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DNA looping is important for gene repression and activation in Escherichia coli and is necessary for some kinds of gene regulation and recombination in eukaryotes. We are interested in sequence-nonspecific architectural DNA-binding proteins that alter the apparent flexibility of DNA by producing transient bends or kinks in DNA. The bacterial heat unstable (HU) and eukaryotic high-mobility group B (HMGB) proteins fall into this category. We have exploited a sensitive genetic assay of DNA looping in living E. coli cells to explore the extent to which HMGB proteins and derivatives can complement a DNA looping defect in E. coli lacking HU protein. Here, we show that derivatives of the yeast HMGB protein Nhp6A rescue DNA looping in E. coli lacking HU, in some cases facilitating looping to a greater extent than is observed in E. coli expressing normal levels of HU protein. Nhp6A-induced changes in the DNA length-dependence of repression efficiency suggest that Nhp6A alters DNA twist in vivo. In contrast, human HMGB2-box A derivatives did not rescue looping.  相似文献   
Loss of function of the RNA helicase maleless (MLE) in Drosophila melanogaster leads to male-specific lethality due to a failure of X chromosome dosage compensation. MLE is presumably involved in incorporating the non-coding roX RNA into the dosage compensation complex (DCC), which is an essential but poorly understood requirement for faithful targeting of the complex to the X chromosome. Sequence comparison predicts several RNA-binding domains in MLE but their properties have not been experimentally verified. We evaluated the RNA-binding characteristics of these conserved motifs and their contributions to RNA-stimulated ATPase activity, to helicase activity, as well as to the targeting of MLE to the nucleus and to the X chromosome territory. We find that RB2 is the dominant, conditional RNA-binding module, which is indispensable for ATPase and helicase activity whereas the N-terminal RB1 motif does not bind RNA, but is involved in targeting MLE to the X chromosome. The C-terminal domain containing a glycine-rich heptad repeat adds potential dimerization and RNA-binding surfaces which are not required for helicase activity.  相似文献   
The putative two-pore Ca(2+) channel TPC1 has been suggested to be involved in responses to abiotic and biotic stresses. We show that AtTPC1 co-localizes with the K(+)-selective channel AtTPK1 in the vacuolar membrane. Loss of AtTPC1 abolished Ca(2+)-activated slow vacuolar (SV) currents, which were increased in AtTPC1-over-expressing Arabidopsis compared to the wild-type. A Ca(2+)-insensitive vacuolar cation channel, as yet uncharacterized, could be resolved in tpc1-2 knockout plants. The kinetics of ABA- and CO(2)-induced stomatal closure were similar in wild-type and tpc1-2 knockout plants, excluding a role of SV channels in guard-cell signalling in response to these physiological stimuli. ABA-, K(+)-, and Ca(2+)-dependent root growth phenotypes were not changed in tpc1-2 compared to wild-type plants. Given the permeability of SV channels to mono- and divalent cations, the question arises as to whether TPC1 in vivo represents a pathway for Ca(2+) entry into the cytosol. Ca(2+) responses as measured in aequorin-expressing wild-type, tpc1-2 knockout and TPC1-over-expressing plants disprove a contribution of TPC1 to any of the stimulus-induced Ca(2+) signals tested, including abiotic stresses (cold, hyperosmotic, salt and oxidative), elevation in extracellular Ca(2+) concentration and biotic factors (elf18, flg22). In good agreement, stimulus- and Ca(2+)-dependent gene activation was not affected by alterations in TPC1 expression. Together with our finding that the loss of TPC1 did not change the activity of hyperpolarization-activated Ca(2+)-permeable channels in the plasma membrane, we conclude that TPC1, under physiological conditions, functions as a vacuolar cation channel without a major impact on cytosolic Ca(2+) homeostasis.  相似文献   
Class B floral homeotic genes play a key role in specifying the identity of male reproductive organs (stamens) and petals during the development of flowers. Recently, close relatives (orthologues) of these genes have been found in diverse gymnosperms, the sister group of the flowering plants (angiosperms). The fact that such genes have not been found so far, despite considerable efforts, in mosses, ferns or algae, has been taken as evidence to suggest that B genes originated 300–400 million years ago in a lineage that led to extant seed plants. Gymnosperms do not develop petals, and their male reproductive organs deviate considerably from angiosperm stamens. So what is the function of gymnosperm B genes? Recent experiments revealed that B genes from diverse extant gymnosperms are exclusively expressed in male reproductive organs (microsporophylls). At least for some of these genes it has been shown that they can partially substitute for the Arabidopsis B genes AP3 and PI in ectopic expression experiments, or even partially substitute these genes in different class B floral organ identity gene mutants. This functional complementation, however, is restricted to male organ development. These findings strongly suggest that gymnosperm and angiosperm B genes have highly related interaction partners and equivalent functions in the male organs of their different host species. It seems likely that in extant gymnosperms B genes have a function in specifying male reproductive organs. This function was probably established already in the most recent common ancestor of extant gymnosperms and angiosperms (seed plants) 300 million years ago and thus represents the ancestral function of seed plant B genes, from which other functions (e.g., in specifying petal identity) might have been derived. This suggests that the B gene function is part of an ancestral sex determination system in which B gene expression specifies male reproductive organ development, while the absence of B gene expression leads to the formation of female reproductive organs. Such a simple switch mechanism suggests that B genes might have played a central role during the origin of flowers. In the out-of-male and out-of-female hypotheses changes in B gene expression led to the origin of hermaphroditic flower precursors out of male or female gymnosperm reproductive cones, respectively. We compare these hypotheses with other recent molecular hypotheses on the origin of flowers, in which C/D and FLORICAULA/LEAFY-like genes is given a more prominent role, and we suggest how these hypotheses might be tested in the future.  相似文献   
The proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1 (PAT1) represents a major route by which small neutral amino acids are absorbed after intestinal protein digestion. The system also serves as a novel route for oral drug delivery. Having shown that H+ affects affinity constants but not maximal velocity of transport, we investigated which histidine residues are obligatory for PAT1 function. Three histidine residues are conserved among the H+-coupled amino acid transporters PAT1 to 4 from different animal species. We individually mutated each of these histidine residues and compared the catalytic function of the mutants with that of the wild type transporter after expression in HRPE cells. His-55 was found to be essential for the catalytic activity of hPAT1 because the corresponding mutants H55A, H55N and H55E had no detectable l-proline transport activity. His-93 and His-135 are less important for transport function since H93N and H135N mutations did not impair transport function. The loss of transport function of His-55 mutants was not due to alterations in protein expression as shown both by cell surface biotinylation immunoblot analyses and by confocal microscopy. We conclude that His-55 might be responsible for binding and translocation of H+ in the course of cellular amino acid uptake by PAT1.  相似文献   
Expansins are a family of proteins that catalyze pH-dependent long-term extension of isolated plant cell walls. They are divided into two groups, alpha and beta, the latter consisting of the grass group I pollen allergens and their vegetative homologs. Expansins are suggested to mediate plant cell growth by interfering with either structural proteins or the polysaccharide network in the cell wall. Our group reported papain-like properties of beta-expansin of Timothy grass (Phleum pratense) pollen, Phl p 1, and suggested that cleavage of cell wall structural proteins may be the underlying mechanism of expansin-mediated wall extension. Here, we report additional data showing that beta-expansins resemble ancient and modern cathepsin B, which is a member of the papain (C1) family of cysteine proteinases. Using the Pichia pastoris expression system, we show that cleavage of inhibitory prosequences from the recombinant allergen is facilitated by its N-glycosylation and that the truncated, activated allergen shows proteolytic activity, resulting in very low stability of the protein. We also show that deglycosylated, full-length allergen is not activated efficiently and therefore is relatively stable. Motif and homology search tools detected significant similarity between beta-expansins and cathepsins of modern animals as well as the archezoa Giardia lamblia, confirming the presence of inhibitory prosequences, active site and other functional amino-acid residues, as well as a conserved location of these features within these molecules. Lastly, we demonstrate by site-directed mutagenesis that the conserved His104 residue is involved in the catalytic activity of beta-expansins. These results indicate a common origin of cathepsin B and beta-expansins, especially if taken together with their previously known biochemical properties.  相似文献   
Much evidence exists for the increased peroxidase activity of copper, zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1) in oxidant-induced diseases. In this study, we measured the peroxidase activity of SOD1 by monitoring the oxidation of dichlorodihydrofluorescein (DCFH) to dichlorofluorescein (DCF). Bicarbonate dramatically enhanced DCFH oxidation to DCF in a SOD1/H(2)O(2)/DCFH system. Peroxidase activity could be measured at a lower H(2)O(2) concentration ( approximately 1 microm). We propose that DCFH oxidation to DCF is a sensitive index for measuring the peroxidase activity of SOD1 and familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis SOD1 mutants and that the carbonate radical anion (CO(3)) is responsible for oxidation of DCFH to DCF in the SOD1/H(2)O(2)/bicarbonate system. Bicarbonate enhanced H(2)O(2)-dependent oxidation of DCFH to DCF by spinal cord extracts of transgenic mice expressing SOD1(G93A). The SOD1/H(2)O(2)/HCO(3)(-)-dependent oxidation was mimicked by photolysis of an inorganic cobalt carbonato complex that generates CO(3). Metalloporphyrin antioxidants that are usually considered as SOD1 mimetic or peroxynitrite dismutase effectively scavenged the CO(3) radical. Implications of this reaction as a plausible protective mechanism in inflammatory cellular damage induced by peroxynitrite are discussed.  相似文献   
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