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The life cycle of vectors and the reservoirs that participate in the chain of infectious diseases have a strong relationship with the environmental dynamics of the ecosystems in which they live. Oscillations in population abundance and seasonality of insects can be explained by factors inherent in each region and time period. Therefore, knowledge of the relationship and influence of environmental factors on the population of Lutzomyia longipalpis is necessary because of the high incidence of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Brazil. This study evaluates the influence of abiotic variables on the population density and seasonal behavior of L. longipalpis in an urban endemic area of VL in Brazil. The sand fly captures were performed every two months between November, 2009 and November, 2010 in the peridomicile of 13 randomly selected residences. We captured 1,367 specimens of L. longipalpis, and the ratio of male/female flies was 2.86:1. The comparison of the total male specimens in the two seasons showed a statistical difference in the wet season, but there was no significant difference when considering the total females. With respect to climatic variables, a significant negative association was observed only with wind speed. During periods of high wind speeds, the population density of this vector decreased. The presence of L. longipalpis was found in all months of the study with bimodal behavior and population peaks during the wet season.  相似文献   
Fungi of the Colletotrichum genus are among the most prominent phytopathogens that cause diseases with a considerable economic impact, such as anthracnose. The hemibiotrophic fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (teleomorph Glomerella cingulata f. sp. phaseoli) is the causal agent of the anthracnose of the common bean; and similarly to other phytopathogens, it uses multiple strategies to gain access to different carbon sources from its host. In this study, we examine mfs1, a newly identified C. lindemuthianum hexose transporter. The mfs1 gene is expressed only during the necrotrophic phase of the fungus’ interaction within the plant and allows it to utilize the available sugars during this phase. The deletion of mfs1 gene resulted in differential growth of the fungus in a medium that contained glucose, mannose or fructose as the only carbon source. This study is the first to describe a hexose transporter in the hemibiotrophic pathogen C. lindemuthianum and to demonstrate the central role of this protein in capturing carbon sources during the necrotrophic development of the plant/pathogen interaction.  相似文献   
Usually the literature on Heliconius show three types of scales, classified based on the correlation between color and ultrastructure: type I – white and yellow, type II – black, and type III – orange and red. The ultrastructure of the scales located at the silvery/brownish surfaces of males/females is for the first time described in this paper. Besides, we describe the ontogeny of pigmentation, the scale morphogenesis and the maturation timing of scales fated to different colors in Heliconius erato phyllis. The silvery/brownish surfaces showed ultrastructurally similar scales to the type I, II and III. The ontogeny of pigmentation follows the sequence red, black, silvery/brownish and yellow. The maturation of yellow-fated scales, however, occurred simultaneously with the red-fated scales, before the pigmentation becomes visible. In spite of the scales at the silvery/brownish surfaces being ultrastructurally similar to the yellow, red and black scales, they mature after them; this suggests that the maturation timing does not show a relationship with the scale ultrastructure, with the deposition timing of the yellow pigment. The analysis of H. erato phyllis scale morphogenesis, as well as the scales ultrastructure and maturation timing, provided new findings into the developmental architecture of color pattern in Heliconius.  相似文献   
Sexual dichromatism and sexual dimorphism of body size are reasonably well studied in butterflies. Sexual size dimorphism of color pattern elements, however, is much less explored. The object of this study is Heliconius, a genus of butterflies well known for the coevolution between mate color preferences and mimicry. Given the sexual role of wing coloration, we investigated the existence of sexual size dimorphism in the wing color elements of a mimetic pair—Heliconius erato phyllis Fabricius and Heliconius besckei Ménétriés—and analyzed the allometric patterns of these traits. Correlation between size of elements in the dorsal and ventral wing surfaces were also estimated. In both species, three out of four elements were larger in males, but the non-dimorphic element was not the same. With regard to the allometric patterns, our most important finding was that smaller males of one species have proportionally larger yellow bars. This is the first study specifically concerning quantitative sexual dimorphism in the coloration of this well-known genus of butterflies and it opens new prospects to investigate sex-related natural selection and sexual selection of color pattern elements.  相似文献   


The uptake of sulphur-containing compounds plays a pivotal role in the physiology of bacteria that live in aerobic soils where organosulfur compounds such as sulphonates and sulphate esters represent more than 95% of the available sulphur. Until now, no information has been available on the uptake of sulphonates by bacterial plant pathogens, particularly those of the Xanthomonas genus, which encompasses several pathogenic species. In the present study, we characterised the alkanesulphonate uptake system (Ssu) of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri 306 strain (X. citri), the etiological agent of citrus canker.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A single operon-like gene cluster (ssuEDACB) that encodes both the sulphur uptake system and enzymes involved in desulphurisation was detected in the genomes of X. citri and of the closely related species. We characterised X. citri SsuA protein, a periplasmic alkanesulphonate-binding protein that, together with SsuC and SsuB, defines the alkanesulphonate uptake system. The crystal structure of SsuA bound to MOPS, MES and HEPES, which is herein described for the first time, provides evidence for the importance of a conserved dipole in sulphate group coordination, identifies specific amino acids interacting with the sulphate group and shows the presence of a rather large binding pocket that explains the rather wide range of molecules recognised by the protein. Isolation of an isogenic ssuA-knockout derivative of the X. citri 306 strain showed that disruption of alkanesulphonate uptake affects both xanthan gum production and generation of canker lesions in sweet orange leaves.


The present study unravels unique structural and functional features of the X. citri SsuA protein and provides the first experimental evidence that an ABC uptake system affects the virulence of this phytopathogen.  相似文献   
In this theoretical work, a new idea about cooperativity in intermolecular clusters of CnHm???HCN???HW stabilized by hydrogen bonds composed by lone-electron pairs (nitrogen) and π clouds (C?=?C and C?≡?C) as proton acceptors is developed. The structural study and vibrational analysis have pointed out deformations in the intermolecular clusters caused by the HW terminal proton-donor, in which if W?=?fluorine the largest perturbation occurs. On the contrary, the HCN molecule is considered an intermolecular mediator because its structure is practically unaltered upon the formation of the trimolecular complexes. In order to understand the real contribution of the proton-donor either mediator (HCN) or terminal (HW with W?=?CN or F), a chemometric analysis was performed uniquely to discover which interaction plays a key role in the collapse of the cooperative effect. The formation of strongest interactions leads to more drastic variations in the energy distribution. In this way, the application of the quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) has been extremely important because the hydrogen bond strengths followed by indiciums of covalence were predicted, and therefore the cooperative effect could be understood at last.  相似文献   
Epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs) and embryonic stem cells (ESCs) differ in their in vivo differentiation potential. While ESCs form teratomas and efficiently contribute to the development of chimeras, EpiSCs form teratomas but very rarely chimeras. In contrast to their differentiation potential, the reprogramming potential of EpiSCs has not yet been investigated. Here we demonstrate that the epiblast-derived pluripotent stem cells EpiSCs and P19 embryonal carcinoma cells (ECCs) exhibit a lower reprogramming potential than ESCs and F9 ECCs. In addition, we show that the low reprogramming ability is due to the lower levels of Sox2 in epiblast-derived stem cells. Consistent with this observation, overexpression of Sox2 enhances reprogramming efficiency. In summary, these findings suggest that a low reprogramming potential is a general feature of epiblast-derived stem cells and that the Sox2 level is a determinant of the cellular reprogramming potential.  相似文献   
Brain fatty acid-binding protein (B-FABP) interacts with biological membranes and delivers polyunsaturated fatty acids (FAs) via a collisional mechanism. The binding of FAs in the protein and the interaction with membranes involve a motif called “portal region”, formed by two small α-helices, A1 and A2, connected by a loop. We used a combination of site-directed mutagenesis and electron spin resonance to probe the changes in the protein and in the membrane model induced by their interaction. Spin labeled B-FABP mutants and lipidic spin probes incorporated into a membrane model confirmed that B-FABP interacts with micelles through the portal region and led to structural changes in the protein as well in the micelles. These changes were greater in the presence of LPG when compared to the LPC models. ESR spectra of B-FABP labeled mutants showed the presence of two groups of residues that responded to the presence of micelles in opposite ways. In the presence of lysophospholipids, group I of residues, whose side chains point outwards from the contact region between the helices, had their mobility decreased in an environment of lower polarity when compared to the same residues in solution. The second group, composed by residues with side chains situated at the interface between the α-helices, experienced an increase in mobility in the presence of the model membranes. These modifications in the ESR spectra of B-FABP mutants are compatible with a less ordered structure of the portal region inner residues (group II) that is likely to facilitate the delivery of FAs to target membranes. On the other hand, residues in group I and micelle components have their mobilities decreased probably as a result of the formation of a collisional complex. Our results bring new insights for the understanding of the gating and delivery mechanisms of FABPs.  相似文献   
Periodontal diseases are initiated primarily by Gram-negative, tooth-associated microbial biofilms that elicit a host response that causes osseous and soft tissue destruction. Carvedilol is a β-blocker used as a multifunctional neurohormonal antagonist that has been shown to act not only as an anti-oxidant but also as an anti-inflammatory drug. This study evaluated whether Carvedilol exerted a protective role against ligature-induced periodontitis in a rat model and defined how Carvedilol affected metalloproteinases and RANKL/RANK/OPG expression in the context of bone remodeling. Rats were randomly divided into 5 groups (n = 10/group): (1) non-ligated (NL), (2) ligature-only (LO), and (3) ligature plus Carvedilol (1, 5 or 10 mg/kg daily for 10 days). Periodontal tissue was analyzed for histopathlogy and using immunohistochemical analysis characterized the expression profiles of MMP-2, MMP-9, COX-2, and RANKL/RANK/OPG and determined the presence of IL-1β, IL-10 and TNF-α, myeloperoxidase (MPO), malonaldehyde (MDA) and, glutathione (GSH). MPO activity in the group with periodontal disease was significantly increased compared to the control group (p<0.05). Rats treated with 10 mg/kg Carvedilol presented with significantly reduced MPO and MDA concentrations (p<0.05) in addition to presenting with reduced levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1 β and TNF-α (p<0.05). IL-10 levels in Carvedilol-treated rats remained unaltered. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated reduced expression of MMP-2, MMP-9, RANK, RANKL, COX-2, and OPG in rats treated with 10 mg/kg Carvedilol. This study demonstrated that Carvedilol affected bone formation/destruction and anti-inflammatory activity in a rat model of periodontitis.  相似文献   
Thioredoxins (TRXs) are important proteins involved in redox regulation of metabolism. In plants, it has been shown that the mitochondrial metabolism is regulated by the mitochondrial TRX system. However, the functional significance of TRX h2, which is found at both cytosol and mitochondria, remains unclear. Arabidopsis plants lacking TRX h2 showed delayed seed germination and reduced respiration alongside impaired stomatal and mesophyll conductance, without impacting photosynthesis under ambient O2 conditions. However, an increase in the stoichiometry of photorespiratory CO2 release was found during O2-dependent gas exchange measurements in trxh2 mutants. Metabolite profiling of trxh2 leaves revealed alterations in key metabolites of photorespiration and in several metabolites involved in respiration and amino acid metabolism. Decreased abundance of serine hydroxymethyltransferase and glycine decarboxylase (GDC) H and L subunits as well as reduced NADH/NAD+ ratios were also observed in trxh2 mutants. We further demonstrated that the redox status of GDC-L is altered in trxh2 mutants in vivo and that recombinant TRX h2 can deactivate GDC-L in vitro, indicating that this protein is redox regulated by the TRX system. Collectively, our results demonstrate that TRX h2 plays an important role in the redox regulation of mitochondrial photorespiratory metabolism.  相似文献   
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