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Spin-label studies of the effects of hyperthermia on the erythrocyte membrane revealed a decrease in the fluidity of lipids and changes in the state of membrane proteins. The rate of haemolysis in iso-osmotic glycerol solution was increased. Changes of most of the parameters studied when plotted in Arrhenius coordinates revealed a discontinuity (critical hyperthermic transition in the membrane) between 46 and 50 degrees C. Studies of the combined action of ionizing radiation (100 Gy) and hyperthermia (43 degrees C) showed the same direction of changes for (Na-K-Mg)-ATPase activity and spectra of membrane-bound maleimide spin label for both agents, but the additivity of changes depended on the parameter studied.  相似文献   
The expression of a gene, encoding a dehydrin protein designated as DHN24 was analyzed at the protein level in two groups of Solanum species differing in cold acclimation ability. The DHN24 protein displays consensus amino acid sequences of dehydrins, termed K- and S-segments. The S-segment precedes three K-segments, classifying the protein into SK3-type dehydrins. A group of Solanum species able to cold acclimation constituted by S. sogarandinum and S. tuberosum, cv. Aster, and a second one composed of a S. sogarandinum line, that lost ability to cold acclimation, and of S. tuberosum, cv. Irga, displaying low ability to cold acclimation were studied. Under control conditions, noticeable levels of the DHN24 protein was observed in stems, tubers, and roots of Solanum species. No protein was detected in leaves. During low temperature treatment the DHN24 protein level substantially increased in tubers, in transporting organs and in apical parts, and only a small increase was observed in leaves. The increase in protein abundance was only observed in the plants able to cold acclimate and was found to parallel the acclimation capacity. Upon drought stress, the DHN24 level decreased in stems and in leaves, but increased in apical parts. These results suggest that Dhn24 expression is regulated by organ specific factors in the absence of stress and by factors related to cold acclimation processes during low temperature treatment in collaboration with organ-specific factors. A putative function of the SK3-type dehydrin proteins during plant growth and in the tolerance to low temperature is discussed.  相似文献   
Pleiotropic effects are one of the main concerns regarding genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This includes unintended side effects of the transgene or its genome insertion site on the regulation of other endogenous genes, which could potentially cause the accumulation of different secondary metabolites that may have not only an impact on diet as repeatedly worried by the public but also on the environment. Regarding amount and possible environmental effects, flavonoids represent the most prominent group of secondary metabolites in wheat. Many flavonoids function as signalling or defence molecules. We used a robust and reproducible analytical method to compare the flavonoid content of genetically modified (GM) wheat (Triticum aestivum L., Gramineae) expressing genes that confer increased fungal resistance with their non-GM siblings. The transgenes provide either a broad-spectrum fungal defence (chitinase/glucanase from barley) or bunt-specific resistance by a viral gene (KP4). Significant differences in flavonoid composition were found between different wheat varieties whereas different lines of GM wheat with increased antifungal resistance showed only minor differences in their flavonoid composition relative to their non-GM siblings. In a field test, no significant differences were detectable between infected and non-infected wheat of the same variety regardless of the presence of the transgene. Our results are in agreement with the hypothesis that the transgenes we used to increase wheat defence to fungal pathogens do not interfere with the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway. More significantly, the genetic background resulting from conventional breeding has a direct impact on the biological composition of flavonoids, and thus possibly on the environment.  相似文献   
Many of the effects of carnitine are ascribed to its antioxidant properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant properties of carnitine in vitro. Carnitine was found to decolorize ABTS•+, and to protect fluorescein against bleaching induced by AAPH-derived peroxyl radicals and peroxynitrite, thiol groups against oxidation induced by hydrogen peroxide, peroxyl radicals, hypochlorite and peroxynitrite, and erythrocytes against hemolysis induced by peroxyl radicals and hypochlorite. These results show that carnitine has a direct antioxidant action against physiologically relevant oxidants.  相似文献   
Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) mutants lacking CuZn-superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) are hypersensitive to oxygen and have significantly decreased replicative life span. Both these defects can be ameliorated by exogenous ascorbate. The effect of ascorbate on life span is complicated by auto-oxidation of its compound in the medium. If negative effects of auto-oxidation are prevented by exchange of the medium, ascorbate prolongs not only mean but also maximal replicative life span of the yeast in the atmosphere of air and of pure oxygen. These results demonstrate that life span shortening due to the lack of a vital antioxidant enzyme can be ameliorated by a low-molecular weight antioxidant.  相似文献   
The ratio of low-field amplitudes of weakly and strongly immobilized signals of ESR spectra of a maleimide spin label bound to erythrocyte membranes (hw/hs) increases progressively during incubation at 37 degrees C. This increase is due to the 'self-digestion' of membrane proteins by endogenous proteinases and is attenuated by proteinase inhibitors. Digestion of membranes with chymotrypsin also increases the hw/hs ratio. These results suggest a need for a careful interpretation of data from spin-labeled membrane proteins, especially in experiments involving prolonged incubations of membrane preparations when the proteolytic effects may be significant.  相似文献   
Oxidative stress (OS) and nitrative stress (NS) accompany many diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD). Antioxidants have been proposed to counteract OS/NS in these diseases. Nevertheless, the effects of antioxidants are limited and new, more efficient antioxidants are searched for. Redox-active nanoparticles (RNPs), containing antioxidants create a new therapeutical perspective. This review examines the recent literature describing synthesis and potential applications of cerium oxide RNPs, boron cluster-containing and silica containing RNPs, Gd3N@C80 encapsulated RNPs, and concentrates on nitroxide-containing RNPs. Nitroxides are promising antioxidants, preventing inter alia glycation and nitration, but their application poses several problems. It can be expected that application of RNPs containing covalently bound nitroxides, showing low toxicity and able to penetrate the blood–brain barrier will be more efficient in the treatment of neurodegenerative disease, in particular AD and PD basing on their effects in cellular and animal models of neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   
Seven Gram-negative, rod-shaped pectinolytic bacteria strains designated as IFB5227, IFB5228, IFB5229, IFB5230, IFB5231, IFB5232, IFB5636, isolated from potato tubers cultivated in Peru at high altitude (2400–3800 m) were subjected to polyphasic analyses that revealed their distinctiveness from the other Pectobacterium species. Phylogenetic analyses based on five housekeeping genes (gyrA, recA, recN, rpoA and rpoS) clearly showed strains separateness, simultaneously indicating Pectobacterium atrosepticum, Pectobacterium wasabiae, Pectobacterium parmentieri and Pectobacterium betavasculorum as the closest relatives. In silico DNA–DNA hybridization of strain IFB5232T with other Pectobacterium type strains revealed significant drop in DDH value below 70%, which is a prerequisite to distinguish Pectobacterium peruviense. The ANI values supported the proposition of delineation of the P. peruviense. Genetic REP-PCR fingerprint and detailed MALDI-TOF MS proteomic profile sealed the individuality of the studied strains. However, phenotypic assays do not indicate immense differences.Provided results of analyses performed for seven Peruvian strains are the basis for novel species distinction and reclassification of the strains IFB5227-5232 and IFB5636, previously classified as Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum. Here, we propose to establish the IFB5232 isolate as a type strain (=PCM2893T = LMG30269T = SCRI179T) with the name Pectobacterium peruviense sp. nov.  相似文献   
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