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The impact of light intensity on shade-induced leaf senescence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plants often have to cope with altered light conditions, which in leaves induce various physiological responses ranging from photosynthetic acclimation to leaf senescence. However, our knowledge of the regulatory pathways by which shade and darkness induce leaf senescence remains incomplete. To determine to what extent reduced light intensities regulate the induction of leaf senescence, we performed a functional comparison between Arabidopsis leaves subjected to a range of shading treatments. Individually covered leaves, which remained attached to the plant, were compared with respect to chlorophyll, protein, histology, expression of senescence-associated genes, capacity for photosynthesis and respiration, and light compensation point (LCP). Mild shading induced photosynthetic acclimation and resource partitioning, which, together with a decreased respiration, lowered the LCP. Leaf senescence was induced only under strong shade, coinciding with a negative carbon balance and independent of the red/far-red ratio. Interestingly, while senescence was significantly delayed at very low light compared with darkness, phytochrome A mutant plants showed enhanced chlorophyll degradation under all shading treatments except complete darkness. Taken together, our results suggest that the induction of leaf senescence during shading depends on the efficiency of carbon fixation, which in turn appears to be modulated via light receptors such as phytochrome A.  相似文献   
Proliferation assays based on human cell lines are the most used in vitro tests to determine estrogenic properties of compounds. Our objective was to characterise to what extent these in vitro tests provide alternatives for the in vivo Allen and Doisy test, a uterotrophic assay in immature or ovariectomised rodents with uterus weight as a crucial read-out parameter. In the present study four different human cell lines derived from three different female estrogen-sensitive tissues, i.e. breast (MCF-7/BOS and T47D), endometrial (ECC-1) and ovarian (BG-1) cells, were characterised by investigating their relative ERα and ERβ amounts, as the ERα/ERβ ratio is a dominant factor determining their estrogen-dependent proliferative responses. All four cell lines clearly expressed the ERα type and a very low but detectable amount of ERβ on both the mRNA and protein level, with the T47D cell line expressing the highest level of the ERβ type. Subsequently, a set of reference compounds representing different modes of estrogen action and estrogenic potency were used to investigate the proliferative response in the four cell lines, to determine which cell line most accurately predicts the effect observed in vivo. All four cell lines revealed a reasonable to good correlation with the in vivo uterotrophic effect, with the correlation being highest for the MCF-7/BOS cell line (R2=0.85). The main differences between the in vivo uterotrophic assay and the in vitro proliferation assays were observed for tamoxifen and testosterone. The proliferative response of the MCF-7/BOS cells to testosterone was partially caused by its conversion to estradiol by aromatase or via androstenedione to estrone. It is concluded that of the four cell lines tested, the best assay to include in an integrated testing strategy for replacement of the in vivo uterotrophic assay is the human MCF-7/BOS breast cancer cell line.  相似文献   
This study optically determines whether the amount of light scatter due to laser-induced damage to the intraocular lens (IOL) is significant in relation to normal straylight values in the human eye. Two IOLs with laser-induced damage were extracted from two donor eyes. Each IOL had 15 pits and/or cracks. The surface area of each pit was measured using a microscope. For 6 pits per intraocular lens the point spread function (PSF) in terms of straylight was measured and the total straylight for all 15 pits was estimated. The damage in the IOLs was scored as mild/moderate. The total damaged surface areas, for a 3.5 mm pupil, in the two IOLs were 0.13% (0.0127 mm(2)) and 0.66% (0.064 mm(2)), respectively. The angular dependence of the straylight caused by the damage was similar to that of the normal PSF. The total average contribution to straylight was log(s) = -0.82 and -0.42, much less than the straylight value of the normal eye.The straylight due to normal levels of laser induced damage of the IOL is much lower than normal straylight values found clinically for the normal eye and may therefore be considered not significant.  相似文献   
The accumulation of epigenetic changes was proposed to contribute to the age-related increase in the risk of most common diseases. In this study on 230 monozygotic twin pairs (MZ pairs), aged 18-89 years, we investigated the occurrence of epigenetic changes over the adult lifespan. Using mass spectrometry, we investigated variation in global (LINE1) DNA methylation and in DNA methylation at INS, KCNQ1OT1, IGF2, GNASAS, ABCA1, LEP, and CRH, candidate loci for common diseases. Except for KCNQ1OT1, interindividual variation in locus-specific DNA methylation was larger in old individuals than in young individuals, ranging from 1.2-fold larger at ABCA1 (P = 0.010) to 1.6-fold larger at INS (P = 3.7 × 10(-07) ). Similarly, there was more within-MZ-pair discordance in old as compared with young MZ pairs, except for GNASAS, ranging from an 8% increase in discordance each decade at CRH (P = 8.9 × 10(-06) ) to a 16% increase each decade at LEP (P = 2.0 × 10(-08) ). Still, old MZ pairs with strikingly similar DNA methylation were also observed at these loci. After 10-year follow-up in elderly twins, the variation in DNA methylation showed a similar pattern of change as observed cross-sectionally. The age-related increase in methylation variation was generally attributable to unique environmental factors, except for CRH, for which familial factors may play a more important role. In conclusion, sustained epigenetic differences arise from early adulthood to old age and contribute to an increasing discordance of MZ twins during aging.  相似文献   
For the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, automated selection of animals of specific genotypes from a mixed pool has become essential for genetic interaction or chemical screens. To date, such selection has been accomplished using specialized instruments. However, access to such dedicated equipment is not common. Here we describe live animal fluorescence-activated cell sorting (laFACS), a protocol for automatic selection of live first larval stage (L1) animals using a standard FACS system. We show that FACS can be used for the precise identification of GFP-expressing and non-GFP-expressing subpopulations and can accomplish high-speed sorting of live animals. We have routinely collected 100,000 or more homozygotes from a mixed starting population within 2 h, and with greater than 99% purity. The sorted animals continue to develop normally, making this protocol ideally suited for the isolation of terminal mutants for use in genetic interaction or chemical genetic screens.  相似文献   
Deep tissue injury (DTI) is a severe pressure ulcer that results from sustained deformation of muscle tissue overlying bony prominences. In order to understand the etiology of DTI, it is essential to determine the tolerance of muscle cells to large mechanical strains. In this study, a new experimental method of determining the time-dependent critical compressive strains for necrotic cell death (E(zz)(c)(t)) in a planar tissue-engineered construct under static loading was developed. A half-spherical indentor is used to induce a non-uniform, concentric distribution of strains in the construct, and E(zz)(c)(t) is calculated from the radius of the damage region in the construct versus time. The method was employed to obtain E(zz)(c)(t) for bio-artificial muscles (BAMs) cultured from C2C12 murine cells, as a model system for DTI. Specifically, propidium iodine was used to fluorescently stain the development of necrosis in BAMs subjected to strains up to 80%. Two groups of BAMs were tested at an extracellular pH of 7.4 (n=10) and pH 6.5 (n=5). The lowest strain levels causing cell death in the BAMs were determined every 15min, during 285-min-long trials, from confocal microscopy fluorescent images of the size of the damage regions. The experimental E(zz)(c)(t) data fitted a decreasing single-step sigmoid of the Boltzmann type. Analysis of the parameters of this sigmoid function indicated a 95% likelihood that cells could tolerate engineering strains below 65% for 1h, whereas the cells could endure strains below 40% over a 285min trial period. The decrease in endurance of the cells to compressive strains occurred between 1-3h post-loading. The method developed in this paper is generic and suitable for studying E(zz)(c)(t) in virtually any planar tissue-engineered construct. The specific E(zz)(c)(t) curve obtained herein is necessary for extrapolating biological damage from muscle-strain data in biomechanical studies of pressure ulcers and DTI.  相似文献   
External addition of the β-lactam precursor α-aminoadipic acid to the filamentous fungus Penicillium chrysogenum leads to an increased intracellular α-aminoadipic acid concentration and an increase in penicillin production. The exact route for α-aminoadipic acid uptake is not known, although the general amino acid and acidic amino acid permeases have been implicated in this process. Their corresponding genes, PcGAP1 and PcDIP5, of P. chrysogenum were cloned and functionally expressed in a mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (M4276) in which the acidic amino acid and general amino acid permease genes (DIP5 and GAP1, respectively) are disrupted. Transport assays show that both PcGap1 and PcDip5 mediated the uptake of α-aminoadipic acid, although PcGap1 showed a higher affinity for α-aminoadipic acid than PcDip5 (Km values, 230 and 800 μM, respectively). Leucine strongly inhibits α-aminoadipic acid transport via PcGap1 but not via PcDip5. This difference was exploited to estimate the relative contribution of each transport system to the α-aminoadipic acid flux in β-lactam-producing P. chrysogenum. The transport measurements demonstrate that both PcGap1 and PcDip5 contribute to the α-aminoadipic acid flux.  相似文献   
The biogeography of the purple nonsulfur bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris on a local scale was investigated. Thirty clones of phototrophic bacteria were isolated from each of five unevenly spaced sampling locations in freshwater marsh sediments along a linear 10-m transect, and a total of 150 clones were characterized by BOX-PCR genomic DNA fingerprinting. Cluster analysis of 150 genomic fingerprints yielded 26 distinct genotypes, and 106 clones constituted four major genotypes that were repeatedly isolated. Representatives of these four major genotypes were tentatively identified as R. palustris based on phylogentic analyses of 16S rRNA gene sequences. The differences in the genomic fingerprint patterns among the four major genotypes were accompanied by differences in phenotypic characteristics. These phenotypic differences included differences in the kinetics of carbon source use, suggesting that there may be functional differences with possible ecological significance among these clonal linages. Morisita-Horn similarity coefficients (CMH), which were used to compare the numbers of common genotypes found at pairs of sampling locations, showed that there was substantial similarity between locations that were 1 cm apart (CMH, ≥0.95) but there was almost no similarity between locations that were ≥9 m apart (CMH, ≤0.25). These calculations showed there was a gradual decrease in similarity among the five locations as a function of distance and that clones of R. palustris were lognormally distributed along the linear 10-m transect. These data indicate that natural populations of R. palustris are assemblages of genetically distinct ecotypes and that the distribution of each ecotype is patchy.  相似文献   
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