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The concentrations of selected heavy metals in sediments and waters in Baychebagh copper mine were determined using ICP-OES. Except for Co, the average concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in sediments from the Ghalechay River in the district exceed the world-average shale and continental upper crust value. Enrichment factors for Pb, Cu, and Cd were significantly enriched in sediments, indicating environmental contamination. Geoaccumulation index calculated for different sampling stations indicates that the sediments are unpolluted with respect to Co and Zn while unpolluted to moderately polluted with Cu and highly polluted with Pb and Cd. The Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQGs) suggest that Cd and Pb may pose the highest risk for the environment. Sequential extraction analyses of sediments revealed that Cu, Co, Pb, and Zn bound to extractable, carbonate, reducible and oxidizable fractions are lower than residual fraction. About 10% of the total Pb was associated with the exchangeable fraction, indicating remobilization, while Cd (89%), Pb (73%) Co (58%), Cu (76%), and Zn (68%) closely associated with the residual and oxidizable fractions, resulting in their environmental immobility. The residual forms are not expected to be released under normal conditions in the river and could be considered an inert phase.  相似文献   
To explore restoration of ovarian function using epigenetically-related, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), we functionally evaluated the epigenetic memory of novel iPSC lines, derived from mouse and human ovarian granulosa cells (GCs) using c-Myc, Klf4, Sox2 and Oct4 retroviral vectors. The stem cell identity of the mouse and human GC-derived iPSCs (mGriPSCs, hGriPSCs) was verified by demonstrating embryonic stem cell (ESC) antigen expression using immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR analysis, as well as formation of embryoid bodies (EBs) and teratomas that are capable of differentiating into cells from all three germ layers. GriPSCs’ gene expression profiles associate more closely with those of ESCs than of the originating GCs as demonstrated by genome-wide analysis of mRNA and microRNA. A comparative analysis of EBs generated from three different mouse cell lines (mGriPSCs; fibroblast-derived iPSC, mFiPSCs; G4 embryonic stem cells, G4 mESCs) revealed that differentiated mGriPSC-EBs synthesize 10-fold more estradiol (E2) than either differentiated FiPSC- or mESC-EBs under identical culture conditions. By contrast, mESC-EBs primarily synthesize progesterone (P4) and FiPSC-EBs produce neither E2 nor P4. Differentiated mGriPSC-EBs also express ovarian markers (AMHR, FSHR, Cyp19a1, ER and Inha) as well as markers of early gametogenesis (Mvh, Dazl, Gdf9, Boule and Zp1) more frequently than EBs of the other cell lines. These results provide evidence of preferential homotypic differentiation of mGriPSCs into ovarian cell types. Collectively, our data support the hypothesis that generating iPSCs from the desired tissue type may prove advantageous due to the iPSCs’ epigenetic memory.  相似文献   

Trial Design

This analysis characterizes the degree of early organ involvement in a cohort of oligo-symptomatic untreated young patients with Fabry disease enrolled in an ongoing randomized, open-label, parallel-group, phase 3B clinical trial.


Males aged 5–18 years with complete α-galactosidase A deficiency, without symptoms of major organ damage, were enrolled in a phase 3B trial evaluating two doses of agalsidase beta. Baseline disease characteristics of 31 eligible patients (median age 12 years) were studied, including cellular globotriaosylceramide (GL-3) accumulation in skin (n = 31) and kidney biopsy (n = 6; median age 15 years; range 13–17 years), renal function, and glycolipid levels (plasma, urine).


Plasma and urinary GL-3 levels were abnormal in 25 of 30 and 31 of 31 patients, respectively. Plasma lyso-GL-3 was elevated in all patients. GL-3 accumulation was documented in superficial skin capillary endothelial cells (23/31 patients) and deep vessel endothelial cells (23/29 patients). The mean glomerular filtration rate (GFR), measured by plasma disappearance of iohexol, was 118.1 mL/min/1.73 m2 (range 90.4–161.0 mL/min/1.73 m2) and the median urinary albumin/creatinine ratio was 10 mg/g (range 4.0–27.0 mg/g). On electron microscopy, renal biopsy revealed GL-3 accumulation in all glomerular cell types (podocytes and parietal, endothelial, and mesangial cells), as well as in peritubular capillary and non-capillary endothelial, interstitial, vascular smooth muscle, and distal tubules/collecting duct cells. Lesions indicative of early Fabry arteriopathy and segmental effacement of podocyte foot processes were found in all 6 patients.


These data reveal that in this small cohort of children with Fabry disease, histological evidence of GL-3 accumulation, and cellular and vascular injury are present in renal tissues at very early stages of the disease, and are noted before onset of microalbuminuria and development of clinically significant renal events (e.g. reduced GFR). These data give additional support to the consideration of early initiation of enzyme replacement therapy, potentially improving long-term outcome.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00701415  相似文献   
BioMetals - A group of bidentate nitrogen and sulfur donor pyrazole derivative ligands abbreviated as Na[RNCS(Pz)], Na[RNCS(PzMe2)], Na[RNCS(PzMe3)], Na[RNCS(PzPhMe)], Na[RNCS(PzPh2)], where...  相似文献   
L-type Ca2+ channels play a critical role in cardiac rhythmicity. These ion channels are oligomeric complexes formed by the pore-forming CaVα1 with the auxiliary CaVβ and CaVα2δ subunits. CaVα2δ increases the peak current density and improves the voltage-dependent activation gating of CaV1.2 channels without increasing the surface expression of the CaVα1 subunit. The functional impact of genetic variants of CACNA2D1 (the gene encoding for CaVα2δ), associated with shorter repolarization QT intervals (the time interval between the Q and the T waves on the cardiac electrocardiogram), was investigated after recombinant expression of the full complement of L-type CaV1.2 subunits in human embryonic kidney 293 cells. By performing side-by-side high resolution flow cytometry assays and whole-cell patch clamp recordings, we revealed that the surface density of the CaVα2δ wild-type protein correlates with the peak current density. Furthermore, the cell surface density of CaVα2δ mutants S755T, Q917H, and S956T was not significantly different from the cell surface density of the CaVα2δ wild-type protein expressed under the same conditions. In contrast, the cell surface expression of CaVα2δ D550Y, CaVα2δ S709N, and the double mutant D550Y/Q917H was reduced, respectively, by ≈30–33% for the single mutants and by 60% for the latter. The cell surface density of D550Y/Q917H was more significantly impaired than protein stability, suggesting that surface trafficking of CaVα2δ was disrupted by the double mutation. Co-expression with D550Y/Q917H significantly decreased CaV1.2 currents as compared with results obtained with CaVα2δ wild type. It is concluded that D550Y/Q917H reduced inward Ca2+ currents through a defect in the cell surface trafficking of CaVα2δ. Altogether, our results provide novel insight in the molecular mechanism underlying the modulation of CaV1.2 currents by CaVα2δ.  相似文献   
A renewable three-dimensional chemically modified carbon ceramic electrode (CCE) containing nickel powder and K4[Mo(CN)8] was constructed by sol-gel technique. The electrochemical properties and stability of modified electrode was evaluated by cyclic voltammetry in pH range 4-10. The redox couple of [Mo(CN)8] (4-/3-) was shown both as a solute in electrolyte solution and as a component of a carbon based conducting composite electrode. The apparent electron transfer rate constant (ks) and transfer coefficient (alpha) were determined by cyclic voltammetry and they were about 17.1 and 0.57 s(-1), respectively. The catalytic activity of the modified CCE toward insulin oxidation was investigated at pH range of 3-8 by cyclic votammetry. The modified electrode showed excellent electrocatalytic activity toward insulin electroxidation at physiological pH value. The modified electrode was used for insulin detection chronoamperometrically at pH 7. Under optimized condition in amperometry method, the concentration calibration range, detection limit and sensitivity were 0.5-500 nM, 0.45 nM and 6140 nA/microM, respectively. Flow injection amperometric determination of insulin at pH 7.4, at this modified electrode yielded a calibration curve with the following characteristics, linear dynamic range 100-500 pM; sensitivity 8.1 nA/nM and detection limit 40 pM (based on S/N = 3). The inherent stability at wide pH range, high sensitivity, low detection limit, low cost and ease of preparation are of advantageous of this insulin sensor. This sensor indicates great promise for monitory insulin in chromatographic effluents.  相似文献   
Adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) are regarded as a major player of breast cancer microenvironment. By production of various growth factors and expression of regulatory molecules, it is postulated that ASCs protect breast cancer cells from the host immune responses. In this study, the expressions of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), CXCL8 (IL-8) in breast cancer cells and adipose-derived stem cells isolated from breast tissue of women with breast cancer were investigated. The results were analyzed comparatively in normal ASCs isolated from healthy normal women. In case of breast cancer tissues, results were analyzed between high stage and low stage patients. The expressions of extracted mRNAs were determined using real-time quantitative RT-PCR. As a result, in breast cancer tissues, IGF-1 and IL-8 mRNAs had 28.6 and 56-fold more expressions in high stage compared to low stage patients. In ASCs, relative quantifications (RQ) of VEGF, IL-8, HGF and IGF-1 was about 2-fold higher in patients than controls. Data of this study conclude that presence of resident ASCs within the scaffold of breast tissue may support breast tumor growth and progression through the expressions of tumor promoting factors.  相似文献   
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