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Actin-binding proteins were assayed in various tissues using an 125I-actin overlay procedure. Four major G actin-binding proteins of 90000, 65000, 58000 and 40000 Mr have been identified. The 90K protein is present in all tissues and binds labelled actin in a calcium-sensitive manner with binding increasing 3-4-fold in the presence of Ca2+. The distribution of the 58K and 65K protein which are not Ca2+-sensitive was more variable. These proteins were present in different ratios in different tissues. 125I-actin binding to all four actin-binding proteins is specific and can be displaced by preincubation of the gels with unlabelled actin. The interaction of actin with these proteins does not appear to involve ionic forces, since binding is not diminished by varying the salt concentration. Skeletal muscle glycolytic enzymes, the lens crystallins and the histones also bind 125I-actin. This binding cannot be displaced by preincubation with unlabelled actin and is presumably non-specific. The calcium sensitivity of two highly purified actin-binding proteins, the 90K human platelet protein and villin was compared using 125I-actin. The platelet 90K protein binds actin at less than 10(-7) M free calcium, but detectable binding to villin does not occur below 10(-6) M free calcium. The ubiquity of these actin-binding proteins is clear and we conclude that the calcium-sensitive 90K actin-binding protein in all of these tissues is the same as the platelet protein.  相似文献   
A pathogenic virus was diagnosed from juvenile Caribbean spiny lobsters Panulirus argus from the Florida Keys. Moribund lobsters had characteristically milky hemolymph that did not clot. Altered hyalinocytes and semigranulocytes, but not granulocytes, were observed with light microscopy. Infected hemocytes had emarginated, condensed chromatin, hypertrophied nuclei and faint eosinophilic Cowdry-type-A inclusions. In some cases, infected cells were observed in soft connective tissues. With electron microscopy, unenveloped, nonoccluded, icosahedral virions (182 +/- 9 nm SD) were diffusely spread around the inner periphery of the nuclear envelope. Virions also occurred in loose aggregates in the cytoplasm or were free in the hemolymph. Assembly of the nucleocapsid occurred entirely within the nucleus of the infected cells. Within the virogenic stroma, blunt rod-like structures or whorls of electron-dense granular material were apparently associated with viral assembly. The prevalence of overt infections, defined as lethargic animals with milky hemolymph, ranged from 6 to 8% with certain foci reaching prevalences of 37%. The disease was transmissible to uninfected lobsters using inoculations of raw hemolymph from infected animals. Inoculated animals became moribund 5 to 7 d before dying and they began dying after 30 to 80 d post-exposure. The new virus is apparently widespread, infectious, and lethal to the Caribbean spiny lobster. Given the pathogenic nature of the virus, further characterization of the disease agent is warranted.  相似文献   
Functional analysis of Sox8 and Sox9 during sex determination in the mouse   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Sex determination in mammals directs an initially bipotential gonad to differentiate into either a testis or an ovary. This decision is triggered by the expression of the sex-determining gene Sry, which leads to the activation of male-specific genes including the HMG-box containing gene Sox9. From transgenic studies in mice it is clear that Sox9 is sufficient to induce testis formation. However, there is no direct confirmation for an essential role for Sox9 in testis determination. The studies presented here are the first experimental proof for an essential role for Sox9 in mediating a switch from the ovarian pathway to the testicular pathway. Using conditional gene targeting, we show that homozygous deletion of Sox9 in XY gonads interferes with sex cord development and the activation of the male-specific markers Mis and P450scc, and leads to the expression of the female-specific markers Bmp2 and follistatin. Moreover, using a tissue specific knock-out approach, we show that Sox9 is involved in Sertoli cell differentiation, the activation of Mis and Sox8, and the inactivation of Sry. Finally, double knock-out analyses suggest that Sox8 reinforces Sox9 function in testis differentiation of mice.  相似文献   
The Xenopus cerberus gene encodes a secreted factor expressed in the Spemann organizer that can cause ectopic head formation when its mRNA is injected into Xenopus embryos. In mouse, the cerberus-related gene, Cerr1, is expressed in the anterior mesendoderm that underlies the presumptive anterior neural plate and its expression is downregulated in Lim1 headless embryos. To determine whether Cerr1 is required for head formation we generated a null mutation in Cerr1 by gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem cells. We found that head formation is normal in Cerr1(-/-) embryos and we detected no obvious phenotypic defects in adult Cerr1(-/-) mice. However, in embryonic tissue layer recombination assays, Cerr1(-/-) presomitic/somitic mesoderm, unlike Cerr1-expressing wild-type presomitic/somitic mesoderm, was unable to maintain expression of the anterior neural marker gene Otx2 in ectoderm explants. These findings suggest that establishment of anterior identity in the mouse may involve the action of multiple functionally redundant factors.  相似文献   
Tetraploid (4n) mouse embryos die at variable developmental stages. By examining 4n embryos from F2 hybrid and outbred mice, we show that 4n developmental potential is influenced by genetic background. The imprinted inactivation of an X chromosome-linked eGFP transgene in extraembryonic tissues occurred correctly in 4n embryos. A decrease of the cleavage rate in 4n preimplantation embryos compared to diploid (2n) embryos was revealed by real-time imaging, using a histone H2b:eGFP reporter. It has previously been known that mouse chimeras produced by the combination of diploid (2n) embryos with embryonic stem (ES) cells result in mixtures of the two components in epiblast-derived tissues. In contrast, the use of 4n host embryos with ES cells restricts 4n cells from the embryonic regions of chimeras, resulting in mice that are believed to be completely ES-derived. Using H2b:eGFP transgenic mice and ES cells, the behavior of 4n cells was determined at single cell resolution in 4n:2n injection and aggregation chimeras. We found a significant contribution of 4n cells to the embryonic ectoderm at gastrulation in every chimera analyzed. We show that the transition of the embryonic regions from a chimeric tissue to a predominantly 2n tissue occurs after gastrulation and that tetraploid cells may persist to midgestation. These findings suggest that the results of previously published tetraploid complementation assays may be influenced by the presence of tetraploid cells in the otherwise diploid embryonic regions.  相似文献   
Bat forelimbs are highly specialized for sustained flight, providing a unique model to explore the genetic programs that regulate vertebrate limb diversity. Hoxd9-13 genes are important regulators of stylopodium, zeugopodium, and autopodium development and thus evolutionary changes in their expression profiles and biochemical activities may contribute to divergent limb morphologies in vertebrates. We have isolated the genomic region that includes Hoxd12 and Hoxd13 from Carollia perspicillata, the short-tailed fruit bat. The bat Hoxd13 gene encodes a protein that shares 95% identity with human and mouse HOXD13. The expression pattern of bat Hoxd13 mRNA during limb development was compared with that of mouse. In bat and mouse hindlimbs, the expression patterns of Hoxd13 are relatively similar. However, although the forelimb Hoxd13 expression patterns in both organisms during early limb bud stages are similar, at later stages they diverge; the anterior expression boundary of bat Hoxd13 is posterior-shifted relative to the mouse. These findings, compared with the Hoxd13 expression profiles of other vertebrates, suggest that divergent Hoxd13 expression patterns may contribute to limb morphological variation.  相似文献   
The orientation of the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis was examined in gastrula-stage Hnf3beta, Otx2 and Lim1 null mutant embryos that display defective axis development. In situ hybridization analysis of the expression pattern of genes associated with the posterior germ layer tissues and the primitive streak (T, Wnt3 and Fgf8) and anterior endoderm (Cer1 and Sox17) revealed that the A-P axis of mutant embryos remains aligned with the proximo-distal plane of the gastrula. Further analysis revealed that cells which express Chrd activity are either absent in Hnf3beta mutant embryos or localised in heterotopic sites in Lim1 and Otx2 null mutants. Lim1-expressing cells are present in the Hnf3beta mutant embryo albeit in heterotopic sites. In all three mutants, Gsc-expressing cells are missing from the anterior mesendoderm. These findings suggest that although some cells with organizer activity may be present in the mutant embryo, they are not properly localised and fail to contribute to the axial mesoderm of the head. By contrast, in T/T mutant embryos that display normal head fold development, the expression domains of organizer, primitive streak and anterior endoderm genes are regionalised correctly in the gastrula.  相似文献   
Increasing drought periods as a result of global climate change pose a threat to many tree species by possibly outpacing their adaptive capabilities. Revealing the genetic basis of drought stress response is therefore implemental for future conservation strategies and risk assessment. Access to informative genomic regions is however challenging, especially for conifers, partially due to their large genomes, which puts constraints on the feasibility of whole genome scans. Candidate genes offer a valuable tool to reduce the complexity of the analysis and the amount of sequencing work and costs. For this study we combined an improved drought stress phenotyping of needles via a novel terahertz water monitoring technique with Massive Analysis of cDNA Ends to identify candidate genes for drought stress response in European silver fir (Abies alba Mill.). A pooled cDNA library was constructed from the cotyledons of six drought stressed and six well-watered silver fir seedlings, respectively. Differential expression analyses of these libraries revealed 296 candidate genes for drought stress response in silver fir (247 up- and 49 down-regulated) of which a subset was validated by RT-qPCR of the twelve individual cotyledons. A majority of these genes code for currently uncharacterized proteins and hint on new genomic resources to be explored in conifers. Furthermore, we could show that some traditional reference genes from model plant species (GAPDH and eIF4A2) are not suitable for differential analysis and we propose a new reference gene, TPC1, for drought stress expression profiling in needles of conifer seedlings.  相似文献   
Sociality has evolved in a wide range of animal taxa but infectious diseases spread rapidly in populations of aggregated individuals, potentially negating the advantages of their social interactions. To disengage from the coevolutionary struggle with pathogens, some hosts have evolved various forms of “behavioral immunity”; yet, the effectiveness of such behaviors in controlling epizootics in the wild is untested. Here we show how one form of behavioral immunity (i.e., the aversion of diseased conspecifics) practiced by Caribbean spiny lobsters (Panulirus argus) when subject to the socially transmitted PaV1 virus, appears to have prevented an epizootic over a large seascape. We capitalized on a "natural experiment" in which a die-off of sponges in the Florida Keys (USA) resulted in a loss of shelters for juvenile lobsters over a ~2500km2 region. Lobsters were thus concentrated in the few remaining shelters, presumably increasing their exposure to the contagious virus. Despite this spatial reorganization of the population, viral prevalence in lobsters remained unchanged after the sponge die-off and for years thereafter. A field experiment in which we introduced either a healthy or PaV1-infected lobster into lobster aggregations in natural dens confirmed that spiny lobsters practice behavioral immunity. Healthy lobsters vacated dens occupied by PaV1-infected lobsters despite the scarcity of alternative shelters and the higher risk of predation they faced when searching for a new den. Simulations from a spatially-explicit, individual-based model confirmed our empirical results, demonstrating the efficacy of behavioral immunity in preventing epizootics in this system.  相似文献   
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