVsmmE543 or when it is transplanted into the heterologous Gag protein of equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV). In both cases, virus release was severely diminished even though NC mutant Gag proteins retained the ability to assemble spherical particles. Moreover, budding-defective NC mutants, which displayed particles tethered to the plasma membrane, were triggered to release virus when access to the cell endocytic sorting complex required for transport pathway was restored (i.e., in trans expression of Nedd4.2s). We also examined the role of NC in the budding of EIAV, a retrovirus relying exclusively on the (L)YPX(n)L-type L domain. We found that EIAV late budding defects were rescued by overexpression of the isolated Alix Bro1 domain (Bro1). Bro1-mediated rescue of EIAV release required the wild-type NC. EIAV NC mutants lost interactions with Bro1 and failed to produce viruses despite retaining the ability to self-assemble. Together, our studies establish a role for NC in the budding of retroviruses harboring divergent L domains and evolutionarily diverse NC sequences, suggesting the utilization of a common conserved mechanism and/or cellular factor rather than a specific motif.  相似文献   
This study was designed to evaluate the effect barley-based diets vs. oats based diets on levels of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Enterobacterium in the porcine gastrointestinal tract (GIT). In addition the effect of enzyme supplementation in both diets was explored. Twenty-eight boars were used in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement and were assigned to 1 of 4 dietary treatments: barley-based (B) diet; barley-based diet plus an enzyme supplement (B + ES); oat-based (O) diet or oat-based diet plus an enzyme supplement (O + ES). The enzyme supplement contained endo-1,3-β-glucanase and endo-1,4-β-xylanase. Faecal samples were collected from the pigs prior to initiations of the experiment and at slaughter. At slaughter digesta samples were collected from the stomach, ileum, caecum, proximal and distal colon. Alterations in Lactobacillus species composition in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) were analysed by genus-specific PCR – denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). DGGE profiles indicated that cereal source provoked shifts in Lactobacillus population. The most diverse populations of lactobacilli emerged after feeding the O diets. Enzymes inclusion altered the composition of Lactobacillus species prevalent throughout the GIT in animals fed the B diet, causing a shift in the dominant lactobacilli present in the caecum and proximal colon. No such effect was evident in animals fed the enzyme supplemented O + ES diet. Microbial plate counts revealed that the O diets gave rise to higher counts of Lactobacillus in the caecum and colon and Bifidobacterium counts in the ileum, caecum and colon than the B diets. The O diet caused a 2 log increase in Enterobacterium counts in the proximal colon, no such effects were observed in animals fed the B, the B + ES or the O + ES diets. Overall both O diets had a more positive influence on the counts of the beneficial microorganisms and richness of the Lactobacillus population in the porcine GIT.  相似文献   
We report here the first analysis of chitinase regulation in Moniliophthora perniciosa, the causal agent of the witches' broom disease of cacao. A multivariate statistical approach was employed to evaluate the effect of several variables, including carbon and nitrogen sources and cultivation time, on M. perniciosa non-secreted (detected in mycelium, i.e. in symplasm and cell wall) and secreted (detected in the culture medium) chitinase activities. Non-secreted chitinase activity was enhanced by peptone and chitin and repressed by glucose. Chitinase secretion was increased by yeast extract alone or in combination with other nitrogen sources, and by N-acetylglucosamine, and repressed in presence of chitin. The best cultivation times for non-secreted and secreted chitinase activities were 30 and 20 d, respectively. However, chitinase activity was always higher in the mycelium than in the culture medium, suggesting a relatively poor chitinase secretion activity. Conversely, higher mycelial growth was observed when the activity of the non-secreted chitinase was at its lowest, i.e. when the fungus was grown on glucose and yeast extract as sources of carbon and nitrogen, respectively. Conversely, the induction of non-secreted chitinase activity by chitin decreased the mycelium growth. These results suggest that the culture medium, by the induction or repression of chitinases, affected the hyphal growth. Thus, as an essential component of M. perniciosa growth, chitinases may be a potential target for strategies to control disease.  相似文献   
Peptides of alternating charge and hydrophobic amino acids have a tendency to adopt unusually stable beta-sheet structures that can form insoluble macroscopic aggregates under physiological conditions. In this study, analogues of a well-known self-assembling peptide, characterized by the same polar/nonpolar periodicity but with different residues, were designed to study the relationship between sequence, conformation in solution and film-forming capacity in saline solution. Peptide conformation, evaluated by circular dichroism, correlated with film forming capacity observed by inverted optical microscopy after addition of saline solution and subsequent drying. We found that polar/nonpolar periodicity of several analogues is not criterion enough to induce beta-sheet and thus film formation and that conformations different from beta-sheet also allow self-assemblage. Furthermore, addition of the short adhesive sequence RGD to a known self-assembling sequence was shown to not prevent the self-assembling process. This finding might prove useful for the design of biomimetic scaffolds. (c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 89: 906-915, 2008.This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The "Published Online" date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com.  相似文献   
We demonstrate that 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) - DTNB - reacts with only CysF9[93]beta and CysB5[23]beta among the multiple sulfhydryl groups of the major and minor hemoglobins of the Japanese quail (Cortunix cortunix japonica). K(equ), the equilibrium constant for the reaction, does not differ very significantly between the two hemoglobins. It decreases 430-fold between pH approximately 5.6 and pH approximately 9: from a mean of 7+/-1 to a mean of 0.016+/-0.003. Quantitative analyses of the K(equ) data based on published X-ray and temperature-jump evidence for a tertiary structure transition in liganded hemoglobin enable the calculation of K(rt), the equilibrium constant for the r<---->t tertiary structure transition. K(rt) differs significantly between the two hemoglobins: 0.744+/-0.04 for the major, 0.401+/-0.01 for the minor hemoglobin. The mean pK(a)s of the two groups whose ionizations are coupled to the DTNB reaction are about the same as previously reported for mammalian hemoglobins.  相似文献   
The effect of alkane-growth induction of theentomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana(Balsamo) Vuillemin (Deuteromycotina:Hyphomycetes), on the ability to kill the beanweevil Acanthoscelides obtectus Say(Coleoptera: Bruchidae), was tested. Adultinsects were sprayed with an 0.01% Tween 20aqueous suspension of 4 × 106 conidia/ml.The performance of fungi grown in complete agarmedium containing glucose as carbon source(FS0) was compared to that of alkane-grownfungi (FS1) with n-hexadecane as the onlycarbon source. Mortality increased (p< 0.05) from 22 ± 4.5% to 44 ±11.4% at day 7, and from 26 ± 5.5% to 60± 7.1% 14 days after treatment withFS0 or FS1 respectively. The insectepicuticular hydrocarbons were analysed bycapillary gas chromatography (CGC); majorcomponents were saturated hydrocarbons, 27 to29 carbons in length. A variety ofmethyl-branched isomers of C27 were theprevailing structures, and nC27 was the majorstraight chain component. Whole insecthydrocarbons were qualitatively identical tothose of the epicuticular surface. Oleic,linoleic and palmitic acids accounted foralmost 88% of the fungal fatty acids,irrespective of the carbon source used forgrowth; however, the unsaturated/saturatedratio diminished markedly from 4.32(FS0) to 2.47 (FS1). These resultsindicate that alkane supplementation of culturemedia might be a tool to improve the virulenceof some mycoinsecticides.  相似文献   
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