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Yeast and plant tRNA splicing entails discrete healing and sealing steps catalyzed by a tRNA ligase that converts the 2',3' cyclic phosphate and 5'-OH termini of the broken tRNA exons to 3'-OH/2'-PO4 and 5'-PO4 ends, respectively, then joins the ends to yield a 2'-PO4, 3'-5' phosphodiester splice junction. The junction 2'-PO4 is removed by a tRNA phosphotransferase, Tpt1. Animal cells have two potential tRNA repair pathways: a yeast-like system plus a distinctive mechanism, also present in archaea, in which the 2',3' cyclic phosphate and 5'-OH termini are ligated directly. Here we report that a mammalian 2',3' cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (CNP) can perform the essential 3' end-healing steps of tRNA splicing in yeast and thereby complement growth of strains bearing lethal or temperature-sensitive mutations in the tRNA ligase 3' end-healing domain. Although this is the first evidence of an RNA processing function in vivo for the mammalian CNP protein, it seems unlikely that the yeast-like pathway is responsible for animal tRNA splicing, insofar as neither CNP nor Tpt1 is essential in mice.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Mast cells are resident tissue cells that induce anaphylactic reactions by rapidly releasing mediators after antigen-mediated cross-linking of immunoglobulin E receptors. In the similarly active peripheral blood basophilic leukocyte, lysosome-associated membrane protein 3 (LAMP-3; CD63) has been described as an activation marker, but LAMPs have not been investigated in normal tissue mast cells. METHODS: Intra- and extracellular expressions of LAMP-1 (CD107a), LAMP-2 (CD107b), and LAMP-3 (CD63) were analysed by flow cytometry, immunocytochemistry, and functional assays in unstimulated and stimulated leukemic human mast cell line 1 (HMC-1) and skin mast cells. RESULTS: On flow cytometry, all mast cells expressed LAMP-3 at their cell membranes, whereas LAMP-1 and LAMP-2 were barely detectable (HMC-1 cells) or expressed at low levels (<10% of skin mast cells). After fixation and permeabilisation, high intracellular levels of all three LAMPs were noted in both cell types. After stimulation, a rapid translocation of intracellular LAMPs to the cell membrane, with an associated release of histamine, leukotriene C(4) and prostaglandin D(2), was ascertained in skin mast cells only. CONCLUSION: These results show that LAMP-1 and LAMP-2 are activation markers for normal mast cells. The lack of LAMP translocation after activation of leukemic mast cells may be related to maturation or malignancy-associated defects of these cells.  相似文献   
Objective: To investigate the effect of breastfeeding in healthy boys and girls on their trajectories of percent body fat (%BF) and BMI standard deviation scores (BMI–SDS) throughout childhood. Methods and Procedures: Analyses of the DOrtmund Nutritional and Anthropometric Longitudinally Designed (DONALD) Study included data from 219 male and 215 female term participants, born between 1984 and 1999, with repeated anthropometric measurements between 0.5 and 7 years and prospective data on duration of breastfeeding. Results: Among boys with an overweight mother (OW‐M), analyses adjusted for potential confounders revealed that not or shortly breastfed (≤17 weeks) boys did not experience the age‐dependent decrease in %BF seen in all children with normal weight mothers (NW‐Ms). In contrast, boys fully breastfed for >17 weeks were protected against the adverse effect of maternal overweight (effect of long breastfeeding vs. no/short breastfeeding among boys with OW‐Ms: 0.46%/year; s.e. 0.18; P = 0.01). There was also a suggestion of an interaction between maternal overweight and breastfeeding for the BMI–SDS trajectory (0.08 SDS/year; s.e. 0.04; P = 0.07). Among boys with NW‐Ms mothers and the corresponding subgroups of girls, breastfeeding had little effect on the development of %BF or BMI–SDS throughout childhood. Discussion: Our study suggests that breastfeeding could offset a potential programming effect for childhood adiposity among boys with OW‐Ms, to whom advice to breast‐feed should thus be specifically targeted.  相似文献   
In order to characterize a fibroblast cell line representing normal human skin fibroblasts in three-dimensional cultures, we compared the fibroblast line MSU-1.1, derived from human foreskin and immortalized by v-myc, to primary human dermal fibroblasts (NDF). Our results demonstrate that in contrast to NDF, all MSU-1.1 fibroblasts die within 3-4 d when cultured within three-dimensional contractile collagen matrices. Also, in contrast to NDF. MSU-1.1 cells die markedly in anchored collagen gels as well. Death is due to apoptosis and is attenuated by addition of antibodies against collagen-recognizing receptors alpha1beta1 and alpha2beta1. Apoptosis of NDF in collagen lattices was repressed by an inhibitor of caspase-1, which was ineffective on apoptosis of MSU-1.1. Further, apoptosis by MSU-1.l fibroblasts was also observed in anchored, i.e., restrained collagen lattices, an environment that supports proliferation of NDF.  相似文献   
The suggestion by Robert Cantor, that drug-induced pressure changes in lipid bilayers can change the conformational equilibrium between open and closed states of membrane proteins and thereby cause anesthesia, attracted much attention lately. Here, we studied the effect of both large external pressure and of 1-alkanols of different chain lengths—some of them anesthetics, others not—on the lateral pressure profiles across dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) bilayers by molecular dynamics simulations. For a pure DMPC bilayer, high pressure both reduced and broadened the tension at the interface hydrophobic/hydrophilic and diminished the repulsion between the phospholipid headgroups. Whereas the effect of ethanol on the lateral pressure profile was similar to the effect of a large external pressure on a DMPC bilayer, long-chain 1-alkanols significantly amplified local maxima and minima in the lateral pressure profile. For most 1-alkanols, external pressure had moderate effects and did not reverse the changes 1-alkanols exerted on the pressure profile. Nevertheless, assuming the bent helix model as a simple geometric model for the transmembrane region of a membrane protein, protein conformational equilibria were shifted in opposite directions by addition of 1-alkanols and additional application of external pressure.  相似文献   
Vibrio cholerae non-O1/non-O139 strains have caused several cases of ear, wound, and blood infections, including one lethal case of septicemia in Austria, during recent years. All of these cases had a history of local recreational activities in the large eastern Austrian lake Neusiedler See. Thus, a monitoring program was started to investigate the prevalence of V. cholerae strains in the lake over several years. Genetic analyses of isolated strains revealed the presence of a variety of pathogenic genes, but in no case did we detect the cholera toxin gene or the toxin-coregulated pilus gene, both of which are prerequisites for the pathogen to be able to cause cholera. In addition, experiments were performed to elucidate the preferred ecological niche of this pathogen. As size filtration experiments indicated and laboratory microcosms showed, endemic V. cholerae could rapidly grow in a free-living state in natural lake water at growth rates similar to those of the bulk natural bacterial population. Temperature and the quality of dissolved organic carbon had a highly significant influence on V. cholerae growth. Specific growth rates, growth yield, and enzyme activity decreased markedly with increasing concentrations of high-molecular-weight substances, indicating that the humic substances originating from the extensive reed belt in the lake can inhibit V. cholerae growth.  相似文献   
Replication of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) produces large DNA concatemers of head-to-tail-linked viral genomes that upon packaging into capsids are cut into unit-length genomes. The mechanisms underlying cleavage-packaging and the subsequent steps prior to nuclear egress of DNA-filled capsids are incompletely understood. The hitherto uncharacterized product of the essential HCMV UL52 gene was proposed to participate in these processes. To investigate the function of pUL52, we constructed a ΔUL52 mutant as well as a complementing cell line. We found that replication of viral DNA was not impaired in noncomplementing cells infected with the ΔUL52 virus, but viral concatemers remained uncleaved. Since the subnuclear localization of the known cleavage-packaging proteins pUL56, pUL89, and pUL104 was unchanged in ΔUL52-infected fibroblasts, pUL52 does not seem to act via these proteins. Electron microscopy studies revealed only B capsids in the nuclei of ΔUL52-infected cells, indicating that the mutant virus has a defect in encapsidation of viral DNA. Generation of recombinant HCMV genomes encoding epitope-tagged pUL52 versions showed that only the N-terminally tagged pUL52 supported viral growth, suggesting that the C terminus is crucial for its function. pUL52 was expressed as a 75-kDa protein with true late kinetics. It localized preferentially to the nuclei of infected cells and was found to enclose the replication compartments. Taken together, our results demonstrate an essential role for pUL52 in cleavage-packaging of HCMV DNA. Given its unique subnuclear localization, the function of pUL52 might be distinct from that of other cleavage-packaging proteins.  相似文献   
The mushroom bodies (MBs), a paired structure in the insect brain, play a major role in storing and retrieving olfactory memories. We tested whether olfactory learning and odor processing is impaired in honeybees in which MB subunits were partially ablated. Using hydroxyurea (HU) to selectively kill proliferating cells, we created honeybees with varying degrees of MB lesions. Three‐dimensional reconstructions of brains were generated to analyze the drug‐induced morphological changes. These reconstructions show that, with few exceptions, only the MBs were affected by the drug, while other brain areas remained morphometrically intact. Typically, lesions affected only the MB in one hemisphere of the brain. To preclude HU‐induced physiologic deficits in the antennal lobe (AL) affecting olfactory learning, we measured the responses to odors in the AL using an in vivo calcium imaging approach. The response patterns did not differ between the AL of intact versus ablated brain sides within respective specimens. We, therefore, carried out side‐specific classical discriminative olfactory conditioning of the proboscis extension reflex (PER) with control bees and with HU‐treated bees with or without MB ablations. All experimental groups learned equally to discriminate and respond to a rewarded (CS+) but not to an unrewarded (CS?) conditioned stimulus during acquisition and retention tests. Thus, our results indicate that partial MB lesions do not affect this form of elemental olfactory learning. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 53: 343–360, 2002  相似文献   
Thermus thermophilus HB27, an extremely thermophilic bacterium, exhibits high competence for natural transformation. To identify genes of the natural transformation machinery of T. thermophilus HB27, we performed homology searches in the partially completed T. thermophilus genomic sequence for conserved competence genes. These analyses resulted in the detection of 28 open reading frames (ORFs) exhibiting significant similarities to known competence proteins of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Disruption of 15 selected potential competence genes led to the identification of 8 noncompetent mutants and one transformation-deficient mutant with a 100-fold reduced transformation frequency. One competence protein is similar to DprA of Haemophilus influenzae, seven are similar to type IV pilus proteins of Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Neisseria gonorrhoeae (PilM, PilN, PilO, PilQ, PilF, PilC, PilD), and another deduced protein (PilW) is similar to a protein of unknown function in Deinococcus radiodurans R1. Analysis of the piliation phenotype of T. thermophilus HB27 revealed the presence of single pilus structures on the surface of the wild-type cells, whereas the noncompetent pil mutants of Thermus, with the exception of the pilF mutant, were devoid of pilus structures. These results suggest that pili and natural transformation in T. thermophilus HB27 are functionally linked.  相似文献   


Rhamnolipids are biosurfactants featuring surface-active properties that render them suitable for a broad range of industrial applications. These properties include their emulsification and foaming capacity, critical micelle concentration, and ability to lower surface tension. Further, aspects like biocompatibility and environmental friendliness are becoming increasingly important. Rhamnolipids are mainly produced by pathogenic bacteria like Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We previously designed and constructed a recombinant Pseudomonas putida KT2440, which synthesizes rhamnolipids by decoupling production from host-intrinsic regulations and cell growth.


Here, the molecular structure of the rhamnolipids, i.e., different congeners produced by engineered P. putida are reported. Natural rhamnolipid producers can synthesize mono- and di-rhamnolipids, containing one or two rhamnose molecules, respectively. Of each type of rhamnolipid four main congeners are produced, deviating in the chain lengths of the β-hydroxy-fatty acids. The resulting eight main rhamnolipid congeners with variable numbers of hydrophobic/hydrophilic residues and their mixtures feature different physico-chemical properties that might lead to diverse applications. We engineered a microbial cell factory to specifically produce three different biosurfactant mixtures: a mixture of di- and mono-rhamnolipids, mono-rhamnolipids only, and hydroxyalkanoyloxy alkanoates, the precursors of rhamnolipid synthesis, consisting only of β-hydroxy-fatty acids. To support the possibility of second generation biosurfactant production with our engineered microbial cell factory, we demonstrate rhamnolipid production from sustainable carbon sources, including glycerol and xylose. A simple purification procedure resulted in biosurfactants with purities of up to 90%. Finally, through determination of properties specific for surface active compounds, we were able to show that the different mixtures indeed feature different physico-chemical characteristics.


The approach demonstrated here is a first step towards the production of designer biosurfactants, tailor-made for specific applications by purposely adjusting the congener composition of the mixtures. Not only were we able to genetically engineer our cell factory to produce specific biosurfactant mixtures, but we also showed that the products are suited for different applications. These designer biosurfactants can be produced as part of a biorefinery from second generation carbon sources such as xylose.
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