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Tripeptidyl peptidase II (TPP II) is an exopeptidase of the subtilisin type of serine proteases that is thought to act downstream of the proteasome in the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Recently, a key role in a pathway parallel to the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway has been ascribed to TPP II, which forms a giant protease complex in mammalian cells. Here, we report the 900-fold purification of TPP II from Drosophila eggs and demonstrate via cryo-electron microscopy that TPP II from Drosophila melanogaster also forms a giant protease complex. The presented three-dimensional reconstruction of the 57 x 27 nm TPP II complex at 3.3 nm resolution reveals that the 150 kDa subunits form a superstructure composed of two segmented and twisted strands. Each strand is 12.5 nm in width and composed of 11 segments that enclose a central channel.  相似文献   
Historically, conditioning for engraftment of hematopoietic stem cells has been nonspecific. In the present study, we characterized which cells in the recipient hematopoietic microenvironment prevent allogeneic marrow engraftment. Mice defective in production of alphabeta-TCR(+), gammadelta-TCR(+), alphabeta- plus gammadelta-TCR(+), CD8(+), or CD4(+) cells were transplanted with MHC-disparate allogeneic bone marrow. Conditioning with 500 cGy total body irradiation (TBI) plus a single dose of cyclophosphamide (CyP) on day +2 establishes chimerism in normal recipients. When mice were conditioned with 300 cGy TBI plus a single dose of CyP on day +2, all engrafted, except wild-type controls and those defective in production of CD4(+) T cells. Mice lacking both alphabeta- and gammadelta-TCR(+) cells engrafted without conditioning, suggesting that both alphabeta- and gammadelta-TCR T cells in the host play critical and nonredundant roles in preventing engraftment of allogeneic bone marrow. CD8 knockout (KO) mice engrafted without TBI, but only if they received CyP on day +2 relative to the marrow infusion, showing that a CD8(-) cell was targeted by the CyP conditioning. The CD8(+) cell effector function is mechanistically different from that for conventional T cells, and independent of CD4(+) T helper cells because CD4 KO mice require substantially higher levels of conditioning than the other KO phenotypes. These results suggest that a number of cell populations with different mechanisms of action mediate resistance to engraftment of allogeneic marrow. Targeting of specific recipient cellular populations may permit conditioning approaches to allow mixed chimerism with minimal morbidity and could potentially avoid the requirement for myelotoxic agents altogether.  相似文献   
Capsids and the enclosed DNA of adenoviruses, including the species C viruses adenovirus type 2 (Ad2) and Ad5, and herpesviruses, such as herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), are targeted to the nuclei of epithelial, endothelial, fibroblastic, and neuronal cells. Cytoplasmic transport of fluorophore-tagged Ad2 and immunologically detected HSV-1 capsids required intact microtubules and the microtubule-dependent minus-end-directed motor complex dynein-dynactin. A recent study with epithelial cells suggested that Ad5 was transported to the nucleus and expressed its genes independently of a microtubule network. To clarify the mechanisms by which Ad2 and, as an independent control, HSV-1 were targeted to the nucleus, we treated epithelial cells with nocodazole (NOC) to depolymerize microtubules and measured viral gene expression at different times and multiplicities of infections. Our results indicate that in NOC-treated cells, viral transgene expression was significantly reduced at up to 48 h postinfection (p.i.). A quantitative analysis of subcellular capsid localization indicated that NOC blocked the nuclear targeting of Ad2 and also HSV-1 by more than 90% at up to 7 h p.i. About 10% of the incoming Texas Red-coupled Ad2 (Ad2-TR) was enriched at the nucleus in microtubule-depleted cells at 5 h p.i. This result is consistent with earlier observations that Ad2-TR capsids move randomly in NOC-treated cells at less than 0.1 micro m/s and over distances of less than 5 micro m, characteristic of Brownian motion. We conclude that fluorophore-tagged Ad2 and HSV-1 particles are infectious and that microtubules play a prominent role in efficient nuclear targeting during entry and gene expression of species C Ads and HSV-1.  相似文献   
The flavodoxin-like domain, missing in the three-dimensional structure of the monomeric, simplified model of the Escherichia coli sulfite reductase flavoprotein component (SiR-FP), has now been expressed independently. This 168 amino acid protein was named SiR-FP18 with respect to its native molecular weight and represents the FMN-binding domain of SiR-FP. This simplified biological object has kept the main characteristics of its counterpart in the native protein. It could incorporate FMN exclusively and stabilize a neutral air-stable semiquinone radical. Both the radical and the fully reduced forms of SiR-FP18 were able to transfer their electrons to DCPIP or cytochrome c quantitatively. SiR-FP18 was able to form a highly stable complex with SiR-HP, the hemoprotein component of the sulfite reductase containing an iron-sulfur cluster coupled to a siroheme. In agreement with the postulated catalytic cycle of SiR-FP, only the fully reduced form of SiR-FP18 could transfer one electron to SiR-HP, the transferred electron being localized exclusively on the heme. As isolated SiR-FP18 has kept the main characteristics of the FMN-binding domain of the native protein, a structural analysis by NMR was performed in order to complete the partial structure obtained previously. Structural modeling was performed using sequence homologues, cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR; 29% identity) and bacterial cytochrome P450 (P450-BM3; 26% identity), as conformational templates. These sequences were anchored using common secondary structural elements identified from heteronuclear NMR data measured on the protein backbone. The resulting structural model was validated, and subsequently refined using residual (C(alpha)-C', N-H(N), and C'-H(N)) dipolar couplings measured in an anisotropic medium. The overall fold of SiR-FP18 is very similar to that of bacterial flavodoxins and of the flavodoxin-like domain in CPR or P450-BM3.  相似文献   
In developing murine growth plates, chondrocytes near the articular surface (periarticular chondrocytes) proliferate, differentiate into flat column-forming proliferating cells (columnar chondrocytes), stop dividing and finally differentiate into hypertrophic cells. Indian hedgehog (Ihh), which is predominantly expressed in prehypertrophic cells, stimulates expression of parathyroid hormone (PTH)-related peptide (PTHrP) which negatively regulates terminal chondrocyte differentiation through the PTH/PTHrP receptor (PPR). However, the roles of PTHrP and Ihh in regulating earlier steps in chondrocyte differentiation are unclear. We present novel mouse models with PPR abnormalities that help clarify these roles. In mice with chondrocyte-specific PPR ablation and mice with reduced PPR expression, chondrocyte differentiation was accelerated not only at the terminal step but also at an earlier step: periarticular to columnar differentiation. In these models, upregulation of Ihh action in the periarticular region was also observed. In the third model in which the PPR was disrupted in about 30% of columnar chondrocytes, Ihh action in the periarticular chondrocytes was upregulated because of ectopically differentiated hypertrophic chondrocytes that had lost PPR. Acceleration of periarticular to columnar differentiation was also noted in this mouse, while most of periarticular chondrocytes retained PPR signaling. These data suggest that Ihh positively controls differentiation of periarticular chondrocytes independently of PTHrP. Thus, chondrocyte differentiation is controlled at multiple steps by PTHrP and Ihh through the mutual regulation of their activities.  相似文献   
Eosinophils are recruited to sites of inflammation via the action of a number of chemical mediators, including PAF, leukotrienes, eotaxins, ECF-A and histamine. Although many of the cell-surface receptors for these mediators have been identified, histamine-driven chemotaxis has not been conclusively attributed to any of the three known histamine receptor subtypes, suggesting the possibility of a 4th histamine-responsive receptor on eosinophils. We have identified and cloned a novel G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), termed Pfi-013, from an IL-5 stimulated eosinophil cDNA library which is homologous to the human histamine H3 receptor, both at the sequence and gene structure level. Expression data indicates that Pfi-013 is predominantly expressed in peripheral blood leukocytes, with lower expression levels in spleen, testis and colon. Ligand-binding studies using Pfi-013 expressed in HEK-293Galpha15 cells, demonstrates specific binding to histamine with a Kd of 3.28 +/- 0.76 nM and possesses a unique rank order of potency against known histaminergic compounds in a competitive ligand-binding assay (histamine > clobenpropit > iodophenpropit > thioperamide > R-alpha-methylhistamine > cimetidine > pyrilamine). We have therefore termed this receptor human histamine H4. Chemotaxis studies on isolated human eosinophils have confirmed that histamine is chemotactic and that agonists of the known histamine receptors (H1, H2, and H3) do not induce such a response. Furthermore, studies employing histamine-receptor antagonists have shown an inhibition of chemotaxis only by the H3 antagonists clobenpropit and thioperamide. Since these compounds are also antagonists of hH4 we postulate that the receptor mediating histaminergic chemotaxis is this novel histamine H4 receptor.  相似文献   
We present the directed immobilization of recombinant antibody fragments as ligands for general immunoaffinity chromatography methods. It is based on fusion proteins of scFv fragments with several chitin-binding domains which can be immobilized directly from a crude bacterial lysate on inexpensive chitin beads for the purification of proteins without any gradient or detector. It has been used with a positive pressure manifold, allowing the parallel processing of 24 different samples on a milligram scale, as convenient as plasmid isolation. The method is demonstrated with several anti-protein antibodies. In addition, methods are presented of using an anti-His tag antibody either alone or directly coupled to IMAC to obtain very pure protein. As those methods are scalable, they should prove very useful in the parallel purification of natural and recombinant proteins on small scales (for proteomics), medium scales (for crystallography and NMR), and very large scales (for therapeutic proteins).  相似文献   
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