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Inhibitors of receptor tyrosine kinases are implicated as therapeutic agents for the treatment of many human diseases including cancer, inflammation and diabetes. Cell-based assays to examine inhibition of receptor tyrosine kinase mediated intracellular signaling are often laborious and not amenable to high-throughput cell-based screening of compound libraries. Here we describe the development of a nonradioactive, sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to quantify the activation and inhibition of ligand-induced phosphorylation of the colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor (CSF-1R) in 96-well microtiter plate format. The assay involves the capture of the Triton X-100 solubilized human CSF-1R, from HEK293E cells overexpressing histidine epitope-tagged CSF-1R (CSF-1R/HEK293E), with immobilized CSF-1R antibody and detection of phosphosphorylation of the activated receptor with a phosphotyrosine specific antibody. The assay exhibited a 5-fold increase in phosphorylated CSF-1R signal from CSF-1R/HEK293E cells treated with colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1) relative to treated vector control cells. Additionally, using a histidine epitope-specific capture antibody, this method can also be adapted to quantify the phosphorylation state of any recombinantly expressed, histidine-tagged receptor tyrosine kinase. This method is a substantial improvement in throughput and quantitation of CSF-1R phosphorylation over conventional immunoblotting techniques.  相似文献   
The 17-alpha-substituted triterpene 1 [(17alpha)-23-(E)-dammara-20,23-diene-3beta,25-diol] showed promising activity in animal models of immunosuppression and inflammation. Using a mouse model for inflammatory skin diseases (oxazolone-induced allergic contact dermatitis, ACD) as the directing in vivo test system, Structure-activity-relationship studies with the aim to understand the necessary structural requirements for the biological activity of 1 were conducted. Furthermore, we anticipated to identify biologically active compounds with the 17beta configuration, which are thermodynamically more stable and much easier to synthesize. This was achieved by identifying the 17-beta substituted dammarane 5B and its analogues.  相似文献   
As a first step toward freeze-trapping and 3-D modeling of the very rapid load-induced structural responses of active myosin heads, we explored the conformational range of longer lasting force-dependent changes in rigor crossbridges of insect flight muscle (IFM). Rigor IFM fibers were slam-frozen after ramp stretch (1000 ms) of 1-2% and freeze-substituted. Tomograms were calculated from tilt series of 30 nm longitudinal sections of Araldite-embedded fibers. Modified procedures of alignment and correspondence analysis grouped self-similar crossbridge forms into 16 class averages with 4.5 nm resolution, revealing actin protomers and myosin S2 segments of some crossbridges for the first time in muscle thin sections. Acto-S1 atomic models manually fitted to crossbridge density required a range of lever arm adjustments to match variably distorted rigor crossbridges. Some lever arms were unchanged compared with low tension rigor, while others were bent and displaced M-ward by up to 4.5 nm. The average displacement was 1.6 +/- 1.0 nm. "Map back" images that replaced each unaveraged 39 nm crossbridge motif by its class average showed an ordered mix of distorted and unaltered crossbridges distributed along the 116 nm repeat that reflects differences in rigor myosin head loading even before stretch.  相似文献   
On the basis of 16S-23S ribosomal DNA analyses, the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Sternorrhyncha, Aleyrodidae) and the eriococcid Eriococcus spurius (Sternorrhyncha, Eriococcidae) were each found to harbor novel related chlamydial species within the family Simkaniaceae. The generic designation Fritscheagen. nov. is proposed to accommodate the two species, F. bemisiaesp. nov. and F. eriococci sp. nov. The finding of chlamydial 16S-23S ribosomal DNA in B. tabaci is consistent with a previous electron microscopy study which found that bacteriocytes of this species contain structures that we consider to resemble the elementary and reticulate bodies of chlamydia (Costa HS, Westcot DM, Ullman DE, Rosell R, Brown JK, Johnson MW. Protoplasma 189:194-202, 1995). The cloning and sequencing of a 16.6 kilobase DNA fragment from F. bemisiae indicated that it contains six genes encoding for proteins similar to those found in other species of chlamydia. These results extend the range of organisms that harbor chlamydia.  相似文献   
GM-CSF stimulates proliferation of myeloid precursors in bone marrow and primes mature leukocytes for enhanced functionality. We demonstrate that GM-CSF is a powerful chemotactic and chemokinetic agent for human neutrophils. GM-CSF-induced chemotaxis is time dependent and is specifically neutralized with Abs directed to either the ligand itself or its receptor. Maximal chemotactic response was achieved at approximately 7 nM GM-CSF, and the EC(50) was approximately 0.9 nM. Both concentrations are similar to the effective concentrations of IL-8 and less than the effective concentrations of other neutrophil chemoattractants such as neutrophil-activating peptide-78, granulocyte chemotactic protein-2, leukotriene B(4), and FMLP. GM-CSF also acts as a chemoattractant for native cells bearing the GM-CSF receptor, such as monocytes, as well as for GM-CSF receptor-bearing myeloid cell lines, HL60 (promyelomonocyte leukemic cell line) and MPD (myeloproliferative disorder cell line), following differentiation induction. GM-CSF induced a rapid, transient increase in F-actin polymerization and the formation of focal contact rings in neutrophils, which are prerequisites for cell migration. The mechanism of GM-CSF-induced chemotaxis appears to involve the cell signaling molecule, ribosomal p70 S6 kinase (p70S6K). Both p70S6K enzymatic activity and T(421)/S(424) and T(389) phosphorylation are markedly increased with GM-CSF. In addition, the p70S6K inhibitor hamartin transduced into cells as active protein, interfered with GM-CSF-dependent migration, and attenuated p70S6K phosphorylation. These data indicate that GM-CSF exhibits chemotactic functionality and suggest new avenues for the investigation of the molecular basis of chemotaxis as it relates to inflammation and tissue injury.  相似文献   
The reciprocal t(8;13) chromosome translocation results in a fusion gene (FUS) in which the N-terminal half of the zinc finger protein ZNF198 is combined with the cytoplasmic domain of the fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 (FGFR1). Expression of FUS is suggested to provide growth-promoting activity to myeloid cells similar to the activity of hematopoietic cytokine receptors. This study determined the specificity of FUS to activate signal transduction pathways. Because no tumor cell line expressing FUS was available, the mode of FUS action was identified in cells transiently and stably transfected with an expression vector for FUS. FUS acted as a constitutively active protein-tyrosine kinase and mediated phosphorylation of STAT1, 3, and 5 but not STAT4 and 6. The same specificity but lower activity was determined for normal FGFR1. STAT activation by FUS, similar to that by interleukin-6-type cytokines, promoted STAT-specific induction of genes. The functionality of FUS, as well as the relative recruitment of STAT isoforms, was determined by the dimerizing function of the zinc finger domain. Replacement of the ZNF198 portion by the Bcr portion as present in the t(8;22) translocation shifted the signaling toward a more prominent STAT5 activation. This study documents that both gene partners forming the fusion oncogene define the activity and the signaling specificity of the protein-tyrosine kinase of FGFR1.  相似文献   
In mature B cells RelB-containing complexes are constitutively present in the nucleus, and they are less susceptible to inhibitory kappaB proteins. In most other cell types inhibitory kappaB proteins prevent nuclear translocation and activation of NFkappaB. We reasoned that this characteristic might be because of post-translational modifications of RelB. In Drosophila, signal-dependent phosphorylation of the Rel homologue Dorsal at serine 317 has been shown to be critical for nuclear import. The evolutionary conservation of this serine prompted us to analyze the function of the corresponding site in RelB. As a model system we used the murine S107 plasmacytoma cell line, which lacks endogenous RelB expression. Analysis of S107 cells expressing wild type RelB and serine 368 mutants reveals that serine 368 is not required for nuclear import but that it is critical for RelB dimerization with other members of the NFkappaB family. Similar effects were obtained when the conserved serine in RelA was mutated. We further demonstrate that expression of functional RelB, but not of serine 368 mutants, severely reduces p52 generation and strongly increases expression of the p52 precursor, p100. Wild type RelB, but not mutant RelB, prolonged p100 half-life. We therefore suggest an inhibitory effect of RelB on p100 processing, which is possibly regulated in a signal-dependent manner.  相似文献   
Eight human liver UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) were expressed in baculovirus-infected insect cells as fusion proteins carrying a short C-terminal extension that ends with 6 histidine residues (His tag). The activity of recombinant UGT1A1, UGT1A3, UGT1A4, UGT1A6, UGT2B4, UGT2B7, and UGT2B15 was almost fully inhibited by 0.2% Triton X-100. In the case of UGT1A9, however, glucuronidation of alpha-naphthol and scopoletin was resistant to such inhibition, whereas glucuronidation of entacapone and several other aglycones was sensitive. His-tagged UGT1A9 was purified by immobilized metal-chelating chromatography (IMAC). Purified UGT1A9 glucuronidated scopoletin at a high rate, whereas its glucuronidation activity toward entacapone was low and largely dependent on phospholipid addition. Recombinant UGT1A9 in which the His tag was replaced by hemagglutinin antigenic peptide (HA tag) was also prepared. Insect cells were co-infected with baculoviruses encoding both HA-tagged and His-tagged UGT1A9. Membranes from the co-infected cells, or a mixture of membranes from separately infected cells, were subjected to detergent extraction and IMAC, and the resulting fractions were analyzed for the presence of each type of UGT1A9 using tag-specific antibodies. In the case of separate infection, the HA-tagged UGT1A9 did not bind to the column. When co-infected with His-tagged UGT1A9, however, part of the HA-tagged enzyme was bound to the column and was eluted by imidazole concentration gradient together with the His-tagged UGT1A9, suggesting the formation of stable dimers that contain one His-tagged and one HA-tagged UGT1A9 monomers.  相似文献   
Lei M  Baumann P  Cech TR 《Biochemistry》2002,41(49):14560-14568
The fission yeast Pot1 (protection of telomeres) protein is a single-stranded telomeric DNA-binding protein and is required to protect the ends of chromosomes. Its N-terminal DNA-binding domain, Pot1pN, shows sequence similarity to the first OB fold of the telomere-binding protein alpha subunit of Oxytricha nova. The minimal-length telomeric ssDNA required to bind Pot1pN was determined to consist of six nucleotides, GGTTAC, by gel filtration chromatography and filter-binding assay (K(D) = 83 nM). Pot1pN is a monomer, and each monomer binds one hexanucleotide. Experiments with nucleotide substitutions demonstrated that the central four nucleotides are crucial for binding. The dependence of Pot1pN-ssDNA binding on salt concentration was consistent with a single ionic contact between the protein and the ssDNA phosphate backbone, such that at physiological salt condition 83% of the free energy of binding is nonelectrostatic. Subsequent binding experiments with longer ssDNAs indicated that Pot1pN binds to telomeric ssDNA with 3' end preference and in a highly cooperative manner that mainly results from DNA-induced protein-protein interactions. Together, the binding properties of Pot1pN suggest that the protein anchors itself at the very 3' end of a chromosome and then fills in very efficiently, coating the entire single-stranded overhang of the telomere.  相似文献   
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