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Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) trigger multiple metabolic disorders in the vessel wall that may in turn lead to endothelial dysfunction. The molecular mechanisms by which AGEs generate these effects are not completely understood. Oxidative stress plays a key role in the development of deleterious effects that occur in endothelium during diabetes. Our main objectives were to further understand how AGEs contribute to reactive oxygen species (ROS) overproduction in endothelial cells and to evaluate the protective effect of an antioxidant plant extract. The human endothelial cell line EA.hy926 was treated with native or modified bovine serum albumin (respectively BSA and BSA-AGEs). To monitor free radicals formation, we used H2DCF-DA, dihydroethidium (DHE), DAF-FM-DA and MitoSOX Red dyes. To investigate potential sources of ROS, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase and mitochondrial inhibitors were used. The regulation of different types of ROS by the polyphenol-rich extract from the medicinal plant Doratoxylon apetalum was also studied for a therapeutic perspective. BSA-AGEs exhibited not only less antioxidant properties than BSA, but also pro-oxidant effects. The degree of albumin glycoxidation directly influenced oxidative stress through a possible communication between NADPH oxidase and mitochondria. D. apetalum significantly decreased intracellular hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anions mainly detected by H2DCF-DA and DHE respectively. Our results suggest that BSA-AGEs promote a marked oxidative stress mediated at least by NADPH oxidase and mitochondria. D. apetalum plant extract appeared to be an effective antioxidant compound to protect endothelial cells.  相似文献   
Leprosy is still a prevalent disease in Brazil, representing 93% of all occurrences in the Americas. Leprosy neuropathy is one of the most worrying manifestations of the disease. Acute neuropathy usually occurs during reaction episodes and is called neuritis. Twenty-two leprosy patients were included in this study. These patients had neural pain associated with ulnar sensory neuropathy, with or without adjunct motor involvement. The neurological picture began within thirty days of the clinical evaluation. The patients underwent a nerve conduction study and the demyelinating findings confirmed the diagnosis of neuritis. Ultrasonographic study (US) of the ulnar nerve was performed in all patients by a radiologist who was blinded to the clinical or neurophysiological results. Morphological characteristics of the ulnar nerve were analyzed, such as echogenicity, fascicular pattern, transverse cross-sectional area (CSA), aspect of the epineurium, as well as their anatomical relationships. The volume of selected muscles referring to the ulnar nerve, as well as their echogenicity, was also examined. Based on this analysis, patients with increased ulnar nerve CSA associated with loss of fascicular pattern, epineurium hyperechogenicity and presence of power Doppler flow were classified as neuritis. Therefore, patients initially classified by the clinical-electrophysiological criteria were reclassified by the imaging criteria pre-established in this study as with and without neuritis. Loss of fascicular pattern and flow detection on power Doppler showed to be significant morphological features in the detection of neuritis. In 38.5% of patients without clinical or neurophysiological findings of neuritis, US identified power Doppler flow and loss of fascicular pattern. The US is a method of high resolution and portability, and its low cost means that it could be used as an auxiliary tool in the diagnosis of neuritis and its treatment, especially in basic health units.  相似文献   
Acute toxoplasmosis in three members of the same family was related to drinking unpasteurized goat's milk. The goats were reared, for milk production in a peri-domestic area. Based on indirect immunofluorescent reactions antibody titers greater than 1: 1024 were recorded in eight out of fifteen animals examined and were highest in the five lactating adult females. Toxoplasma was isolated, by inoculation of mice, from the milk of one of these females. Dogs reared in the same house showed no symptoms of acute toxoplasmosis and low antibody titers were detected in these animals. It was also found that the human infections could not have been due to the ingestion of food contaminated with oocysts.  相似文献   
In order to further characterize its role in pathogenesis and to establish whether its overproduction can lead to eukaryotic tumor cell death, Salmonella strains able to express its virulence factor SpvB (an ADP-ribosyl transferase enzyme) in a salicylate-inducible way have been constructed and analyzed in different eukaryotic tumor cell lines. To do so, the bacterial strains bearing the expression system have been constructed in a ∆purD background, which allows control of bacterial proliferation inside the eukaryotic cell. In the absence of bacterial proliferation, salicylate-induced SpvB production resulted in activation of caspases 3 and 7 and apoptotic cell death. The results clearly indicated that controlled SpvB production leads to F-actin depolimerization and either G1/S or G2/M phase arrest in all cell lines tested, thus shedding light on the function of SpvB in Salmonella pathogenesis. In the first place, the combined control of protein production by salicylate regulated vectors and bacterial growth by adenine concentration offers the possibility to study the role of Salmonella effectors during eukaryotic cells infection. In the second place, the salicylate-controlled expression of SpvB by the bacterium provides a way to evaluate the potential of other homologous or heterologous proteins as antitumor agents, and, eventually to construct novel potential tools for cancer therapy, given that Salmonella preferentially proliferates in tumors.  相似文献   
Identification of small molecular weight compounds targeting specific sites in the ribosome can accelerate development of new antibiotics and provide new tools for ribosomal research. We demonstrate here that antibiotic-size short peptides capable of inhibiting protein synthesis can be selected by using specific elements of ribosomal RNA as a target. The ‘h18’ pseudoknot encompassing residues 500-545 of the small ribosomal subunit RNA was used as a target in screening a heptapeptide phage-display library. Two of the selected peptides could efficiently interfere with both bacterial and eukaryotic translation. One of these inhibitory peptides exhibited a high-affinity binding to the isolated small ribosomal subunit (Kd of 1.1 μM). Identification of inhibitory peptides that likely target a specific rRNA structure may pave new ways for validating new antibiotic sites in the ribosome. The selected peptides can be used as a tool in search of novel site-specific inhibitors of translation.  相似文献   
Studies of the phytotoxic effects between plants can be a crucial tool in the discovery of innovative compounds with herbicide potential. In this sense, we can highlight ruzigrass (Urochloa ruziziensis), which is traditionally used in the crop rotation system in order to reduce weed emergence. The aim of this work was to characterize the secondary metabolites of ruzigrass and to evaluate its phytotoxic effects. In total, eight compounds were isolated: friedelin, oleanolic acid, α‐amyrin, 1‐dehydrodiosgenone, sitosterol and stigmasterol glycosides, tricin and p‐coumaric acid. Phytotoxic effects of the crude methanolic extract and fractions of ruzigrass were assessed using germination rate, initial seedling growth, and biomass of Bidens pilosa, Euphorbia heterophylla and Ipomoea grandifolia. Chemometric analysis discriminated the weed species into three groups, and B. pilosa was the most affected by fractions of ruzigrass. The phytotoxic activities of 1‐dehydrodiosgenone, tricin, and p‐coumaric acid are also reported, and p‐coumaric acid and 1‐dehydrodiosgenone were active against B. pilosa.  相似文献   
While NLRP3‐inflammasome has been implicated in cardiovascular diseases, its role in physiological cardiac aging is largely unknown. During aging, many alterations occur in the organism, which are associated with progressive impairment of metabolic pathways related to insulin resistance, autophagy dysfunction, and inflammation. Here, we investigated the molecular mechanisms through which NLRP3 inhibition may attenuate cardiac aging. Ablation of NLRP3‐inflammasome protected mice from age‐related increased insulin sensitivity, reduced IGF‐1 and leptin/adiponectin ratio levels, and reduced cardiac damage with protection of the prolongation of the age‐dependent PR interval, which is associated with atrial fibrillation by cardiovascular aging and reduced telomere shortening. Furthermore, old NLRP3 KO mice showed an inhibition of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway and autophagy improvement, compared with old wild mice and preserved Nampt‐mediated NAD+ levels with increased SIRT1 protein expression. These findings suggest that suppression of NLRP3 prevented many age‐associated changes in the heart, preserved cardiac function of aged mice and increased lifespan.  相似文献   
Land‐use changes and the expansion of protected areas (PAs) have amplified the interaction between protected and unprotected areas worldwide. In this context, ‘interface processes' (human–nature and cross‐boundary interactions inside and around PAs) have become central to issues around the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. This scientific literature review aimed to explore current knowledge and research gaps on interface processes regarding terrestrial PAs. At first, 3,515 references related to the topic were extracted through a standardized search on the Web of Science and analyzed with scientometric techniques. Next, a full‐text analysis was conducted on a sample of 240 research papers. A keyword analysis revealed a wide diversity of research topics, from ‘pure' ecology to sociopolitical research. We found a bias in the geographical distribution of research, with half the papers focusing on eight countries. Additionally, we found that the spatial extent of cross‐boundary interactions was rarely assessed, preventing any clear delimitation of PA interactive zones. In the 240 research papers we scanned, we identified 403 processes that were studied. The ecological effects of PAs were well documented and appeared to be positive overall. In contrast, the effects of PAs on local communities were understudied and, according to the literature focusing on these, were very variable according to local contexts. Our findings highlight key research advances on interface processes, especially regarding the ecological outcomes of PAs, the influence of human activities on biodiversity, and PA governance issues. In contrast, main knowledge gaps concern the spatial extent of interactive zones, as well as the interactions between local people and conservation actions and how to promote synergies between them. While the review was limited to terrestrial PAs, its findings allow us to propose research priorities for tackling environmental and socioeconomic challenges in the face of a rapidly changing world.  相似文献   
In this work, we review the physiological and molecular mechanisms that allow vascular plants to perform photosynthesis in extreme environments, such as deserts, polar and alpine ecosystems. Specifically, we discuss the morpho/anatomical, photochemical and metabolic adaptive processes that enable a positive carbon balance in photosynthetic tissues under extreme temperatures and/or severe water‐limiting conditions in C3 species. Nevertheless, only a few studies have described the in situ functioning of photoprotection in plants from extreme environments, given the intrinsic difficulties of fieldwork in remote places. However, they cover a substantial geographical and functional range, which allowed us to describe some general trends. In general, photoprotection relies on the same mechanisms as those operating in the remaining plant species, ranging from enhanced morphological photoprotection to increased scavenging of oxidative products such as reactive oxygen species. Much less information is available about the main physiological and biochemical drivers of photosynthesis: stomatal conductance (gs), mesophyll conductance (gm) and carbon fixation, mostly driven by RuBisCO carboxylation. Extreme environments shape adaptations in structures, such as cell wall and membrane composition, the concentration and activation state of Calvin–Benson cycle enzymes, and RuBisCO evolution, optimizing kinetic traits to ensure functionality. Altogether, these species display a combination of rearrangements, from the whole‐plant level to the molecular scale, to sustain a positive carbon balance in some of the most hostile environments on Earth.  相似文献   
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