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Previous use of hemolysis time measurement to determine permeability coefficients for the red blood cell membrane rested on the assumption that cells swelling in a hypotonic medium hemolyzed immediately on reaching critical volume. By preswelling red cells to various volumes prior to immersion in hemolytic solutions we extrapolate to the hemolysis time of red cells immersed at critical volume and thereby find a significant period of time during which the cells apparently remain in a spherical form prior to release of hemoglobin. Revised estimates of permeability coefficients follow from including this spherical (nonswelling) phase. In addition, the appreciation of a characteristic time period during which the membrane is under tension provides new opportunity to study physical and chemical properties of the membrane.  相似文献   
The sensory organs on the tarsi of the antenniform first legs of the whip spider Admetus pumilio C. L. Koch (Amblypygi, Arachnida) were examined with the scanning and transmission electron microscope. At least four different types of hair sensilla were found: (1) thick-walled bristles, which have the characteristics of contact chemoreceptors (several chemoreceptive dendrites in the lumen plus two mechanoreceptors at the base); (2) short club sensilla, innervated by 4-6 neurons which terminate in a pore on the tip; they are possibly humidity receptors; (3) porous sensilla, which are either innervated by 20-25 neurons and have typical pore tubules, or they have 40-45 neurons but no pore tubules; both types are considered to be olfactory; (4) rod sensilla occur in clusters near segmental borders; they are innervated by only one large dendrite which branches inside the lumen. Other tarsal receptors are the claws, which correspond to contact chemoreceptors, and the pit organ which resembles the tarsal organ of spiders. Compared to other arthropod sensilla, the contact chemoreceptors are very similar to those of spiders, while the porous sensilla correspond structurally to olfactory receptors in insects; the club and rod sensilla seem to be typical for amblypygids.  相似文献   
Thirty isolates of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci, pv. angulata (pathogens on tobacco), pv. coronafaciens, and pv. striafaciens (pathogens on oats) were examined for plasmid DNAs. The strains were obtained from plants throughout the world, some over 50 years ago. Of the 22 tobacco pathogens, 16 contain predominantly one type of plasmid, the pJP27.00 type. The remaining six tobacco-specific strains do not harbor detectable plasmids. The oat pathogens contain one, two, or three plasmids. DNA homology studies indicate that the plasmid DNAs are highly conserved. More importantly, the plasmids harbored by strains isolated from one host plant are conserved most stringently; e.g., the plasmids from the tobacco pathogens are, with one exception, indistinguishable by restriction endonuclease digestion and Southern hybridization. There is also extensive homology among plasmids indigenous to the oat-specific P. syringae pv. coronafaciens and pv. striafaciens strains.  相似文献   
The folding and assembly of Rubisco large and small subunits into L8S8 holoenzyme in chloroplasts involves many auxiliary factors, including the chaperone BSD2. Here we identify apparent intermediary Rubisco‐BSD2 assembly complexes in the model C3 plant tobacco. We show BSD2 and Rubisco content decrease in tandem with leaf age with approximately half of the BSD2 in young leaves (~70 nmol BSD2 protomer.m2) stably integrated in putative intermediary Rubisco complexes that account for <0.2% of the L8S8 pool. RNAisilencing BSD2 production in transplastomic tobacco producing bacterial L2 Rubisco had no effect on leaf photosynthesis, cell ultrastructure, or plant growth. Genetic crossing the same RNAi‐bsd2 alleles into wild‐type tobacco however impaired L8S8 Rubisco production and plant growth, indicating the only critical function of BSD2 is in Rubisco biogenesis. Agrobacterium mediated transient expression of tobacco, Arabidopsis, or maize BSD2 reinstated Rubisco biogenesis in BSD2‐silenced tobacco. Overexpressing BSD2 in tobacco chloroplasts however did not alter Rubisco content, activation status, leaf photosynthesis rate, or plant growth in the field or in the glasshouse at 20°C or 35°C. Our findings indicate BSD2 functions exclusively in Rubisco biogenesis, can efficiently facilitate heterologous plant Rubisco assembly, and is produced in amounts nonlimiting to tobacco growth.  相似文献   
Gaucher disease is the most common lysosomal storage disease with a high prevalence in the Ashkenazi Jewish population but it is also present in other populations. The presence of eight mutations (1226G, 1448C, IVS2+1, 84GG, 1504T, 1604T, 1342C and 1297T) and the complete deletion of the β-glucocerebrosidase gene was investigated in 25 unrelated non-Jewish patients with Gaucher’s disease in Germany. In the Jewish population, three of these mutations account for more than 90% of all mutated alleles. In addition, relatives of two patients were included in our study. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and sequencing of PCR products obtained from DNA of peripheral blood leukocytes was performed for mutation analysis. Gene deletion was detected by comparison of radioactively labelled PCR fragments of both the functional β-glucocerebrosidase gene and the pseudogene. Among the unrelated patients, 50 alleles were investigated and the mutations identified in 35 alleles (70%), whereas 15 alleles (30%) remained unidentified. The most prevalent mutation in our group of patients was the 1226G (370Asn→Ser) mutation, accounting for 18 alleles (36%), followed by the 1448C (444Leu→Pro) mutation, that was found in 12 alleles (24%). A complete gene deletion was present in two alleles (4%). The IVS1+2 (splicing mutation), the 1504T (463Arg→Cys) as well as the 1342C (409Asp→His) mutations were each present in one allele (2%). None of the alleles carried the 84GG (frameshift), 1604A (496Arg→His) or the 1297T (394Val→Leu) mutation. This distribution is different from the Ashkenazi Jewish population but is similar to other Caucasian groups like the Spanish and Portuguese populations. Our results confirm the variability of mutation patterns in Gaucher patients of different ethnic origin. All patients were divided into nine groups according to their genotype and their clinical status was related to the individual genotype. Genotype/phenotype characteristics of the 1226G, 1448C, and 1342C mutations of previous studies were confirmed by our results. Received: 19 November 1996 / Revised: 29 January 1997  相似文献   
Adults and children differ in their susceptibility to the toxic effects of lead. Lead was therefore used as a case study to evaluate intraspecies differences by comparing the adult and child minimal Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL) or the No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL), allowing an evaluation of the ten-fold intraspecies uncertainty factor (UF). The lead intakes (in µg/kg/d) necessary to achieve target blood lead (PbB) levels reflecting the minimal LOAEL or NOAEL were determined using biokinetic slope factors (BKSFs), which relate lead uptake to PbB levels. The analyses assumed chronic, low-level oral exposure to lead, and the response of a typical adult and child. Child analyses used a target geometric mean (GM) PbB of 4.6?µg/dL (95% of population <10?µg/dL), resulting in lead intakes of 1.9?µg/kg/day (assuming 100% soluble lead) and 4.9?µg/kg/day (assuming 25% soluble lead and 75 % soil lead). Adult analyses assumed intake of 100 % soluble lead, and used target GM PbB levels of 4.2?µg/dL (95% of population <11.1 µg/dL) and 11.4?µg/dL (95% of population <30?µg/dL), resulting in lead intakes of 1.9?µg/kg/day and 5.1?µg/kg/day, respectively. The results indicate that despite the greater vulnerability of young children to the effects of lead as compared to adults, the minimal LOAEL or NOAEL for lead is remarkably similar between children and adults. In this case, the application of a tenfold intraspecies uncertainty factor to adjust the adult minimal LOAEL or NOAEL for a child would be unnecessary, despite the well-established vulnerability of children to lead.  相似文献   
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