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Restrictive infection of Bacillus subtilis by suppressor-sensitive (sus) mutants of phi 29 has been used to search for cistrons that function in viral assembly. The products of cistrons 7, 9, 10, and 16 are necessary for head morphogenesis. The neck upper collar protein P10 and the tail protein P9 must be present for DNA packaging to occur. The protein P7 must be present for phage-related particles to form. A prohead-like particle has been isolated during 16-restrictive infection. The particle is composed of the proteins Hd, P10, F, and P7. P16 must function for DNA-filled particles to accumulate. A DNA-containing particle produced in the absence of the cistron 11 product may be an intermediate in the phi 29 assembly pathway. The protein P13 interacts with P9 and P11 to form a stable DNA-filled particle. The products of cistrons 2 and 3 are essential for viral DNA synthesis, and in their absence virus-related particles are not detected.  相似文献   
Summary The kinetics of DNA chain breakage in solution induced by 2 µs pulses of 15 MeV electrons were investigated by light scattering. On irradiating native calf thymus DNA at room temperature the decrease of light scattering intensity (LSI) - due to double strand ruptures - shows a fast decay with a half life 1/2 of about 30 ms as well as a slow decay with 1/2 of about 10 s. With increasing temperature (20–40° C) both the total degree of degradation and the fraction of the fast decay increase due to the facilitated melting of segments between two single strand breaks on alternate strands forming a double strand break. Above 40° C a third mode of LSI decay with 1/2 of 5–10 s arises, indicating detachment of relatively long segments.The total relative decrease of LSI after irradiation A, which can be taken as a measure of the degree of degradation, follows the square of the absorbed dose in the case of native DNA, whereas on irradiating denatured DNA A rises linearly with dose. The decay of LSI due to the degradation of denatured DNA is much faster than that of native DNA with 1/2 down to 150 µs, depending on the absorbed dose. The half lives are interpreted in terms of the separation of fragments by diffusion and of the melting of double strand segments between two single strand breaks.  相似文献   
Pressure homogenization and subcellular fractionation has been performed on washed, human platelets and platelets treated with thrombin to undergo the so-called release reaction. Electron microscopy revealed that the particulate zones obtained from the control sample corresponded to membrane vesicles (B), small storage granules (D) as well as mitochondria and larger storage granules (E). Only a few storage granules could be observed in the particulate zones isolated from thrombin-treated platelets. Visual comparison of the sucrose gradient patterns revealed that one granule fraction (D) had disappeared from the thrombin-treated sample. Sodium dodecysulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed a major protein band (mol. wt 145 500 plus or minus 1000) in the extracellular phase (supernatant after removal of the platelets) of the thrombin-treated sample and in the granule fractions (D and E) of the control (mol. wt 147 000 plus or minus 1000). Incubation of whole, washed platelets with thrombin for 5 min at 37 degrees C followed by sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the isolated membrane fraction revealed no reproducible differences in the protein band pattern compared to membranes isolated from control platelets. However, after treatment with thrombin for 30 min, a protein band (mol. wt 183 000 plus or minus 3500) had disappeared. The distribution of protein and beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity among the subcellular fractions were measured. Both were mainly recovered in the soluble fraction (greater than 77%). The granule fractions, D and E of the control contained 3.0% plus or minus 0.8% and 6.4% plus or minus 1.3% of the total amount of beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase in the gradient. Fraction E of the thrombin-treated cells contained 3.3% plus or minus 1.0% of total while fraction D was lacking.  相似文献   
Two super-repressor mutations in the histidine utilization (hut) operons of Salmonella typhimurium are described. Cells bearing either of these mutations have levels of hut enzymes that do not increase above the uninduced levels when growth is in the presence of either histidine or the gratuitous inducer imidazole propionate. Both mutations lie in the region of the gene for the hut repressor, hutC, and reverse mutations of both are to the constitutive (repressor-negative) rather than to the inducible (wild type) phenotype. In hybrid merodiploid strains the super-repressor mutations are dominant over either wild-type (hutC+) or repressor-negative (hutC-) alleles. Whereas both super-repressor mutations cause the uninducible synthesis of hut enzymes, the degree of repression is different. One mutation causes repression of enzyme synthesis in one of the two hut operons to a level below the basal, uninduced level of wild-type cells. The other mutation causes repression to a lesser degree than in wild-type cells, so that the hut enzymes are present at a level above the normal basal level; this partially constitutive synthesis is greater for the enzymes of one of the hut operons than for the enzymes of the other. Thus, both mutations apparently result in repressors with altered operator-binding properties, in addition to altered inducer-binding properties.  相似文献   
An improved method of in situ lysis of bacteriophage-infected Bacillus subtilis was developed and used to study 29 and SPO1 phage structures produced by individual cells.  相似文献   
Native calf thymus DNA was gamma-irradiated at 500 mug/ml in 0.01 M NaCl in the presence or absence of oxygen. By irradiation, an increasing amount of DNA becomes reactive with a water-soluble carbodiimide-derivative (CMEC). In the DNA sections reactive with CMEC the nucleotide strands are separated, a phenomenon previously described as radiation-induced denaturation. The dose-effect curve for the formation of denatured DNA shows an upward-bent form; a distinct oxygen effect of about 2 is observed. By a comparative study with DNA samples, degraded partially with DNAse I, it was shown that a minor part of the radiation-induced denaturation results from the formation of the radiation-induced single strand breaks, whereas the major part is a local denaturation independent of the strand breaks. In these locally denatured regions 20 to 50 nucleotide pairs are separated.  相似文献   
Adherence of intestinal pathogens, including Escherichia coli O157:H7, to human intestinal epithelial cells is a key step in pathogenesis. Probiotic bacteria, including Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 inhibit the adhesion of E. coli O157:H7 to epithelial cells, a process which may be related to specific components of the bacterial surface. Surface-layer proteins (Slps) are located in a paracrystalline layer outside the bacterial cell wall and are thought to play a role in tissue adherence. However, the ability of S-layer protein extract derived from probiotic bacteria to block adherence of enteric pathogens has not been investigated. Human epithelial (HEp-2 and T84) cells were treated with S-layer protein extract alone, infected with E. coli O157:H7, or pretreated with S-layer protein extract prior to infection to determine their importance in the inhibition of pathogen adherence. The effects of S-layer protein extracts were characterized by phase-contrast and immunofluorescence microscopy and measurement of the transepithelial electrical resistance of polarized monolayers. Pre-treatment of host epithelial cells with S-layer protein extracts prior to E. coli O157:H7 infection decreased pathogen adherence and attaching-effacing lesions in addition to preserving the barrier function of monolayers. These in vitro studies indicate that a non-viable constituent derived from a probiotic strain may prove effective in interrupting the infectious process of an intestinal pathogen.  相似文献   
As compared with other primates, humans have especially visible eyes (e.g., white sclera). One hypothesis is that this feature of human eyes evolved to make it easier for conspecifics to follow an individual's gaze direction in close-range joint attentional and communicative interactions, which would seem to imply especially cooperative (mututalistic) conspecifics. In the current study, we tested one aspect of this cooperative eye hypothesis by comparing the gaze following behavior of great apes to that of human infants. A human experimenter "looked" to the ceiling either with his eyes only, head only (eyes closed), both head and eyes, or neither. Great apes followed gaze to the ceiling based mainly on the human's head direction (although eye direction played some role as well). In contrast, human infants relied almost exclusively on eye direction in these same situations. These results demonstrate that humans are especially reliant on eyes in gaze following situations, and thus, suggest that eyes evolved a new social function in human evolution, most likely to support cooperative (mututalistic) social interactions.  相似文献   
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