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Three different types of biocides, viz. formaldehyde (FM), glutaraldehyde (GA) and isothiozolone (ITZ) were used to control planktonic and sessile populations of two marine isolates of sulphate‐reducing bacteria (SRB). The influence of these biocides on the initial attachment of cells to mild steel surfaces, on subsequent biofilm formation and on the activity of hydrogenase enzymes within developed biofilms was evaluated. In the presence of biocides the rate and degree of colonization of mild steel by SRB depended on incubation time, bacterial isolate and the type of biocide used. Although SRB differed in their susceptibility to biocides, for all isolates the biofilm population was more resistant to the treatment than the planktonic population. GA showed highest efficiency in controlling planktonic and sessile SRB compared with the other two biocides. The activity of the enzyme hydrogenase measured in SRB biofilms varied between isolates and with the biocide treatment. No correlation was found between the number of sessile cells and hydrogenase activity.  相似文献   
Dengue is the most important mosquito-borne viral disease. No specific treatment or vaccine is currently available; traditional vector control methods can rarely achieve adequate control. Recently, the RIDL (Release of Insect carrying Dominant Lethality) approach has been developed, based on the sterile insect technique, in which genetically engineered ‘sterile’ homozygous RIDL male insects are released to mate wild females; the offspring inherit a copy of the RIDL construct and die. A RIDL strain of the dengue mosquito, Aedes aegypti, OX513A, expresses a fluorescent marker gene for identification (DsRed2) and a protein (tTAV) that causes the offspring to die. We examined whether these proteins could adversely affect predators that may feed on the insect. Aedes aegypti is a peri-domestic mosquito that typically breeds in small, rain-water-filled containers and has no specific predators. Toxorhynchites larvae feed on small aquatic organisms and are easily reared in the laboratory where they can be fed exclusively on mosquito larvae. To evaluate the effect of a predator feeding on a diet of RIDL insects, OX513A Ae. aegypti larvae were fed to two different species of Toxorhynchites (Tx. splendens and Tx. amboinensis) and effects on life table parameters of all life stages were compared to being fed on wild type larvae. No significant negative effect was observed on any life table parameter studied; this outcome and the benign nature of the expressed proteins (tTAV and DsRed2) indicate that Ae. aegypti OX513A RIDL strain is unlikely to have any adverse effects on predators in the environment.  相似文献   
Muscarinic activation of tracheal smooth muscle (TSM) involves a M3AChR/heterotrimeric-G protein/NPR-GC coupling mechanism. G protein activators Mastoparan (MAS) and Mastoparan-7 stimulated 4- and 10-fold the NPR-GC respectively, being insensitive to PTX and antibodies against Gαi/o subfamily. Muscarinic and MAS stimulation of NPR-GC was blocked by antibodies against C-terminal of Gαq16, whose expression was confirmed by RT-PCR. However, synthetic peptides from C-terminal of Gαq15/16 stimulated the NPR-GC. Coupling of αq16 to M3AChR is supported by MAS decreased [3H]QNB binding, being abolished after M3AChR-4-DAMP-alkylation. Anti-i3M3AChR antibodies blocked the muscarinic activation of NPR-GC, and synthetic peptide from i3M3AChR (M3P) was more potent than MAS increasing GTPγ [35S] and decreasing the [3H]QNB activities. Coupling between NPR-GC and Gαq16 was evaluated by using trypsin-solubilized-fraction from TSM membranes, which displayed a MAS-sensitive-NPR-GC activity, being immunoprecipitated with anti-Gαq16, also showing an immunoreactive heterotrimeric-G-β -subunit. These data support the existence of a novel transducing cascade, involving Gαq16β γ coupling M3AChR to NPR-GC.  相似文献   
Acetylcholine receptors are pentameric ligand–gated channels involved in excitatory neuro-transmission in both vertebrates and invertebrates. In nematodes, they represent major targets for cholinergic agonist or antagonist anthelmintic drugs. Despite the large diversity of acetylcholine-receptor subunit genes present in nematodes, only a few receptor subtypes have been characterized so far. Interestingly, parasitic nematodes affecting human or animal health possess two closely related members of this gene family, acr-26 and acr-27 that are essentially absent in free-living or plant parasitic species. Using the pathogenic parasitic nematode of ruminants, Haemonchus contortus, as a model, we found that Hco-ACR-26 and Hco-ACR-27 are co-expressed in body muscle cells. We demonstrated that co-expression of Hco-ACR-26 and Hco-ACR-27 in Xenopus laevis oocytes led to the functional expression of an acetylcholine-receptor highly sensitive to the anthelmintics morantel and pyrantel. Importantly we also reported that ACR-26 and ACR-27, from the distantly related parasitic nematode of horses, Parascaris equorum, also formed a functional acetylcholine-receptor highly sensitive to these two drugs. In Caenorhabditis elegans, a free-living model nematode, we demonstrated that heterologous expression of the H. contortus and P. equorum receptors drastically increased its sensitivity to morantel and pyrantel, mirroring the pharmacological properties observed in Xenopus oocytes. Our results are the first to describe significant molecular determinants of a novel class of nematode body wall muscle AChR.  相似文献   
A bioreactor system operating in a continuous mode was designed to generate biofilms on polished and as-received surfaces of AISI 316 stainless steel coupons exposed for 36 d to a pure culture of marine Pseudomonas NCIMB 2021. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy were employed to determine the degree of surface colonisation and to examine corrosion damage of the steel. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis was carried out to characterise the chemistry of the passive layers on polished steel stored for a period of time, freshly re-polished coupons, and as-received steel. The effect of biofilms on the composition of layers formed on the steel specimens was evaluated. SEM revealed that the surfaces of polished and stored steel appeared to accumulate more biofilm compared to as-received specimens. Micropitting of steel occurred underneath the biofilm, regardless of surface finish. The concentration of elements in the passive layers differed significantly between freshly re-polished and as-received or polished and stored coupons. In the presence of Pseudomonas NCIMB 2021 biofilm, the composition of the passive layer on the as-received steel surface was considerably altered compared to unexposed steel or steel exposed to abiotic medium.  相似文献   
Biocorrosion: towards understanding interactions between biofilms and metals   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The term microbially influenced corrosion, or biocorrosion, refers to the accelerated deterioration of metals owing to the presence of biofilms on their surfaces. The detailed mechanisms of biocorrosion are still poorly understood. Recent investigations into biocorrosion have focused on the influence of biomineralization processes taking place on metallic surfaces and the impact of extracellular enzymes, active within the biofilm matrix, on electrochemical reactions at the biofilm-metal interface.  相似文献   
In bacteria, the protein FtsZ is the principal component of a ring that constricts the cell at division. Though all mitochondria probably arose through a single, ancient bacterial endosymbiosis, the mitochondria of only certain protists appear to have retained FtsZ, and the protein is absent from the mitochondria of fungi, animals, and higher plants. We have investigated the role that FtsZ plays in mitochondrial division in the genetically tractable protist Dictyostelium discoideum, which has two nuclearly encoded FtsZs, FszA and FszB, that are targeted to the inside of mitochondria. In most wild-type amoebae, the mitochondria are spherical or rod-shaped, but in fsz-null mutants they become elongated into tubules, indicating that a decrease in mitochondrial division has occurred. In support of this role in organelle division, antibodies to FszA and FszA-green fluorescent protein (GFP) show belts and puncta at multiple places along the mitochondria, which may define future or recent sites of division. FszB-GFP, in contrast, locates to an electron-dense, submitochondrial body usually located at one end of the organelle, but how it functions during division is unclear. This is the first demonstration of two differentially localized FtsZs within the one organelle, and it points to a divergence in the roles of these two proteins.  相似文献   
Electrogenicity of the Na(+)/K(+) pump has the capability to generate a large negative membrane potential independently of ion-channel current. The high background membrane resistance of arterioles may make them susceptible to such an effect. Pump current was detected by patch-clamp recording from smooth muscle cells in fragments of arterioles (diameter 24-58 microm) isolated from pial membrane of rabbit cerebral cortex. The current was 20 pA at -60 mV, and the extrapolated zero current potential was -160 mV. Two methods of estimating the effect of pump electrogenicity on resting potential indicated an average contribution of -35 mV. In 20% of the recordings, block of inward rectifier K(+) channels by 10-100 microM Ba(2+) led to a small depolarization, but hyperpolarization was a more common response. Ba(2+) also inhibited depolarization evoked by 20 mM K(+). In arterioles within intact pial membrane, Ba(2+) failed to evoke constriction but inhibited K(+)-induced constriction. The data suggest that cerebral arterioles are vulnerable to the hyperpolarizing effect of the Na(+)/K(+) pump, excessive effects of which are prevented by depolarizing inward rectifier K(+) current  相似文献   
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