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Natural selection and ecological adaptation are ultimately responsible for much of the origin of biodiversity. Yet, the identification of divergent natural selection has been hindered by the spatial complexity of natural systems, the difficulty in identifying genes under selection and their relationship to environment, and the confounding genomic effects of time. Here, we employed genome scans, population genetics and sequence-based phylogeographic methods to identify divergent natural selection on population boundaries in a freshwater invader, the Amazonian pufferfish, Colomesus asellus. We sampled extensively across markedly different hydrochemical settings in the Amazon Basin and use 'water colour' to test for ecological isolation. We distinguish the relative contribution of natural selection across hydrochemical gradients from biogeographic history in the origin and maintenance of population boundaries within a single species and across a complex ecosystem. We show that spatially distinct population structure generated by multiple forces (i.e. water colour and vicariant biogeographic history) can be identified if the confounding effects of genetic drift have not accumulated between selective populations. Our findings have repercussions for studies aimed at identifying engines of biodiversity and assessing their temporal progression in understudied and ecologically complex tropical ecosystems.  相似文献   
Lineages undergoing rapid radiations provide exceptional opportunities for studying speciation and adaptation, but also represent a challenge for molecular systematics because retention of ancestral polymorphisms and the occurrence of hybridization can obscure relationships among lineages. Dolphins in the subfamily Delphininae are one such case. Non-monophyly, rapid speciation events, and discordance between morphological and molecular characters have made the inference of phylogenetic relationships within this subfamily very difficult. Here we approach this problem by applying multiple methods intended to estimate species trees using a multi-gene dataset for the Delphininae (Sousa, Sotalia, Stenella, Tursiops, Delphinus and Lagenodelphis). Incongruent gene trees obtained indicate that incomplete lineage sorting and possibly hybridization are confounding the inference of species history in this group. Nonetheless, using coalescent-based methods, we have been able to extract an underlying species-tree signal from divergent histories of independent genes. This is the first time a molecular study provides support for such relationships. This study further illustrates how methods of species-tree inference can be very sensitive both to the characteristics of the dataset and the evolutionary processes affecting the evolution of the group under study.  相似文献   
This study reports on evidence for reproductive isolation among Orectolobus ornatus and Orectolobus halei, two previously cryptic and recently redescribed species of wobbegong shark (Orectolobiformes: Orectolobidae) from the east coast of Australia. The evidence is based on disparity in size at sexual maturity, diagnostic nuclear and mitochondrial DNA variants, and marked phylogenetic divergence. Plots of total length (LT) and maturity for the two species were non‐overlapping and illustrative of statistically significant size dimorphism. Genetic analyses and phylogenetic reconstruction did not provide indication of hybridization between O. ornatus and O. halei. In fact, sequence divergence between them was higher than in comparisons with another congeneric and largely co‐distributed wobbegong species (Orectolobus maculatus). The assumption of a molecular clock revealed that the two species have evolved in isolation for c. 3·9 million years. These results challenge a paradigm often mentioned in the biodiversity literature that most cryptic species are the product of recent speciation events and will contribute to the development of effective management strategies for wobbegong sharks.  相似文献   
一种新的肝细胞生成素(HPO)转录本及其生物学活性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用 5′RACE技术从人胎肝组织中分离一种新形式的肝细胞生成素 (HPO 2 0 5 )cDNA ,其编码蛋白质氨基酸序列的N端较已报道的人肝细胞生成素HPO(hepatopoietin)多 80个氨基酸 ,推测其蛋白质分子量为 2 3kD。RT PCR检测HPOmRNA在多种肝癌细胞中表达 ,Western印迹可检测到 2 3kDHPO 2 0 5表达 ,表明此种形式HPO在自然状态下存在。将构建的HPO 2 0 5真核表达载体转染入COS 7细胞 ,其表达蛋白质能够刺激HepG2肝癌细胞DNA合成 ;将HPO 2 0 5、HPO和荷空表达载体分别转染入低水平表达HPO的Bel 740 2肝癌细胞株 ,发现HPO 2 0 5比HPO具有较强的激活MAPK磷酸化的活性。细胞周期分析稳定转染HPO 2 0 5 ,HPO细胞的增殖周期也支持这一结论。这些结果表明HPO 2 0 5具有刺激肝源性细胞增殖的活性 ,并提示HPO 2 0 5可能较HPO有更强的生物学活性  相似文献   
Coastal freshwater fishes provide valuable models for studying the role of the last glaciations in promoting speciation. To date, the great majority of studies are of Northern Hemisphere taxa, and reflect the influence of vicariant events during, or prior to, the Pleistocene. Microsatellite markers and mitochondrial DNA sequences were used to investigate patterns of population divergence and evolutionary relationships in a freshwater group of silverside fishes (Odontesthes perugiae complex), endemic to the recently formed coastal plain of southern Brazil. Lacustrine morphotypes showed concordant patterns of genetic and morphological divergence consistent with the geographical history of the coastal plain. The results support the proposal of a silverside radiation chronologically shaped by the sea-level changes of the Pleistocene and Holocene. The radiating lineage comprises a minimum of three allopatric and two sympatric lacustrine species. Four species displayed extremely high levels of genetic variation and some of the most rapid speciation rates reported in fishes. These features were related to a marine-estuarine origin of the radiation. To the best of our knowledge, this study represents the first molecular phylogeographic survey of a coastal radiation in South America.  相似文献   
Little is known about the population ecology of the recently described bottlenose dolphin species Tursiops australis. The classification of this species is still under debate, but this putative species is thought to be comprised of small and genetically distinct populations (including sub-populations under increasing anthropogenic threats) and is likely endemic to coastal southern Australia. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences and microsatellite loci were used to assess genetic variation and hierarchical population structure of coastal T. cf. australis across a range of spatial scales and environmental discontinuities between southern Western Australia (WA) and central South Australia (SA). Overall, genetic diversity was similar to that typically found for bottlenose dolphins, although very low mtDNA diversity was found in Gulf St. Vincent (GSV) dolphins. We found historical genetic subdivision and likely differences in colonisation between GSV and Spencer Gulf, outer- and inner-gulf locations, and SA/WA and previously identified Victorian/Tasmanian populations. A hierarchical metapopulation structure was revealed along southern Australia, with at least six genetic populations occurring between Esperance, WA and southern Tasmania. In addition, fine-scale genetic subdivision was observed within each SA/WA population. In general, contemporary migration was limited throughout southern Australia, but an important gene flow pathway was identified eastward along the Great Australian Bight. Management strategies that promote gene flow among populations should be implemented to assist with the maintenance of the inferred metapopulation structure. Further research into the population ecology of this species is needed to facilitate well-informed management decisions.  相似文献   
Analysis of genetic datasets can be particularly useful in providing guidelines for conservation management of understudied species targeted by commercial activities. Here we used population genetic approaches to inform on the conservation status of the Neotropical long-nose pirá catfish, Conorhynchos conirostris. Pirá is a large migratory fish endemic to the São Francisco River Basin (SFRB). It is an evolutionarily divergent and relict species, being the sole representative of an incertae sedis family. The species is considered locally extinct in the upper and lower SFRB, listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List and as endangered on the Brazilian Red List (ICMBIO). Fishing prohibition has received severe criticism from middle SFRB fisheries that claim that this understudied species is relatively abundant in that region. We used information from 13 microsatellite markers and COI mitochondrial sequences to clarify the genetic diversity of this enigmatic species in the middle SFRB, to estimate contemporary effective population size (Ne), and to assess its conservation status. Results from bottleneck analyses indicated that the species has experienced recent reductions in population size, which is consistent with small estimates of contemporary Ne. The predicted amount of heterozygosity loss (Ht) in t generations ranged from 0.1152 (for an estimated Ne of 26.4; t?=?100) to 0.7573 (for an estimated Ne of 169.9; t?=?10). Our study supports the conservation status proposed by the ICMBIO to the remaining pirá population. Moreover, we highlight the need for demographic data and the re-assessment of the current IUCN classification for this evolutionary relict lineage.  相似文献   
Captive breeding programmes are often a necessity for the continued persistence of a population or species. They typically have the goal of maintaining genetic diversity and minimizing inbreeding. However, most captive breeding programmes have been based on the assumption that the founding breeders are unrelated and outbred, even though in situ anthropogenic impacts often mean these founders may have high relatedness and substantial inbreeding. In addition, polygamous group‐breeding species in captivity often have uncertain pedigrees, making it difficult to select the group composition for subsequent breeding. Molecular‐based estimates of relatedness and inbreeding may instead be used to select breeding groups (≥two individuals) that minimize relatedness and filter out inbred individuals. swinger constructs breeding groups based on molecular estimates of relatedness and inbreeding. The number of possible combinations of breeding groups quickly becomes intractable by hand. swinger was designed to overcome this major issue in ex situ conservation biology. The user can specify parameters within swinger to reach breeding solutions that suit the mating system of the target species and available resources. We provide evidence of the efficiency of the software with an empirical example and using simulations. The only data required are a typical molecular marker data set, such as a microsatellite or SNP data set, from which estimates of inbreeding and pairwise relatedness may be obtained. Such molecular data sets are becoming easier to gather from non‐model organisms with next‐generation sequencing technology. swinger is an open‐source software with a user‐friendly interface and is available at http://www.molecularecology.flinders.edu.au/molecular-ecology-lab/software/swinger/swinger/ and https://github.com/Yuma248/Swinger .  相似文献   
Crabs of the family Hymenosomatidae are common in coastal and shelf regions throughout much of the southern hemisphere. One of the genera in the family, Hymenosoma, is represented in Africa and the South Pacific (Australia and New Zealand). This distribution can be explained either by vicariance (presence of the genus on the Gondwanan supercontinent and divergence following its break-up) or more recent transoceanic dispersal from one region to the other. We tested these hypotheses by reconstructing phylogenetic relationships among the seven presently-accepted species in the genus, as well as examining their placement among other hymenosomatid crabs, using sequence data from two nuclear markers (Adenine Nucleotide Transporter [ANT] exon 2 and 18S rDNA) and three mitochondrial markers (COI, 12S and 16S rDNA). The five southern African representatives of the genus were recovered as a monophyletic lineage, and another southern African species, Neorhynchoplax bovis, was identified as their sister taxon. The two species of Hymenosoma from the South Pacific neither clustered with their African congeners, nor with each other, and should therefore both be placed into different genera. Molecular dating supports a post-Gondwanan origin of the Hymenosomatidae. While long-distance dispersal cannot be ruled out to explain the presence of the family Hymenosomatidae on the former Gondwanan land-masses and beyond, the evolutionary history of the African species of Hymenosoma indicates that a third means of speciation may be important in this group: gradual along-coast dispersal from tropical towards temperate regions, with range expansions into formerly inhospitable habitat during warm climatic phases, followed by adaptation and speciation during subsequent cooler phases.  相似文献   
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