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Hemerythrin‐like proteins have generally been studied for their ability to reversibly bind oxygen through their binuclear nonheme iron centers. However, in recent years, it has become increasingly evident that some members of the hemerythrin‐like superfamily also participate in many other biological processes. For instance, the binuclear nonheme iron site of YtfE, a hemerythrin‐like protein involved in the repair of iron centers in Escherichia coli, catalyzes the reduction of nitric oxide to nitrous oxide, and the human F‐box/LRR‐repeat protein 5, which contains a hemerythrin‐like domain, is involved in intracellular iron homeostasis. Furthermore, structural data on hemerythrin‐like domains from two proteins of unknown function, PF0695 from Pyrococcus furiosus and NMB1532 from Neisseria meningitidis, show that the cation‐binding sites, typical of hemerythrin, can be absent or be occupied by metal ions other than iron. To systematically investigate this functional and structural diversity of the hemerythrin‐like superfamily, we have collected hemerythrin‐like sequences from a database comprising fully sequenced proteomes and generated a cluster map based on their all‐against‐all pairwise sequence similarity. Our results show that the hemerythrin‐like superfamily comprises a large number of protein families which can be classified into three broad groups on the basis of their cation‐coordinating residues: (a) signal‐transduction and oxygen‐carrier hemerythrins (H‐HxxxE‐HxxxH‐HxxxxD); (b) hemerythrin‐like (H‐HxxxE‐H‐HxxxE); and, (c) metazoan F‐box proteins (H‐HExxE‐H‐HxxxE). Interestingly, all but two hemerythrin‐like families exhibit internal sequence and structural symmetry, suggesting that a duplication event may have led to the origin of the hemerythrin domain.  相似文献   
Normal endochondral bone formation follows a temporal sequence: immature or resting chondrocytes move away from the resting zone, proliferate, flatten, become arranged into columns, and finally become hypertrophic, disintegrate, and are replaced by bone. The mechanisms that guide this process are incompletely understood, but they include programmed cell death, a stage important in development and some disease processes. Using immunofluorescence we have studied the distribution of various complement proteins to examine the hypothesis that this sequence of events, particularly cell disintegration and matrix dissolution, are complement mediated. The results of these studies show that complement proteins C3 and Factor B are distributed uniformly in the resting and proliferating zones. Properdin is localized in the resting and hypertrophic zone but not in the proliferating zone. Complement proteins C5 and C9 are localized exclusively in the hypertrophic zones. This anatomically segregated pattern of distribution suggests that complement proteins may be important in cartilage–bone transformation and that the alternate pathway is involved.  相似文献   
The efficacy of 2′-deoxyguanosine (GdR) on the induction of binucleate cells in onion root tips was studied. GdR inhibits plant cytokinesis during the last part of the mitotic period. Apparently, this deoxynucleoside causes a considerable slowing down in the mitotic rate (50%) and also has a slight effect as an inhibitor of cytokinesis (30%). The effect on the mitotic rate was established with 1 mM colchicine (metaphase rate) and with 5 mM caffeine (telophase rate). Since 1 mM GdR has a remarkable potentiating action on inhibition of cytokinesis by caffeine, we postulate that GdR, or a phosphorylated derivative from it, inhibits cytokinesis by a similar mechanism as caffeine. According to our postulation, GdR interferes with a certain ATPase activity required for membrane fusion of the Golgi vesicles during plant cytokinesis.  相似文献   
Chagas disease is still an important health problem in Central and South America. However, the only drugs currently available for specific treatment of this disease may induce toxic side effects in the host. The aim of this work was to determine the activity of N-benzenesulfonylbenzotriazole (BSBZT) against the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. The effects of BSBZT and benzotriazole (BZT) were compared to those of benznidazole (BZL) on epimastigote and trypomastigote forms. BSBZT was found to have an in vitro growth inhibitory dose-dependent activity against epimastigotes, with flow cytometry analysis confirming that the treated parasites presented size reduction. BSBZT showed an IC(50) of 21.56 μg/mL (81.07 μM) against epimastigotes at 72 h of incubation, whereas BZT did not affect the growth of this parasite form. Furthermore, the toxic effect of BSBZT, was stronger and appeared earlier (at 24h) in trypomastigotes than in epimastigotes, with the LC(50) of this compound being 28.40 μg/mL (106.79 μM) against trypomastigotes. The concentrations of BSBZT used in this study presented low hemolytic activity and cytotoxicity. Consequently, at concentrations near IC(50) and LC(50) (25μg/mL), BSBZT caused only 2.4% hemolysis and 15% of RAW 264.7 cell cytotoxicity. These results reveal the potential of BSBZT as a prototype in drug design for developing new anti-T. cruzi compounds.  相似文献   
With the advent of larger genome databases detection of horizontal gene transfer events has been transformed into an increasingly important issue. Here we present a simple theoretical analysis based on the in silico artificial addition of known foreign genes from different prokaryotic groups into the genome of Escherichia coli K12 MG1655. Using this dataset as a control, we have tested the efficiency of four methodologies commonly employed to detect HTG (Horizontally transferred genes), which are based on (a) the codon adaptation index, codon usage, and GC percentage (CAI/GC); (b) a distributional profile (DP) approach made by a gene search in the closely related phylogenetic genomes; (c) a Bayesian model (BM); and (d) a first-order Markov model (MM). All methods exhibit limitations although, as shown here, the BM and the MM are better approximations. Moreover, the MM has demonstrated a more accurate rate of detections when genes from closely related organisms are evaluated. The application of the MM to detect recently transferred genes in the genomes of E. coli strains K12 MG1655, O157 EDL933, and Salmonella typhimurium, shows that these organisms have undergone a rather significant amount of HTG, most of which appear to be pseudogenes. Few of these sequences that have undergone HGT appear to have well defined functions and may be involved in the organism's adaptation.  相似文献   
The Yungas, a system of tropical and subtropical montane forests on the eastern slopes of the Andes, are extremely diverse and severely threatened by anthropogenic pressure and climate change. Previous mycological works focused on macrofungi (e.g. agarics, polypores) and mycorrhizae in Alnus acuminata forests, while fungal diversity in other parts of the Yungas has remained mostly unexplored. We carried out Ion Torrent sequencing of ITS2 rDNA from soil samples taken at 24 sites along the entire latitudinal extent of the Yungas in Argentina. The sampled sites represent the three altitudinal forest types: the piedmont (400–700 m a.s.l.), montane (700–1500 m a.s.l.) and montane cloud (1500–3000 m a.s.l.) forests. The deep sequence data presented here (i.e. 4 108 126 quality‐filtered sequences) indicate that fungal community composition correlates most strongly with elevation, with many fungi showing preference for a certain altitudinal forest type. For example, ectomycorrhizal and root endophytic fungi were most diverse in the montane cloud forests, particularly at sites dominated by Alnus acuminata, while the diversity values of various saprobic groups were highest at lower elevations. Despite the strong altitudinal community turnover, fungal diversity was comparable across the different zonal forest types. Besides elevation, soil pH, N, P, and organic matter contents correlated with fungal community structure as well, although most of these variables were co‐correlated with elevation. Our data provide an unprecedented insight into the high diversity and spatial distribution of fungi in the Yungas forests.  相似文献   
The model of chronic intermittent stress by immobilization during pregnancy may produce alterations in the mechanisms that maintain adrenal gland homeostasis. In earlier investigations using this model, significant variations in plasma prolactin and corticosterone levels, and adrenal gland weights were observed. We hypothesized that chronic stress causes changes in apoptosis in the adrenal glands of pregnant rats. We identified and quantified apoptotic cells in the adrenal cortex and examined their ultrastructural characteristics using transmission electron microscopy. Adrenal glands of pregnant rats at gestation days 12, 17 and 21 were studied for control and experimental (stressed) rats. Immunolabelling techniques, stereological analysis and image quantification of adrenal gland sections were combined to determine differences in apoptosis in the different cell populations of the adrenal cortex. The apoptotic index of the experimental rats showed a significant reduction at gestation day 17, while at days 12 and 21 there were no differences from controls. Moreover, the apoptotic index of the reticular zones in control and experimental animals showed a significant increase compared to the glomerular and fascicular zones at the three gestation times studied. Chronic stress by immobilization reduced the caspase-dependent apoptotic index at gestation day 17, which may be related to variations in plasma concentrations of estrogens and prolactin.  相似文献   
Xanthophyllomyces sp. was isolated as an epiphytic red yeast from leaves of Eucalyptus glo-bulus in Concepción, Chile. Sexual reproduction was by basidiospores produced from one or rarely two metabasidia arising from a yeast cell without preceding paedogamy. The main carotenoid pigment was astaxanthin. This isolate did not cluster with the X. dendrorhous complex (including Phaffia rhodozyma) in ITS and 26S rDNA-based phylogenetic analyses. The phylloplane may be a further habitat for Xanthophyllomyces, in addition to the well-known spring sap-flows of deciduous trees and the recently-characterised ascostromata of Cyttaria hariotii.  相似文献   
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