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An amperometric assay based on urease inactivation has been developed for the screening of heavy metals in environmental samples. The enzyme urease catalyses the hydrolysis of urea and the formation of NH(4)(+) is determined using a NADH-glutamate dehydrogenase coupled reaction system. NADH consumption is monitored amperometrically using screen-printed three electrode configuration and its oxidation current is then correlated to urease activity. The presence of heavy metals in the samples inhibits the urease activity, resulting in a lower NH(4)(+) production and therefore a decrease in NADH oxidation. The use of metallised carbon electrodes gave a decrease in NADH oxidation potential from +300 mV versus Ag/AgCl compared with > +600 mV for bare carbon electrodes, and thus minimised interferences from oxidizable species present in the samples. Electrodes fouling and possible contamination after reuse and cleaning was also eliminated by using screen-printed disposable electrodes. The linear range obtained for Hg(II) and Cu(II) was 10-100 microgl(-1) with a detection limit of 7.2 microgl(-1) and 8.5 microgl(-1), respectively. Cd(II) and Zn(II) produced enzyme inhibition in the range 1-30 mgl(-1), with limits of detection of 0.3 mgl(-1) for Cd(II) and 0.2 mgl(-1) for Zn(II). Pb(II) did not inactivate the urease enzyme significantly at the studied range (up to 50 mgl(-1)). Coefficients of variation (CV) values were 6-9% in all cases. Application of the assay system to leachate samples gave reliable and accurate toxicity assessments when compared to atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-MS) analysis. This approach provides to be a simple and rapid (15 min, including enzyme inhibition time) method for metal ions detection.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: Epidemiologic and auxologic characteristics of patients treated with GH during childhood and adolescence and entered in a national registry in Catalonia were studied between 1988 and 1997. At the end of 1997, prevalence was 53.2 treatments/100,000 inhabitants aged 0-14 years. Maximum annual incidence rates were observed in 1990 and 1991 (34.0-35.6 cases/100,000 inhabitants aged 0-14 years). STUDY DESIGN: Analysis of treatments terminated in 1993 (n = 548) revealed, for the three principal reasons for cessation of treatment ('near-final height', 'adequate height but further growth potential', and 'poor growth response'), that males began and ended treatment at older ages with a better auxologic situation in SDS than girls at the beginning and end of therapy in the first two subgroups, with a similar duration of therapy. Severe GH deficiency (GHD) [both multiple pituitary hormone deficiency (MPHD) and the most severe isolated GHD (IGHD-A)] was more frequent in the group ending treatment at 'near-final height', whereas cessation of therapy because of 'poor growth response' was more frequent in the group with 'other causes of short stature' and no demonstrable GHD by routine tests. In the near-final height group, after excluding Turner's syndrome, MPHD and GHD cases secondary to brain tumors and GH deficiencies associated with malformative syndromes, positive linear correlations were observed between HSDS at the end of treatment and HSDS at the beginning, predicted adult height SDS (PAHSDS) and target height SDS (THSDS). Multiple regression analysis showed that in this group of patients, 41.4% of the variability in HSDS increment can be explained by the equation: HSDS increment = -0.33 + 0.29 THSDS - 0.68 HSDS at the beginning of treatment. RESULTS: The outcome showed a reasonable use of GH, since good-response cases generally continued treatment until final height whereas therapy was suspended in doubtful cases.  相似文献   
In the last decade, Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) diagnosis and therapy have not notably improved probably due to delay in the diagnosis, among other issues. Precocity and accuracy should be critical parameters in novel AKI biomarker discovery. microRNAs are key regulators of cell responses to many stimuli and they can be secreted to the extracellular environment. Therefore, they can be detected in body fluids and are emerging as novel disease biomarkers. We aimed to identify and validate serum miRNAs useful for AKI diagnosis and management. Using qRT-PCR arrays in serum samples, we determined miRNAs differentially expressed between AKI patients and healthy controls. Statistical and target prediction analysis allowed us to identify a panel of 10 serum miRNAs. This set was further validated, by qRT-PCR, in two independent cohorts of patients with relevant morbi-mortality related to AKI: Intensive Care Units (ICU) and Cardiac Surgery (CS). Statistical correlations with patient clinical parameter were performed. Our results demonstrated that the 10 selected miRNAs (miR-101-3p, miR-127-3p, miR-210-3p, miR-126-3p, miR-26b-5p, miR-29a-3p, miR-146a-5p, miR-27a-3p, miR-93-3p and miR-10a-5p) were diagnostic biomarkers of AKI in ICU patients, exhibiting areas under the curve close to 1 in ROC analysis. Outstandingly, serum miRNAs estimated before CS predicted AKI development later on, thus becoming biomarkers to predict AKI predisposition. Moreover, after surgery, the expression of the miRNAs was modulated days before serum creatinine increased, demonstrating early diagnostic value. In summary, we have identified a set of serum miRNAs as AKI biomarkers useful in clinical practice, since they demonstrate early detection and high diagnostic value and they recognize patients at risk.  相似文献   
The Neu1 locus, in the S region of the murine histocompatibility-2complex, regulates the sialic acid content of several liverlysosomal enzymes. Three alleles, Neu1a, Neu1b, and Neu1c, havebeen described on the basis of differential sialylation of theenzyme liver acid phosphatase. The Neu1a allele occurs in asmall number of mouse strains, e.g., SM/J and is associatedwith sialidase deficiency. We recently described G9, a sialidasegene in the human major histocompatibility complex (Milner etal. (1997) J. Biol. Chem., 272, 4549–4558), and we nowreport the characterization of the equivalent gene in mouse.The protein product of the murine G9 gene is 409 amino acidsin length and is 83% identical to its human orthologue. Expressionof the murine G9 protein in insect cells has confirmed thatit is a sialidase, with optimal activity at pH 5. To elucidatethe basis of sialidase deficiency in mouse strains carryingthe Neu1a allele, we have sequenced the G9 coding regions frommice carrying the three Neu1 alleles and hence defined the aminoacid sequence characteristic of each allotype. Of particularinterest is a Leu-209 to Ile mutation that is unique to theNeu1a allotype and is associated with reductions in sialidaseactivity of 68% and 88% compared to the Neu1b and Neu1c allotypes,respectively, when these three protein variants are expressedin insect cells. Additional factors, such as differential expression,may also influence the activities of the Nen1 allotypes in vivo.We have observed that the level of G9 mRNA is substantiallyreduced in mice carrying the Neu1a allele compared to the Neu1b(85–95% reduction) and Neu1c (70% reduction) alleles. H2 complex MHC Neu1 sialidase  相似文献   
FgFtr1 and FgFtr2 are putative iron permeases, and FgFet1 and FgFet2 are putative ferroxidases of Fusarium graminearum. They have high homologies with iron permease ScFtr1 and ferroxidase ScFet3 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae at the amino acid level. The genes encoding iron permease and ferroxidase were localized to the same chromosome in the manner of FgFtr1/FgFet1 and FgFtr2/FgFet2. The GFP (green fluorescent protein)-fused versions of FgFtr1 and FgFtr2 showed normal functions when compared with FgFtr1 and FgFtr2 in an S. cerevisiae system, and the cellular localizations of FgFtr1 and FgFtr2 in S. cerevisiae depended on the expression of their putative ferroxidase partners FgFet1 and FgFet2 respectively. Although FgFtr1 was found on the plasma membrane when FgFet1 and FgFtr1 were co-transformed in S. cerevisiae, most of the FgFtr1 was found in the endoplasmic reticulum compartment when co-expressed with FgFet2. Furthermore, FgFtr2 was found on the vacuolar membrane when FgFet2 was co-expressed. From the two-hybrid analysis, we confirmed the interaction of FgFtr1 and FgFet1, and the same result was found between FgFtr2 and FgFet2. Iron-uptake activity also depended on the existence of the respective partner. Finally, the FgFtr1 and FgFtr2 were found on the plasma and vacuolar membrane respectively, in F. graminearum. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that FgFtr1 and FgFtr2 from F. graminearum encode the iron permeases of the plasma membrane and vacuolar membrane respectively, and require their specific ferroxidases to carry out normal function. Furthermore, the present study suggests that the reductive iron-uptake system is conserved from yeast to filamentous fungi.  相似文献   
Upright posture, standing up from a chair, and gait were analyzed in patients after one-sided total hip replacement and in healthy subjects (control). It was found that the patients predominantly loaded the unoperated leg when they stood quietly or rose from a chair. Subjects’ walking on a 10-m podograph treadmill showed that their walking speed was slower than that of healthy subjects and the swing phase on the side of hip replacement was longer than on the unoperated side. It was assumed that the unequal load on legs during walking, standing, and sit-to-stand performance in patients with total hip replacement was related to the sensory deficit of the artificial joint, leading to the overstrain of the unoperated leg and coxarthrosis in it.  相似文献   
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