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The addition of the calcium ionophore A23187 to rabbit neutrophils increases the amount of actin associated with the cytoskeleton regardless of the presence or absence of calcium in the incubation medium. In the presence of extracellular calcium, the effect of A23187 is biphasic with respect to concentration. The action of the ionophore is rapid, transient, and is inhibited by pertussis toxin, hyperosmolarity, and quinacrine. On the other hand, the addition of pertussis toxin or hyperosmolarity has small if any, effect on the rise in intracellular calcium produced by A23187. While quinacrine does not affect the fMet-Leu-Phe-induced increase in cytoskeletal actin and the polyphosphoinositide turnover, its addition inhibits completely the stimulated increase in Ca-influx produced by the same stimulus. The results presented here suggest that a rise in the intracellular concentration of free calcium is neither necessary nor sufficient for the stimulated increase in cytoskeletal-associated actin. A possible relationship between the lipid remodeling stimulated by chemoattractants and the increased cytoskeletal actin is discussed.  相似文献   
Analogues of the des-1-tryptophan,3-beta-cyclohexylalanine-alpha-factor of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, where the glycyl residue of position 9 was replaced by D-Ala, L-Ala, D-Leu, and L-Leu, were synthesized and evaluated by morphogenesis assays and circular dichroism spectroscopy. Synthesis was accomplished in solution phase with mixed anhydrides and p-nitrophenyl active esters as the coupling agents. All crude dodecapeptides were purified to greater than 98% homogeneity by preparative high-performance liquid chromatography on a reversed-phase column. The Gly9, D-Ala9, and D-Leu9 analogues elicited morphogenic alterations in MATa strains of S. cerevisiae at concentrations of 1-2 micrograms/mL and exhibited similar CD patterns in both trifluoroethanol and tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane buffer, pH 7.4. In contrast, the L-Ala9 and L-Leu9 analogues were more than 200 times less active in the morphogenesis assay and had markedly different CD spectra. These results demonstrate that the position 9 residue plays an important role in determining the biological activity and solution conformation of alpha-factor. We suggest the presence of a type II beta-turn in the Lys7-Gln10 region when the alpha-factor assumes its biologically active conformation.  相似文献   
Pertussis toxin treatment of rabbit peritoneal neutrophils causes a concentration-dependent inhibition of granule enzyme secretion induced by formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, C5a, and leukotriene B4. It also inhibits chemotaxis induced by formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine. The same toxin treatment, however, has no effect on granule enzyme secretion induced by the calcium ionophore A23187 or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. Moreover, pertussis toxin treatment does not affect either the number or affinity of the formylpeptide receptors on the neutrophil nor does it have any effect on the unstimulated levels of cyclic AMP (cAMP) or the transient rise in cAMP induced by chemotactic factor stimulation in these cells. We hypothesize that pertussis toxin, as in other cells, interacts with a GTP binding regulatory protein identical with or analogous to either Ni or transducin which mediates the receptor-induced inhibition or activation of a target protein or proteins required in neutrophil activation. The nature of the target protein is unknown, but it is not the catalytic unit of adenylate cyclase. The target protein acts after binding of chemotactic factor to its receptor in the sequence that leads to the receptor-induced rise in intracellular Ca2+. It does not affect the responses elicited by the direct introduction of calcium into the cells or the activity of protein kinase C.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAO1 was compared to PAO1 strains containing an IncP-1 R plasmid (RP1, R68, or R68.45) in an experimental mouse burn infection model. All R plasmids tested caused a 10- to 400-fold increase in mean lethal dose (LD50). The decrease in virulence produced by plasmids R68 and R68.45 was significantly greater than the decrease caused by the closely related plasmid RP1. All plasmids also led to an increased sensitivity of strain PAO1 to human serum bactericidal activity. Virulence and serum resistance of strain PAO1 were restored by curing of the entire plasmid R68.45 but not by deletions in the plasmid's transfer gene regions.  相似文献   
Equilibrium constants, Kdis, for the solvent- dependent, solution-phase disproportionation equilibria of monosubstituted pentakis(arlisocyanide)cobalt(I) complexes: 2[Co(CNR)4L]+?[Co(CNR)3L2]+ + [Co(CNR)5]+, Kdis = [Co(CNR)3L2][Co(CNR)5][Co(CNR)4L]2 are measured by planimeter-integration of proton- NMR spectra at ambient temperature. The complexes, [Co(CNR)4L]ClO4, R = 2,6-Me2C6H3, L = P(C6H5)3, P(C6H4Cl-p)3, P(OC6H5)3, P(OC6H4Cl-p)3; R = o-MeC6H4, L = P(C6H4Cl-p)3, P(OC6H5)3, P(OC6H4Cl-p)3; R = 2,4,6-Me3C6H2, L = P(C6H5)3; R = 2,6-Et2C6H3, L = P(C6H5)3; are investigated in the deuterated solvents, CDCl3, CD3CN, (CD3)2CO, C5D5N, CD3NO2, and (CD3)2SO. Disproportionation seems to occur in all [Co(CNR)4L]+, but NMR study is facilitated by utilizing equivalent alkyl protons (i.e., Me-groups) on the RNC ligands.Correlation of Kdis values with steric-hindrance of the RNC in sets of complexes with the same P-ligand is evident in all solvents: Kdis decreases with increased steric-hindrance in RNC. The Kdis values for complexes with the same RNC and analogous triarylphosphine, triarylphosphite ligands (i.e., PR3, P(OR)3, same R) are approximately equal. The Kdis values for complexes of P-ligands with Cl-substituent are significantly larger than Kdis values for complexes with the corresponding unsubstituted P-ligands (e.g., [Co(CNR)4P(C6H4Clp)3]ClO4vs. [Co(CNR)4P(C6H5)3]ClO4) in (CD3)2CO and C5D5N solution, but are smaller in CDCl3 and CD3CN, and approximately equal in CD3NO2 and (CD3)2SO. Properties of the solvents are also considered.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Regionale und artliche Unterschiede der Rückstände von Quecksilber in Eiern von sieben Brutvogelarten der deutschen Nordseeküste wurden untersucht. Bei vier Arten stellten wir deutliche geographische Unterschiede in der Kontamination fest (Abb. 1). Höchstgehalte fanden wir in Eiern von der Elbmündung (Region V). Austernfischer- und Flußseeschwalbeneier von der inneren Deutschen Bucht (Region VI) enthielten größere Mengen als solche von Nordfriesland (Region VII). Der gesetzliche Richtwert für Eier (0,03 mg/kg) wurde von 353 der 355 untersuchten Eier überschritten. Fluß- und Brandseeschwalbe waren am stärksten, Brandgans, Austernfischer und Lachmöwe am wenigsten mit Quecksilber kontaminiert (Abb. 2, 4.2.). Mit Ausnahme von Brandgans und Silbermöwe erreichten die Rückstände in vielen Eiern der anderen Arten, an der Elbe sogar in allen Eiern, eine den Bruterfolg gefährdende Größenordnung, insbesondere bei der Flußseeschwalbe.
Pollutants in eggs of birds breeding at the German North Sea Coast. II. Mercury
Summary Regional and interspecific differences of mercury residues were investigated in the eggs of seven species breeding at the German North Sea Coast (Tadorna tadorna, Haematopus ostralegus, Charadrius hiaticula, Larus argentatus, L. ridibundus, Sterna hirundo, S. sandvicensis). We found distinct geographical differences in contamination (Fig. 1): In eggs from the Elbe Eastuary (region V) maximum residues of mercury were ascertained. Eggs of Oystercatcher and Common Tern from the Bay of Helgoland (region VI) contained larger quantities than eggs from Northern Frisia (region VII). 353 from 355 eggs examined showed a value exceeding the legal standard value for eggs which is 0,03 mg/kg in Germany. Common Tern and Sandwich Tern eggs had the highest, Shelduck, Oystercatcher and Blackheaded Gull eggs the lowest mercury contamination (Fig. 2, 4.2.). With the exception of Shelduck and Herring Gull, residues in many eggs of the other species — at the river Elbe in all eggs — came up to a range endangering breeding success, especially in Common Terns.
In this review, we have mainly included studies in which whole-body autoradiography was used. In lipid research, most studies have been done with fatty acids. These studies showed some common characteristics in the pattern of tissue distribution. A major uptake was seen in the brown fat, liver and adrenal cortex but also to some extent in other tissues with a high metabolic activity or high cell turn-over, e.g. the gastric and intestinal mucosa, diaphragm, kidney cortex and bone marrow. Low levels of radioactivity were generally found in the brain, testes, thymus, white fat, skeletal muscles, lungs and spleen. Most fatty acids showed some specific features, e.g the strong uptake of erucic, arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acid in myocardium and of eicosapentaenoic acid in the adrenal cortex. Studies with PGE1 and LTC3 showed that the liver and kidney and to a lesser degree the lungs were the major sites of metabolism. The distribution of free cholesterol and triolein emulsion labelled in the fatty acid moieties did show some similarities with respect to the general pattern found with most fatty acids. Specific for cholesterol was a very strong uptake in the adrenal cortex. There was also a significant uptake in the spleen whereas the uptake in the brown fat was not as marked as for most fatty acids. Specific for triolein was a marked uptake in the spleen and myocardium, in fed animals also in the white adipose tissue. These studies show that whole-body autoradiography can give much valuable information of the uptake and distribution of lipids that would be rather difficult to obtain with conventional methods. Combined with electron-microscopy, autoradiography can be used to study cellular and even subcellular distribution, and thus given further data on the metabolism of lipids in the body.  相似文献   
A. Becker  W. Peters 《Zoomorphology》1985,105(5):326-332
Summary The ultrastructure of the midgut epithelium of Phalangium opilio was examined. In the anterior part of the midgut the epithelium consists of three different types of cells, called resorption, digestion, and excretion cells according to their presumed functions. Excretion cells may represent old digestion cells. The relation between resorption and digestion cells needs further investigation. The epithelium of the posterior part of the midgut consists of two types, transport and secretion cells, which seem to serve mainly for the resorption of water and the secretion of peritrophic membranes, respectively.Peritrophic membranes are secreted by the anterior midgut epithelium mainly in a period between 2 and 4 h after feeding. Chitin or chitin precursors could be localized in vesicles and in the brush border of midgut cells, and in the peritrophic membranes, using colloidal gold labelled with wheat germ agglutinin. Two different textures of chitin-containing microfibrils were found in the peritrophic membranes, either a random or a hexagonal texture. The latter results if the microfibrils polymerize between the basal parts of the microvilli. Irregularities of the hexagonal texture can be correlated with an irregular pattern of the microvilli. In the posterior midgut peritrophic membranes with a random texture, chitin-containing microfibrils are continuously secreted in the form of patches.  相似文献   
Eight synthetic analogs of the mating pheromone alpha-factor-induced morphogenesis and increased agglutinability in a cells. Most analogs induced increased agglutinability at lower concentrations than those at which they induced morphogenesis, but the ratio of the potencies for the two effects varied 140-fold among different analogs. Morphological response to pheromone required exposure for at least 90 min, but increased agglutinability followed exposures of 20 s. Two synthetic analogs induced neither response. In competition experiments, both of these analogs prevented induction of increased agglutinability and morphogenesis by active alpha factor. The inactive peptides blocked increased agglutinability at lower concentrations than those at which they blocked morphogenesis. alpha factors exhibited different structure-function relationships for morphogenesis as compared with agglutinability. Thus, response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to alpha factor is complex and may be mediated by more than one receptor.  相似文献   
We investigated the methylation reaction catalyzed by 1500-fold purified rat liver DNA methyltransferase (DMase) on native Micrococcal luteus DNA (ML-DNA) and poly(dC-dG) templates containing covalently bound (+)-7 beta,8 alpha-dihydroxy-9 alpha,10 alpha-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (anti-BPDE), the strongly carcinogenic, principal metabolite of benzo[a]pyrene. Since eukaryotic DNA methyltransferases recognize the dinucleotide 5'd[CG] in DNA as a substrate for methylation, the model polynucleotide poly(dC-dG) was used to study in more detail the mode of interaction and effect on incorporation. With either of these BPDE-modified templates, a progressive inhibition of methylation was correlated with increasing amount of BPDE substitution. The effect of BPDE-dG adducts did not alter the apparent km with respect to the concentration of d[CG] in either unmodified or BPDE-modified poly(dC-dG) (km = 10 microM) but lowered the relative apparent Vmax. In assays in which perturbation by salt of preformed enzyme-DNA complex is measured, no change in the relative stability to either unsubstituted or the carcinogen-modified template was noted, thus, excluding any change in the ionic component of this interaction. However, in competition-type experiments, BPDE-DNA is an inhibitor of the methylation reaction on native DNA. When BPDE-DNA is allowed to interact with the enzyme before the addition of native competitor DNA, the methylation rate is not stimulated, suggesting very tight hydrophobic binding of the enzyme to BPDE-DNA and an inhibition in the dissociation of DMase from the template following a methylation event.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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