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景观格局分异特征在相当程度上影响着城市热环境.本研究以国家森林城市龙泉市为对象,通过地温反演和空间分析反映9类景观温度特征,运用景观格局分析方法从1~3.5 km 6个尺度探索格局指数与热环境的相关性.结果表明: 龙泉市高温区及次高温区主要分布于东北至西南一带,以城乡居民地为主,低温区和次低温区主要分布于西北、东南区域,以公益林为主;对海拔700 m以下区域各景观类型地表温度的统计发现,针叶林地、阔叶林地、针阔混交林地、竹林地、水域的地温均值相对较低,灌木林地、其他林地、耕地、建设用地的地温均值相对较高;对景观格局与热环境的分析发现,类型水平格局指数较景观水平格局指数更具实际意义,建设用地与热环境的相关系数可达0.835,针叶林地、阔叶林地、针阔混交林地、水域次之,在-0.5~-0.4,不同林地类型的降温效果在空间尺度上的表达不同,阔叶林地、针阔混交林地更利于在大尺度上降温;林地的面积和蓄积量越大,越易出现地表温度低值.  相似文献   
The human intestinal tract is colonized by microbial communities that show a subject-specific composition and a high-level temporal stability in healthy adults. To determine whether this is reflected at the functional level, we compared the faecal metaproteomes of healthy subjects over time using a novel high-throughput approach based on denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The developed robust metaproteomics workflow and identification pipeline was used to study the composition and temporal stability of the intestinal metaproteome using faecal samples collected from 3 healthy subjects over a period of six to twelve months. The same samples were also subjected to DNA extraction and analysed for their microbial composition and diversity using the Human Intestinal Tract Chip, a validated phylogenetic microarray. Using metagenome and single genome sequence data out of the thousands of mass spectra generated per sample, approximately 1,000 peptides per sample were identified. Our results indicate that the faecal metaproteome is subject-specific and stable during a one-year period. A stable common core of approximately 1,000 proteins could be recognized in each of the subjects, indicating a common functional core that is mainly involved in carbohydrate transport and degradation. Additionally, a variety of surface proteins could be identified, including potential microbes-host interacting components such as flagellins and pili. Altogether, we observed a highly comparable subject-specific clustering of the metaproteomic and phylogenetic profiles, indicating that the distinct microbial activity is reflected by the individual composition.  相似文献   
We examined the relationships between xylem resistance to cavitation and 16 structural and functional traits across eight unrelated Populus deltoides×Populus nigra genotypes grown under two contrasting water regimes. The xylem water potential inducing 50% loss of hydraulic conductance (Ψ50) varied from ?1.60 to ?2.40 MPa. Drought‐acclimated trees displayed a safer xylem, although the extent of the response was largely genotype dependant, with Ψ50 being decreased by as far as 0.60 MPa. At the tissue level, there was no clear relationship between xylem safety and either xylem water transport efficiency or xylem biomechanics; the only structural trait to be strongly associated with Ψ50 was the double vessel wall thickness, genotypes exhibiting a thicker double wall being more resistant. At the leaf level, increased cavitation resistance was associated with decreased stomatal conductance, while no relationship could be identified with traits associated with carbon uptake or bulk leaf carbon isotope discrimination, a surrogate of intrinsic water‐use efficiency. At the whole‐plant level, increased safety was associated with higher shoot growth potential under well‐irrigated regime only. We conclude that common trade‐offs between xylem resistance to cavitation and other physiological traits that are observed across species may not necessarily hold true at narrower scales.  相似文献   
Hydrothermal activity was common on the early Earth and associated micro‐organisms would most likely have included thermophilic to hyperthermophilic species. 3.5–3.3 billion‐year‐old, hydrothermally influenced rocks contain silicified microbial mats and colonies that must have been bathed in warm to hot hydrothermal emanations. Could they represent thermophilic or hyperthermophilic micro‐organisms and if so, how were they preserved? We present the results of an experiment to silicify anaerobic, hyperthermophilic micro‐organisms from the Archaea Domain Pyrococcus abyssi and Methanocaldococcus jannaschii, that could have lived on the early Earth. The micro‐organisms were placed in a silica‐saturated medium for periods up to 1 year. Pyrococcus abyssi cells were fossilized but the M. jannaschii cells lysed naturally after the exponential growth phase, apart from a few cells and cell remains, and were not silicified although their extracellular polymeric substances were. In this first simulated fossilization of archaeal strains, our results suggest that differences between species have a strong influence on the potential for different micro‐organisms to be preserved by fossilization and that those found in the fossil record represent probably only a part of the original diversity. Our results have important consequences for biosignatures in hydrothermal or hydrothermally influenced deposits on Earth, as well as on early Mars, as environmental conditions were similar on the young terrestrial planets and traces of early Martian life may have been similarly preserved as silicified microfossils.  相似文献   
Since 1998, Haliotis tuberculata mass mortalities have been occurring regularly in wild abalone populations in France during their reproductive period and in conjunction with seawater summer temperature maxima and Vibrio harveyi presence. To confirm the importance of bacterial exposure, temperature and reproductive status on abalone susceptibility, experimental infections via bath exposure were performed using abalone ranging from immature to reproductively mature. Ripe abalone were more susceptible to the bacterium than immature specimens ( P <0.001), and a difference of only 1 °C in temperature had a highly significant impact on the mortalities ( P <0.001). The natural mortalities that were surveyed during summer 2007 confirmed that recent epidemic losses of European abalone appeared in conjunction with host reproductive stress, elevated temperatures and presence of the pathogen V. harveyi . In view of the elevation of the mean summer temperatures observed in Brittany and Normandy over the last 25 years, this temperature-dependent vibriosis represents a new case of emerging disease associated with global warming.  相似文献   
The relationship between nitrate influx, BnNrt2 nitrate transporter gene expression and amino acid composition of phloem exudate was investigated during N‐deprivation (short‐term experiment) and over a growth cycle (long‐term experiment) in Brassica napus L. The data showed a positive correlation between γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) in phloem exudate and nitrate uptake in the short‐ and the long‐term experiments. The hypothesis that this non‐protein amino acid could up‐regulate nitrate uptake via a long‐distance signalling pathway was tested by providing an exogenous GABA supply to the roots. The effect of GABA was compared with the effects of Gln, Glu and Asn, each known to be inhibitors of nitrate uptake. The results showed that GABA treatment induced a significant increase of BnNrt2 mRNA expression, but had less effect on nitrate influx. By contrast, Gln, Glu and Asn significantly reduced nitrate influx and BnNrt2 mRNA expression compared with the control plants. This study provides the first evidence that GABA may act as a putative long‐distance inter‐organ signal molecule in plants in conjunction with negative control exerted by Gln. The up‐regulation effect of GABA on nitrate uptake is discussed in the context of its role in N metabolism, nutritional stress and the recent discovery of a putative role of GABA as a signal molecule in plant development.  相似文献   
生态学的时空特性(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 众所周知,几乎所有的生态学特征和现象都受限于一定的时间和空间。因此,相应的科学假设和相关的生态学结论也只能基于这些特定的时空尺度范围。我们利用颇为熟知的事例,引用生态学文献中的具体实例,提纲挈领地论述了时空在生态学研究中的重要性。这些实例包括我们在长白山对云、冷杉(Picea jezoensis, Abies nephrolepis)林林冠结构的模拟、在北美应用遥感和气象方法对碳通量的估算,以及测定湿地生态系统对加温的反应等。文中所涉及的所有生态学现象,对时间和空间都有强烈的依赖性。因而, 从生态学问题的提出,到科学假设的演绎,以至试验设计和综合数据分析,都必须以时、空为前提,才不至于导致荒谬结论。  相似文献   
4种生态因子对虎斑乌贼幼体生长与存活的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旨在研究温度、盐度、饵料种类、投饵量对虎斑乌贼(Sepia pharaonis)幼体生长与存活率的影响,以确定其生长发育的最佳生态条件,为人工育苗提供理论依据。在室内控制条件下,采用单因子试验研究了不同温度(18、21、24、27、30和33℃)、不同盐度(18、21、24、27、30和33)、不同饵料种类(虾糜、活糠虾、卤虫无节幼体、桡足类、死糠虾、虾糜+强化卤虫后无节幼体、强化卤虫后无节幼体)、活糠虾不同投饵量(0、2、4、6、8和10 g/d)对虎斑乌贼幼体生长发育的影响。结果显示:不同温度对虎斑乌贼幼体生长影响显著(P〈0.05),最适温度为24-27℃,在最适温度下,存活率为84.4%-91.1%,特定生长率为4.82%-6.13%,存活率(y)与温度(x)的函数关系为y=-0.15x3+30.637x-447.002(r2=0.923)。幼体适宜盐度为24-33,最适盐度为27,在最适盐度条件下,其存活率为(90.0±5.29)%,特定生长率为(3.71±0.34)%。投喂7种开口饵料,以活糠虾效果最佳,存活率为(96.7±2.94)%,特定生长率为(3.77±0.23)%;强化卤虫后无节幼体效果次之,存活率为(95.6±2.31)%,特定生长率为(2.54±0.15)%,其余各组培养效果均不理想。投喂活糠虾,随着投饵量的增加,其存活率随之提高,摄食量(y)与个体重(x)的回归方程为y=0.227x-0.063(r2=0.921)。  相似文献   
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