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Motion characteristics of cooled stallion spermatozoa in 2 freezing extenders were studied. Ejaculates from 8 stallions were split into treatments and cooled in thermoelectric cooling units at each of 2 rates. Cooling started at 37 degrees C for Experiments 1 and 3 and at 23 degrees C for Experiments 2 and 4, at a rate of -0.7 degrees C/min to 20 degrees C and from 20 to 5 degrees C, at either -0.05 degrees C/min (Rate I) or -0.5 degrees C/min (Rate II). Percentages of motile (MOT) and progressively motile spermatozoa (PMOT) were determined at 6, 24 and 48 h. Treatments in Experiment 1 were modified skim milk extender (SM); SM + 4% egg yolk (EY); SM + 4% glycerol (GL); and SM + 4% egg yolk + 4% glycerol (EY + GL). At 24 and 48 h, MOT and PMOT were lowest (P < 0.05) for spermatozoa extended in SM + EY; spermatozoa in SM + GL had the highest MOT and PMOT. Thus, glycerol partially protected spermatozoa against the effects of cooling after long-term storage. Treatments in Experiment 2 were SM, semen centrifuged and pellet resuspended in SM (SMc), SM + EY, and semen centrifuged and pellet resuspended in SM + EY (EYc). Spermatozoa in SM + EYc had the highest (P < 0.05) PMOT at 24 h and MOT and PMOT at 48 hours. Spermatozoa in SM + EY (not centrifuged) had the lowest MOT and PMOT at 24 and 48 h, respectively. There was a detrimental interaction between egg yolk and seminal plasma. Extenders in Experiment 3 were Colorado extender (CO3), CO3 + 4% egg yolk (EY), CO3 + 4% glycerol (GL), and CO3 + 4% egg yolk + 4% glycerol (EY + GL). Spermatozoa in CO3 + EY had the lowest (P < 0.05) PMOT at 24 and 48 h. CO3 did not protect spermatozoa cooled in the presence of seminal plasma. Therefore, in Experiment 4 we tested CO3 with seminal plasma present (control) and semen centrifuged and pellet resuspended in CO3 (CO3c), CO3 + EY (EYc), CO3 + GL (GLc) and CO3 + EY + GL (EY + GLc). Spermatozoa in CO3 had the lowest (P < 0.05) MOT and PMOT at all time periods, which suggested a detrimental interaction of this extender with seminal plasma.  相似文献   
The phage growth limitation (Pgl) system of Streptomyces coelicolor confers resistance to phi C31 and its homoimmune phages. The positions of the pgl genes within a 16-kb clone of S. coelicolor DNA were defined by subcloning, insertional inactivation, and deletion mapping. Nucleotide sequencing and functional analysis identified two genes, pglY and pglZ, required for the Pgl+ (phage-resistant) phenotype. pglY and pglZ, which may be translationally coupled, are predicted to encode proteins with M(r)S of 141,000 and 104,000, respectively. Neither protein shows significant similarity to other known proteins, but PglY has a putative ATP/GTP binding motif. The pglY and pglZ genes are cotranscribed from a single promoter which appears to be constitutive and is not induced by phage infection.  相似文献   
Why so many mammalian spermatozoa--a clue from marsupials?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mammals generally ejaculate many more spermatozoa than seem to be needed for fertilization. This apparent profligacy has not been explained, but observations made in marsupials may shed light on it. The Virginia opossum, Didelphis virginiana, inseminates only about three million spermatozoa, a very low number. As a corollary, relatively few (ca. 13 X 10(6] are stored in each cauda epididymidis. However, some 5% of the spermatozoa that the opossum ejaculates populate the oviduct about 12 h later when ovulation can be anticipated--a success rate in the female orders of magnitude greater than in eutherian mammals. It is not certain what determines the unusually efficient transport to and the high survival rate of spermatozoa in the oviduct of Didelphis, but two unusual features suggest themselves as possible contributors. Didelphis (and all other American marsupial) spermatozoa undergo a head-to-head pairing in the epididymis by the acrosomal face; this serves to isolate the acrosome of ejaculated spermatozoa from the female milieu until the pairs separate in the oviduct. Secondly, spermatozoa are housed in special crypts in the isthmus of the oviduct. Australian marsupials, which usually lack such features, store spermatozoa in the epididymis in numbers more close to those in comparably sized eutheriam mammals. Exceptions which store very low sperm numbers there can be seen in one Australian Family, the Dasyuridae . The spermatozoa of dasyurids are not paired, but the species examined possess distinctive sperm storage crypts in the oviducal isthmus similar to those in the opossum. The present findings suggest that where mechanisms exist that could protect the acrosome and, or, the whole spermatozoon in the female tract, a much lower level of sperm production can be maintained without compromising fertility. While the number ejaculated typically by any one species is probably determined ultimately by several interacting factors, it therefore seems likely that a most important one in this respect relates to conditions spermatozoa face in the female tract.  相似文献   
Summary Daily changes in the composition of the haemolymph and muscle tissue ofHemigrapsus edwardsi, following transfer to hyperosmotic saline, were investigated. The haemolymph approached a new equilibrium, with respect to ionic constituents, within 48 h. The muscle fibre water content, expressed in kg/kg dry weight, fell initially and then rose. This was associated with a rise in the amount (per kg tissue dry weight) of intracellular ninhydrin-positive substances (mainly amino acids) which was substantially complete within four days. It was concluded that this crab is capable of relatively rapid intracellular readjustment to hyperosmotic stress.  相似文献   
Virus accumulation by the rock oyster Crassostrea glomerata.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The accumulation of virus by the New Zealand rock oyster Crassostrea glomerata has been studied in a static seawater system using radioactively labeled reovirus type III and Semliki Forest virus. The uptake of virus was found to be less rapid than for the bacterium Escherichia coli and to be unaffected by the presence of the marine alga Dunaliella primolecta in the seawater. Accumulation was dependent on virus concentration, with saturation achieved at 4 X 10(10) reovirus particles per oyster, implying that an oyster possesses a large but finite number of sites for virus adsorption. When the rates of uptake of two viruses of similar size but differing surface properties were compared, the rate of accumulation of the lipoprotein-enveloped Semliki Forest virus was found to be less than that for the protein-enclosed reovirus. This observation, together with the finding that the oyster shell has a strong affinity for virus, suggests that surface properties, rather than size, are the principal factors governing the accumulation of viruses by filter-feeding marine bivalves.  相似文献   
A two-fold difference in sensitivity to cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (cisplatin), as judged by colony forming assays, has been demonstrated in two human bladder carcinoma continuous cell lines. Approximately twice as many DNA-DNA interstrand cross-links (ISL) and a 2-fold greater inhibition of DNA synthesis occurred in the more sensitive T24 cell line than in the RT112 cell line after exposure to the same concentrations of cisplatin. Equitoxic concentrations of cisplatin resulted in similar extents of ISL and inhibition of DNA synthesis in both cell lines. Although drug uptake was identical, twice as much cisplatin was bound to the DNA of T24 cells than RT112 cells. However after equitoxic concentrations of cisplatin the DNA from both cell lines was platinated to a similar extent. In addition, levels of glutathione (GSH), glutathione reductase (GR) and total glutathione-S-transferases (GST) were higher in the less sensitive RT112 cell line.  相似文献   
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