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We reported previously that high concentrations of either estradiol-17β (E2) or dihydrotestosterone (DHT) inhibit growth of human cultured vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC), mediated by cell membrane receptors and MAP-kinase–kinase activity (MEK). We now tested whether the presence of the opposite gender's dominant sex hormone modifies these effects. We incubated VSMC with various concentrations of E2 and DHT or protein bound hormones (E2–BSA or T–BSA), alone or in various combinations. High concentration of E2 or E2–BSA inhibited VSMC growth and stimulated MEK. In the presence of 3 nM DHT, high concentration of E2 no longer inhibited 3[H] thymidine incorporation or increased MEK. Moreover, when high DHT concentration (300 nM) was added to VSMC exposed to high E2, VSMC growth actually increased without change in MEK. DHT at 300 nM suppressed VSMC growth and increased MEK while 0.3 nM E2 had only marginal effect on this interaction, and 30 nM E2 reversed the inhibitory effect of DHT on cell growth. The inhibitory effects of both E2 and DHT on VSMC cell growth and the stimulation of MEK was apparently mediated by cell membrane receptors, as it persisted when bovine serum albumin (BSA)-bound hormones were used. Further, inhibition of VSMC growth induced by E2–BSA was reversed in the presence of T–BSA and vice versa. These results suggest that while female and male sex hormones affect VSMC growth similarly, they interfere in a dose-, hormone- and MEK-dependent manner with each other's effect.  相似文献   
The use of daunomycin against neoplasms is limited due to its severe cardiotoxicity. The cytotoxicity of daunomycin can be minimized by linking it to an affinity tag. Since ovarian cancer cells are sensitive to isoflavone action, we synthesized a daidzein daunomycin conjugate. In MLS human ovarian cancer cells, the conjugate was shown to have a larger cytotoxic effect than daunomycin per se at a low concentration. The conjugate was then tested in vivo in mice carrying MLS xenografts. Tumour growth in the groups of conjugate and daunomycin was inhibited by >50% as compared to vehicle treated mice. In contrast to daunomycin treated mice, no weight reduction or death was seen in mice treated with the conjugate. In vivo imaging of the fluorescence signal generated by daunomycin indicated uptake of both conjugate and daunomycin by the tumour. Tumour fluorescence was, however, higher in the conjugate treated mice than in the daunomycin treated mice, thus suggesting specific delivery of the drug to the tumour. Histological examination of myocardial tissue indicated that only the daunomycin, but not conjugate treated mice showed cardiac damage. These results indicate that targeting of daunomycin via carboxymethyldaidzein retains daunomycin's cytotoxic effects while averting its toxicity in an ovarian xenograft.  相似文献   
Because diabetic women appear not to be protected by estrogen in terms of propensity to cardiovascular disease, we tested the possibility that chronic hyperglycemia modulates the effects of E(2) on vascular cell growth in vitro. Human endothelial cells (E304) and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) were grown in normal glucose (5.5 mmol/l), high glucose (22 mmol/l) or high manitol (22 nmol/l; an osmotic control) for 7 days. In endothelial cells glucose per se stimulated DNA synthesis. However E(2)- (but not RAL-) stimulated [3H] thymidine incorporation was attenuated in the presence of high glucose. In parallel, E(2)-dependent MAP-kinase-kinase activity was blocked in the presence of high glucose. High glucose increased basal creatine kinase (CK) specific activity, but E(2)-stimulated CK was not significantly impaired in the presence of high glucose. In VSMC, high glucose prevented the inhibitory effect of high E(2) (but not of high RAL) concentrations on DNA synthesis. High glucose also prevented E(2)-induced MAP-kinase-kinase activity. In contrast, while high glucose augmented basal CK, the relative E(2)-induced changes were roughly equal in normal and high high glucose media. Hence, high glucose blocks several effects of E(2) on vascular cell growth, which are mediated, in part, via the MAP-kinase system and are likely contributors to E(2)'s anti-atherosclerotic properties. Since RAL's estrogen-mimetic effects on human vascular cell growth were independent of MAP-kinase activation and were not affected by hyperglycemia, the potential use of RAL to circumvent the loss of estrogen function induced by hyperglycemia and diabetes in the human vasculature should be further explored.  相似文献   
We investigated the possibility of labeling two biologically active peptides, epidermal growth factor (EGF) and neurotensin (NT), with europium (Eu)-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid. More specifically, we tested them as probes in studying receptor binding using time-resolved fluorescence of Eu3+. The relatively simple synthesis yields ligands with acceptable binding characteristics similar to isotopically labeled derivatives. The binding affinity (Kd) of labeled Eu-EGF to human A431 epidermal carcinoid cells was 3.6 +/- 1.2 nM, similar to the reported Kd values of EGF, whereas the Kd of Eu-NT to human HT29 colon cancer cells (7.4 +/- 0.5 nM) or to Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells transfected with the high-affinity NT receptor (CHO-NT1) were about 10-fold higher than the Kd values of NT. The bioactivity of the Eu-labeled EGF as determined by stimulation of cultured murine D1 hematopoietic cell proliferation was nearly the same as that obtained with native EGF. The maximal stimulation of Ca2+ influx with NT and Eu-NT in CHO-NT1 cells was similar, but the respective K0.5 values were 20 pM and 1 nM, corresponding to differences in the binding affinities previously described. The results of these studies indicate that Eu labeling of peptide hormones and growth factor molecules ranging from 10(3) to 10(5) Da can be conveniently accomplished. Importantly, the Eu-labeled products are stable for approximately 2 years and are completely safe for laboratory use compared to the biohazardous radioligands. Thus, Eu-labeled peptides present an attractive alternative for commonly used radiolabeled ligands in biological studies in general and in receptor assays in particular.  相似文献   
Estradiol17beta (E2) and the phytoestrogens genistein (G), and daidzein (D) increase creatine kinase (CK) specific activity in primary cell cultures of human female to a greater extent in cells from pre-menopausal than post-menopausal women. Pretreatment with the non-calcemic analog of Vitamin D, JK 1624 F2-2 (JKF), upregulated this estrogenic response at all ages. In contrast, biochainin A (BA) and quercertin (Qu) increased CK with no age dependence or modulation by JKF pretreatment. Both ERalpha and ERbeta present in the cells were upregulated by pretreatment with JKF, as measured by Western blot analysis. Real time PCR showed no significant change in ERalpha mRNA but a marked decrease in ERbeta mRNA in both age groups after JKF treatment. Cells from both age groups had surface binding sites for E2, shown by assays using cell impermeable Europium labeled ovalbumin-E2 conjugate (Eu-Ov-E2). Binding of [3H]-E2 to intracellular E2 receptors (ERs) was similar in both age groups with differences in phytoestrogenic competition. JKF pretreatment increased nuclear but decreased membranal binding in both age groups. These results provide evidence for membranal, in addition to nuclear estrogen receptors which are differentially modulated by a Vitamin D analog.  相似文献   
Endothelial dysfunction/activation underlies the development of long-term cardiovascular complications and atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to examine a direct role for exogenous sublethal flux of superoxide on endothelial cell dysfunction. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were exposed to superoxide generated by 0.1 mM xanthine and 4 mU/ml xanthine oxidase for 15 min and essential endothelial functions were examined. Superoxide dismutase and/or catalase was used as scavenger for O(2)(-)/H(2)O(2) to determine the key culprit. HUVEC detachment was determined by neutral red uptake and apoptosis by annexin V binding. Inflammation was estimated by IL-8 mRNA expression and cellular adhesion molecules (CAM). eNOS and iNOS message and eNOS protein served as an indirect measure for NO. Procoagulable state was evaluated by estimating the intracellular tissue factor. Activation of endothelial NADPH oxidase was determined by lucigenin chemiluminescence. Sublethal superoxide dose evoked: (1) proinflammatory state manifested by increased IL-8 mRNA expression and CAM on the endothelial surface, (2) HUVEC apoptosis and activated endothelial NADPH oxidase, (3) increase in intracellular tissue factor, and (4) decrease in eNOS mRNA and protein and up-regulation of iNOS mRNA. We conclude that extracellular low flux of superoxide exhibits pleiotropic characteristics, triggering activation/dysfunction of endothelial cells.  相似文献   
Serine/threonine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) is an important negative modulator of insulin signaling. Previously, we showed that glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) phosphorylates IRS-1 at Ser(332). However, the fact that GSK-3 requires prephosphorylation of its substrates suggested that Ser(336) on IRS-1 was the "priming" site phosphorylated by an as yet unknown protein kinase. Here, we sought to identify this "priming kinase" and to examine the phosphorylation of IRS-1 at Ser(336) and Ser(332) in physiologically relevant animal models. Of several stimulators, only the PKC activator phorbol ester PMA enhanced IRS-1 phosphorylation at Ser(336). Treatment with selective PKC inhibitors prevented this PMA effect and suggested that a conventional PKC was the priming kinase. Overexpression of PKCalpha or PKCbetaII isoforms in cells enhanced IRS-1 phosphorylation at Ser(336) and Ser(332), and in vitro kinase assays verified that these two kinases directly phosphorylated IRS-1 at Ser(336). The expression level and activation state of PKCbetaII, but not PKCalpha, were remarkably elevated in the fat tissues of diabetic ob/ob mice and in high-fat diet-fed mice compared with that from lean animals. Elevated levels of PKCbetaII were also associated with enhanced phosphorylation of IRS-1 at Ser(336/332) and elevated activity of GSK-3beta. Finally, adenoviral mediated expression of PKCbetaII in adipocytes enhancedphosphorylation of IRS-1 at Ser(336). Taken together, our results suggest that IRS-1 is sequentially phosphorylated by PKCbetaII and GSK-3 at Ser(336) and Ser(332). Furthermore, these data provide evidence for the physiological relevance of these phosphorylation events in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance in fat tissue.  相似文献   
A novel non-competitive idiometric time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay for the determination of serum progesterone was developed, based on the use of two types of anti-idiotypic antibody that recognize different epitopes within the hypervariable region of the primary antiprogesterone antibody. The first anti-idiotype, the betatype, competes with progesterone for an epitope of the primary antiprogesterone antibody at the binding site. The second anti-idiotype, the alphatype, binds to the antiprogesterone antibody in the presence of progesterone, but does not bind to the betatype antiprogesterone complex due to epitope proximity. In the present configuration, the biotinylated alphatype was captured onto anti-biotin IgG which was immobilized on microtiter wells. Reaction mixtures containing europium-labeled antiprogesterone antibody complexed sequentially with progesterone in standards or serum samples and with the betatype anti-idiotypic antibody were then reacted with the immobilized alphatype anti-idiotypic antibody. After 30 min of incubation, the fluorescence of europium is measured by time-resolved fluorescence and is proportional to the concentration of progesterone over the range 0–320 nmol/mL. The method demonstrates good sensitivity, precision, and comparability with a direct competitive radioimmunoassay. The idiometric assay for progesterone is suitable for dipstick technology and biosensors.  相似文献   
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