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Yajid, Fatima, Jacques G. Mercier, Béatrice M. Mercier, Hervé Dubouchaud, and Christian Préfaut.Effects of 4 wk of hindlimb suspension on skeletal musclemitochondrial respiration in rats. J. Appl.Physiol. 84(2): 479-485, 1998.We investigated inrats the effect of 4 wk of hypodynamia on the respiration of mitochondria isolated from four distinct muscles [soleus,extensor digitorum longus, tibial anterior, and gastrocnemius(Gas)] and from subsarcolemmal (SS) and intermyofibrillar (IMF)regions of mixed hindlimb muscles that mainly contained the four citedmuscles. With pyruvate plus malate as respiratory substrate, 4 wk ofhindlimb suspension produced an 18% decrease in state3 respiration for IMF mitochondria compared with thosein the control group (P < 0.05). TheSS mitochondria state 3 were notsignificantly changed. Concerning the four single muscles, themitochondrial respiration was significantly decreased in the Gasmuscle, which showed a 59% decrease in state3 with pyruvate + malate(P < 0.05). The other musclespresented no significant decrease in respiratory rate in comparisonwith the control group. With succinate + rotenone, there was nosignificant difference in the respiratory rate compared with therespective control group, whatever the mitochondrial origin (SS, orIMF, or from single muscle). We conclude that 4 wk of hindlimbsuspension alters the respiration of IMF mitochondria in hindlimbskeletal muscles and seems to act negatively on complex I of theelectron-transport chain or prior sites. The muscle mitochondria mostaffected are those isolated from the Gas muscle.

In vivo in the prostate gland, basal epithelial cells adhere to laminin 5 (LM5) via alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4 integrins. When placed in culture primary prostate basal epithelial cells secrete and adhere to their own LM5-rich matrix. Adhesion to LM5 is required for cell survival that is dependent on integrin-mediated, ligand-independent activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase Src, but not PI-3K. Integrin-mediated adhesion via alpha3beta1, but not alpha6beta4 integrin, supports cell survival through EGFR by signaling downstream to Erk. PC3 cells, which do not activate EGFR or Erk on LM5-rich matrices, are not dependent on this pathway for survival. PC3 cells are dependent on PI-3K for survival and undergo caspase-dependent death when PI-3K is inhibited. The death induced by inhibition of EGFR or Src in normal primary prostate cells is not mediated through or dependent on caspase activation, but depends on the induction of reactive oxygen species. In addition the presence of an autophagic pathway, maintained by adhesion to matrix through alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4, prevents the induction of caspases when EGFR or Src is inhibited. Suppression of autophagy is sufficient to induce caspase activation and apoptosis in LM5-adherent primary prostate epithelial cells.  相似文献   
Mechanisms for the onset of diabetes and the development of diabetic complications remain under extensive investigations. One of these mechanisms is abnormal homeostasis of metals, as either deficiency or excess of metals, can contribute to certain diabetic outcomes. Therefore, this paper will report the blood levels of chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), selenium (Se), and zinc (Zn) in subjects with type 1 diabetes (n?=?192, mean age 48.8 years, mean disease duration 20.6 years), type 2 diabetes (n?=?68, mean age 68.4 years, mean disease duration 10.2 years), and in control subjects (n?=?59, mean age 57.2 years), and discuss the results indicating their possible role in diabetes. The metal concentrations were measured by sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after microwave-induced acid digestion of blood samples. The accuracy was checked using a blood-based certified reference material, and recoveries of all elements were in the range of 92–101 % of certified values. Type 1 diabetes was found to be associated with Cr (p?=?0.02), Mn (p?<?0.001), Ni (p?<?0.001), Pb (p?=?0.02), and Zn (p?<?0.001) deficiency, and type 2 diabetes with Cr (p?=?0.014), Mn (p?<?0.001), and Ni (p?<?0.001) deficiency. These deficiencies were appreciated also subdividing the understudied patients for gender and age groups. Furthermore, in type 1 diabetes, there was a positive correlation between Pb and age (p?<?0.001, ρ?=?0.400) and Pb and BMI (p?<?0.001, ρ?=?0.309), while a negative correlation between Fe and age (p?=?0.002, ρ?=??0.218). In type 2 diabetes, there was a negative correlation between Fe and age (p?=?0.017, ρ?=??0.294) and Fe and BMI (p?=?0.026, ρ?=??0.301). Thus, these elements may play a role in both forms of diabetes and combined mineral supplementations could have beneficial effects.  相似文献   
The chloroplast membranes of Gonyaulax polyedra Stein were studied in replicas of rapidly frozen and fractured cells. The thylakoid EFs face lacked the large 15–16 nm particles characteristic of plants with the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein, presumably because the principal light-harvesting protein of Gonyaulax is the small water-soluble peridinin-chlorophyll-protein and the chlorophyll a/b protein is absent. As in other plants, the EFs thylakoid fracture face carried more particles (4 ×) than EFuface. The PF faces of the thylakoid showed twice as many particles as did the EFs faces. No circadian differences in the number or size of thylakoid membrane particles could be detected. Three membranes comprise the chloroplast envelope in Gonyaulax. They could be clearly differentiated in freeze-fractured cells. The middle envelope membrane carried many fewer particles on both the EF and PF faces than did the other two envelope membranes. The PF faces of both the outer and inner envelope membranes showed more particles than the EF faces, as do many other membranes which have been examined.  相似文献   
It has been shown that dominant individuals sustain eye-contact when non-consciously confronted with angry faces, suggesting reflexive mechanisms underlying dominance behaviors. However, dominance and submission can be conveyed and provoked by means of not only facial but also bodily features. So far few studies have investigated the interplay of body postures with personality traits and behavior, despite the biological relevance and ecological validity of these postures. Here we investigate whether non-conscious exposure to bodily expressions of anger evokes reflex-like dominance behavior. In an interactive eye-tracking experiment thirty-two participants completed three social dominance tasks with angry, happy and neutral facial, bodily and face and body compound expressions that were masked from consciousness. We confirmed our predictions of slower gaze-aversion from both non-conscious bodily and compound expressions of anger compared to happiness in high dominant individuals. Results from a follow-up experiment suggest that the dominance behavior triggered by exposure to bodily anger occurs with basic detection of the category, but not recognition of the emotional content. Together these results suggest that dominant staring behavior is reflexively driven by non-conscious perception of the emotional content and triggered by not only facial but also bodily expression of anger.  相似文献   
Neuroglobin (Ngb) is a hexacoordinate globin expressed in the nervous system of vertebrates, involved in neuroprotection. O2 equilibrium measurements on mouse Ngb yielded significantly different P50 values, ranging from ∼2 torr to ∼10 torr. By a kinetic approach minimizing the effects of protein autoxidation, we measured P50 = 2.2 torr at 20 °C. As predicted from the structure, O2 binds to the Y44D Ngb mutant more quickly (k = 2.2 s−1 vs 0.15 s−1) and with slightly higher affinity (P50 = 1.3 torr) than wild-type. In addition, we introduced a novel reduction protocol for metNgb based on NADH:flavorubredoxin oxidoreductase (FlRd-red) from Escherichia coli, a candidate for the Ngb reducing activity recently identified in E. coli extracts. Interestingly, E. coli FlRd-red shares sequence similarity with the FAD-binding domain of the human apoptosis-inducing factor, a finding which may have unexpected significance with reference to the mechanism of neuroprotection by Ngb.  相似文献   
The effect of the protein structure of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase on its incorporation into liposome membranes was investigated as follows: the catalytic α-subunit of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase was split into low-molecular weight fragments by trypsin treatment and the digested enzyme was reconstituted at the same protein concentration as intact control enzyme. The reconstitution process was quantified by the average number of intramembrane particles appearing on concave and convex fracture faces after freeze-fracture of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase liposomes. The number of intramembrane particles as well as their distribution on concave and convex fracture faces is not modified by the proteolysis. In contrast, the ATPase activity and the transport capacity of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase decrease progessively with increasing incubation times in the presence of trypsin and are abolished when the original 100 000 molecular weight α-subunit is no longer visible by sodium dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis. Apparently, functional (Na+ + K+)-ATPase with intact protein structure and digested, non functional enzyme consisting of fragments of the α-subunit reconstitute in the same manner and to the same extent as judged by freeze-fracture analysis. We conclude that, while trypsin treatment modifies the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase molecule in a functional sense, it appears not to modify its interaction with the bilayer in producing intramembrane particles. On the basis of our results, we propose a lipid-lipid interaction mechanism for reconstitution of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase.  相似文献   
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