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Exercising or working in a hot, humid environment can results in the onset of heat-related illness when an individual''s temperature is not carefully monitored. The purpose of the present study was to compare three techniques (data loggers, thermal imaging, and wired electrodes) for the measurement of peripheral (bicep) and central (abdominal) skin temperature. Young men and women (N = 30) were recruited to complete the present study. The three skin temperature measurements were made at 0 and every 10-min during 40-min (60% VO2max) of cycling in a hot (39±2°C), humid (45±5% RH) environment. Data was statistically analyzed using the Bland-Altman method and correlation analysis. For abdominal skin temperature, the Bland-Altman limits of agreement indicated that data loggers (1.5) were a better index of wired than was thermal imaging (3.5), For the bicep skin temperature the limits of agreement was similar between data loggers (1.9) and thermal (1.9), suggesting the both were suitable measurements. We also found that when skin temperature exceeded 35°C, we observed progressively better prediction between data loggers, thermal imaging, and wired skin sensors. This report describes the potential for the use of data loggers and thermal imaging to be used as alternative measures of skin temperature in exercising, human subjects.  相似文献   
A transgenic mouse line named iUBC-KikGR was generated, which expresses the photoconvertible fluorescent protein Kikume Green-Red (KikGR) under the control of the human Ubiquitin C promoter. KikGR is natively a green fluorophore, which can be converted into a red fluorophore upon exposure to UV light. KikGR is expressed broadly throughout transgenic embryos from the two-cell stage onward and in the adult. Specificity of photoconversion can range from the entire embryo to a region of an organ, to a few individual cells, depending on the needs of the experimenter. Cell movements, tissue reorganization, and migration can then be observed in real time by culturing the tissue of interest as an explant on the microscope stage. The iUBC-KikGR transgenic line represents a singular genetic reagent, which can be used for fate mapping, lineage tracing, and live visualization of cell behaviors and tissue movements in multiple organs at multiple time points.  相似文献   
Uterine gland formation occurs postnatally in an ovary- and steroid-independent manner in many species, including humans. Uterine glands secrete substances that are essential for embryo survival. Disruption of gland development during the postnatal period prevents gland formation, resulting in infertility. Interestingly, stabilization of beta-catenin (CTNNB1) in the uterine stroma causes a delay in gland formation rather than a complete absence of uterine glands. Thus, to determine if a critical postnatal window for gland development exists in mice, we tested the effects of extending the endocrine environment of pregnancy on uterine gland formation by treating neonatal mice with estradiol, progesterone, or oil for 5 days. One uterine horn was removed before puberty, and the other was collected at maturity. Some mice were also ovariectomized before puberty. The hormone-treated mice exhibited a delay in uterine gland formation. Hormone-treatment increased the abundance of uterine CTNNB1 and estrogen receptor alpha (ESR1) before puberty, indicating possible mechanisms for delayed gland formation. Despite having fewer glands, progesterone-treated mice were fertile, suggesting that a threshold number of glands is required for pregnancy. Mice that were ovariectomized before puberty did not undergo further uterine growth or gland development. Finally, to establish the role of the ovary in postpartum uterine gland regeneration, mice were either ovariectomized or given a sham surgery after parturition, and uteri were evaluated 1 wk later. We found that the ovary is not required for uterine growth or gland development following parturition. Thus, uterine gland development occurs continuously in mice and requires the ovary after puberty, but not after parturition.  相似文献   
During male sexual differentiation, the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) signaling molecule anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH; also known as Müllerian inhibiting substance, MIS) is secreted by the fetal testes and induces regression of the Müllerian ducts, the primordia of the female reproductive tract organs. Currently, the molecular identity of downstream events regulated by the AMH signaling pathway remains unclear. We found that male-specific Wnt4 expression in mouse Müllerian duct mesenchyme depends upon AMH signaling, implicating the WNT pathway as a downstream mediator of Müllerian duct regression. Inactivation of β-catenin, a mediator of the canonical WNT pathway, did not affect AMH signaling activation in the Müllerian duct mesenchyme, but did block Müllerian duct regression. These data suggest that β-catenin mediates AMH signaling for Müllerian duct regression during male sexual differentiation.  相似文献   
Mouse embryos lacking Gsc and Dkk1 function display severe deficiencies in craniofacial structures which are not found in either Dkk1 homozygous null or Gsc homozygous null mutant embryos. Loss of Gsc has a dosage-related effect on the severity of head truncation phenotype in Dkk1 heterozygous embryos. The synergistic effect of these mutations in enhancing head truncation provides direct evidence of a genetic interaction between Gsc and Dkk1, which display overlapping expression in the prechordal mesoderm. In the absence of Gsc activity, the expression of Dkk1, WNT genes and a transgenic reporter for WNT signalling are altered. Our results show that Gsc and Dkk1 functions are non-redundant in the anterior mesendoderm for normal anterior development and Gsc may influence Wnt signalling as a negative regulator.  相似文献   
Understanding the mechanisms by which parallel evolution occurs has the potential to clarify the complex relationship between evolution and development. In this study, we examine the role of development in the repeated reduction of zeugopod elements during mammalian evolution, a functionally important phenomenon enabling locomotor specialization. By completing a morphometric study (incorporating both analyses of variation and phylogenetics) of mammalian limbs, we are able to demonstrate an evolutionary trend toward width reduction in posterior zeugopod elements of the forelimbs and hindlimbs, the ulna and fibula, respectively. We also examine the developmental basis of limb reduction in three test cases, the bat Carollia perspicillata ulna and fibula and the mouse Mus musculus fibula. The most common pattern of reduction, that of reduced element width, was achieved via the same developmental process in both bat and mouse limbs (i.e., by a slower growth rate relative to other skeletal elements), suggesting that the parallel reduction of the posterior zeugopod element within mammals could have occurred primarily by the repeated evolution of the same developmental mechanism. However, our findings also suggest that the developmental mechanisms behind the parallel evolution of other, more taxon-specific characteristics of limb reduction (i.e., element fusion) are not conserved.  相似文献   
Regardless of their sex chromosome karyotype, amniotes develop two pairs of genital ducts, the Wolffian and Müllerian ducts. As the Müllerian duct forms, its growing tip is intimately associated with the Wolffian duct as it elongates to the urogenital sinus. Previous studies have shown that the presence of the Wolffian duct is required for the development and maintenance of the Müllerian duct. The Müllerian duct is known to form by invagination of the coelomic epithelium, but the mechanism for its elongation to the urogenital sinus remains to be defined. Using genetic fate mapping, we demonstrate that the Wolffian duct does not contribute cells to the Müllerian duct. Experimental embryological manipulations and molecular studies show that precursor cells at the caudal tip of the Müllerian duct proliferate to deposit a cord of cells along the length of the urogenital ridge. Furthermore, immunohistochemical analysis reveals that the cells of the developing Müllerian duct are mesoepithelial when deposited, and subsequently differentiate into an epithelial tube and eventually the female reproductive tract. Our studies define cellular and molecular mechanisms for Müllerian duct formation.  相似文献   
Research on age-related changes in morphology, social behavior, and cognition suggests that the development of bonobos (Pan paniscus) is delayed in comparison to chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). However, there is also evidence for earlier reproductive maturation in bonobos. Since developmental changes such as reproductive maturation are induced by a number of endocrine processes, changes in hormone levels are indicators of different developmental stages. Age-related changes in testosterone excretion are an indirect marker for the onset of puberty in human and non-human primates. In this study we investigated patterns of urinary testosterone levels in male and female bonobos and chimpanzees to determine the onset of puberty. In contrast to other studies, we found that both species experience age-related changes in urinary testosterone levels. Older individuals of both sexes had significantly higher urinary testosterone levels than younger individuals, indicating that bonobos and chimpanzees experience juvenile pause. The males of both species showed a similar pattern of age-related changes in urinary testosterone levels, with a sharp increase in levels around the age of eight years. This suggests that species-differences in aggression and male mate competition evolved independently of developmental changes in testosterone levels. Females showed a similar pattern of age-related urinary testosterone increase. However, in female bonobos the onset was about three years earlier than in female chimpanzees. The earlier rise of urinary testosterone levels in female bonobos is in line with reports of their younger age of dispersal, and suggests that female bonobos experience puberty at a younger age than female chimpanzees.  相似文献   
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