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Prostasin is a tryptic peptidase expressed in prostate, kidney, lung, and airway. Mammalian prostasins are related to Xenopus channel-activating protease, which stimulates epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) activity in frogs. In human epithelia, prostasin is one of several membrane peptidases proposed to regulate ENaC. This study tests the hypothesis that prostasin can regulate ENaC in cystic fibrosis epithelia in which excessive Na+ uptake contributes to salt and water imbalance. We show that prostasin mRNA and protein are strongly expressed by human airway epithelial cell lines, including immortalized JME/CF15 nasal epithelial cells homozygous for the DeltaF508 cystic fibrosis mutation. Epithelial cells transfected with vectors encoding recombinant soluble prostasin secrete active, tryptic peptidase that is highly sensitive to inactivation by aprotinin. When studied as monolayers in Ussing chambers, JME/CF15 cells exhibit amiloride-sensitive, transepithelial Na+ currents that are markedly diminished by aprotinin, suggesting regulation by serine-class peptidases. Overproduction of membrane-anchored prostasin in transfected JME/CF15 cells does not augment Na+ currents, and trypsin-induced increases are small, suggesting that baseline serine peptidase-dependent ENaC activation is maximal in these cells. To probe prostasin's involvement in basal ENaC activity, we silenced expression of prostasin using short interfering RNA targeting of prostasin mRNA's 3'-untranslated region. This drops ENaC currents to 26 +/- 9% of baseline. These data predict that prostasin is a major regulator of ENaC-mediated Na+ current in DeltaF508 cystic fibrosis epithelia and suggest that airway prostasin is a target for therapeutic inhibition to normalize ion current in cystic fibrosis airway.  相似文献   
The SARS‐CoV‐2 infection cycle is a multistage process that relies on functional interactions between the host and the pathogen. Here, we repurposed antiviral drugs against both viral and host enzymes to pharmaceutically block methylation of the viral RNA 2''‐O‐ribose cap needed for viral immune escape. We find that the host cap 2''‐O‐ribose methyltransferase MTr1 can compensate for loss of viral NSP16 methyltransferase in facilitating virus replication. Concomitant inhibition of MTr1 and NSP16 efficiently suppresses SARS‐CoV‐2 replication. Using in silico target‐based drug screening, we identify a bispecific MTr1/NSP16 inhibitor with anti‐SARS‐CoV‐2 activity in vitro and in vivo but with unfavorable side effects. We further show antiviral activity of inhibitors that target independent stages of the host SAM cycle providing the methyltransferase co‐substrate. In particular, the adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY) inhibitor DZNep is antiviral in in vitro, in ex vivo, and in a mouse infection model and synergizes with existing COVID‐19 treatments. Moreover, DZNep exhibits a strong immunomodulatory effect curbing infection‐induced hyperinflammation and reduces lung fibrosis markers ex vivo. Thus, multispecific and metabolic MTase inhibitors constitute yet unexplored treatment options against COVID‐19.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Msl5 orchestrates spliceosome assembly by binding the intron branchpoint sequence 5′-UACUAAC and, with its heterodimer partner protein Mud2, establishing cross intron-bridging interactions with the U1 snRNP at the 5′ splice site. Here we define the central Msl5 KH-QUA2 domain as sufficient for branchpoint RNA recognition. The 1.8 Å crystal structure of Msl5-(KH-QUA2) bound to the branchpoint highlights an extensive network of direct and water-mediated protein–RNA and intra-RNA atomic contacts at the interface that illuminate how Msl5 recognizes each nucleobase of the UACUAAC element. The Msl5 structure rationalizes a large body of mutational data and inspires new functional studies herein, which reveal how perturbations of the Msl5·RNA interface impede the splicing of specific yeast pre-mRNAs. We also identify interfacial mutations in Msl5 that bypass the essentiality of Sub2, a DExD-box ATPase implicated in displacing Msl5 from the branchpoint in exchange for the U2 snRNP. These studies establish an atomic resolution framework for understanding splice site selection and early spliceosome dynamics.  相似文献   
During the process of recombinant cell line optimisation for production of biopharmaceuticals, multiple cellular properties like robustness against stress, the attainment of high cell concentrations and maintenance of high viability must be considered to maximize protein yield. To improve growth and viability, glutamine is supplemented as an alternative energy source for rapidly dividing cells that oxidize glucose inefficiently. However, the resulting by-product ammonia is toxic at high concentrations and has a negative impact on protein glycosylation, a major quality-determining parameter of biopharmaceuticals. In this work, the CHO-K1 cell line was adapted to a chemically defined medium and suspension growth within 3 weeks. Subsequently, the glutamine concentration was stepwise reduced from 8 to 4 and 2 mM. After each reduction, both the final cell concentration in the batch and the viability decreased. To force a rapid evolution of cells to achieve high final cell concentrations, cells were seeded at high densities (10(7) cells/mL) and surviving cells were sorted by FACS or MACS when viability declined to 10% (typically after 24 h). Sorted cells were grown in batch until viability declined to 10% and viable cells recovered again. The final sorted population was able to reach comparable or even better viable cell concentrations and showed a significantly improved viability compared to their ancestors. The 2 mM glutamine-adapted cell line was directly transferred into glutamine-free medium and was able to grow at comparable rates without requiring further adaptation. Cells compensated the lack of glutamine by increasing their consumption of glutamate and aspartate.  相似文献   
Alanyl aminopeptidase (APN) is a surface-bound metallopeptidase that processes the N-terminals of biologically active peptides such as enkephalins, angiotensins, neurokinins, and cytokines. It exerts profound activity on vital processes such as immune response, cellular growth, and blood pressure control. Inhibition of either APN gene expression or its enzymatic activity severely affects leukocyte growth and function. We show here that oxidoreductase-mediated modulations of the cell surface thiol status affect the enzymatic activity of APN. Additional evidence for the pivotal role of extracellular cysteines in the APN molecule was obtained when substitution of any of these six cysteines caused complete loss of surface expression and enzymatic activity. In contrast, the transmembrane Cys24 appears to have no similar function. Enzymatically inactive cysteine mutants were retained in the endoplasmic reticulum as shown by high-resolution imaging and Endoglycosidase H digestion. In the absence of any crystal-structure data, the demonstration that individual extracellular cysteines contribute to APN expression and function appears to be of particular importance. The data are the first to show thiol-dependent modulation of the activity of a typical surface-bound peptidase at the cell surface, probably reflecting a general regulating mechanism. This may relate to various disease processes such as inflammation or malignant transformation.  相似文献   
Unique among fibroblast growth factors (FGFs), FGF19, -21, and -23 act in an endocrine fashion to regulate energy, bile acid, glucose, lipid, phosphate, and vitamin D homeostasis. These FGFs require the presence of Klotho/betaKlotho in their target tissues. Here, we present the crystal structures of FGF19 alone and FGF23 in complex with sucrose octasulfate, a disaccharide chemically related to heparin. The conformation of the heparin-binding region between beta strands 10 and 12 in FGF19 and FGF23 diverges completely from the common conformation adopted by paracrine-acting FGFs. A cleft between this region and the beta1-beta2 loop, the other heparin-binding region, precludes direct interaction between heparin/heparan sulfate and backbone atoms of FGF19/23. This reduces the heparin-binding affinity of these ligands and confers endocrine function. Klotho/betaKlotho have evolved as a compensatory mechanism for the poor ability of heparin/heparan sulfate to promote binding of FGF19, -21, and -23 to their cognate receptors.  相似文献   
Land-use intensification is a major cause for the decline in species diversity in human-modified landscapes. The loss of functionally important species can reduce a variety of ecosystem functions, such as pollination and seed dispersal, but the intricate relationships between land-use intensity, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning are still contentious. Along a gradient from forest to intensively used farmland, we quantified bee species richness, visitation rates of bees and pollination success of wild cherry trees (Prunus avium). We analysed the effects of structural habitat diversity at a local scale and of the proportion of suitable habitat around each tree at a landscape scale. We compared these findings with those from previous studies of seed-dispersing birds and mammals in the same model system and along the same land-use gradient. Bee species richness and visitation rates were found to be highest in structurally simple habitats, whereas bird species richness—but not their visitation rates—were highest in structurally complex habitats. Mammal visitation rates were only influenced at the landscape scale. These results show that different functional groups of animals respond idiosyncratically to gradients in habitat and landscape structure. Despite strong effects on bees and birds, pollination success and bird seed removal did not differ along the land-use gradient at both spatial scales. These results suggest that mobile organisms, such as bees and birds, move over long distances in intensively used landscapes and thereby buffer pollination and seed-dispersal interactions. We conclude that measures of species richness and interaction frequencies are not sufficient on their own to understand the ultimate consequences of land-use intensification on ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   
Kinocilia of epidermal sensory cells in fixed marine Turbellaria often terminate as flattened biconcave discs. The distal part of the ciliary axoneme curves back upon itself forming a 360 degree loop which is enveloped by the plasmalemma. In living animals this structure can be induced by the addition of sodium cacodylate, monobasic sodium phosphate, dibasic sodium phosphate, sucrose, calcium chloride, or formaldehyde to the sea water. Specimens treated with sodium chloride, glutaraldehyde, or osmium tetroxide do not show modified cilia. In animals prepared for EM at low temperature and with a buffered hypotonic fixative less kinocilia are modified than in animals treated with a buffered iso- or hypertonic fixative and at a higher temperature. It is assumed that the unusually shaped cilia, described as "paddle cilia" or "discocilia" in other invertebrates, do not represent a genuine but an artificial structure.  相似文献   
Clustering or overexpression of the transmembrane form of the extracellular matrix proteoglycan agrin in neurons results in the formation of numerous highly motile filopodia-like processes extending from axons and dendrites. Here we show that similar processes can be induced by overexpression of transmembrane-agrin in several non-neuronal cell lines. Mapping of the process-inducing activity in neurons and non-neuronal cells demonstrates that the cytoplasmic part of transmembrane agrin is dispensable and that the extracellular region is necessary for process formation. Site-directed mutagenesis reveals an essential role for the loop between β-sheets 3 and 4 within the Kazal subdomain of the seventh follistatin-like domain of TM-agrin. An aspartic acid residue within this loop is critical for process formation. The seventh follistatin-like domain could be functionally replaced by the first and sixth but not by the eighth follistatin-like domain, demonstrating a functional redundancy among some follistatin-like domains of agrin. Moreover, a critical distance of the seventh follistatin-like domain to the plasma membrane appears to be required for process formation. These results demonstrate that different regions within the agrin protein are responsible for synapse formation at the neuromuscular junction and for process formation in central nervous system neurons and suggest a role for agrin''s follistatin-like domains in the developing central nervous system.  相似文献   
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