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The solution structure of d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 has been determined on the basis of an exceptionally large set of residual dipolar couplings. In addition to the heteronuclear 13C-1H and 15N-1H and qualitative homonuclear 1H-1H dipolar couplings, previously measured in bicelle medium, more than 300 quantitative 1H-1H and 22 31P-1H dipolar restraints were obtained in liquid crystalline Pf1 medium, and 22 31P chemical shift anisotropy restraints. High quality DNA structures can be obtained solely on the basis of these new restraints, and these structures are in close agreement with those calculated previously on the basis of 13C-1H and 15N-1H dipolar couplings. In the newly calculated structures, 31P-1H dipolar and 3Jsub H3 P sub couplings and 31P CSA data restrain the phosphodiester backbone torsion angles. The final structure represents a quite regular B-form helix with a modest bending of 10°, which is essentially independent of whether or not electrostatic terms are used in the calculation. Combined, the number of homo- and heteronuclear dipolar couplings significantly exceeds the number of degrees of freedom in the system. Results indicate that the dipolar coupling data cannot be fit by a single structure, but are compatible with the presence of rapid equilibria between C2-endo and C3-endo deoxyribose puckers (sugar switching). The C2-H2/H2 dipolar couplings in B-form DNA are particularly sensitive to sugar pucker and yield the largest discrepancies when fit to a single structure. To resolve these discrepancies, we suggest a simplified dipolar coupling analysis that yields N/S equilibria for the ribose sugar puckers, which are in good agreement with previous analyses of NMR JHH couplings, with a population of the minor C3-endo form higher for pyrimidines than for purines.  相似文献   
Residual dipolar couplings (RDC) between nuclear spins in partially aligned samples offer unique insights into biomacromolecular structure and dynamics. To fully benefit from the RDC data, accurate knowledge of the magnitude ( D (a)) and rhombicity ( R ) of the molecular alignment tensor, A, is important. An extended histogram method (EHM) is presented which extracts these parameters more effectively from dipolar coupling data. The method exploits the correlated nature of RDCs for structural elements of planar geometry, such as the one-bond (13)C'(i)-(13)C(i)(alpha), (13)C'(i)-(15)N(i+1), and (15)N(i+1)-(1)H(N)(i+1) couplings in peptide bonds of proteins, or suitably chosen combinations of (1) D (C1'H1'), (1) D (C2'H2'), (1) D (C1'C2'), (2) D (C2'H1'), (2) D (C1'H2'), and (3) D (H1'H2') couplings in nucleic acids, to generate an arbitrarily large number of synthetic RDCs. These synthetic couplings result in substantially improved histograms and resulting values of D (a) and R, compared with histograms generated solely from the original sets of correlated RDCs, particularly when the number of planar fragments for which couplings are available is small. An alternative method, complementary to the EHM, is also described, which uses a systematic grid search procedure, based on least-squares fitting of sets of correlated RDCs to structural elements of known geometry, and provides an unambiguous lower limit for the degree of molecular alignment.  相似文献   
Fibrillins are the major glycoprotein components of microfibrils that form a template for tropoelastin during elastic fibrillogenesis. We have examined cell adhesion to assembled purified microfibrils, and its molecular basis. Human dermal fibroblasts exhibited Arg-Gly-Asp and cation-dependent adhesion to microfibrils and recombinant fibrillin-1 protein fragments. Strong integrin alpha 5 beta 1 interactions with fibrillin ligands were identified, but integrin alpha v beta 3 also contributed to cell adhesion. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis confirmed the presence of abundant alpha 5 beta 1 and some alpha v beta 3 receptors on these cells. Adhesion to microfibrils and to Arg-Gly-Asp containing fibrillin-1 protein fragments induced signaling events that led to cell spreading, altered cytoskeletal organization, and enhanced extracellular fibrillin-1 deposition. Differences in cell shape when plated on fibrillin or fibronectin implied substrate-specific alpha 5 beta 1-mediated cellular responses. An Arg-Gly-Asp-independent cell adhesion sequence was also identified within fibrillin-1. Adhesion and spreading of smooth muscle cells on fibrillin ligands was enhanced by antibody-induced beta1 integrin activation. A375-SM melanoma cells bound Arg-Gly-Asp-containing fibrillin-1 protein fragments mainly through alpha v beta 3, whereas HT1080 cells used mainly alpha 5 beta 1. This study has shown that fibrillin microfibrils mediate cell adhesion, that alpha 5 beta 1 and alpha v beta 3 are both important but cell-specific fibrillin-1 receptors, and that cellular interactions with fibrillin-1 influence cell behavior.  相似文献   
Edema factor (EF), a toxin from Bacillus anthracis (anthrax), possesses adenylyl cyclase activity and requires the ubiquitous Ca2+-sensor calmodulin (CaM) for activity. CaM can exist in three major structural states: an apo state with no Ca2+ bound, a two Ca2+ state with its C-terminal domain Ca2+-loaded, and a four Ca2+ state in which the lower Ca2+ affinity N-terminal domain is also ligated. Here, the interaction of EF with the three Ca2+ states of CaM has been examined by NMR spectroscopy and changes in the Ca2+ affinity of CaM in the presence of EF have been determined by flow dialysis. Backbone chemical shift perturbations of CaM show that EF interacts weakly with the N-terminal domain of apoCaM. The C-terminal CaM domain only engages in the interaction upon Ca2+ ligation, rendering the overall interaction much tighter. In the presence of EF, the C-terminal domain binds Ca2+ with higher affinity, but loses binding cooperativity, whereas the N-terminal domain exhibits strongly reduced Ca2+ affinity. As judged by chemical shift differences, the N-terminal CaM domain remains bound to EF upon subsequent Ca2+ ligation. This Ca2+ dependence of the EF-CaM interaction differs from that observed for most other CaM targets, which normally interact only with the Ca2+-bound CaM domains and become active following the transition to the four Ca2+ state.  相似文献   
Phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase has an 85 kDa subunit (p85 alpha) which mediates its association with activated protein tyrosine kinase receptors through SH2 domains, and an 110 kDa subunit (p110) which has intrinsic catalytic activity. Here p85 alpha and a related protein p85 beta are shown to form stable complexes with recombinant p110 in vivo and in vitro. Using a panel of glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion proteins of the inter-SH2 region of p85, 104 amino acids were found to bind directly the p110 protein, while deletion mutants within this region further defined the binding site to a sequence of 35 amino acids. Transient expression of the mutant p85 alpha protein in mouse L cells showed it was unable to bind PI 3-kinase activity in vivo. Mapping of the complementary site of interaction on the p110 protein defined 88 amino acids in the N-terminal region of p110 which mediate the binding of this subunit to either the p85 alpha or the p85 beta proteins. The inter-SH2 region of p85 is predicted to be an independently folded module of a coiled-coil of two long anti-parallel alpha-helices. The predicted structure of p85 suggests a basis for the intersubunit interaction and the relevance of this interaction with respect to the regulation of the PI 3-kinase complex is discussed.  相似文献   
M Ikura  L E Kay  A Bax 《Biochemistry》1990,29(19):4659-4667
A novel approach is described for obtaining sequential assignment of the backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N resonances of larger proteins. The approach is demonstrated for the protein calmodulin (16.7 kDa), uniformly (approximately 95%) labeled with 15N and 13C. Sequential assignment of the backbone residues by standard methods was not possible because of the very narrow chemical shift distribution range of both NH and C alpha H protons in this largely alpha-helical protein. We demonstrate that the combined use of four new types of heteronuclear 3D NMR spectra together with the previously described HOHAHA-HMQC 3D experiment [Marion, D., et al. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 6150-6156] can provide unambiguous sequential assignment of protein backbone resonances. Sequential connectivity is derived from one-bond J couplings and the procedure is therefore independent of the backbone conformation. All the new 3D NMR experiments use 1H detection and rely on multiple-step magnetization transfers via well-resolved one-bond J couplings, offering high sensitivity and requiring a total of only 9 days for the recording of all five 3D spectra. Because the combination of 3D spectra offers at least two and often three independent pathways for determining sequential connectivity, the new assignment procedure is easily automated. Complete assignments are reported for the proton, carbon, and nitrogen backbone resonances of calmodulin, complexed with calcium.  相似文献   
Transferred nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (TRNOE) was used to observe changes in a ligand's conformation upon binding to its specific antibody. The ligands studied were methyl O-beta-D-galactopyranosyl(1----6)-4-deoxy-4-fluoro-beta-D-galactopyra nos ide (me4FGal2) and its selectively deuteriated analogue, methyl O-beta-D-galactopyranosyl(1----6)-4-deoxy-2-deuterio-4-fluoro-beta -D- galactopyranoside (me4F2dGal2). The monoclonal antibody was mouse IgA X24. The solution conformation of the free ligand me4F2dGal2 was inferred from measurements of vicinal 1H-1H coupling constants, long-range 1H-13C coupling constants, and NOE cross-peak intensities. For free ligand, both galactosyl residues adopt a regular chair conformation, but the NMR spectra are incompatible with a single unique conformation of the glycosidic linkage. Analysis of 1H-1H and 1H-13C constants indicates that the major conformer has an extended conformation: phi = -120 degrees; psi = 180 degrees; and omega = 75 degrees. TRNOE measurements on me4FGal2 and me4F2dGal2 in the presence of the specific antibody indicate that the pyranose ring pucker of each galactose ring remains unchanged, but rotations about the glycosidic linkage occur upon binding to X24. Computer calculations indicate that there are two sets of torsion angles that satisfy the observed NMR constraints, namely, phi = -152 +/- 9 degrees; psi = -128 +/- 7 degrees; and omega = -158 +/- 6 degrees; and a conformer with phi = -53 +/- 6 degrees; psi = 154 +/- 10 degrees; and omega = -173 +/- 6 degrees. Neither conformation is similar to any of the observed conformations of the free disaccharide.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The assignment of the aliphatic 1H and 13C resonances of IL-1 beta, a protein of 153 residues and molecular mass 17.4 kDa, is presented by use of a number of novel three-dimensional (3D) heteronuclear NMR experiments which rely on large heteronuclear one-bond J couplings to transfer magnetization and establish through-bond connectivities. These 3D NMR experiments circumvent problems traditionally associated with the application of conventional 2D 1H-1H correlation experiments to proteins of this size, in particular the extensive chemical shift overlap which precludes the interpretation of the spectra and the reduced sensitivity arising from 1H line widths that are often significantly larger than the 1H-1H J couplings. The assignment proceeds in two stages. In the first step the 13C alpha chemical shifts are correlated with the NH and 15N chemical shifts by a 3D triple-resonance NH-15N-13C alpha (HNCA) correlation experiment which reveals both intraresidue NH(i)-15N(i)-13C alpha (i) and some weaker interresidue NH(i)-15N(i)-C alpha (i-1) correlations, the former via intraresidue one-bond 1JNC alpha and the latter via interresidue two-bond 2JNC alpha couplings. As the NH, 15N, and C alpha H chemical shifts had previously been sequentially assigned by 3D 1H Hartmann-Hahn 15N-1H multiple quantum coherence (3D HOHAHA-HMQC) and 3D heteronuclear 1H nuclear Overhauser 15N-1H multiple quantum coherence (3D NOESY-HMQC) spectroscopy [Driscoll, P.C., Clore, G.M., Marion, D., Wingfield, P.T., & Gronenborn, A.M. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 3542-3556], the 3D triple-resonance HNCA correlation experiment permits the sequence-specific assignments of 13C alpha chemical shifts in a straightforward manner. The second step involves the identification of side-chain spin systems by 3D 1H-13C-13C-1H correlated (HCCH-COSY) and 3D 1H-13C-13C-1H total correlated (HCCH-TOCSY) spectroscopy, the latter making use of isotropic mixing of 13C magnetization to obtain relayed connectivities along the side chains. Extensive cross-checks are provided in the assignment procedure by examination of the connectivities between 1H resonances at all the corresponding 13C shifts of the directly bonded 13C nuclei. In this manner, we were able to obtain complete 1H and 13C side-chain assignments for all residues, with the exception of 4 (out of a total of 15) lysine residues for which partial assignments were obtained. The 3D heteronuclear correlation experiments described are highly sensitive, and the required set of three 3D spectra was recorded in only 1 week of measurement time on a single uniformly 15N/13C-labeled 1.7 mM sample of interleukin-1 beta.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Biogenesis of eukaryotic ribosomal subunits proceeds via a series of precursor ribonucleoprotein particles that correspond to different stages in the maturation pathway. The different pre-ribosomal particles each contain a distinct complement of non-ribosomal, trans-acting factors that are crucial for correct and efficient progress of the maturation process. Although in recent years we have gained considerable insight into the composition of the pre-ribosomal particles, our knowledge how the ordered association with and their dissociation from the pre-ribosome of these trans-acting factors is controlled is still quite limited. Here, we have studied the mutual dependence between three of these factors, Rrp5p, U3 snoRNP and Rok1p, all essential for the early stages of pre-rRNA processing/assembly, for association with the 35S pre-rRNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using co-immunoprecipitation assays, we show that Rrp5p and U3 snoRNP associate independently of each other and that the two factors do not detectably interact prior to incorporation into the pre-ribosome. In contrast, association of the putative RNA helicase Rok1p, which is known to genetically interact with Rrp5p, is absolutely dependent on the presence of the latter protein but does not require U3.  相似文献   
Fibrillin-1 assembly into microfibrils and elastic fiber formation involves interactions with glycosaminoglycans. We have used BIAcore technology to investigate fibrillin-1 interactions with heparin and with heparin saccharides that are analogous to S-domains of heparan sulfate. We have identified four high affinity heparin-binding sites on fibrillin-1, localized three of these sites, and defined their binding kinetics. Heparin binding to the fibrillin-1 N terminus has particularly rapid kinetics. Hyaluronan and chondroitin sulfate did not interact significantly with fibrillin-1. Heparin saccharides with more than 12 monosaccharide units bound strongly to all four fibrillin-1 sites. Heparin did not inhibit fibrillin-1 N- and C-terminal interactions or RGD-dependent cell attachment, but heparin and MAGP-1 competed for binding to the fibrillin-1 N terminus, and heparin and tropoelastin competed for binding to a central fibrillin-1 sequence. By regulating these key interactions, heparin can profoundly influence microfibril and elastic fiber assembly.  相似文献   
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