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After spinal cord injury, transected axons fail to regenerate, yet significant, spontaneous functional improvement can be observed over time. Distinct central nervous system regions retain the capacity to generate new neurons and glia from an endogenous pool of progenitor cells and to compensate neural cell loss following certain lesions. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether endogenous cell replacement (neurogenesis or gliogenesis) in the brain (subventricular zone, SVZ; corpus callosum, CC; hippocampus, HC; and motor cortex, MC) or cervical spinal cord might represent a structural correlate for spontaneous locomotor recovery after a thoracic spinal cord injury. Adult Fischer 344 rats received severe contusion injuries (200 kDyn) of the mid-thoracic spinal cord using an Infinite Horizon Impactor. Uninjured rats served as controls. From 4 to 14 days post-injury, both groups received injections of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) to label dividing cells. Over the course of six weeks post-injury, spontaneous recovery of locomotor function occurred. Survival of newly generated cells was unaltered in the SVZ, HC, CC, and the MC. Neurogenesis, as determined by identification and quantification of doublecortin immunoreactive neuroblasts or BrdU/neuronal nuclear antigen double positive newly generated neurons, was not present in non-neurogenic regions (MC, CC, and cervical spinal cord) and unaltered in neurogenic regions (dentate gyrus and SVZ) of the brain. The lack of neuronal replacement in the brain and spinal cord after spinal cord injury precludes any relevance for spontaneous recovery of locomotor function. Gliogenesis was increased in the cervical spinal cord remote from the injury site, however, is unlikely to contribute to functional improvement.  相似文献   
It has been shown that dominant individuals sustain eye-contact when non-consciously confronted with angry faces, suggesting reflexive mechanisms underlying dominance behaviors. However, dominance and submission can be conveyed and provoked by means of not only facial but also bodily features. So far few studies have investigated the interplay of body postures with personality traits and behavior, despite the biological relevance and ecological validity of these postures. Here we investigate whether non-conscious exposure to bodily expressions of anger evokes reflex-like dominance behavior. In an interactive eye-tracking experiment thirty-two participants completed three social dominance tasks with angry, happy and neutral facial, bodily and face and body compound expressions that were masked from consciousness. We confirmed our predictions of slower gaze-aversion from both non-conscious bodily and compound expressions of anger compared to happiness in high dominant individuals. Results from a follow-up experiment suggest that the dominance behavior triggered by exposure to bodily anger occurs with basic detection of the category, but not recognition of the emotional content. Together these results suggest that dominant staring behavior is reflexively driven by non-conscious perception of the emotional content and triggered by not only facial but also bodily expression of anger.  相似文献   
Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), member of the human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER) family, plays a critical role in regulating multiple cellular processes including proliferation, differentiation, cell migration and cell survival. Deregulation of the EGFR signaling has been found to be associated with the development of a variety of human malignancies including lung, breast, and ovarian cancers, making inhibition of EGFR the most promising molecular targeted therapy developed in the past decade against cancer. Human non small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) with activating mutations in the EGFR gene frequently experience significant tumor regression when treated with EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), although acquired resistance invariably develops. Resistance to TKI treatments has been associated to secondary mutations in the EGFR gene or to activation of additional bypass signaling pathways including the ones mediated by receptor tyrosine kinases, Fas receptor and NF-kB. In more than 30–40% of cases, however, the mechanisms underpinning drug-resistance are still unknown. The establishment of cellular and mouse models can facilitate the unveiling of mechanisms leading to drug-resistance and the development or validation of novel therapeutic strategies aimed at overcoming resistance and enhancing outcomes in NSCLC patients. Here we describe the establishment and characterization of EGFR TKI-resistant NSCLC cell lines and a pilot study on the effects of a combined MET and EGFR inhibitors treatment. The characterization of the erlotinib-resistant cell lines confirmed the association of EGFR TKI resistance with loss of EGFR gene amplification and/or AXL overexpression and/or MET gene amplification and MET receptor activation. These cellular models can be instrumental to further investigate the signaling pathways associated to EGFR TKI-resistance. Finally the drugs combination pilot study shows that MET gene amplification and MET receptor activation are not sufficient to predict a positive response of NSCLC cells to a cocktail of MET and EGFR inhibitors and highlights the importance of identifying more reliable biomarkers to predict the efficacy of treatments in NSCLC patients resistant to EGFR TKI.  相似文献   
Although often overshadowed by the motor dysfunction associated with Parkinson's disease (PD), autonomic dysfunction including urinary bladder and bowel dysfunctions are often associated with PD and may precede motoric changes; such autonomic dysfunction may permit early detection and intervention. Lower urinary tract symptoms are common in PD patients and result in significant morbidity. This studies focus on nonmotor symptoms in PD using a transgenic mouse model with overexpression of human α-synuclein (hSNCA), the peptide found in high concentrations in Lewy body neuronal inclusions, the histopathologic hallmark of PD. We examined changes in the physiological, molecular, chemical, and electrical properties of neuronal pathways controlling urinary bladder function in transgenic mice. The results of these studies reveal that autonomic dysfunction (i.e., urinary bladder) can precede motor dysfunction. In addition, mice with hSNCA overexpression in relevant neuronal populations is associated with alterations in expression of neurotransmitter/neuromodulatory molecules (PACAP, VIP, substance P, and neuronal NOS) within neuronal pathways regulating bladder function as well as with increased NGF expression in the urinary bladder. Changes in the electrical and synaptic properties of neurons in the major pelvic ganglia that provide postganglionic innervation to urogenital tissues were not changed as determined with intracellular recording. The urinary bladder dysfunction observed in transgenic mice likely reflects changes in peripheral (i.e., afferent) and/or central micturition pathways or changes in the urinary bladder. SYN-OE mice provide an opportunity to examine early events underlying the molecular and cellular plasticity of autonomic nervous system pathways underlying synucleinopathies.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton dynamics were assessed in the macrotidal ecosystemof Arcachon Bay through high-frequency surveys over a 5-yearperiod in order to characterize typology of environmental conditionsat the onset of the productive period. Temporal variations ofhydrological and biological parameters were examined in externaland internal waters of the lagoon, during the winter–springperiods from 1999 to 2003. An additional survey was performedduring winter–spring 2005 in order to study the verticalstructure of the water column. The occurrence of winter phytoplanktonblooms between January and March emerged as a recurrent event.The early onset of the productive period is influenced by thebiological functioning of adjacent Bay of Biscay oceanic waters.It is hypothesized that under a propitious hydrodynamic regime,phytoplankton inocula from the Bay of Biscay enter in the ArcachonBay where cells presumably find favourable conditions for theirfast development. The timing of the onset of those winter bloomsin Arcachon Bay seems to be mainly influenced by the presenceof anticyclonic weather conditions (associated with an increasein incident irradiance) during late winter (i.e. by February),while the water column does not show any particular stabilizationnor stratification liable to facilitate the onset of these blooms.Moreover, these winter blooms dominated by diatoms led to anearly nutrient depletion which could have inevitable consequenceson the structuration of the food web during spring and summer.  相似文献   
The neuregulins (NRGs) are a family of signaling proteins that are ligands for receptor tyrosine kinase of the ErbB family (namely ErbB3 and ErbB4). To date, four different neuregulin genes have been identified (neuregulin1-4). While NRG1 isoforms have been extensively studied, little is yet known about the other genes of the family. We report the expression of recombinant NRG1beta1, NRG2alpha, NRG2beta, and NRG3 as recombinant fusion proteins in Escherichia coli. The cDNA encoding for the EGF-like domain of each protein was cloned from the mouse olfactory bulb and inserted into the pET-19b vector allowing for bacterial expression of the protein fused to an N-terminal His tag. The recombinant NRGs expressed in the inclusion bodies were solubilized under denaturing conditions, purified by affinity chromatography, and refolded via dialysis in the presence of reducing agents. Purified recombinant NRGs were active as they bound to their receptors and induced their phosphorylation. In particular, and in agreement with data on the native proteins, all the molecules were able to bind and activate ErbB4 while only the rNRG1 and the two rNRG2 (but not rNRG3) bound ErbB3.  相似文献   
We identified 11 17-hydroxygeranyllinalool diterpene glycosides (HGL-DTGs) that occur in concentrations equivalent to starch (mg/g fresh mass) in aboveground tissues of coyote tobacco (Nicotiana attenuata) and differ in their sugar moieties and malonyl sugar esters (0-2). Concentrations of HGL-DTGs, particularly malonylated compounds, are highest in young and reproductive tissues. Within a tissue, herbivore elicitation changes concentrations and biosynthetic kinetics of individual compounds. Using stably transformed N. attenuata plants silenced in jasmonate production and perception, or production of N. attenuata Hyp-rich glycopeptide systemin precursor by RNA interference, we identified malonylation as the key biosynthetic step regulated by herbivory and jasmonate signaling. We stably silenced N. attenuata geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase (ggpps) to reduce precursors for the HGL-DTG skeleton, resulting in reduced total HGL-DTGs and greater vulnerability to native herbivores in the field. Larvae of the specialist tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) grew up to 10 times as large on ggpps silenced plants, and silenced plants suffered significantly more damage from herbivores in N. attenuata''s native habitat than did wild-type plants. We propose that high concentrations of HGL-DTGs effectively defend valuable tissues against herbivores and that malonylation may play an important role in regulating the distribution and storage of HGL-DTGs in plants.  相似文献   
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