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Linear saturated fatty acid methyl esters were comitogenic with lectins for mouse lymphocytes, the degree of comitogenicity being strongly dependent on the length of the acyl group, and maximal for methyl tetradecanoate. Lesser effects were found for analogs with 10, 12 or 16 acyl carbon atoms, whereas those with fewer than 10 or more than 16 were inactive. Analogous structure-function relationships have been described for various membrane-active and tumor-promoting phorbol diesters, where there is a similar dependence on ester acyl group length for many activities. The fatty acid esters may therefore represent simple model compounds for studying mechanistic aspects of phorbol diester activity.  相似文献   
DNA has been implicated as the nuclear acceptor for receptor-glucocorticoid complexes. The present study concerns the interaction of these complexes, isolated from cultured rat hepatoma cells, with purified DNA. This association is rapid, reaching a maximum within a few minutes at 0 degrees, whereas dissociation requires several hours. DNA binds neither free glucocorticoids nor those complexed with transcortin or cytosol proteins different from the receptor. Receptors which are not complexed by steroid have little or no affinity for DNA. "Activation," necessary for the binding of receptor-steroid complexes to isolated nuclei, also enhances DNA binding. The capacity of DNA for binding receptor-steroid complexes is large; saturation was not observed at the complex concentrations studied, using either crude or partially purified receptor preparations. The association of complexes with DNA is inhibited by divalent cations, at increasing ionic strengths, and by mercurial reagents. Complexes bind equally well to bacterial, bacteriophage, or rat DNA; however, there was either no or substantially reduced binding by bacterial 23 S rRNA. The binding of complexes to native DNA is roughly 3-fold greater than to denatured DNA. These characteristics are consistent with the possibility that DNA is the nuclear acceptor for receptor-glucocorticoid complexes; however, the actual composition of the acceptor sites remains unknown.  相似文献   
Dialyzed rabbit liver cytosol was specifically freed of endogenous fructose-1,6-diphosphatase by immunoadsorption on a column of Sepharose-immobilized anti-fructose-1,6-diphosphatase. This material increased the specific activity of homogeneous enzyme to the maximal rate observed with EDTA and shifted the pH optimum from 8.4 to 7.4. With oleate or other fatty acids as activators, the hydrolysis of fructose-1,6-diphosphatase by enzyme, at neutral pH, showed nonlinear initial rates dropping to lower linear rates. Cytosol activator acted synergistically with oleate both to increase neutral enzyme activity and to maintain the high initial catalytic rates. After sucrose density centrifugation or gel filtration, the cytosol had no effect by itself, but still potentiated oleate activation. The factor was destroyed by treatment with subtilisin or trypsin, but all attempts to identify a unique protein component in cytosol were unsuccessful. The presence of Na dodecyl-SOJ, deoxycholate, or urea did not improve the resolution of the factor, but these compounds did lower the K50 for activation by cytosol. Since fatty acids are the only unique compounds which have been isolated from cytosol which activated fructose-1,6-diphosphatase, it appears that soluble proteins can act as natural carriers for the fatty acids. This was supported by the fact that both dialyzed rabbit alpha-globulins and muscle phosphofructokinase also acted synergistically with oleate in a manner similar to cytosol. Phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylserine activated fructose-1,6-diphosphatase, and their action was synergistic with oleate. Glutathione (1 mM) activated the enzyme 5-fold at pH 7.3 and its effects were additive with oleate and cytosol or alpha-globulins.  相似文献   
Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-binding protein (BP) has been purified from Cohn fraction IV of human plasma by acidification, ion exchange to remove endogenous ligands, and affinity chromatography on agarose-IGF-II. The pure protein appeared as a single peak by high performance reverse-phase and gel permeation chromatography (molecular mass, 45-50 kDa), but on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gave a major band at 53 kDa and a minor band at 47 kDa, unreduced, or 43 and 40 kDa, respectively, reduced. The two bands stained for both protein and carbohydrate. After storage at 2 degrees C for 5 months at pH 3, two additional bands, at 26 and 22 kDa on unreduced gels, were also present. Autoradiography after affinity labeling with IGF-I or IGF-II tracer revealed a single labeled band of 61 kDa. BP, quantitated using a specific radioimmunoassay, was retained by agarose-immobilized IGF-I, IGF-II, concanavalin A, and wheat germ lectin, but not Helix pomatia lectin. Competitive binding curves using pure BP and human IGF-I and IGF-II as both labeled and unlabeled ligands indicated association constants of 2-3 X 10(10) liters/mol for both peptides, with a slightly higher affinity for IGF-II than IGF-I, and 0.9 binding sites for either peptide per 53-kDa protein. The exact relationship of this acid-stable IGF BP to the 150-kDa complex from which it is derived remains to be determined.  相似文献   
The concentrations of taurine in blood and brain regions of the toadBufo boreas have been measured. Most of these values are considerably lower than those found in mammals. Using an antibody prepared against conjugated taurine, the distribution of taurine in three brain regions of the toad has been visualized. The possible osmoregulatory functions of taurine have been investigated by making toads hyper- or hypo-osmotic in vivo. Induction of hypoosmolality is accompanied by a massive taurine tide in blood plasma, but has no immediate effects upon the taurine concentrations in the brain areas studied. However, histochemical visualization indicates a marked redistribution of taurine between cellular components and extracellular space of brain tissues. This may indicate that taurine has an osmoregulatory function in brain tissue under hypo-osmotic conditions. Hyperosmolality results in no elevation of the taurine concentration in blood plasma of toads, but rather in a very gradual decline of total plasma taurine content over a prolonged time period. Histochemical studies reveal little change in frontal cortex after 1 hour but deeper staining of many neurons in optic lobe accompanied by greater staining in the extracellular fluid. By 3 hours there is a depletion of taurine from all compartments of cerebral cortex tissues. No evidence of any prolonged direct osmoregulatory role for taurine is indicated under hyperosmotic conditions. A possible indirect osmoregulatory function of taurine is discussed.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Claude Baxter.  相似文献   
Tetracyclines have been used in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases associated with local infiltration of inflammatory cells and matrix destruction as observed in rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease. Fas/Fas ligand (FasL)-mediated apoptosis plays an important role in maintaining T lymphocyte homeostasis and modulating immune response. The present study demonstrates that doxycycline inhibits Jurkat T lymphocyte proliferation and induces apoptosis. The phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-activated Jurkat cells are more susceptible to doxycycline-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, doxycycline-induced apoptosis is associated with increased Fas/FasL expression in Jurkat cells. The increase of apoptosis in Jurkat cells treated with doxycycline is consistent with the increase of FasL expression. These results suggest that doxycycline may downregulate the inflammatory process in certain diseases by eliminating activated T lymphocytes through Fas/FasL-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   
A high and a low response line in sheep were selected on the basis of the mean concentration of LH in 10-week-old Finn-Dorset ram lambs after an i.v. injection of 5 micrograms GnRH. After 8 male generations the mean LH response of the high line was more than 5-fold that of the low line and the heritability of the selected trait was estimated at 0.44 +/- 0.015. Highly significant line differences in mean LH response to GnRH were also found in males at 20 weeks of age and females at 10 and 20 weeks of age and the genetic correlations between the four LH response traits appear to be close to unity. Large line differences in the mean FSH response to GnRH were also found in both males and females at 10 and 20 weeks of age. Selection had little effect on the physical characteristics of lambs. High-response line ewes entering their first breeding season at about 7 months of age showed oestrus earlier in the season and had higher ovulation rates and numbers of lambs born per ewe lambing than did low-response line ewes. In the second breeding season, at about 19 months of age, the only line difference was a higher ovulation rate early in the breeding season in high-line ewes. It is suggested that these changes may be mediated by a more rapid response in high-line ewes to increased GnRH stimulation at puberty or at the beginning of the breeding season.  相似文献   
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