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The cytokine, TNF-alpha, interacts with human neutrophils (PMN) via specific membrane receptors and primes leukotriene B4 (LTB4) production in PMN for subsequent stimulation by calcium ionophores. We have further examined the effects of TNF-alpha on arachidonic acid (AA) release, LTB4 production, and platelet-activating factor (PAF) formation in PMN by prelabeling cells with either [3H]AA or [3H]lyso-PAF, priming with human rTNF-alpha, and then stimulating with the chemotactic peptide, FMLP. TNF-alpha, alone, had little effect; minimal AA release, LTB4 or PAF production occurred after PMN were incubated with 0 to 1000 U/ml TNF-alpha. However, when PMN were first preincubated with 100 U/ml TNF-alpha for 30 min and subsequently challenged with 1 microM FMLP, both [3H] AA release and LTB4 production were elevated two- to threefold over control values. Measurement of AA mass by gas chromatography and LTB4 production by RIA confirmed the radiolabeled results. TNF-alpha priming also increased PAF formation after FMLP stimulation. These results demonstrate that TNF-alpha priming before stimulation with a physiologic agonist can enhance activation of phospholipase A2 (PLA2) resulting in increased AA release and can facilitate the activities of 5-lipoxygenase (LTB4 production) and acetyltransferase (PAF formation). Reports in the literature have hypothesized that the priming mechanism involves either production of PLA2 metabolites, increased diglyceride (DG) levels, or enhanced cytosolic calcium levels induced by the priming agent. We investigated these possibilities in TNF-alpha priming of PMN and report that TNF-alpha had no direct effect on PLA2 activation or metabolite formation. Treatment of PMN with TNF-alpha did not induce DG formation and, in the absence of cytochalasin B, no increased DG production (measured by both radiolabel techniques and mass determinations) occurred after TNF-alpha priming followed by FMLP stimulation. TNF-alpha also had no effect on basal cytosolic calcium and did not enhance intracellular calcium levels after FMLP stimulation. These results suggest that an alternative, as yet undefined, mechanism is active in TNF-alpha priming of human PMN.  相似文献   
The protein C kinase activators 1-O-oleoyl, 2-O-acetylglycerol, 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate, and mezerein, stimulated deoxyglucose uptake in human neutrophils. The responses were stimulus specific since no effect was noted with the diether analogues 1-O-hexadecyl-2-O-ethylglycerol, 1-O-palmitoyl-2-O-acetyl or 1-O-palmitoyl-3-O-acetyl diesters of propanediol, or with 1,2-diolein. Stimulation of deoxyglucose uptake had the characteristics of carrier facilitated hexose transport. Stimulated uptake of deoxy-glucose was inhibited by trifluoperazine (10-30 microM). Activation of protein kinase C therefore appears to trigger events involved in hexose transport.  相似文献   
The ADAR family of RNA-editing enzymes deaminates adenosines within RNA that is completely or largely double stranded. In mammals, most of the characterized substrates encode receptors involved in neurotransmission, and these substrates are thought to be targeted by the mammalian enzymes ADAR1 and ADAR2. Although some ADAR substrates are deaminated very promiscuously, mammalian glutamate receptor B (gluR-B) pre-mRNA is deaminated at a few specific adenosines. Like most double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) binding proteins, ADARs bind to many different sequences, but few studies have directly measured and compared binding affinities. We have attempted to determine if ADAR deamination specificity occurs because the enzymes bind to targeted regions with higher affinities. To explore this question we studied binding of rat ADAR2 to a region of rat gluR-B pre-mRNA that contains the R/G editing site, and compared a wild-type molecule with one containing mutations that decreased R/G site editing. Although binding affinity to the two sequences was almost identical, footprinting studies indicate ADAR2 binds to the wild-type RNA at a discrete region surrounding the editing site, whereas binding to the mutant appeared nonspecific.  相似文献   
Bass BL  Hellwig S  Hundley HA 《Cell》2005,123(2):181-183
In this issue of Cell, Prasanth et al. (2005) provide evidence that an inosine-containing RNA that is normally retained in the nucleus is cleaved within its 3' untranslated region following cellular stress. It is then transported to the cytoplasm and translated into protein. These findings suggest that the nucleus may store RNAs destined for translation that then can be released, as needed, in response to specific cellular signals.  相似文献   
We report the synthesis and biological activity of a series of 2-cyano-4-fluoro-1-thiovalylpyrrolidine inhibitors of DPP-IV. Within this series, compound 19 provided a potent, selective, and orally active DPP-IV inhibitor which demonstrated a very long duration of action in both rat and dog.  相似文献   
It is well known that plasma androgens are rapidly released in response to aggressive or sexual stimuli in a broad array of vertebrates. However, experimental work on behavioral functions of rapid androgen elevation is rare. A combination of field-based behavioral experiments and lab-based neuroendocrinological approaches is beginning to show how steroid hormones rapidly regulate the expression of vocal communication signals in Gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta). Male toadfish emit multiharmonic "boatwhistles" and shorter-duration, broadband "grunts" during intraspecific communication. Neurophysiology experiments demonstrate that androgens and glucocorticoids rapidly modify vocal motor patterning in male toadfish. In this study, we simulated territorial intrusions (vocal "challenges") with acoustic playbacks to toadfish in the field, and observed simultaneous, rapid (within 5-20 min) changes in vocalizations and steroid hormones. Both plasma androgens and vocal activity increased following the presentation of pure tones that mimic the duration of natural boatwhistles (275 ms), while they remained unchanged following playbacks of tone stimuli that mimic the duration of grunts (75 ms) or the upper-range of boatwhistles (475 ms). Circulating glucocorticoids were elevated in calling vs. non-calling males but were unaffected by playback stimuli, suggesting a role in the energetics of vocalization. These results strongly suggest that one function of rapid androgen elevation in response to social challenge is to mediate similarly rapid changes in territorial vocal signaling. Given the conserved organization of neuroendocrine and vocal motor systems, rapid steroid action on vocalization mechanisms may be true of other vocal vertebrates as well, including birds and mammals.  相似文献   
Dendritic calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) is dynamically targeted to the synapse. We show that CaMKIIalpha is associated with the CaMKII-binding proteins densin-180, the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor NR2B subunit, and alpha-actinin in postsynaptic density-enriched rat brain fractions. Residues 819-894 within the C-terminal domain of alpha-actinin-2 constitute the minimal CaMKII-binding domain. Similar amounts of Thr286-autophosphorylated CaMKIIalpha holoenzyme [P-T286]CaMKII bind to alpha-actinin-2 as bind to NR2B (residues 1260-1339) or to densin-180 (residues 1247-1495) in glutathione-agarose cosedimentation assays, even though the CaMKII-binding domains share no amino acid sequence similarity. Like NR2B, alpha-actinin-2 binds to representative splice variants of each CaMKII gene (alpha, beta, gamma, and delta), whereas densin-180 binds selectively to CaMKIIalpha. In addition, C-terminal truncated CaMKIIalpha monomers can interact with NR2B and alpha-actinin-2, but not with densin-180. Soluble alpha-actinin-2 does not compete for [P-T286]CaMKII binding to immobilized densin-180 or NR2B. However, soluble densin-180, but not soluble NR2B, increases CaMKII binding to immobilized alpha-actinin-2 by approximately 10-fold in a PDZ domain-dependent manner. A His6-tagged NR2B fragment associates with GST-densin or GST-actinin but only in the presence of [P-T286]CaMKII. Similarly, His6-tagged densin-180 or alpha-actinin fragments associate with GST-NR2B in a [P-T286]CaMKII-dependent manner. In addition, GST-NR2B and His6-tagged alpha-actinin can bind simultaneously to monomeric CaMKII subunits. In combination, these data support a model in which [P-T286]CaMKIIalpha can simultaneously interact with multiple dendritic spine proteins, possibly stabilizing the synaptic localization of CaMKII and/or nucleating a multiprotein synaptic signaling complex.  相似文献   
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