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Molt strategies have received relatively little attention in current ornithology, and knowledge concerning the evolution, variability and extent of molt is sparse in many bird species. This is especially true for East Asian Locustella species where assumptions on molt patterns are based on incomplete information. We provide evidence indicating a complex postbreeding molt strategy and variable molt extent among the Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler Locustella certhiola, based on data from six ringing sites situated along its flyway from the breeding grounds to the wintering areas. Detailed study revealed for the first time that in most individuals wing feather molt proceeds from the center both toward the body and the wing‐tip, a molt pattern known as divergent molt (which is rare among Palearctic passerines). In the Russian Far East, where both breeding birds and passage migrants occur, a third of the adult birds were molting in late summer. In Central Siberia, at the northwestern limit of its distribution, adult individuals commenced their primary molt partly divergently and partly with unknown sequence. During migration in Mongolia, only descendantly (i.e., from the body toward the wing‐tip) molting birds were observed, while further south in Korea, Hong Kong, and Thailand the proportion of potential eccentric and divergent feather renewal was not identifiable since the renewed feathers were already fully grown as expected. We found an increase in the mean number of molted primaries during the progress of the autumn migration. Moderate body mass levels and low‐fat and muscle scores were observed in molting adult birds, without any remarkable increase in the later season. According to optimality models, we suggest that an extremely short season of high food abundance in tall grass habitats and a largely overland route allow autumn migration with low fuel loads combined with molt migration in at least a part of the population. This study highlights the importance of further studying molt strategy as well as stopover behavior decisions and the trade‐offs among migratory birds that are now facing a panoply of anthropogenic threats along their flyways.  相似文献   
Regulated GluA2 AMPA receptor subunit expression, RNA editing, and membrane localization are fundamental determinants of neuronal Ca(2+) influx, and underlie basic functions such as memory and the primary brain disorder epilepsy. Consistent with this, AMPARs, and specifically GluA2, are targets of common antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and antidepressants. Recently, epidemiological associations between epilepsy and increased cataract prevalence were found comparable to cataract links with diabetes and smoking. Similarly, use of AEDs and several antidepressants also showed links with increased cataract. Here, we demonstrated GluA2 in lenses, consistent with REST/NRSF and REST4 we described previously in lenses, as well as GluA1 and ADAR2 in the lens. Surprisingly, we found predominant neuron-like Q/R editing of GluA2 RNAs also occurs in the lens and evidence of lens GluA2 phosphorylation and STEP phosphatases linked with GluA2 membrane localization in neurons. This study is among the first to show GluA2 expression and predominant Q/R RNA editing in a non-neural cell. Our results suggest GluA2 AMPARs have related roles in lens physiology and disease processes, and provide evidence these anticonvulsant and antidepressant drug targets also occur in the lens.  相似文献   
Large‐scale spatial gradients of environmental conditions shape organisms, populations and ecosystems. Even though environmental gradients are a key research theme in macro‐ecology and biogeography, the effects of large‐scale, east–west, environmental gradients are largely overlooked compared with north–south gradients. Our study focused on feather moult, an important and energy demanding process in birds. By comparing Western and Eastern Palearctic populations of 21 species, we found that juvenile passerines in the Western and Eastern Palearctic differ in the number of feathers moulted as part of their post‐juvenile moult. This difference is most likely the result of a large‐scale climatic gradient in cold season duration and consequent differences in the time available for moulting. Eastern populations were characterized by a limited extent of feather moult that was additionally affected by migration distance and body mass. The longer migration distance in the Eastern Palearctic caused a generally less extensive moult while high body mass was correlated with a low difference in moult extent between the Western and Eastern Palearctic regions. These results highlight the importance of linking annual cycle processes at the organismal level to the specific environmental conditions within the distribution range of each species.  相似文献   
Babesiosis is an emerging tick-borne disease in humans worldwide; however, little is known about the frequency of infection or prevalence of this disease in other parts of the world, excluding North America. In this study, we aimed to investigate Babesia microti infection frequency in a human population in Mongolia. One hundred blood samples were collected from stock farmers living in Khutul city of Selenge province, Mongolia. The sera and DNA from blood samples were evaluated for the presence of B. microti infection by using indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) tests and PCR. The positive detection rates obtained using the IFA tests and PCR assays were 7% and 3%, respectively. This study is the first to detect of B. microti infections based on antibody seroprevalence or PCR assays for the presence of B. microti DNA in a Mongolian population.  相似文献   
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