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We used a computer-assisted morphometry approach to analyze quantitatively the process of cytoplasmic granule formation in mouse pancreatic acinar cells stimulated with pilocarpine to induce secretion. Our findings suggest that each condensing vacuole/immature granule of pancreatic acinar cells is formed by the progressive aggregation of 106 to 128 unit progranules of narrowly fixed volume, define a range of 7.7 to 9.2 for the factor of volume condensation between the largest immature granules and the mature unit granule, and predict that the formation of a single mature unit granule by the aggregation and fusion of unit progranules involves a net reduction of at least 95% in the amount of membrane surface area associated with these structures.  相似文献   
Liquid flow in heterogeneous biofilms   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Liquid flow was studied in aerobic biofilms, consisting of microbial cell clusters (discrete aggregates of densely packed cells) and interstitial voids. Fluorescein microinjection was used as a qualitative technique to determine the presence of flow in cell clusters and voids. Flow velocity profiles were determined by tracking fluorescent latex spheres using confocal microscopy. Liquid was flowing through the voids and was stagnant in the cell clusters. Consequently, in voids both diffusion and convection may contribute to mass transfer, whereas in cell clusters diffusion is the dominant factor. The flow velocity in the biofilm depended on the average flow velocity of the bulk liquid. The velocity profiles in biofilms were linear and the velocity was zero at the substratum surface. The velocity gradients within biofilms were 50% of that near walls without biofilm coverage. The influence of the biofilm roughness on the flow velocity profiles was similar to that caused by rigid roughness elements. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to identify environmental factors that might correlate with the admission rate of patients with major psychiatric disorders. During the years 1988-90, 393 consecutive admissions (119 unipolar depressed patients, 211 schizophrenic patients, and 63 bipolar depressed patients) were monitored. Correlations were calculated between the mean daily admission rate for each month and monthly photoperiod, rate of change in photoperiod, mean temperature, mean relative humidity, and mean barometric pressure. It was found that the admission rate of bipolar depressed patients negatively correlated with monthly photoperiod, which means that during winter the admission rate of these patients increased.  相似文献   
Addition of ATP (>0.1 mM) to cultures of human breast cancer T47D cells resulted in an inhibition of cell proliferation. The inhibition was found to be specific for ATP, and dependent on its concentration. Growth inhibition continued for at least three days, although ATP and its hydrolysis products were metabolized within one day. Conditioned medium from ATP-treated cultures (CM+) was found to inhibit the growth of cells that were not exposed to ATP. This is an indication that extracellular factors, besides ATP, are involved in the inhibition process. The inhibition was maintained after dialysis of the CM+, using an 8 kDa cut-off membrane. Conditioned medium from untreated cultures (CM-), however, only slightly affected cell growth. The data suggest that the CM+ -induced cell growth inhibition is mediated by an ATP-activated growth inhibiting factor. Flow microfluorometry and thymidine incorporation experiments have shown that the growth arrest is mainly due to the elongation of the S-phase of the cell cycle. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The effect of lysosomal storage diseases on the ultrastructure of human mast cells has not previously been reported. Indeed, there has been little published evidence indicating that mast cells contain typical lysosomes. However, mast cell cytoplasmic granules contain hydrolases similar to those found in lysosomes, but which differ from lysosomal hydrolases in exhibiting optimal activity at higher pH. We therefore examined by transmission electron microscopy the dermal mast cells in 58 biopsies of patients exhibiting 1 of 29 different lysosomal storage diseases. We found mast cells containing abnormal lysosomes in 16 of these disorders. In 6 of these 16 diseases, the mast cells' cytoplasmic granules appeared normal. These observations indicate that human mast cells can contain lysosomes, and provide evidence that the enzymes affected by lysosomal storage diseases are active in mast cells.  相似文献   
Enzymatic removal of the cell wall induces vegetative Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells to transcribe wall genes and synthesize new hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs) related to the extensins found in higher plant cell walls. A cDNA expression library made from such induced cells was screened with antibodies to an oligopeptide containing the (SP)x repetitive domains found in Chlamydomonas wall proteins. One of the selected cDNAs encodes an (SP)x-rich polypeptide that also displays a repeated YGG motif. Ascorbate, a peroxidase inhibitor, and tyrosine derivatives were shown to inhibit insolubilization of both the vegetative and zygotic cell walls of Chlamydomonas, suggesting that oxidative cross-linking of tyrosines is occurring. Moreover, insolubilization of both walls was concomitant with a burst in H2O2 production and in extracellular peroxidase activity. Finally, both isodityrosine and dityrosine were found in hydrolysates of the insolubilized vegetative wall layer. We propose that the formation of tyrosine cross-links is essential to Chlamydomonas HRGP insolubilization.  相似文献   
Understanding community saturation is fundamental to ecological theory. While investigations of the diversity of evolutionary stable states (ESSs) are widespread, the diversity of communities that have yet to reach an evolutionary endpoint is poorly understood. We use Lotka–Volterra dynamics and trait-based competition to compare the diversity of randomly assembled communities to the diversity of the ESS. We show that, with a large enough founding diversity (whether assembled at once or through sequential invasions), the number of long-time surviving species exceeds that of the ESS. However, the excessive founding diversity required to assemble a saturated community increases rapidly with the dimension of phenotype space. Additionally, traits present in communities resulting from random assembly are more clustered in phenotype space compared to random, although still markedly less ordered than the ESS. By combining theories of random assembly and ESSs we bring a new viewpoint to both the saturation and random assembly literature.  相似文献   
Our laboratories have independently identified a gene in Salmonella choleraesuis and Salmonella typhimurium that is necessary for efficient adherence and entry of these organisms into cultured epithelial cells. Introduction of a mutated gene into several Salmonella strains belonging to different serotypes rendered these organisms deficient for adherence and invasion of cultured cells. This effect was most pronounced in the host-adapted serotypes Salmonella gallinarum, S. choleraesuis, and Salmonella typhi. The nucleotide sequence of this gene, which we have termed invH, encodes a predicted 147-amino-acid polypeptide containing a signal sequence. The InvH predicted polypeptide is highly conserved in S. typhimurium and S. choleraesuis, differing at only three residues. The invH gene was expressed in Escherichia coli using a T7 RNA polymerase expression system and a polypeptide of ~16000 molecular weight was observed, in agreement with the predicted size of its gene product. Upon fractionation, the expressed polypeptide was localized in the bacterial membrane fraction. Southern and colony hybridization analyses indicated that the invH gene is present in all Salmonella strains tested (91 strains belonging to 37 serotypes) with the exception of strains of Salmonella arizonae. No homologous sequences were detected in Yersinia, Shigella, Proteus, and several strains of enteroinvasive and enteropathogenic E. coli. Downstream from the S. choleraesuis (but not S. typhimurium) invH gene, a region with extensive homology to the insertion sequence IS3 was detected.  相似文献   
Anaerobic bioprocessing of organic wastes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Anaerobic digestion of dissolved, suspended and solid organics has rapidly evolved in the last decades but nevertheless still faces several scientific unknowns. In this review, some fundamentals of bacterial conversions and adhesion are addressed initially. It is argued in the light of G-values of reactions, and in view of the minimum energy quantum per mol, that anaerobic syntrophs must have special survival strategies in order to support their existence: redistributing the available energy between the partners, reduced end-product fermentation reactions and special cell-to-cell physiological interactions. In terms of kinetics, it appears that both reaction rates and residual substrate thresholds are strongly related to minimum G-values. These new fundamental insights open perspectives for efficient design and operation of anaerobic bioprocesses. Subsequently, an overview is given of the current anaerobic biotechnology. For treating wastewaters, a novel and high performance new system has been introduced during the last decade; the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket system (UASB). This reactor concept requires anaerobic consortia to grow in a dense and eco-physiologically well-organized way. The microbial principles of such granular sludge growth are presented. Using a thermodynamic approach, the formation of different types of aggregates is explained. The application of this bioprocess in worldwide wastewater treatment is indicated. Due to the long retention times of the active biomass, the UASB is also suitable for the development of bacterial consortia capable of degrading xenobiotics. Operating granular sludge reactors at high upflow velocities (5–6 m/h) in expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) systems enlarges the application field to very low strength wastewaters (chemical oxygen demand < 1 g/l) and psychrophilic temperatures (10°C). For the treatment of organic suspensions, there is currently a tendency to evolve from the conventional mesophilic continuously stirred tank system to the thermophilic configuration, as the latter permits higher conversion rates and easier sanitation. Integration of ultrafiltration in anaerobic slurry digestion facilitates operation at higher volumetric loading rates and at shorter residence times. With respect to organic solids, the recent trend in society towards source separated collection of biowaste has opened a broad range of new application areas for solid state anaerobic fermentation.W. Verstraete and D. de Beer are with the Center for Environmental Sanitation, University of Gent, Coupure L 653, B-9000 Gent, Belgium; D. de Beer is also with the Max Plank Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie-Microzensor Group, Fahrenstrasse 1, 28359 Bremen, Germany. M. Pena is with the Groupo de Biotechnologia Ambiental, Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica, Universidad de Valladolid, Prado de la Magdalena, 47005 Valladolid, Spain. G. Lettinga is with the Department of Environmental Technology, Wageningen Agricultural University, Bomenweg 2, 6703 HD Wageningen, The Netherlands. P. Lens is with the Environmental Research Unit. Department of Microbiology, University College Galway, Galway, Ireland.  相似文献   
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