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Isolation and characterization of methanogenic bacteria from rice paddies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract Enrichment cultures for H2-CO2, methanol- or acetate-utilizing methanogens were prepared from two rice field soil samples. All the cultures except one acetate enrichment showed significant methane production. Pure cultures of Methanobacterium - and Methanosarcina -like organisms were isolated from H2-CO2 and methanol enrichment cultures, respectively, and were characterized for various nutritional and growth conditions. The organisms had an optimal pH range of 6.4–6.6 and a temperature optimum of 37°C. The Methanobacterium isolates were able to utilize H2-CO2 but no other substrates as sole energy source, while the Methanosarcina isolates were able to utilize methanol, methylamines or H2-CO2 as sole energy sources. Both Methanobacterium isolates and one isolate of Methanosarcina were able to use dinitrogen as the sole source of nitrogen for growth. The isolates used several sulfur compounds as sole sources of sulfur.  相似文献   
The physiological capacity for sucrose breakdown in developingjuice sac cells of acid limes was estimated by assaying theactivity of the three enzymes of sucrose catabolism in additionto vacuolar acid hydrolysis. The maximum potential rates ofsucrose breakdown were compared with the observed rates of carbonutilization. Highest potential rates of sucrose breakdown (28.621mmol cm–3 per hydrated active space d–1) occurredat the initial stages of fruit development where carbon utilizationwas highest. As the fruit developed, the potential rates ofsucrose breakdown and carbon utilization declined to very lowlevels. At 80% of development, vacuolar acid hydrolysis becamethe only physiological mechanism for sucrose breakdown. Therelatively low amounts of sucrose hydrolysed by acid hydrolysisat this time were just sufficient to account for the measuredcarbon demands. The results suggest that carbon supplied bythis distinct sucrose catabolizing system is able to provideadequate levels of carbon skeletons for the observed levelsof respiration and dry weight deposition early in development,but becomes a limiting factor for growth in the later stages. Key words: Vacuolar acid hydrolysis, Citrus aurantifolia  相似文献   
Fine root turnover of trees is a major C input to soil. However, the quality of litter input is influenced by root morphological traits and tissue chemical composition. In this study, fine roots of ten tropical woody species were collected from an Afromontane forest in the northern highlands of Ethiopia. The fine roots were analysed for root morphological traits and tissue chemistry measured as proxy carbon fractionations. Based on stem increment, the 10 species were divided into faster- and slower-growing species. Faster-growing species exhibited higher specific root length (1362 cm g?1) than slower-growing species (923 cm g?1). Similarly specific root area was higher in faster-growing species (223 cm2 g?1) than in slower-growing species (167 cm2 g?1). Among the carbon fractions, the acid-insoluble fraction (AIF) was the highest (44–51%). The carbon content, AIF, and the lignocellulose index were higher for slower-growing species. Root tissue density was lower in faster-growing species (0.33 g cm?3) than slower-growing species (0.40 g cm?3) and showed a strong positive correlation with carbon content (r 2 = 0.84) and the AIF (r pearson = 0.93). The morphological traits of fine roots between faster- and slower-growing species reflect the ecological strategy they employ. Slower-growing species have a higher tissue density which may reflect a greater longevity.  相似文献   
The interactions of caffeine (CF) with chlorogenic acid (CGA) and caffeic acid (CFA) were investigated by fluorescence quenching, UV/vis and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic techniques. The results of the study indicated that the fluorescence quenching between caffeine and hydroxycinnamic acids could be rationalized in terms of static quenching or the formation of non‐fluorescent CF–CFA and CF–CGA complexes. From fluorescence quenching spectral analysis, the quenching constant (KSV), quenching rate constant (kq), number of binding sites (n), thermodynamic properties and conformational changes of the interaction were determined. The quenching constants (KSV) between CF and CGA, CFA are 1.84 × 104 and 1.04 × 104 L/mol at 298 K and their binding site n is ~ 1. Thermodynamic parameters determined using the Van't Hoff equation indicated that hydrogen bonds and van der Waal's forces have a major role in the reaction of caffeine with caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid. The 3D fluorescence, UV/vis and FTIR spectra also showed that the binding of CF with CFA and CGA induces conformational changes in CFA and CGA. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Severe illness due to 2009 pandemic A(H1N1) infection has been reported among persons who are obese or morbidly obese. We assessed whether obesity is a risk factor for hospitalization and death due to 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1), independent of chronic medical conditions considered by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) to increase the risk of influenza-related complications.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used a case-cohort design to compare cases of hospitalizations and deaths from 2009 pandemic A(H1N1) influenza occurring between April–July, 2009, with a cohort of the U.S. population estimated from the 2003–2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES); pregnant women and children <2 years old were excluded. For hospitalizations, we defined categories of relative weight by body mass index (BMI, kg/m2); for deaths, obesity or morbid obesity was recorded on medical charts, and death certificates. Odds ratio (OR) of being in each BMI category was determined; normal weight was the reference category. Overall, 361 hospitalizations and 233 deaths included information to determine BMI category and presence of ACIP-recognized medical conditions. Among ≥20 year olds, hospitalization was associated with being morbidly obese (BMI≥40) for individuals with ACIP-recognized chronic conditions (OR = 4.9, 95% CI 2.4–9.9) and without ACIP-recognized chronic conditions (OR = 4.7, 95%CI 1.3–17.2). Among 2–19 year olds, hospitalization was associated with being underweight (BMI≤5th percentile) among those with (OR = 12.5, 95%CI 3.4–45.5) and without (OR = 5.5, 95%CI 1.3–22.5) ACIP-recognized chronic conditions. Death was not associated with BMI category among individuals 2–19 years old. Among individuals aged ≥20 years without ACIP-recognized chronic medical conditions death was associated with obesity (OR = 3.1, 95%CI: 1.5–6.6) and morbid obesity (OR = 7.6, 95%CI 2.1–27.9).


Our findings support observations that morbid obesity may be associated with hospitalization and possibly death due to 2009 pandemic H1N1 infection. These complications could be prevented by early antiviral therapy and vaccination.  相似文献   
Chronic wasting disease (CWD), a transmissible prion disease that affects elk and deer, poses new challenges to animal and human health. Although the transmission of CWD to humans has not been proven, it remains a possibility. If this were to occur, it is important to know whether the "acquired" human prion disease would show a phenotype including the scrapie prion protein (PrP(Sc)) features that differ from those associated with human sporadic prion disease. In this study, we have compared the pathological profiles and PrP(Sc) characteristics in brains of CWD-affected elk and deer with those in subjects with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), as well as CJD-affected subjects who might have been exposed to CWD, using histopathology, immunohistochemistry, immunoblotting, conformation stability assay, and N-terminal protein sequencing. Spongiform changes and intense PrP(Sc) staining were present in several brain regions of CWD-affected animals. Immunoblotting revealed three proteinase K (PK)-resistant bands in CWD, representing different glycoforms of PrP(Sc). The unglycosylated PK-resistant PrP(Sc) of CWD migrated at 21 kDa with an electrophoretic mobility similar to that of type 1 human PrP(Sc) present in sporadic CJD affecting subjects homozygous for methionine at codon 129 (sCJDMM1). N-terminal sequencing showed that the PK cleavage site of PrP(Sc) in CWD occurred at residues 82 and 78, similar to that of PrP(Sc) in sCJDMM1. Conformation stability assay also showed no significant difference between elk CWD PrP(Sc) and the PrP(Sc) species associated with sCJDMM1. However, there was a major difference in glycoform ratio of PrP(Sc) between CWD and sCJDMM1 affecting both subjects potentially exposed to CWD and non-exposed subjects. Moreover, PrP(Sc) of CWD exhibited a distinct constellation of glycoforms distinguishable from that of sCJDMM1 in two-dimensional immunoblots. These findings underline the importance of detailed PrP(Sc) characterization in trying to detect novel forms of acquired prion disease.  相似文献   

The overall aim of this study is to contribute to the creation of LCA database on electricity generation systems in Ethiopia. This study specifically estimates the environmental impacts associated with wind power systems supplying high voltage electricity to the national grid. The study has regional significance as the Ethiopian electric system is already supplying electricity to Sudan and Djibouti and envisioned to supply to other countries in the region.

Materials and methods

Three different grid-connected wind power systems consisting of four different models of wind turbines with power rates between 1 and 1.67 MW were analyzed for the situation in Ethiopia. The assessment takes into account all the life cycle stages of the total system, cradle to grave, considering all the processes related to the wind farms: raw material acquisition, manufacturing of main components, transporting to the wind farm, construction, operation and maintenance, and the final dismantling and waste treatment. The study has been developed in line with the main principles of the ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 standard procedures. The analysis is done using SimaPro software multi-user, Ecoinvent database version 3.01, and ReCiPe 2008 impact assessment method. The assumed operational lifetime as a baseline is 20 years.

Results and discussion

The average midpoint environmental impact of Ethiopian wind power system per kWh electricity generated is for climate change: 33.6 g CO2 eq., fossil depletion: 8 g oil eq., freshwater ecotoxicity: 0.023 g 1,4-DCB eq., freshwater eutrophication: 0.005 g N eq., human toxicity: 9.9 g 1,4-DCB eq., metal depletion: 18.7 g Fe eq., marine ecotoxicity: 0.098 g 1,4-DCB eq., particulate matter formation: 0.097 g PM10 eq., photochemical oxidant formation: 0.144 g NMVOC, and terrestrial acidification: 0.21 g SO2 eq. The pre-operation phase that includes the upstream life cycle stage is the largest contributor to all the environmental impacts, with shares ranging between 82 and 96%. The values of cumulative energy demand (CED) and energy return on investment (EROI) for the wind power system are 0.393 MJ and 9.2, respectively.


The pre-operation phase is the largest contributor to all the environmental impact categories. The sensitivity and scenario analyses indicate that changes in wind turbine lifespans, capacity factors, exchange rates for parts, transport routes, and treatment activities would result in significant changes in the LCA results.

Distribution and importance of woolly whitefly (Aleurothrixus floccosus) (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), was studied in Ethiopia with an evaluation of treatments against it. Results showed that the pest is distributed in most citrus-growing parts of the country equally infesting all types of citrus crops. Only one pupal parasitoid, Amitus sp., was recorded at Melkaoba. During 2006-2007, eight treatments gave better control of woolly whitefly compared with the control: endod (Phytolacca dodecandra L'Herit) berry extract, white oil 80%, neem oil, omo detergent soap, band application of gasoline, cyhalothrin (karate) 5% EC, selecron (profenofos) 500 EC, and rimon (novaluron) 10 EC. Treatments were applied on 6-8 yr-old orange trees at Melkaoba and Nazareth. At Melkaoba, application of cyhalothrin, selecron, white oil, and Neem gave better control of woolly whitefly compared with the control. All the treatments resulted in a lower number of ants than the control. Ants disrupt biocontrol agents of honeydew-secreting pests, including woolly whiteflies. Mean infestation score was higher in the control than the rest of the treatments. Similarly, at Nazareth, woolly whitefly numbers were lower recorded on cyhalothrin-treated plants. However, the numbers of eggs were significantly higher in endod extract-sprayed plants than the control. All treatments controlled ants better than the control except endod. Infestation scores were lower on endod- and cyhalothrin-treated plants than the control. Mean number of adult woolly whiteflies and eggs were significantly higher on newly grown leaves than older leaves. In general, the number of live adult woolly whiteflies showed a decreasing trend at both sites after treatment applications compared with the control.  相似文献   
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