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Summary Cross-reactions between human plasma proteins and their homologues in primate blood were investigated systematically. From the three groups of proteins distinguished earlier [2] two have been especially examined; these findings are reported and discussed in the present communication. The Immunological Evolution Group (IEG) I, comprising IgA (-chain), IgD (-chain) and inter--trypsininhibitor, cross-reacts with pongid plasma only, IEG IIa, i.e. IgM (-chain), 2-glycoproteins II and III and cholinesterase, does so with the pongid and cercopithecoid plasmas tested; IEG IIb, including acid l-glycoprotein, 2HS-glycoprotein, l-trypsininhibitor, haptoglobin and hemopexin, cross-reacts with pongid, cercopithecoid and cebus (platyrrhinian) plasma and finally IEG IIc, consisting of transferrin and Gc-globulin, does so with all primate plasmas tested, including prosimians. All the proteins named do not cross-react however with non-primate proteins as do those of IEG III. It is concluded, that the determinants reacting in the primate proteins increase in their evolutionary ages from IEG I over IEG IIa, IIb to IIc in the same way as the last common ancestors of man and the crossreacting species increase.
Zusammenfassung Die Kreuzreaktionen zwischen menschlichen Plasmaeiweißen und ihren Homologen im Blut von subhumanen Primaten wurden systematisch untersucht. Von den drei früher voneinander abgetrennten Gruppen [2] wurden zwei für die vorliegende Versuchsreihe herausgegriffen; eine von ihnen konnte weiter unterteilt werden. Die erhobenen Befunde werden berichtet und diskutiert. Die Immunologische Evolutions-Gruppe (IEG) I, die IgA (-Kette), IgD (-Kette) und den Inter--Trypsininhibitor umfaßt, zeight Kreuzreaktionen nur mit den Plasmen von Pongiden. Die IEG IIa, zu der IgM (-Kette), die 2 II und III und Cholinesterase gehören, kreuzreagiert mit den entsprechenden Plasmaproteinen der geprüften Pongiden und Cercopithecoidea, die IEG IIb—das sind saueres l-Glycoprotein, 2HS-Glycoprotein, l-Trypsininhibitor, Haptoglobin und Haemopexin — mit Pongiden, Cercopithecoidea und Cebus (Platyrrhini) und endlich die IEG IIc, die sich aus Transferrin und dem Gc-Globulin zusammensetzt, mit allen geprüften Primatenplasmen einschließlich denen von Prosimiern. Alle hier genannten Plasmaeiweiße zeigen jedoch keine Kreuzreaktionen mit Proteinen von Nichtprimaten, wie dies bei der IEG III der Fall ist.Aus den vorliegenden Befunden wird der Schluß gezogen, daß die Determinanten der Primatenproteine, die jeweils reagieren, in ihrem phylogenetischen Alter von IEG Iüber IEG IIa, IIb, IIc im gleichen Maße ansteigen, wie die letzten gemeinsamen Vorfahren von Mensch und den kreuzreagierenden Arten.

(Chief: Prof. Dr. E. Krah)  相似文献   
Using a polyclonal antibody against glycerol kinase from Enterococcus faecalis, we could demonstrate that glycerol kinase is inducible by growth on glycerol-containing medium and that during growth on glycerol the enzyme is mainly phosphorylated. Glucose and other sugars metabolized via the Embden-Meyerhof pathway strongly repressed the synthesis of glycerol kinase, while if glycerol was also present during growth, low activity, reflecting partial induction and the presence of mainly unphosphorylated, less active enzyme, was found. With gluconate, which is also a substrate of the phosphotransferase system, repression of glycerol kinase was less severe, but the enzyme was mainly present in the less active, unphosphorylated form. Effects of growth on different carbon sources on glycerol uptake are also reported.  相似文献   
Three Rhizobium japonicum strains and two slow-growing cowpea-type Rhizobium strains were found to remain viable and able to rapidly modulate their respective hosts after being stored in purified water at ambient temperatures for periods of 1 year and longer. Three fast-growing Rhizobium species did not remain viable under the same water storage conditions. After dilution of slow-growing Rhizobium strains with water to 10(3) to 10(5) cells ml-1, the bacteria multiplied until the viable cell count reached levels of between 10(6) and 10(7) cells ml-1. The viable cell count subsequently remained fairly constant. When the rhizobia were diluted to 10(7) cells ml-1, they did not multiply, but full viability was maintained. If the rhizobia were washed and suspended at 10(9) cells ml-1, viability slowly declined to 10(7) cells ml-1 during 9 months of storage. Scanning electron microscopy showed that no major morphological changes took place during storage. Preservation of slow-growing rhizobia in water suspensions could provide a simple and inexpensive alternative to current methods for the preservation of rhizobia for legume inoculation.  相似文献   
Retinotopy and orientation columns in the monkey: A new model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A model is presented in which orientation columns arise directly out of retinotopy. According to the model, iso-orientation lines are arrayed radially around nodal centers which correspond to cytochrome oxidase patches. The nodal centers form a square matrix superimposed upon the map of ocular dominance stripes. In the supragranular layers horizontal iso-orientation lines run down the centers of ocular dominance stripes, with vertical iso-orientation lines crossing perpendicularly. Diagonal orientations (45 degrees and 135 degrees) are represented as alternating iso-orientation zones at the centers of the interstices in the matrix (internodal centers). Preferred orientations in the infragranular layers are reversed with respect to the supragranular layers. The model is consistent with new data concerning ocularity and preferred orientation in systematic penetrations through striate cortex, and helps to explain some previously puzzling features of the relationship between ocular dominance columns, orientation columns and retinotopy.  相似文献   
The effect of various stages of normal cell growth on human fibroblast collagenase found in the culture medium was studied, so that the regulatory mechanisms of synthesis, secretion and activity of the enzyme could be established. Specific activity of collagenase increased 6- to 10-fold shortly after confluence was reached when compared with low density levels and decreased in post-confluent cultures, suggesting that synthesis and/or release of the enzyme changes with culture density. To assess this possibility, culture medium was examined for immunoreactive collagenase protein by radioimmunoassay. After confluence was reached, immunoreactive collagenase had increased approx. 2-fold, indicating greater secretion, and probably synthesis, of the enzyme. However, the increase in specific activity of the enzyme observed shortly after confluence was greater than could be accounted for by an increase in immunoreactive enzyme protein. As a result of the disproportionate increase in collagenase activity, the collagenase activity per unit immunoreactive protein was also found to be greatest shortly after confluence and decreased in post-confluent cultures. This density-associated modulation of collagenase expression could be reproduced by initiating the cultures at high density after subculture. Expression of collagenase activity was dependent upon intact protein synthetic mechanisms, since cultures maintained in the presence of cycloheximide failed to secrete collagenase into the culture medium.  相似文献   
An adult male chimpanzee in the natural habitat has been observed to walk predominantly bipedally after a total forelimb paralysis in 1966. The major differences from previously described bipedal chimpanzee gait are (1) one third of the femoral extension is posterior to the hip joint in propulsion, (2) excursion of the swinging foot is close to midline, due to adduction of the lower hindlimb in swing and propulsive phases, (3) depressed pelvic tilt is on the side of the swinging limb, (4) thoracic vertebrae rotate and are vertical and erect, and (5) there is only a moderate lateral sway of the midline. This locomotory complex is interpreted as individual variability and suggests an evolutionary model for the origin of hominid bipedal locomotion.  相似文献   
The gene for the beta A4-amyloid precursor protein (APP) consists of 19 exons which code for a typical N- and O-glycosylated transmembrane protein with four extracellular domains followed by the transmembrane domain and a short cytoplasmic domain. The beta A4-amyloid sequence is part of exons 16 and 17. Several APP isoforms can be generated by alternative splicing of exons 7 and 8, encoding domains with homologies to Kunitz-type protease inhibitors and the MRC OX-2 antigen, respectively. The mechanism by which the pathological beta A4 is generated is unknown, it is however a critical event in Alzheimer's disease and is distinct from the normally occurring cleavage and secretion of APPs within the beta A4 sequence. We report here for the first time considerable APP mRNA expression by rat brain microglial cells. In addition we showed by S1 nuclease protection and polymerase chain reaction analysis of reverse transcribed RNA (RT-PCR) that T-lymphocytes, macrophages, and microglial cells expressed a new APP isoform by selection of a novel alternative splice site and exclusion of exon 15 of the APP gene. This leads to a transmembrane, beta A4 sequence containing APP variant, lacking 18 amino acid residues close to the amyloidogenic region. The use of this novel alternative splice site alters the structure of APP in close proximity to the beta A4 region and thus may determine a variant, potentially pathogenic processing of leukocyte-derived APP in brain.  相似文献   
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