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Ohne ZusammenfassungWir danken Herrn Prof. K. W. Hau\er, der leider die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Untersuchungen nicht mehr erleben konnte, für die hilfsbereite Förderung und Unterstützung unserer Arbeit. Die sachliche Untersuchung des Problems lag ihm besonders am Herzen. Zu Dank verpflichtet sind wir ferner Herrn Prof. O. Meyerhof für viele RatschlÄge und die freundliche Unterstützung seitens des Institutes für Physiologie, und Herrn Prof. R. Kuhn für die Durchsicht der Arbeit. Wir versÄumen nicht, der von Portheim-Stiftung wie auch der Dixon Fund der Universität London fìr die GewÄhrung von Stipendien unseren Dank auszusprechen.  相似文献   
Effective disease management can benefit from mathematical models that identify drivers of epidemiological change and guide decision-making. This is well illustrated in the host–parasite system of sea lice and salmon, which has been modelled extensively due to the economic costs associated with sea louse infections on salmon farms and the conservation concerns associated with sea louse infections on wild salmon. Consequently, a rich modelling literature devoted to sea louse and salmon epidemiology has been developed. We provide a synthesis of the mathematical and statistical models that have been used to study the epidemiology of sea lice and salmon. These studies span both conceptual and tactical models to quantify the effects of infections on host populations and communities, describe and predict patterns of transmission and dispersal, and guide evidence-based management of wild and farmed salmon. As aquaculture production continues to increase, advances made in modelling sea louse and salmon epidemiology should inform the sustainable management of marine resources.  相似文献   
Evaluation of temporal patterns in offshore marine mammal activity through visual data collection can be impaired by light and weather conditions and the cost of ship time. The conditions-independence and cost-efficacy of acoustic data collection make it popular for researching the temporal patterns of wild dolphins. However, Pacific white-sided dolphins (PWSDs) north of Southern California remain under-researched. This study evaluates diel and seasonal patterns in PWSD communication signals detected in 480 days of near-continuous passive acoustic data collected over 20 months from the Barkley Canyon node of Ocean Networks Canada's NEPTUNE observatory, offshore Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. In this study, a random forest classifier is used to identify PWSD pulsed calls and false positives are manually removed. The resulting acoustic presence-absence data set is evaluated for seasonal and diel patterns using generalized additive mixed models, considering masking effects from ambient noise. PWSDs are found to be vocally active during all diel periods year-round, with high summer and low spring activity. Seasonally dependent diel patterns are identified, with PWSD pulsed calls exhibiting no diel pattern in spring, a slight increase in vocal activity during dusk and night in fall and winter, and a notable increase during night and dawn in summer.  相似文献   
New formulation of paraquat: a step forward but in the wrong direction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Progranulin is a secreted protein with important functions in several physiological and pathological processes, such as embryonic development, host defense, and wound repair. Autosomal dominant mutations in the progranulin gene cause frontotemporal dementia, while overexpression of progranulin promotes the invasive progression of a range of tumors, including those of the breast and the brain. Structurally, progranulin consists of seven-and-a-half tandem repeats of the granulin/epithelin module (GEM), several of which have been isolated as discrete 6-kDa GEM peptides. We have expressed all seven human GEMs using recombinant DNA in Escherichia coli. High-resolution NMR showed that only the three GEMs, hGrnA, hGrnC, and hGrnF, contain relatively well-defined three-dimensional structures in solution, while others are mainly mixtures of poorly structured disulfide isomers. The three-dimensional structures of hGrnA, hGrnC, and hGrnF contain a stable stack of two beta-hairpins in their N-terminal subdomains, but showed a more flexible C-terminal subdomain. Interestingly, of the well-structured GEMs, hGrnA demonstrated potent growth inhibition of a breast cancer cell line, while hGrnF was stimulatory. Poorly folded peptides were either weakly inhibitory or without activity. The functionally active and structurally well-characterized human hGrnA offers a unique opportunity for detailed structure-function studies of these important GEM proteins as novel members of mammalian growth factors.  相似文献   
Bateman JR  Wu CT 《Genetics》2008,180(3):1329-1342
Studies from diverse organisms show that distinct interchromosomal interactions are associated with many developmental events. Despite recent advances in uncovering such phenomena, our understanding of how interchromosomal interactions are initiated and regulated is incomplete. During the maternal-to-zygotic transition (MZT) of Drosophila embryogenesis, stable interchromosomal contacts form between maternal and paternal homologous chromosomes, a phenomenon known as somatic homolog pairing. To better understand the events that initiate pairing, we performed a genomewide assessment of the zygotic contribution to this process. Specifically, we took advantage of the segregational properties of compound chromosomes to generate embryos lacking entire chromosome arms and, thus, all zygotic gene products derived from those arms. Using DNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to assess the initiation of pairing at five separate loci, this approach allowed us to survey the entire zygotic genome using just a handful of crosses. Remarkably, we found no defect in pairing in embryos lacking any chromosome arm, indicating that no zygotic gene product is essential for pairing to initiate. From these data, we conclude that the initiation of pairing can occur independently of zygotic control and may therefore be part of the developmental program encoded by the maternal genome.  相似文献   
High-energy, high-charge (HZE) radiation, including iron ions ((56)Fe(26+)), is a component of the space environment. We recently observed a profound loss of trabecular bone in mice after whole-body HZE irradiation. The goal of this study was to examine morphology in bones that were excluded from a (56)Fe(26+) beam used to irradiate the body. Using 10-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats and excluding the hind limbs and pelvis, we irradiated animals with 0, 1, 2 and 4 Gy (56)Fe(26+) ions and killed them humanely after 9 months. Animals grew throughout the experiment. Trabecular bone volume, connectivity and thickness within the proximal tibiae were significantly lower than control in a dose-dependent manner. Irradiated animals generally had less body mass than controls, which largely accounted for the variability in bone parameters as determined by ANCOVA. Likewise, lower cortical parameters were associated with reduced mass. However, lesser trabecular thickness in the 4-Gy group could not be attributed to body mass alone. Indicators of bone metabolism were generally unchanged, suggesting stabilized turnover. Exposure to (56)Fe(26+) ions can alter trabecular microarchitecture in shielded bones. Reduced body mass seems to be correlated with these deficits of trabecular and cortical bone.  相似文献   
Realistic functional responses are required for accurate model predictions at the community level. However, controversy remains regarding which types of dependencies need to be included in functional response models. Several studies have shown an effect of very high predator densities on per capita predation rates, but it is unclear whether this predator dependence is also important at low predator densities. We fit integrated functional response models to predation data from 4-h experiments where we had varied both predator and prey densities. Using an information theoretic approach we show that the best-fit model includes moderate predator dependence, which was equally strong even at low predator densities. The best fits of Beddington–DeAngelis and Arditi–Akçakaya functional responses were closely followed by the fit of the Arditi–Ginzburg model. A Holling type III functional response did not describe the data well. In addition, independent behavioral observations revealed high encounter rates between predators. We quantified the number of encounters between predators and the time the focal predator spent interacting with other individuals per encounter. This time “wasted” on conspecifics reduced the total time available for foraging and may therefore account for lower predation rates at higher predator densities. Our findings imply that ecological theory needs to take realistic levels of predator dependence into account.  相似文献   
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