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Niemann-Pick type C (NP-C) disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the inappropriate accumulation of unesterified cholesterol in lysosomes [1]. NP-C patients show various defects including hepatosplenomegaly, ataxia, dystonia and dementia. Most cases of NP-C are associated with inactivating mutations of the NPC1 gene [2], which encodes a protein implicated in the retrograde transport of sterols and other cargo from lysosomes [3]. Furthermore, localization of the NPC1 protein to lysosomal/endosomal compartments is essential for proper transport [4]. To create a model of NP-C disease in a simple, genetically tractable organism, we generated deletion mutations in two Caenorhabditis elegans homologs of the human NPC1 gene, designated npc-1 and npc-2. Animals mutant for npc-1 developed slowly, laid eggs prematurely, and were hypersensitive to cholesterol deprivation. Furthermore, npc-1; npc-2 double-mutant animals inappropriately formed dauer larvae under favorable growth conditions. These phenotypes in C. elegans provide a model system for both genetic and chemical suppressor screening that could identify promising drug targets and leads for NP-C disease.  相似文献   
Rhythmic strain stimulates Caco-2 proliferation. We asked whether mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation mediates strain mitogenicity and characterized upstream signals regulating MAPK. Caco-2 cells were subjected to strain on collagen I-precoated membranes or antibodies to integrin subunits. Twenty-four hours of cyclic strain increased cell numbers compared with static conditions. MAPK-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) kinase inhibition (20 microM PD-98059) blocked strain mitogenicity. p38 Inhibition (10 microM SB-202190) did not. Strain rapidly and time-dependently activated focal adhesion kinase (FAK), paxillin, ERK1 and 2, and p38 on collagen. c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK)1 and 2 exhibited delayed activation. Similar activation occurred when Caco-2 cells were subjected to strain on a substrate of functional antibody to the alpha2-, alpha3-, alpha6-, or beta1-integrin subunits but not on a substrate of functional antibody to the alpha5-subunit. FAK inhibition by FAK397 transfection blocked ERK2 and JNK1 activation by in vitro kinase assays, but pharmacological protein kinase C inhibition did not block ERK1 or 2 activation by strain. Strain-induced ERK signals mediate strain's mitogenic effects and may require integrins and FAK activation.  相似文献   
Although we stimulate enterocytic proliferation to ameliorate short gut syndrome or mucosal atrophy, less effort has been directed at enterocytic differentiation. Schlafen 3 (Slfn3) is a poorly understood protein induced during IEC-6 enterocytic differentiation. We hypothesized that exogenous manipulation of Slfn3 would regulate enterocytic differentiation in vivo. Adenoviral vector coding for Slfn3 cDNA (Ad-GFP-Slfn3) or silencing RNA for Slfn3 (siSlfn3) was introduced intraluminally into rat intestine. We assessed Slfn3, villin, sucrase-isomaltase (SI), Dpp4, and Glut2 by qRT-PCR, Western blot, and immunohistochemistry. We also studied Slfn3 and these differentiation markers in atrophic defunctionalized jejunal mucosa and the crypt-villus axis of normal jejunum. Ad-GFP-Slfn3 but not Ad-GFP increased Slfn3, villin and Dpp4 expression in human Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cells. Injecting Ad-GFP-Slfn3 into rat jejunum in vivo increased mucosal Slfn3 mRNA three days later vs. intraluminal Ad-GFP. This Slfn3 overexpression was associated with increases in all four differentiation markers. Injecting siSlfn3 into rat jejunum in vivo substantially reduced Slfn3 and all four intestinal mucosal differentiation markers three days later, as well as Dpp4 specific activity. Endogenous Slfn3 was reduced in atrophic mucosa from a blind-end Roux-en-Y anastomosis in parallel with differentiation marker expression together with AKT and p38 signaling. Slfn3 was more highly expressed in the villi than the crypts, paralleling Glut2, SI and Dpp4. Slfn3 is a key intracellular regulator of rat enterocytic differentiation. Understanding how Slfn3 works may identify targets to promote enterocytic differentiation and maintain mucosal function in vivo, facilitating enteral nutrition and improving survival in patients with mucosal atrophy or short gut syndrome.  相似文献   
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling has important roles in the development of the embryonic pharyngeal (branchial) arches, but its effects on innervation of the arches and associated structures have not been studied extensively. We investigated the consequences of deleting two receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) antagonists of the Sprouty (Spry) gene family on the early development of the branchial nerves. The morphology of the facial, glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves are abnormal in Spry1−/−;Spry2−/− embryos. We identify specific defects in the epibranchial placodes and neural crest, which contribute sensory neurons and glia to these nerves. A dissection of the tissue-specific roles of these genes in branchial nerve development shows that Sprouty gene deletion in the pharyngeal epithelia can affect both placode formation and neural crest fate. However, epithelial-specific gene deletion only results in defects in the facial nerve and not the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves, suggesting that the facial nerve is most sensitive to perturbations in RTK signalling. Reducing the Fgf8 gene dosage only partially rescued defects in the glossopharyngeal nerve and was not sufficient to rescue facial nerve defects, suggesting that FGF8 is functionally redundant with other RTK ligands during facial nerve development.  相似文献   
Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) and regulators of the FGF signalling pathway are expressed in several cell types within the cerebellum throughout its development. Although much is known about the function of this pathway during the establishment of the cerebellar territory during early embryogenesis, the role of this pathway during later developmental stages is still poorly understood. Here, we investigated the function of sprouty genes (Spry1, Spry2 and Spry4), which encode feedback antagonists of FGF signalling, during cerebellar development in the mouse. Simultaneous deletion of more than one of these genes resulted in a number of defects, including mediolateral expansion of the cerebellar vermis, reduced thickness of the granule cell layer and abnormal foliation. Analysis of cerebellar development revealed that the anterior cerebellar neuroepithelium in the early embryonic cerebellum was expanded and that granule cell proliferation during late embryogenesis and early postnatal development was reduced. We show that the granule cell proliferation deficit correlated with reduced sonic hedgehog (SHH) expression and signalling. A reduction in Fgfr1 dosage during development rescued these defects, confirming that the abnormalities are due to excess FGF signalling. Our data indicate that sprouty acts both cell autonomously in granule cell precursors and non-cell autonomously to regulate granule cell number. Taken together, our data demonstrate that FGF signalling levels have to be tightly controlled throughout cerebellar development in order to maintain the normal development of multiple cell types.  相似文献   
Glossina exhibit cyclic (CYCGE) or continuous gas exchange (CONGE) patterns at rest. However, the factors influencing the transition from one pattern to another are not well understood for these or other insect species. This study examines which factors could aid in predicting the presence or absence of CYCGE in adults of three Glossina species: G. palpalis, G. brevipalpis and G. austeni. We report the results of temperature effects on VCO2, pattern type and the proportion of a population showing CYCGE, and the prediction of CYCGE versus CONGE in Glossina. First, we investigated the influence of temperature on VCO2 and found significant elevation in resting metabolic rate (RMR) with higher temperature in all three species (P < 0.001). Temperature-induced increases in VCO2 were modulated by increased burst volume and by cycle frequency, except in G. brevipalpis which only appeared to modulate burst volume. These results are largely in keeping with VCO2 modulation reported for other Glossina species previously. Second, elevating temperature resulted in significantly reduced numbers of individuals showing CYCGE (P < 0.001 for all three species) contrary to previous reports for other Glossing species. Finally, we examined a range of variables as potential predictors of presence or absence of CYCGE in these three species. Using an information theoretic approach (Akaike weights) to select the best explanatory combination of variables which predicts likelihood of CYCGE, we found that results varied among species. When species were pooled, the simplest, best-fit model (ΔAIC < 2 from the best model, 44.4% probability of being the best model) for predicting pattern type variation was RMR. Overall these results suggest that RMR is a key variable driving pattern type and that elevated temperature reduces the number of individuals showing cyclic patterns through elevation of RMR in these species. This study supports the idea that an interaction between cellular metabolic demand, morphological features of the gas exchange system (e.g. tracheal and spiracular conductances), and CO2 buffer capacity likely determine gas exchange pattern variation over short time-scales.  相似文献   
Intestinal epithelial cells are subject to repetitive deformation during peristalsis and villous motility, whereas the mucosa atrophies during sepsis or ileus when such stimuli are abnormal. Such repetitive deformation stimulates intestinal epithelial proliferation via focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK). However, the upstream mediators of these effects are unknown. We investigated whether Src and Rac1 mediate deformation-induced FAK and ERK phosphorylation and proliferation in human Caco-2 and rat IEC-6 intestinal epithelial cells. Cells cultured on collagen-I were subjected to an average 10% cyclic strain at 10 cycles/min. Cyclic strain activated Rac1 and induced Rac1 translocation to cell membranes. Mechanical strain also induced rapid sustained phosphorylation of c-Src at Tyr(418), Rac1 at Ser(71), FAK at Tyr(397) and Tyr(576), and ERK1/2 at Thr(202)/Tyr(204). The mitogenic effect of cyclic strain was blocked by inhibition of Src (PP2 or short interfering RNA) or Rac1 (NSC23766). Src or Rac1 inhibition also prevented strain-induced FAK phosphorylation at Tyr(576) and ERK phosphorylation but not FAK phosphorylation at Tyr(397). Reducing FAK using short interfering RNA blocked strain-induced mitogenicity and attenuated ERK phosphorylation but not Src or Rac1 phosphorylation. Src inhibition blocked strain-induced Rac1 phosphorylation, but Rac inhibition did not alter Src phosphorylation. Transfection of a two-tyrosine phosphorylation-deficient FAK mutant Y576F/Y577F prevented activation of cotransfected myc-ERK2 by cyclic strain. Repetitive deformation induced by peristalsis or villus motility may support the gut mucosa by a pathway involving Src, Rac1, FAK, and ERK. This pathway may present important targets for interventions to prevent mucosal atrophy during prolonged ileus or fasting.  相似文献   
Monocytes and macrophages play critical roles in innate host defense and are sensitive to mechanical stimuli. Tissue pressure is often altered in association with inflammation or infection. Low pressure (20 mmHg), equivalent to normal tissue pressure, increases phagocytosis by primary monocytes and PMA-differentiated THP-1 macrophages, in part by FAK and ERK inhibition and p38 activation. PI-3K is required for macrophage phagocytosis, but whether PI-3K mediates pressure-stimulated phagocytosis is not known. Furthermore, little is known about the role played by the PI-3K downstream Kinases, Akt, and p70 S6 kinase (p70S6K) in modulating macrophage phagocytosis. Thus, we studied the contribution of PI-3K, Akt, and p70S6K to pressure-increased serum-opsonized bead phagocytosis. Pressure-induced p85 PI-3K translocation from cytosolic to membrane fractions and increased Akt activation by 36.1 +/- 12.0% in THP-1 macrophages. LY294002 or Akt inhibitor IV abrogated pressure-stimulated but not basal phagocytosis. Basal Akt activation was inhibited 90% by LY294002 and 70% by Akt inhibitor IV. Each inhibitor prevented Akt activation by pressure. SiRNA targeted to Akt1, Akt2, or Akt3 reduced Akt1, Akt2, and Akt3 expression by 50%, 45%, and 40%, respectively. However, only Akt2SiRNA abrogated the pressure-stimulated phagocytosis without affecting basal. Pressure also activated mTOR and p70S6K. mTORSiRNA and p70S6K inhibition by rapamycin or p70S6KSiRNA blocked pressure-induced, but not basal, phagocytosis. Changes in tissue pressure during inflammation may regulate macrophage phagocytosis by activation of PI-3K, which activates Akt2, mTOR, and p70S6K.  相似文献   
This study presents a chain of simulations aimed at estimating the wear in a cervical disc implant and providing insight into the in vivo biomechanical performance of the implant. The simulation chain can start with determining a representative maximum range of motion (ROM) of a person's head. The ROM is used as motion input to a kinematic simulation of the cervical spine containing a disc implant. The cervical spine geometry is obtained from computed tomography (CT) scans and converted to STL format using reverse engineering software. The time histories of the loads imposed by the adjacent vertebrae on the implant, as well as the vertebral relative rotations can be extracted from the kinematic simulation. Alternatively, force and motion profiles prescribed by wear test protocols (e.g. ISO 18192-1 and ASTM F2423-05) can be used. The force and motion profiles are applied as boundary conditions to a non-linear finite element model (FEM) of the implant to determine the time-varying contact stress and slip velocity distributions at the interface between the two halves of the implant. The stresses and slip velocities are used in a linear wear model to estimate the wear rate distribution at the FEM's nodal points where contact occurs. Reverse engineering software is used to triangulate the contact surface so that the total wear volume can be calculated. The simulation chain's predicted wear rate shows good agreement with in vitro results in the literature. The simulation chain is thereby demonstrated to be suitable for comparative pre-experimental studies of spinal implant designs.  相似文献   
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