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Cloning of the Zea mays controlling element Ac from the wx-m7 allele   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The cloning of the controlling element Ac from the wx-m7 allele of Zea mays is described. The cloned fragment carries a 4.3 kb insertion that by restriction analysis is indistinguishable from the Ac insertion in Ac wx-m9. It is located approximately 2.5 kb upstream of the Ac wx-m9 insertion. Offprint requests to: P. Starlinger  相似文献   
B. subtilis phage rho 11s codes for a multispecific DNA methyltransferase (Mtase) which methylates cytosine within the sequences GGCC and GAGCTC. The Mtase gene of rho 11s was isolated and sequenced. It has 1509 bp, corresponding to 503 amino acids (aa). The enzyme's Mr of 57.2 kd predicted from the nucleotide sequence was verified by direct Mr determinations of the Mtase. A comparison of the aa sequence of the rho 11s Mtase with those of related phages SPR and phi 3%, which differ in their methylation potential, revealed generalities in the building plan of such enzymes. At least 70% of the aa of each enzyme are contained in two regions of 243 and 109 aa at the N and C termini respectively, which are highly conserved among the three enzymes. In each enzyme, variable sequences separate the conserved regions. Variability is generated through the single or multiple use of related and unrelated sequence motifs. We propose that the recognition of those DNA target sequences, which are unique for each of the three enzymes, is determined by these variable regions. Evolutionary relationships between the three enzymes are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Numerous mitoses were noted in testicular tissue from adult men with early germ cell tumors. More than 15 Leydig cells undergoing mitosis were found in the interstitial compartment. The presence of specific crystalline intracytoplasmatic inclusions demonstrated for the first time that differentiated Leydig cells are capable of proliferation. Occasionally cells are difficult to discriminate during mitosis. To establish reference criteria, the light- and electron-microscopic features of the following mitotic cells were examined: Leydig cells, fibroblasts, perivascular cells, peritubular cells, and lymphocytes. Supplementary mitoses in germ cell tumors and in a case of Leydig cell tumor were investigated. In the literature, only single reports of mitoses in Leydig cells are available. The frequent incidence of Leydig cell mitosis in early germ cell tumors may be due to the presence of growth-promoting factors in the testicular tissue.  相似文献   
Synopsis New information regarding the ecology ofScytalina cerdale was obtained over a four year period as a consequence of a long-term marine ecological study at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP), San Luis Obispo County, California. Twenty intertidal fish surveys were conducted at approximately quarterly intervals, between March 1979 and June 1983, at three separate rocky shore locations (stations). During each survey, a total of 108 square meters (36 m2 per station) was searched for fish during periods of low tide. A total of 280S. cerdale were collected, identified, measured, and released back into the same 4 m2 area, from the same intertidal station (Diablo Cove), throughout the study period. This limited intertidal occurrence most likely reflectsS. cerdale microhabitat requirements; a combination of intertidal elevation (mean = +0.3 MLLW), substratum specificity (loose gravel, 5–10mm size range, overlying a base of sand and shell fragments), and degree of wave exposure (semi-protected). Throughout the study,S. cerdale was seasonally more abundant during summer months (June through August) and less abundant during winter months (November through February). The only exception to this abundance trend followed the 1982 winter storms, which coincided with an El Niño event, whenS. cerdale abundance uncharacteristically dropped during the subsequent 1983 spring and summer surveys. Mean total lengths did not vary greatly, reflecting the absence of early juvenile fishes, and relatively high mean fish densities (3.5 fish per m2 for 20 surveys) were recorded. Qualitative comparisons betweenS. cerdale abundance and seasonal changes in water temperature indicated an inverse relationship. Gravid females, demersal egg masses, and early juvenile individuals were never observed during the four years of the study. This suggests that unlike most other intertidal fishes, particularly other blennioids,S. cerdale may not utilize the intertidal zone for reproductive and recruitment purposes; Diablo Canyon is the most southerly reported distribution for this intertidal species, and therefore, may not entirely represent the species' biology as a whole.  相似文献   
Using an anti-yeast regulatory subunit antibody and the synthetic peptide Kemptide as specific substrate we show in this work that purified preparations of yeast plasma membrane have an associated form of the regulatory subunit and cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity. Treatment of the plasma membrane "in vitro" with 1 microM cAMP releases cAMP-independent protein kinase activity while regulatory subunit remains on the membrane as revealed by immunoblotting. Incubation of the plasma membrane with [gamma-32P]ATP results in the phosphorylation of the regulatory subunit.  相似文献   
The molecular structure of human foetal intestinal alkaline phosphatase was defined by high-resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and amino acid inhibition studies. Comparison was made with the adult form of intestinal alkaline phosphatase, as well as with alkaline phosphatases isolated from cultured foetal amnion cells (FL) and a human tumour cell line (KB). Two non-identical subunits were isolated from the foetal intestinal isoenzyme, one having same molecular weight and isoelectric point as placental alkaline phosphatase, and the other corresponding to a glycosylated subunit of the adult intestinal enzyme. The FL-cell and KB-cell alkaline phosphatases were also found to contain two subunits similar to those of the foetal intestinal isoenzyme. Characterization of neuraminidase digests of the non-placental subunit showed it to be indistinguishable from the subunits of the adult intestinal isoenzyme. This implies that no new phosphatase structural gene is involved in the transition from the expression of foetal to adult intestinal alkaline phosphatase, but that the molecular changes involve suppression of the placental subunit and loss of neuraminic acid from the non-placental subunit. Enzyme-inhibition studies demonstrated an intermediate response to the inhibitors tested for the foetal intestinal, FL-cell and KB-cell isoenzymes when compared with the placental, adult intestinal and liver forms. This result is consistent with the mixed-subunit structure observed for the former set of isoenzymes. In summary, this study has defined the molecular subunit structure of the foetal intestinal form of alkaline phosphatase and has demonstrated its expression in a human tumour cell line.  相似文献   
The addition of drugs which inhibit the lipoxygenase pathways of arachidonic acid metabolism to 5 day cultures of mitogen-stimulated human B cells enhanced the proliferative response more than 10-fold. Several chemically dissimilar lipoxygenase inhibitors increased proliferation in this system, whereas the specific cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin had no effect. A lipoxygenase inhibitor could be added as late as 48 to 72 h after the initiation of culture and still cause a significant increase in B cell proliferation. These drugs increased the proliferation of both peripheral blood B cells and tonsillar B cells activated by Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I or anti-Ig M antibodies, in combination with a crude T cell supernate, a commercial B cell growth factor preparation, or recombinant lymphotoxin. A similar effect was observed in tonsillar B cells purified by counterflow centrifugal elutriation to remove esterase positive accessory cells, suggesting this is a direct effect on the B cell. Lipoxygenase blockade also caused a greater than twofold increase in polyclonal Ig production. The enhanced proliferation caused by lipoxygenase blockade could not be reversed by adding back exogenous leukotrienes or hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids to the cultures. Furthermore, B cells prelabeled with [3H]arachidonic acid did not produce radiolabeled lipoxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid under the same culture conditions in which the addition of lipoxygenase inhibitors had a profound effect on proliferation. Thus, lipoxygenase inhibitors markedly stimulate B cell proliferation under a variety of experimental conditions, although the mechanism responsible for this action has not yet been elucidated.  相似文献   
Summary 1. Expression of the apamin-sensitive K+ channel (SK+) in rat skeletal muscle is neurally regulated. The regulatory effect of the nerve over the expression of some muscle ion channels has been attributed to the electrical activity triggered by the nerve and/or to a trophic effect of some molecules transported from the soma to the axonal endings. 2. SK+ channels apparently are involved in myotonic dystrophy (MD), therefore understanding the factors that regulate their expression may ultimately have important clinical relevance. 3. To establish if axoplasmic transport is involved in this process, we used two experimental approaches in adult rats: (a) Both sciatic nerves were severed, leaving a short or a long nerve stump attached to the anterior tibialis (AT). (b) Colchicine or vinblastine (VBL), two axonal transport blockers of different potencies, was applied on one leg to the sciatic nerve. To determine whether electrical activity affects the expression of SK+ channels, denervated AT were directly stimulated. The corresponding contralateral muscles were used as controls. 4. With these experimental conditions we measured (a) apamin binding to muscle membranes, (b) muscle contractile characteristics, and (c) electromyographic activity. 5. In the short- and long-nerve stump experiments, 5 days after denervation125I-apamin binding to AT membranes was 2.0 times higher in the short-stump side. This difference disappeared at longer times. The delayed expression of SK+ channels in the muscle left with a longer nerve stump can be attributed to the extra axoplasm contained in the longer stump, which maintains a normally repressive signal for a longer period of time. Ten to 15 days after application of axonal transport blockers we found that the muscle half-relaxation time increased in the drug-treated side and apamin partially reverted the prolonged relaxation. Myotonic-like discharges specifically blockable by apamin were always present in the drug-treated leg.125I-Apamin binding, which is undetectable in a microsomal preparation from hind leg control muscles, was increased in the drug-treated preparations. Apamin binding to denervated and stimulated AT muscles was lower than in the contralateral unstimulated muscles [3.3±1.0 vs 6.8±0.8 (n=4) fmol/mg protein]. 6. Our results demonstrate that electrical activity and axoplasmic transport are involved in the control of expression of SK+ in rat skeletal muscle. However, the increased expression of this channel induces myotonic-like characteristics that are reversed by apamin. This myotonic activity could be a model for MD.  相似文献   
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