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OBJECTIVES: Describe the inflation in nonparametric multipoint LOD scores due to inter-marker linkage disequilibrium (LD) across many markers with varied allele frequencies. METHOD: Using simulated two-generation families with and without parents, we conducted nonparametric multipoint linkage analysis with 2 to 10 markers with minor allele frequencies (MAF) of 0.5 and 0.1. RESULTS: Misspecification of population haplotype frequencies by assuming linkage equilibrium caused inflated multipoint LOD scores due to inter-marker LD when parental genotypes were not included. Inflation increased as more markers in LD were included and decreased as markers in equilibrium were added. When marker allele frequencies were unequal, the r2 measure of LD was a better predictor of inflation than D'. CONCLUSION: This observation strongly supports the evaluation of LD in multipoint linkage analyses, and further suggests that unaccounted for LD may be suspected when two-point and multipoint linkage analyses show a marked disparity in regions with elevated r2 measures of LD. Given the increasing popularity of high-density genome-wide SNP screens, inter-marker LD should be a concern in future linkage studies.  相似文献   
The genome sequences of Chlamydia trachomatis mouse pneumonitis (MoPn) strain Nigg (1 069 412 nt) and Chlamydia pneumoniae strain AR39 (1 229 853 nt) were determined using a random shotgun strategy. The MoPn genome exhibited a general conservation of gene order and content with the previously sequenced C.trachomatis serovar D. Differences between C.trachomatis strains were focused on an ~50 kb ‘plasticity zone’ near the termination origins. In this region MoPn contained three copies of a novel gene encoding a >3000 amino acid toxin homologous to a predicted toxin from Escherichia coli 0157:H7 but had apparently lost the tryptophan biosyntheis genes found in serovar D in this region. The C.pneumoniae AR39 chromosome was >99.9% identical to the previously sequenced C.pneumoniae CWL029 genome, however, comparative analysis identified an invertible DNA segment upstream of the uridine kinase gene which was in different orientations in the two genomes. AR39 also contained a novel 4524 nt circular single-stranded (ss)DNA bacteriophage, the first time a virus has been reported infecting C.pneumoniae. Although the chlamydial genomes were highly conserved, there were intriguing differences in key nucleotide salvage pathways: C.pneumoniae has a uridine kinase gene for dUTP production, MoPn has a uracil phosphororibosyl transferase, while C.trachomatis serovar D contains neither gene. Chromosomal comparison revealed that there had been multiple large inversion events since the species divergence of C.trachomatis and C.pneumoniae, apparently oriented around the axis of the origin of replication and the termination region. The striking synteny of the Chlamydia genomes and prevalence of tandemly duplicated genes are evidence of minimal chromosome rearrangement and foreign gene uptake, presumably owing to the ecological isolation of the obligate intracellular parasites. In the absence of genetic analysis, comparative genomics will continue to provide insight into the virulence mechanisms of these important human pathogens.  相似文献   
The intestinal mucosa metabolizes fatty acids differently when presented to the lumenal or basolateral membrane. Expression of both liver and intestinal fatty acid binding proteins (L- and I-FABPs) uniquely in the enterocyte offers a possible explanation of this phenomenon. An organ explant system was used to analyze the relative binding of fatty acids to each protein. More fatty acid was bound to L-FABP than to I-FABPs (28% vs. 6% of cytosolic radioactivity), no matter on which side the fatty acid was added. However, a 2-3-fold increase in fatty acid binding to the intestinal paralog was noted after apical addition of palmitic or oleic acid in mucosa from chow fed rats. When oleic acid was added apically, a 1.4-fold increase in binding to I-FABP was observed in mucosa derived from chronically fat fed rats, consistent with the previously observed 50% increase in the content of that protein. Immunocytochemical localization of both FABPs in vivo demonstrated an apical cytoplasmic localization in the fasting state, and redistribution to the entire cytoplasm after fat feeding. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that I-FABP may contribute to the metabolic compartmentalization of apically presented fatty acids in the intestine.  相似文献   
The current study aims to review flow cytometric (FCM) parameters for the quantification of phagocytosis. A limitation of existing methods is their difficulty with accurate quantification of the phagocytic index, i.e., number of beads per phagocyte, in individual cell lines in mixed cell suspensions. We have quantified phagocytosis and the oxidative burst simultaneously using fluorescent beads coated with meningococcal outer membrane vesicles (OMV beads) by the conversion of dihydrorhodamine 123 (DHR-123) to rhodamine 123 (R-123). Both these processes depend on specific serum opsonins. After the incubation, staining with a fluorescent anti-CD14 monoclonal antibody succeeded in discriminating phagocytosing monocytes from neutrophils. The spectral overlaps between OMV beads, R-123, and anti-CD14 could be completely compensated. Percentage of phagocytosis and the phagocytic index were similar in monocytes and neutrophils, but the oxidative burst behaved differently. Two monocyte subpopulations were observed. Both subpopulations spontaneously converted some DHR-123 into R-123, whereas the reaction was triggered by phagocytosis in neutrophils. The total oxidative response increased with increasing phagocytic index in both cell types, but the oxidative burst in monocytes was about twice that of neutrophils. The oxidative ratio (mean R-123 fluorescence value divided by the phagocytic index) declined with time in monocytes, but increased in neutrophils. Our results demonstrate the need for careful attention to technical details. This single-laser, three-color FCM method facilitates the comparative research of phagocytosis and the oxidative burst in monocytes and neutrophils and provides a basis for a number of applications in hematology, infectious medicine, and immunology.  相似文献   
Adenosine deaminases that act on RNA (ADARs) are RNA editing enzymes that convert adenosines to inosines within cellular and viral RNAs. Certain glutamate receptor (gluR) pre-mRNAs are substrates for the enzymes in vivo. For example, at the R/G editing site of gluR-B, -C, and -D RNAs, ADARs change an arginine codon (AGA) to a glycine codon (IGA) so that two protein isoforms can be synthesized from a single encoded mRNA; the highly related gluR-A sequence is not edited at this site. To gain insight into what features of an RNA substrate are important for accurate and efficient editing by an ADAR, we performed a phylogenetic analysis of sequences required for editing at the R/G site. We observed highly conserved sequences that were shared by gluR-B, -C, and -D, but absent from gluR-A. Surprisingly, in contrast to results obtained in phylogenetic analyses of tRNA and rRNA, it was the bases in paired, helical regions whose identity was conserved, whereas bases in nonhelical regions varied, but maintained their nonhelical state. We speculate this pattern in part reflects constraints imposed by ADAR's unique specificity and gained support for our hypotheses with mutagenesis studies. Unexpectedly, we observed that some of the gluR introns were conserved beyond the sequences required for editing. The approximately 600-nt intron 13 of gluR-C was particularly remarkable, showing >94% nucleotide identity between human and chicken, organisms estimated to have diverged 310 million years ago.  相似文献   
Expression of the enzyme aromatase, which converts androgens to estrogens, is known to be regulated by gonadal steroids in brain areas linked to reproduction and related behaviors in several groups of vertebrates. Previously, we demonstrated in a vocal fish, the plainfin midshipman, that both males and females undergo seasonal changes in brain aromatase mRNA expression in the preoptic area (POA) and the dimorphic sonic/vocal motor nucleus (SMN) that parallel seasonal variation in circulating steroid levels and reproductive behavior. We tested the hypothesis that steroids are directly responsible for seasonal modulation of aromatase in females because they show the most dramatic fluctuations of testosterone (T) and 17beta-estradiol (E2) throughout the year. Adult female midshipmen were ovariectomized and administered T, E2, or blank (control) implants. We then quantified aromatase mRNA expression within the POA and SMN by in situ hybridization. Both T- and E2-treated females had elevated mRNA expression levels in both brain areas compared to controls. T affected aromatase expression in a level-dependent manner, whereas E2 showed a decreased effect at higher circulating levels. This study demonstrates that seasonal differences in brain aromatase expression in female midshipman fish may be explained, in part, by changes in levels of circulating steroids.  相似文献   
Numerous environmental gene library studies have shown that eukaryote microbial diversity is much greater than expected. Molecular surveys of several 'extreme' and some more anthropomorphically commonplace environments have revealed many previously unsampled micro-eukaryotic lineages. However, it cannot be assumed that all of the sequences recovered from these studies are derived from real organisms, and for those that are, many questions remain about their distribution and ecology. Integrating all available sequence data from these studies reveals patterns of distribution, diversity and evolutionary relationships that are not accessible from independent analyses of the individual surveys and enables us to review the wider implications of such studies.  相似文献   
A single or double amino acid insertion at the monomer-monomer junction of the universal eukaryotic protein polyubiquitin is unique to Cercozoa and Foraminifera, closely related 'core' phyla in the protozoan infrakingdom Rhizaria. We screened 11 other candidate rhizarians for this insertion: Radiozoa (polycystine and acantharean radiolaria), a 'microheliozoan', and Apusozoa; all lack it, supporting suggestions that Foraminifera are more closely related to Cercozoa than either is to other eukaryotes. The insertion's size was ascertained for 12 additional Cercozoa to help resolve their basal branching order. The earliest branching Cercozoa generally have a single amino acid insertion, like all Foraminifera, but a large derived clade consisting of all Monadofilosa except Metopion, Helk-esimastix, and Cercobodo agilis has two amino acids, suggesting one doubling event and no reversions to a single amino acid. Metromonas and Sainouron, cercozoans of uncertain position, have a double insertion, suggesting that they belong in Monadofilosa. An alternative interpretation, suggested by the higher positions for Metopion and Cercobodo on Bayesian trees compared with most distance trees, cannot be ruled out, i.e. that the second insertion took place earlier, in the ancestral filosan, and was followed by three independent reversions to a single amino acid in Chlorarachnea, Metopion and Cercobodo.  相似文献   
In plants, defensive proteins secreted to leaf aerial surfaces have not previously been considered to be a strategy of pathogen resistance, and the general occurrence of leaf surface proteins is not generally recognized. We found that leaf water washes (LWW) of the experimental plant Nicotiana tabacum tobacco introduction (TI) 1068 contained highly hydrophobic, basic proteins that inhibited spore germination and leaf infection by the oomycete pathogen Peronospora tabacina. We termed these surface-localized proteins tobacco phylloplanins, and we isolated the novel gene T-Phylloplanin (for Tobacco Phylloplanin) and its promoter from N. tabacum. Escherichia coli-expressed T-phylloplanin inhibited P. tabacina spore germination and greatly reduced leaf infection. The T-phylloplanin promoter, when fused to the reporter genes beta-glucuronidase and green fluorescent protein, directed biosynthesis only in apical-tip cell clusters of short, procumbent glandular trichomes. Here, we provide evidence for a protein-based surface defense system in the plant kingdom, wherein protein biosynthesis in short, procumbent glandular trichomes allows surface secretion and deposition of defensive phylloplanins on aerial surfaces as a first-point-of-contact deterrent to pathogen establishment. As yet uncharacterized surface proteins have been detected on most plant species examined.  相似文献   
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