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The phytochrome photoreceptors play important roles in the photoperiodic control of vegetative bud set, growth cessation, dormancy induction, and cold-hardiness in trees. Interestingly, ecotypic differences in photoperiodic responses are observed in many temperate- zone tree species. Northern and southern ecotypes of black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray), for example, exhibit marked differences in the timing of short-day-induced bud set and growth cessation, and these responses are controlled by phytochrome. Therefore, as a first step toward determining the molecular genetic basis of photoperiodic ecotypes in trees, we characterized the phytochrome gene (PHY) family in black cottonwood. We recovered fragments of one PHYA and two PHYB using PCR-based cloning and by screening a genomic library. Results from Southern analyses confirmed that black cottonwood has one PHYA locus and two PHYB loci, which we arbitrarily designated PHYB1 and PHYB2. Phylogenetic analyses which included PHY from black cottonwood, Arabidopsis thaliana and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) suggest that the PHYB/D duplications in these species occurred independently. When Southern blots were probed with PHYC, PHYE, and PHYE heterologous probes, the strongest bands that we detected were those of black cottonwood PHYA and/or PHYB. These results suggest that black cottonwood lacks members of the PHYC/F and PHYE subfamilies. Although black cottonwood could contain additional PHY that are distantly related to known angiosperm PHY, our results imply that the PHY family of black cottonwood is less complex than that of other well-characterized dicot species such as Arabidopsis and tomato. Based on Southern analyses of five black cottonwood genotypes representing three photoperiodic ecotypes, substantial polymorphism was detected for at least one of the PHYB loci but not for the PHYA locus. The novel character of the PHY family in black cottonwood, as well as the differences in polymorphism we observed between the PHYA and PHYB subfamilies, indicates that a number of fundamental macro- and microevolutionary questions remain to be answered about the PHY family in dicots.   相似文献   
牛脾转移因子的提取工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:比较从牛脾中提取活性TF的不同方法。方法:分别利用Lawrence--透析法、Lawrence-超滤法、超离心-超滤法提取,再以蛋白反应、红外及紫外扫描予以鉴定比较。结果:Lawrence-超滤法和超离心-超滤法效果较好。结论:工业化生产中应采用Lawrence-超滤法。  相似文献   
Fine needle aspiration of a superior-anterior mediastinal mass in a 35-year-old man revealed sheets and clusters of epithelial cells intermingled with a few lymphocytes, characteristic of a thymoma. The presence of atypical cytologic features, such as nuclear pleomorphism, large and vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli and frequent mitotic figures, in the epithelial cells caused diagnostic confusion with a thymic carcinoma. However, the subsequent clinical and histologic findings were consistent with an invasive epithelial thymoma. The cytologic features in the present case showed that thymoma with intermediate cytology between that of an ordinary thymoma and thymic carcinoma may be encountered in fine needle aspirates of mediastinal tumors. The cytologic differentiation from a carcinoma may be difficult when the degree of epithelial atypia is high. Histologic confirmation is necessary for a definitive diagnosis.  相似文献   
Woodpeckers and certain passerine species secure encased food in the environment in various ways to facilitate the extraction of the contents with their bills. They do this by securing the food items in locations such as crevices and holes, newly defined in this paper as ‘vice-anvils’. Here I report that free-living New Caledonian crows (Corvus moneduloides) and rooks (Corvus frugilegus, in New Zealand) also use vice-anvils to process candlenuts and walnuts, respectively. New Caledonian crows placed candlenut sections in vice-anvils to aid kernel extraction, after the candlenuts had been dropped onto an anvil to break them open. In contrast, rooks used vice-anvils to secure walnuts while they broke the shell with their bills. Long-term use by rooks of a vice-anvil in a tree had produced a ‘purpose-made’ nut-cracking site. My findings extend the persistent use of specific vice-anvils to Corvus species and further demonstrate their innovative and flexible foraging behaviour.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic relationships among prokaryotic and eukaryotic catalases   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
Seventy-four catalase protein sequences, including 29 bacterial, 8 fungal, 7 animal, and 30 plant sequences, were compiled, and 70 were used for phylogenetic reconstruction. The core of the resulting tree revealed unique, separate groups of plant and animal catalases, two groups of fungal catalases, and three groups of bacterial catalases. The only overlap of kingdoms occurred within one branch and involved fungal and bacterial large-subunit enzymes. The other fungal branch was closely linked to the group of animal enzymes. Group I bacterial catalases were more closely related to the plant enzymes and contained such diverse taxa as the Gram-positive Listeria seeligeri, Deinocococcus radiodurans, and gamma-proteobacteria. Group III bacterial sequences were more closely related to fungal and animal sequences and included enzymes from a broad range of bacteria including high- and low-GC Gram positives, proteobacteria, and a bacteroides species. Group II was composed of large-subunit catalases from diverse sources including Gram positives (low-GC Bacilli and high-GC Mycobacteria), proteobacteria, and species of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus. These data can be interpreted in terms of two gene duplication events that produced a minimum of three catalase gene family members that subsequently evolved in response to environmental demands. Horizontal gene transfer may have been responsible for the group II mixture of bacterial and fungal large-subunit catalases.   相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Dirofilariasis due to Dirofilaria repens with viable microfilariae outside the worm have not been reported before. CASE: A 40-year-old truck driver from rural Shiraz, Iran, had a firm mass, 2.5 x 2.5 cm, at the dorsolateral aspect of the right forearm. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) was performed on 2 occasions. Several microfilariae with blunt heads, pointed posterior ends and empty caudal spaces resembling microfilariae of Wuchereria bancrofti but longer were seen. Since Iran is a nonendemic area for lymphatic filariae and the patient had a history of contact with a dog, with the impression of dirofilariasis, the mass was excised, and the presence of adult worms in tissue sections confirmed the diagnosis. CONCLUSION: This case ofsubcutaneous dirofilariasis was diagnosed by detecting microfilariae in FNA smears and was confirmed on histopathology.  相似文献   
This study aimed to compare the effects of different velocities of eccentric muscle actions on acute blood lactate and serum growth hormone (GH) concentrations following free weight bench press exercises performed by resistance-trained men. Sixteen healthy men were divided into two groups: slow eccentric velocity (SEV; n = 8) and fast eccentric velocity (FEV; n = 8). Both groups performed four sets of eight eccentric repetitions at an intensity of 70% of their one repetition maximum eccentric (1RMecc) test, with 2-minute rest intervals between sets. The eccentric velocity was controlled to 3 seconds per range of motion for SEV and 0.5 seconds for the FEV group. There was a significant difference (P < 0.001) in the kinetics of blood lactate removal (at 3, 6, 9, 15, and 20 min) and higher mean values for peak blood lactate (P = 0.001) for the SEV group (9.1 ± 0.5 mM) compared to the FEV group (6.1 ± 0.4 mM). Additionally, serum GH concentrations were significantly higher (P < 0.001) at 15 minutes after bench press exercise in the SEV group (1.7 ± 0.6 ng · mL−1) relative to the FEV group (0.1 ± 0.0 ng · mL−1). In conclusion, the velocity of eccentric muscle action influences acute responses following bench press exercises performed by resistance-trained men using a slow velocity resulting in a greater metabolic stress and hormone response.  相似文献   
Coral Reefs - Global warming is leading to range shifts of marine species, threatening the structure and functioning of ecological communities and human populations that rely on them. The largest...  相似文献   
Mice of the TO Swiss strain received diets containing different amounts of saturated or unsaturated fat throughout life. These diets produced characteristic changes in cardiac phospholipid fatty acid composition, but produced no significant differences in fatty acid composition of phospholipids from a crude membrane fraction of brain. When littermates of these animals were exposed to ethanol vapour in an inhalation chamber it was observed that mice which had received a diet high in saturated fat lost the righting reflex at an estimated concentration of ethanol in blood higher than that required for mice receiving a control diet, or a diet rich in polyunsaturated fat. Analysis of the brain membrane fraction from those animals which had received ethanol revealed that mice receiving the highly saturated fat diet now had a significantly greater proportion of saturated fatty acids in brain membrane phospholipids. These results are discussed in relation to the hypothesis that brain membrane lipid composition may influence the behavioural response to ethanol.  相似文献   
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