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Groups of rhesus monkeys were inoculated with: 1) simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)B670 alone; 2) Mycobacterium leprae alone; 3) SIV plus M. leprae on the same day; and 4) M. leprae 2 weeks after SIV. Animals were monitored at intervals for virus loads, antibody responses to M. leprae glycolipid antigens and to SIV Gp120, T-cell CD4+ and CD4+ CD29+ subset percentages, leprosy and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) clinical symptoms. Five out of six animals developed leprosy in each co-inoculated group, compared to one out of six in the M. leprae-only-inoculated group, indicating that M. leprae/SIV co-infection increases the susceptibility to leprosy, regardless of the timing of the two infections. Animals in the co-infected group that received M. leprae 2 weeks after SIV had a significantly slower rate of AIDS progression and long-term survival was significantly greater (three out of six) compared to the group inoculated with SIV alone (zero out of seven). All M. leprae-only-inoculated animals (six out of six) survived. Post-SIV-inoculation, a rapid decrease in the percentages of CD4 + and CD4 + CD29 + T-cells was observed in the SIV-only-inoculated group that was significantly blocked by co-inoculation with M. leprae 2 weeks after SIV, but not by SIV on the same day. The virus load set point was increased by approximately two logs in the group inoculated with M. leprae and SIV on the same day compared to SIV 2 weeks prior to M. leprae or the SIV-only-inoculated group. The results indicate that M. leprae, inoculated 2 weeks after SIV, decreased the pathogenicity of SIV compared to inoculation of M. leprae and SIV on the same day or SIV alone. The decreased pathogenicity correlated with a diminished loss of CD4 + and CD4 + CD29 + T-cell subsets in the group inoculated with M. leprae 2 weeks after SIV compared to the group inoculated with SIV alone. IgG antibody responses to M. leprae-specific cell wall phenolic glycolipid-I antigen were inhibited by 2-week-prior or same-day SIV co-inoculation compared to M. leprae-only inoculated animals. The IgG anti-lipoarabinomannan antibody response was enhanced in the group inoculated with M. leprae and SIV on the same day compared to the groups inoculated with M. leprae alone or SIV 2 weeks prior to M. leprae. Antibody responses to SIV Gp120 antigen were unimpaired in both co-inoculated groups compared to SIV-only-inoculated groups. The antibody results show that the immune responses to SIV and M. leprae are interrelated in SIV/M. leprae co-infected animals.  相似文献   
In north central Kentucky, seeds of the mesic forest biennial Hydrophyllum appendiculatum Michx., are innately dormant at maturity in June. Under natural and simulated seasonal temperature changes, dormancy break occurred in two stages. Root dormancy was broken by high summer temperatures, and shoot dormancy was broken by low winter temperatures. Consequently, roots emerged from seeds during autumn, and cotyledons emerged the following spring. A 90-day warm (30/15 C) stratification treatment broke root dormancy, but the roots emerged only after transfer to lower temperatures. After the warm stratification treatment, roots emerged from 93, 73, 6 and 9% of the seeds incubated at 5, 15/6, 20/10 and 30/15 C (12/12 hr), respectively. Zero, 28, 56 and 84 days of cold (5 C) stratification of seeds with emerged roots resulted in 9, 21, 49 and 82% cotyledon emergence, respectively, at 20/10 C. Thus, H. appendiculatum exhibits a type of morpho-physiological dormancy known as epicotyl dormancy. Although many seeds germinate the first year, others remain dormant and germinate in successive years until the fourth season after ripening.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Diptychocarpus strictus is an annual ephemeral in the cold desert of northwest China that produces heteromorphic fruits and seeds. The primary aims of this study were to characterize the morphology and anatomy of fruits and seeds of this species and compare the role of fruit and seed hetermorphism in dispersal and germination.


Shape, size, mass and dispersal of siliques and seeds and the thickness of the mucilage layer on seeds were measured, and the anatomy of siliques and seeds, the role of seed mucilage in water absorption/dehydration, germination and adherence of seeds to soil particles, the role of pericarp of lower siliques in seed dormancy and seed after-ripening and germination phenology were studied using standard procedures.

Key Results

Plants produce dehiscent upper siliques with a thin pericarp containing seeds with large wings and a thick mucilage layer and indehiscent lower siliques with a thick pericarp containing nearly wingless seeds with a thin mucilage layer. The dispersal ability of seeds from the upper siliques was much greater than that of intact lower siliques. Mucilage increased the amount of water absorbed by seeds and decreased the rate of dehydration. Seeds with a thick mucilage layer adhered to soil particles much better than those with a thin mucilage layer or those from which mucilage had been removed. Fresh seeds were physiologically dormant and after-ripened during summer. Non-dormant seeds germinated to high percentages in light and in darkness. Germination of seeds from upper siliques is delayed until spring primarily by drought in summer and autumn, whereas the thick, indehiscent pericarp prevents germination for >1 year of seeds retained in lower siliques.


The life cycle of D. strictus is morphologically and physiologically adapted to the cold desert environment in time and space via a combination of characters associated with fruit and seed heteromorphism.  相似文献   
Worldwide, there is relatively little information on seed dormancy and germination of tropical montane species. Our aim was to help fill this knowledge gap by conducting seed dormancy/germination studies on woody species from this vegetation zone in Hawai`i. All species had water-permeable seeds with a fully developed embryo. Seeds of 29 species (23 genera) were incubated in light/dark at 15/6, 20/10 and 25/15°C and germination monitored at 2-week intervals for 16–128 weeks. Seeds of Chenopodium oahuense, Dubautia menziesii and Silene lanceolata were non-dormant (ND) and those of 26 other species had physiological dormancy (PD); 10 of the 26 species had conditional PD. The optimum germination temperature regime(s) was (were) 25/15°C, 17 species; 25/10 and 20/10°C, 2; 20/10°C, 6; 20/10 and 15/6°C, 2; and 15/6°C, 2. Worldwide, PD in the woody genera included in our study is more common than ND. In addition to its contribution to the world biogeography of seed dormancy/germination, this study will be useful to conservation biologists who need to germinate seeds of tropical montane species.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Physical dormancy in seeds of species of Geraniaceae is caused by a water-impermeable palisade layer in the outer integument of the seed coat and a closed chalaza. The chalazal cleft has been reported to be the water gap (i.e. location of initial water entry) in innately permeable seeds of Geraniaceae. The primary aim of this study was to re-evaluate the location of the water gap and to characterize its morphology and anatomy in physically dormant seeds of Geraniaceae, with particular reference to G. carolinianum.


Length, width, mass, anatomy and germination of two seed types (light brown and dark brown) of G. carolinianum were compared. Location, anatomy and morphology of the water gap were characterized using free-hand and microtome tissue sectioning, light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, dye tracking, blocking and seed-burial experiments.

Key Results

Treatment with dry heat caused a colour change in the palisade cells adjacent to the micropyle. When placed in water, the ‘hinged valve’ (blister) erupted at the site of the colour change, exposing the water gap. The morphology and anatomy in the water-gap region differs from those of the rest of the seed coat. The morphology of the seed coat of the water-gap region is similar in G. carolinianum, G. columbinum, G. molle and G. pusillum and differs from that of the closely related species Erodium cicutarium.


Dislodgment of swollen ‘hinged valve’ palisade cells adjacent to the micropyle caused the water gap to open in physically dormant seeds of G. carolinianum, and it was clear that initial water uptake takes place through this gap and not via the chalazal opening as previously reported. This water gap (‘hinged valve gap’) differs from water gaps previously described for other families in morphology, anatomy and location in the seed coat.  相似文献   
The cortical array of microtubules inside the cell and arabinogalactan proteins on the external surface of the cell are each implicated in plant morphogenesis. To determine whether the cortical array is influenced by arabinogalactan proteins, we first treated Arabidopsis roots with a Yariv reagent that binds arabinogalactan proteins. Cortical microtubules were markedly disorganized by 1 microM beta-D-glucosyl (active) Yariv but not by up to 10 microM beta-D-mannosyl (inactive) Yariv. This was observed for 24-h treatments in wild-type roots, fixed and stained with anti-tubulin antibodies, as well as in living roots expressing a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter for microtubules. Using the reporter line, microtubule disorganization was evident within 10 min of treatment with 5 microM active Yariv and extensive by 30 min. Active Yariv (5 microM) disorganized cortical microtubules after gadolinium pre-treatment, suggesting that this effect is independent of calcium influx across the plasma membrane. Similar effects on cortical microtubules, over a similar time scale, were induced by two anti-arabinogalactan-protein antibodies (JIM13 and JIM14) but not by antibodies recognizing pectin or xyloglucan epitopes. Active Yariv, JIM13, and JIM14 caused arabinogalactan proteins to aggregate rapidly, as assessed either in fixed wild-type roots or in the living cells of a line expressing a plasma membrane-anchored arabinogalactan protein from tomato fused to GFP. Finally, electron microscopy of roots prepared by high-pressure freezing showed that treatment with 5 microM active Yariv for 2 h significantly increased the distance between cortical microtubules and the plasma membrane. These findings demonstrate that cell surface arabinogalactan proteins influence the organization of cortical microtubules.  相似文献   
Background and Aims Diaspores of heteromorphic species may germinate at different times due to distinct dormancy-breaking and germination requirements, and this difference can influence life history traits. The primary aim of this study was to determine the effect of germination time of the two seed morphs of Suaeda corniculata subsp. mongolica on life history traits of the offspring.Methods Germinated brown and black seeds were sown on the 20th of each month from April to September in a simulated but near-natural habitat of the species. Phenological and vegetative traits of the maternal plants, and number, size and germination percentage of the offspring were determined.Key Results Germinated seeds sown late in the year produced smaller plants that had a higher proportion of non-dormant brown than dormant black seeds, and these brown seeds were larger than those produced by germinated seeds sown early in the year. The length of the seedling stage for brown seeds was shorter than that for black seeds, and the root/shoot ratio and reproductive allocation of plants from brown seeds were more variable than they were for plants from black seeds. Late-germinating brown seeds produced larger plants than late-germinating black seeds.Conclusions Altering the proportion of the two seed types in response to germination timing can help alleviate the adverse effects of delayed germination. The flexible strategy of a species, such as S. corniculata, that produces different proportions of dimorphic seeds in response to variation in germination timing may favour the maintenance and regeneration of the population in its unpredictable environment.  相似文献   
The nutrient concentration in seeds determines many aspects of potential success of the sexual reproductive phase of plants, including the seed predation probability, efficiency of seed dispersal and seedling performance. Despite considerable research interest in latitudinal gradients of foliar nutrients, a similar gradient for seeds remains unexplored. We investigated a potential latitudinal gradient in seed nutrient concentrations within the widespread European understorey forest herb Anemone nemorosa L. We sampled seeds of A. nemorosa in 15 populations along a 1900-km long latitudinal gradient at three to seven seed collection dates post-anthesis and investigated the relative effects of growing degree-hours >5 °C, soil characteristics and latitude on seed nutrient concentrations. Seed nitrogen, nitrogen:phosphorus ratio and calcium concentration decreased towards northern latitudes, while carbon:nitrogen ratios increased. When taking differences in growing degree-hours and measured soil characteristics into account and only considering the most mature seeds, the latitudinal decline remained particularly significant for seed nitrogen concentration. We argue that the decline in seed nitrogen concentration can be attributed to northward decreasing seed provisioning due to lower soil nitrogen availability or greater investment in clonal reproduction. This pattern may have large implications for the reproductive performance of this forest herb as the degree of seed provisioning ultimately co-determines seedling survival and reproductive success.  相似文献   
【目的】高加索三叶草是优良的蜜源植物,了解其花蜜腺形态特征、组织结构及其发育规律对认识其小花糖分变化规律和合理利用该植物资源具有重要意义。【方法】选择生长良好的高加索三叶草标准株,分别在小花的不同发育时期,即现蕾期、露冠期、初花期、盛花期和谢花期采样。利用石蜡切片技术,观察小花细胞组织结构。采用毛细管法吸取小花花蜜,用生理试剂盒-分光光度法测定初花期、盛花期和谢花期小花的可溶性糖(包含蔗糖、果糖、葡萄糖)和淀粉等糖分营养指标。【结果】结果表明,(1)单个小花的花蜜量为0.394±0.095μL,每平方米花蜜量为4536.93±1319.34μL。(2)蜜腺位于9枚合生雄蕊的花丝内侧基部,属于雄蕊蜜腺。经PAS 染色,蜜腺组织在整个泌蜜过程中淀粉粒有明显的动态变化,属于淀粉型蜜腺。(3)小花的可溶性糖含量在盛花期最高,为7.978mg/g;可溶性糖各组分中果糖占比最大,初花期占比最高,为66%,后逐渐下降;淀粉含量占全糖含量的81%~82%,其中盛花期最高,为35.173mg/g,初花期最低,为24.168 mg/g。【结论】高加索三叶草花蜜腺属于雄蕊蜜腺,蜜腺由分泌表皮细胞和泌蜜细胞构成。原蜜由蜜腺相邻的花托维管束提供,经蜜腺细胞加工成蜜汁,最后由表皮的气孔泌出。高加索三叶草小花的可溶性糖含量在盛花期时最高,其中果糖的占比最大。  相似文献   
Total oxygen consumption following contraction at controlled shortening velocities was determined for ten twitches of frog sartorius muscle. Under the conditions of this investigation maximum oxygen consumption occurred at approximately 30 mm/sec. shortening velocity and decreased for larger and smaller velocities. Mechanical efficiency was calculated and found to show a maximum at approximately 20 mm/sec. shortening velocity. The relationship between this study and a similar investigation in which heat changes are measured as a function of shortening velocity is discussed.  相似文献   
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