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The tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) cofactor is essential for the biosynthesis of catecholamines and serotonin and for nitric-oxide synthase (NOS). Alterations in BH4 metabolism are observed in various neurological and psychiatric diseases, and mutations in one of the human metabolic genes causes hyperphenylalaninemia and/or monoamine neurotransmitter deficiency. We report on a knockout mouse for the Pts gene, which codes for a BH4-biosynthetic enzyme. Homozygous Pts-/- mice developed with normal morphology but died after birth. Upon daily oral administration of BH4 and neurotransmitter precursors the Pts-/- mice eventually survived. However, at sexual maturity (6 weeks) the mice had only one-third of the normal body weight and were sexually immature. Biochemical analysis revealed no hyperphenylalaninemia, normal brain NOS activity, and almost normal serotonin levels, but brain dopamine was 3% of normal. Low dopamine leads to impaired food consumption as reflected by the severe growth deficiency and a 7-fold reduced serum insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). This is the first link shown between 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase- or BH4-biosynthetic activity and IGF-1.  相似文献   
We investigated whether the expression of human α-parvalbumin affects depolarization-induced elevations of the cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) in human neuroblastoma SKNBE2 cells. A full length human parvalbumin cDNA was cloned by PCR from human cerebellum and transiently transfected into SKNBE2 cells. Immunofluorescence staining using an antibody raised against parvalbumin revealed a transfection efficacy of about 14%. In parvalbumin-expressing SKNBE2 cells, parvalbumin concentration determined by quantitative Western blotting amounted to 0.42 mM.Transfected SKNBE2 cells were depolarized for 2 min by 50 mM K+. During this period, [Ca2+]i was monitored by video microfluorimetry using the Ca2+ indicator Fura-2. In a fraction of cells, depolarization induced a transient elevation in [Ca2+]i The size of this elevation was compared with the immunofluorimetrically determined expression of parvalbumin on a cell-to-cell basis. Cells with a significant parvalbumin immunofluorescence responded to depolarization with smaller elevations in [Ca2+]i than non-parvalbumin-expressing cells. Resting [Ca 2+], did not differ between parvalbumin-expressing and control cells. These observations indicate that large depolarization-induced transient elevations of [Ca2+]i in neuroblastoma cells can be suppressed by parvalbumin.  相似文献   
Crown rust, caused by Puccinia coronata f. sp. lolii, is one of the most important diseases of temperate forage grasses, such as ryegrasses (Lolium spp.), affecting yield and nutritional quality. Therefore, resistance to crown rust is a major goal in ryegrass breeding programmes. In a two-way pseudo-testcross population consisting of 306 Lolium multiflorum individuals, multisite field evaluations as well as alternative methods based on artificial inoculation with natural inoculate in controlled environments were used to identify QTLs controlling resistance to crown rust. Disease scores obtained from glasshouse and leaf segment test (LST) evaluations were highly correlated with scores from a multisite field assessment (r = 0.66 and 0.79, P < 0.01, respectively) and thus confirmed suitability of these methods for crown rust investigations. Moreover, QTL mapping based on a linkage map consisting of 368 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers revealed similar results across different phenotyping methods. Two major QTLs were consistently detected on linkage group (LG) 1 and LG 2, explaining up to 56% of total phenotypic variance (V p). Nevertheless, differences between position and magnitude of QTLs were observed among individual field locations and suggested the existence of specific local pathogen populations. The present study not only compared QTL results among crown rust evaluation methods and environments, but also identified molecular markers closely linked to previously undescribed QTLs for crown rust resistance in Italian ryegrass with the potential to be applied in marker-assisted forage crop breeding. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Computed Tomography (Electron Beam Tomography: EBCT and multislice computed tomography: MSCT) have recently emerged as non-invasive diagnostic modalities that can quantify coronary calcium which is not only as indicator of coronary risk, but also permits assessment of the coronary lumen. The 16-slice MS-CT, the most recent CT-scanner has a very high resolution, which allows non-invasive assessment of coronary plaques. This has led to a stimulus for further research to assess the role of MSCT coronary plaque imaging in the identification of high-risk coronary plaques.  相似文献   
More than 100 resistance genes against wheat rust pathogens have been described in wheat and its relatives. Although many of them have been extensively used in wheat resistance breeding, none of these resistance loci has yet been analyzed at the molecular level. By screening a set of near-isogenic lines carrying different leaf rust resistance genes with a wheat probe encoding a serine/threonine protein kinase, we detected a polymorphic DNA fragment in the line with the Lr10 resistance gene. This fragment mapped to the Lr10 disease resistance locus and encodes a receptor-like protein kinase which we called LRK10. LRK10 contains a new type of extracellular domain not found in known plant or animal receptor kinases. Several conserved amino acids in S-domain glycoproteins and receptor-like kinases were also found in LRK10, suggesting that LRK10 and S-domain proteins belong to the same superfamily of specific recognition molecules in plants. Lrk10 was expressed at low levels in young seedlings and belongs to a gene family. Analysis of wheat lines with and without the Lr10 gene demonstrated that Lrk10 and Lr10 belong to the same genetic locus. We conclude that gene isolation based on protein kinase homology can identify new receptor domains and provide candidates for disease resistance genes in the complex wheat genome.  相似文献   

Key message

Fine mapping of Yr47 and Lr52 in chromosome arm 5BS of wheat identified close linkage of the marker sun180 to both genes and its robustness for marker-assisted selection was demonstrated.


The widely effective and genetically linked rust resistance genes Yr47 and Lr52 have previously been mapped in the short arm of chromosome 5B in two F3 populations (Aus28183/Aus27229 and Aus28187/Aus27229). The Aus28183/Aus27229 F3 population was advanced to generate an F6 recombinant inbred line (RIL) population to identify markers closely linked with Yr47 and Lr52. Diverse genomic resources including flow-sorted chromosome survey sequence contigs representing the orthologous region in Brachypodium distachyon, the physical map of chromosome arm 5BS, expressed sequence tags (ESTs) located in the 5BS6-0.81-1.00 deletion bin and resistance gene analog contigs of chromosome arm 5BS were used to develop markers to saturate the target region. Selective genotyping was also performed using the iSelect 90 K Infinium wheat SNP assay. A set of SSR, STS, gene-based and SNP markers were developed and genotyped on the Aus28183/Aus27229 RIL population. Yr47 and Lr52 are genetically distinct genes that mapped 0.4 cM apart in the RIL population. The SSR marker sun180 co-segregated with Lr52 and mapped 0.4 cM distal to Yr47. In a high resolution mapping population of 600 F2 genotypes Yr47 and Lr52 mapped 0.2 cM apart and marker sun180 was placed 0.4 cM distal to Lr52. The amplification of a different sun180 amplicon (195 bp) than that linked with Yr47 and Lr52 (200 bp) in 204 diverse wheat genotypes demonstrated its robustness for marker-assisted selection of these genes.
This article describes an easy to use test equipment for measuring the isometric force in the ankle joints in dorsiflexion and plantar flexion. The combination of the test equipment for measuring the voluntary maximal isometric muscle force in the ankle joint, the surface electromyograms and the motion analysis of the measured leg allow an objective comparison of the strength of the muscular force between the left and right leg. It might be also used as a control setup during rehabilitation after surgical treatment or injuries.  相似文献   
We aimed to evaluate whether changes in maize (Zea mays) leaf expansion rate in response to environmental stimuli or developmental gradients are mediated by common or specific expansins, a class of proteins known to enhance cell wall extensibility. Among the 33 maize expansin or putative expansin genes analyzed, 19 were preferentially expressed at some point of the leaf elongation zone and these expansins could be organized into three clusters related to cell division, maximal leaf expansion, and cell wall differentiation. Further analysis of the spatial distribution of expression was carried out for three expansins in leaves displaying a large range of expansion rates due to water deficit, genotype, and leaf developmental stage. With most sources of variation, the three genes showed similar changes in expression and consistent association with changes in leaf expansion. Moreover, our analysis also suggested preferential association of each expansin with elongation, widening, or both of these processes. Finally, using in situ hybridization, expression of two of these genes was increased in load-bearing tissues such as the epidermis and differentiating xylem. Together, these results suggest that some expansins may be preferentially related to elongation and widening after integrating several spatial, environmental, genetic, and developmental cues.  相似文献   
Endothelial cell junctional adhesion molecule (JAM)-C has been proposed to regulate neutrophil migration. In the current study, we used function-blocking mAbs against human JAM-C to determine its role in human leukocyte adhesion and transendothelial cell migration under flow conditions. JAM-C surface expression in HUVEC was uniformly low, and treatment with inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, or LPS did not increase its surface expression as assessed by FACS analysis. By immunofluorescence microscopy, JAM-C staining showed sparse localization to cell-cell junctions on resting or cytokine-activated HUVEC. Surprisingly, staining of detergent-permeabilized HUVEC revealed a large intracellular pool of JAM-C that showed little colocalization with von Willebrand factor. Adhesion studies in an in vitro flow model showed that functional blocking JAM-C mAb alone had no inhibitory effect on polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) adhesion or transmigration, whereas mAb to ICAM-1 significantly reduced transmigration. Interestingly, JAM-C-blocking mAbs synergized with a combination of PECAM-1, ICAM-1, and CD99-blocking mAbs to inhibit PMN transmigration. Overexpression of JAM-C by infection with a lentivirus JAM-C GFP fusion protein did not increase adhesion or extent of transmigration of PMN or evoke a role for JAM-C in transendothelial migration. These data suggest that JAM-C has a minimal role, if any, in PMN transmigration in this model and that ICAM-1 is the preferred endothelial-expressed ligand for PMN beta(2) integrins during transendothelial migration.  相似文献   
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