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We previously characterized PP1bp134 and PP1bp175, two neuronal proteins that bind the protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit (PP1). Here we purify from rat brain actin-cytoskeletal extracts PP1(A) holoenzymes selectively enriched in PP1gamma(1) over PP1beta isoforms and also containing PP1bp134 and PP1bp175. PP1bp134 and PP1bp175 were identified as the synapse-localized F-actin-binding proteins spinophilin (Allen, P. B., Ouimet, C. C., and Greengard, P. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 94, 9956-9561; Satoh, A., Nakanishi, H., Obaishi, H., Wada, M., Takahashi, K., Satoh, K., Hirao, K., Nishioka, H., Hata, Y., Mizoguchi, A., and Takai, Y. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 3470-3475) and neurabin (Nakanishi, H., Obaishi, H., Satoh, A., Wada, M., Mandai, K., Satoh, K., Nishioka, H. , Matsuura, Y., Mizoguchi, A., and Takai, Y. (1997) J. Cell Biol. 139, 951-961), respectively. Recombinant spinophilin and neurabin interacted with endogenous PP1 and also with each other when co-expressed in HEK293 cells. Spinophilin residues 427-470, or homologous neurabin residues 436-479, were sufficient to bind PP1 in gel overlay assays, and selectively bound PP1gamma(1) from a mixture of brain protein phosphatase catalytic subunits; additional N- and C-terminal sequences were required for potent inhibition of PP1. Immunoprecipitation of spinophilin or neurabin from crude brain extracts selectively coprecipitated PP1gamma(1) over PP1beta. Moreover, immunoprecipitation of PP1gamma(1) from brain extracts efficiently coprecipitated spinophilin and neurabin, whereas PP1beta immunoprecipitation did not. Thus, PP1(A) holoenzymes containing spinophilin and/or neurabin target specific neuronal PP1 isoforms, facilitating efficient regulation of synaptic phosphoproteins.  相似文献   
The plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus) has a caudal hindbrain vocal motor circuit that has been proposed to share a common embryonic origin with the hindbrain vocal networks of other vertebrates. In midshipman, this vocal circuit includes three groups of neurons: sonic motor, pacemaker, and ventral medullary. Here, transneuronal transport of biocytin or neurobiotin was used to delineate the early ontogeny of the three hindbrain vocal nuclei and their pattern of connectivity. The organization of the vocal nuclei was studied in animals beginning soon after hatching until the nuclei have the adult phenotype at the time fish become free-swimming. There is a clear sequence of events whereby motoneurons establish their connections with the sonic muscle prior to establishing connections with premotor neurons; developmental milestones of the vocal pathway parallel those of the sonic muscle. The results also indicate that sexual differentiation of the vocal motor system in midshipman begins early in development, well before any evidence of sexual maturation. Embryonic males and females differ in the relationship between soma size and body length for the three hindbrain nuclei. Males are also more variable than females in body mass, volume of the sonic motor nucleus, and motoneuron cell size.  相似文献   
Juvenile loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) from West Atlantic nesting beaches occupy oceanic (pelagic) habitats in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean, whereas larger juvenile turtles occupy shallow (neritic) habitats along the continental coastline of North America. Hence the switch from oceanic to neritic stage can involve a trans-oceanic migration. Several researchers have suggested that at the end of the oceanic phase, juveniles are homing to feeding habitats in the vicinity of their natal rookery. To test the hypothesis of juvenile homing behaviour, we surveyed 10 juvenile feeding zones across the eastern USA with mitochondrial DNA control region sequences (N = 1437) and compared these samples to potential source (nesting) populations in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea (N = 465). The results indicated a shallow, but significant, population structure of neritic juveniles (PhiST = 0.0088, P = 0.016), and haplotype frequency differences were significantly correlated between coastal feeding populations and adjacent nesting populations (Mantel test R2 = 0.52, P = 0.001). Mixed stock analyses (using a Bayesian algorithm) indicated that juveniles occurred at elevated frequency in the vicinity of their natal rookery. Hence, all lines of evidence supported the hypothesis of juvenile homing in loggerhead turtles. While not as precise as the homing of breeding adults, this behaviour nonetheless places juvenile turtles in the vicinity of their natal nesting colonies. Some of the coastal hazards that affect declining nesting populations may also affect the next generation of turtles feeding in nearby habitats.  相似文献   
The distribution of noncanonical mercury resistance transposons, Tn5044 and Tn5070 , was examined. A characteristic feature of Tn5044 is temperature sensitivity of its mercury operon and the presence in the mer operon of the gene homologous to RNA polymerase subunit. Structural organization of mercury operon Tn5070 , containing minimum gene set (merRTPA), differs from mer operons of both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. None of more than two thousand environmental bacterial strains displaying mercury resistance and isolated from the samples selected from different geographical regions hybridized to Tn5044- and Tn5070-specific probes. A concept on the existence of cosmopolite, endemic, and rare transposons in environmental bacterial populations was formulated.Translated from Genetika, Vol. 40, No. 12, 2004, pp. 1717–1721.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Gorlenko, Kalyaeva, Bass, Petrova, Mindlin.  相似文献   
During meiotic prophase, telomeres actively attach themselves to the nuclear envelope and cluster in an arrangement called the bouquet. The bouquet is unique to meiosis, highly conserved, and thought to facilitate homologous chromosome synapsis. Analy sis of three-dimensional fluorescence in situ hybridization (3-D FISH) image data has been employed to characterize the bouquet in fixed pollen mother cells of maize (Zea mays L.). In order to examine the function of the bouquet further, several meiotic mutants were screened for telomeric defects using 3-D FISH as an assay. Two mutants, desynaptic (dy) and desynaptic1 (dsy1), were found to exhibit novel telomere-misplacement phenotypes. In both cases, the telomere-associated mutant phenotypes occurred prior to what was previously reported as the earliest affected stage. Three alleles of the desynaptic1 mutation (dsy1-1, dsy1-9101, and dsy1-9307) resulted in a partial bouquet phenotype at the zygotene stage of meiotic prophase. By contrast, dy nuclei contained apparently normal bouquets, but then resulted in a premature intranuclear localization of telomeres at the pachytene stage, when telomeres normally disperse but remain attached to the nuclear envelope. The dsy1 mutation is known to impair the fidelity and progression of homologous synapsis, whereas the dy mutation is known to reduce recombination rates. If the telomere misplacements are primary defects of these mutants, then these data would be consistent with the hypothesis that meiotic telomeres have at least two separable functions, one involving proper homologous chromosome synapsis at the bouquet stage and another involving post-bouquet cross-over control.  相似文献   
Measurement of exchange of substances between blood and tissue has been a long-lasting challenge to physiologists, and considerable theoretical and experimental accomplishments were achieved before the development of the positron emission tomography (PET). Today, when modeling data from modern PET scanners, little use is made of earlier microvascular research in the compartmental models, which have become the standard model by which the vast majority of dynamic PET data are analysed. However, modern PET scanners provide data with a sufficient temporal resolution and good counting statistics to allow estimation of parameters in models with more physiological realism. We explore the standard compartmental model and find that incorporation of blood flow leads to paradoxes, such as kinetic rate constants being time-dependent, and tracers being cleared from a capillary faster than they can be supplied by blood flow. The inability of the standard model to incorporate blood flow consequently raises a need for models that include more physiology, and we develop microvascular models which remove the inconsistencies. The microvascular models can be regarded as a revision of the input function. Whereas the standard model uses the organ inlet concentration as the concentration throughout the vascular compartment, we consider models that make use of spatial averaging of the concentrations in the capillary volume, which is what the PET scanner actually registers. The microvascular models are developed for both single- and multi-capillary systems and include effects of non-exchanging vessels. They are suitable for analysing dynamic PET data from any capillary bed using either intravascular or diffusible tracers, in terms of physiological parameters which include regional blood flow.  相似文献   
The very large family of Formin proteins is involved in processes such as morphogenesis, embryonic differentiation, cell polarity, and cytokinesis. A novel human gene from the Formin family, denominated human leukocyte formin gene, was cloned. The cDNA of the gene was determined to be 3959bp long with an open reading frame of 3302bp and computational analysis located this gene on chromosome 17, suggesting that it is composed of 27 exons. Northern blot analysis revealed a restricted expression of mRNA in the thymus, spleen, and peripheral blood leukocytes in normal human tissues. Western blot analysis demonstrated that the protein encoded by this gene is overexpressed in lymphoid malignancies; cancer cell lines and peripheral blood leukocyte from chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients. Furthermore, the human leukocyte formin protein was observed to associate with Akt, a critical survival regulator in many different cell types.  相似文献   
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