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To asses the potential of androgenetic cells to participate in post-midgestation fetal development we have made use of an in situ detectable cell lineage marker in the analysis of chimeric mouse fetuses containing an androgenetic cell lineage. Our results show conclusively that androgenetic cells participate in the formation of derivatives of all lineages and in some tissues may contribute the majority of the total cell population. However, the allocation or persistence of androgenetic cells was non-random. High contribution of androgenetic cells was observed in brown adipose tissue, mesenchyme, smooth muscle, perichondrium, peripheral nerves and epithelia of the intestinal tract and the trachea. Thus, androgenetic cells were able to efficiently populate mesodermal, ectodermal and endodermal derivatives. In contrast, there was a clear prejudice against androgenetic cells in the brain.  相似文献   
Biotypes of Agrobacterium tumefaciens in Hungary   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Isolates of Agrobacterium tumefaciens from Hungary were separated into three biotypes on the basis of their physiological characters. Biotypes 1 and 2 corresponded with those of Keane et al . (1970). The most common isolates were of biotype 2. Isolates from grapevines formed a separate biotype which might be distinguished from biotype 1 by D-(–)tartrate and malonate utilization. Many isolates with biotype-intermediate characters were found. Isolates utilizing D-(–)tartrate, erythritol and malonate were included into biotype 2, although many of them were 3–ketolactose positive. Biotypes were not separated geographically and biotype 1 and 2 apparently occurred together.  相似文献   
The accumulation and metabolism of aldicarb has been compared in two species of free-living soil nematodes, Aphelenchus avenae and Panagrellus redivivus, which differ considerably in their sensitivity to this and other pesticides. Similar levels of aldicarb were found to accumulate in the two species. The results showed that although the rate of uptake of aldicarb was greater in P. redivivus, so also was the rate of metabolism and elimination. Levels of toxic metabolites of aldicarb were two to three times higher in the more susceptible species A. avenae after 24 h incubation than in the less susceptible P. redivivus. The toxicological significance of these findings is discussed in relation to previous work with the organophosphorus pesticide phorate and its effects on the same two nematode species.  相似文献   
Lipid-bound sialic acid in the murine melanoma cell is not totally inaccessible to an exogenous macromolecular probe, as formerly believed. Roughly 30% of the sialic acid bound to lipid, and an equal proportion of the sialic acid bound to protein is cleaved by the action of Clostridium perfringensN-acetylneuraminate glycohydrolase (neuraminidase, sialidase) when the purified enzyme is added to the suspension medium of intact murine melanoma cells freshly derived from the tumor. Cleavage of lipid-bound sialic acid is indifferent to the presence of Ca2+ in the medium. However, maximum release from protein requires a physiological concentration of this divalent cation. Variation in ionic strength has no effect on release of sialic acid. These findings show that a restricted portion of the bound sialic acid may be released from the intact murine melanama cell by the extracellularly supplied enzyme acting topographically.  相似文献   
Measurement of carboxypeptidase A, one of the pancreatic proteolytic enzymes, in human serum is made possible by a combination of affinity chromatography to isolate and concentrate the enzyme followed by monitoring activity spectrophotometrically with a high-turnover peptide substrate. Concentrations of enzyme in the nanogram-per-milliliter range can be determined with high precision and reliability. Initial clinical application of this method demonstrates no detectable activity in serum from normal individuals, but the enzyme is present in the sera of individuals with pancreatitis.  相似文献   
The Mexicans residing in the Monterrey metropolitan area in Nuevo León, Mexico, were grouped by generation and birthplace [Monterrey Metropolitan Area (MMA), San Luis Potosi (SLP), and Zacatecas (ZAC)] of the four grandparents to determine the extent of genetic variation within this population and the genetic differences, if any, between the natives living in the MMA and the immigrant populations from SLP and ZAC. Nine genetic marker systems were analyzed. The genetic distance analysis indicates that SLP and ZAC are similar to the MMA, irrespective of birthplace and generation. Gene diversity analysis (GST) suggests that more than 96% of the total gene diversity (HT) can be attributed to individual variation within the population. The genetic admixture analysis suggests that the Mexicans of the MMA, SLP, and ZAC, stratified by birthplace and generation, have received a predominantly Spanish contribution (78.5%), followed by a Mexican Indian contribution (21.5%). Similarly, admixture analysis, conducted on the population of Nuevo León and stratified by generation, indicates a substantial contribution from the MMA (64.6%), followed by ZAC (22.1%) and SLP (13.3%). Finally, we demonstrate that there is no nonrandom association of alleles among the genetic marker systems (i.e., no evidence of gametic disequilibrium) despite the Mestizo origin of this population.  相似文献   
The programme pscan has been developed to distribute proteindatabank scans over a network of computers that share a commonfilesystem. pscan may be used in conjunction with most conventionalsequence comparison programmes with few modifications. In testruns using the Smith — Waterman dynamic programming algorithm,the time required to scan a 6858 sequence databank using a querysequence 740 residues long was reduced from 50 min for a singleprocessor, to 11 minutes for five processors. Accordingly, pscanprovides a low-cost, portable alternative to dedicated parallelprocessing computers. Received on August 27, 1990; accepted on September 25, 1990  相似文献   
Src homology 2 (SH2) regions are short (approximately 100 amino acids), non-catalytic domains conserved among a wide variety of proteins involved in cytoplasmic signaling induced by growth factors. It is thought that SH2 domains play an important role in the intracellular response to growth factor stimulation by binding to phosphotyrosine containing proteins. In this paper we apply the techniques of multiple sequence alignment, secondary structure prediction and conservation analysis to 67 SH2 domain amino acid sequences. This combined approach predicts seven core secondary structure regions with the pattern beta-alpha-beta-beta-beta-beta-alpha, identifies those residues most likely to be buried in the hydrophobic core of the native SH2 domain, and highlights patterns of conservation indicative of secondary structural elements. Residues likely to be involved in phosphotyrosine binding are shown and orientations of the predicted secondary structures suggested which could enable such residues to cooperate in phosphate binding. We propose a consensus pattern that encapsulates the principal conserved features of the SH2 domains. Comparison of the proposed SH2 domain of akt to this pattern shows only 12/40 matches, suggesting that this domain may not exhibit SH2-like properties.  相似文献   
Oviposition by Lucilia cuprina Wiedemann (Diptera, Calliphoridae) was examined in relation to period of oviposition site-deprivation and egg-load. Effects of oviposition site-deprivation were examined by comparing oviposition performance of individual females that had matured their batch of oocytes within the previous 24 h with that of females which had reached ovarian maturity 8 days previously. Egg-load was manipulated by causing females of this anautogenous species to consume different amounts of protein-rich material. In no-choice experiments, individual females of the different categories were given access for 4 h to oviposition substrate, soaked with (i) liver exudate, (ii) the exudate diluted 16-fold or (iii) the undilated exudate containing the oviposition deterrent sodium chloride at a concentration of 2 M. These solutions elicited oviposition from different proportions of females, but neither these proportions, nor the interval between introduction of the oviposition site and the initiation of oviposition, was significantly affected by the period of oviposition site-deprivation or the number of eggs matured by the females.
Résumé L'effet de la privation de lieu de ponte a été étudié en comparant les pontes de femelles isolées ayant formé leurs ufs mûrs dans les 24 heures précédentes, à celles de femelles ayant atteint leur maturité sexuelle 8 jours avant. La rétention ovocytaire est provoquée en faisant consommer aux femelles de cette espèce anautogène différentes quantités d'aliments riches en protéines. La ponte de femelles dont le contingent total de leurs ovocytes s'est développé, — c'est-à-dire 260 —, après consommation ad libitum de foie de mouton pendant 48 heures, a été comparée à celle de femelles ayant formé 190 ovocytes mûrs après ingestion d'une quantité limitée de jus de foie.Dans des expériences sans choix, les femelles isolées de différences catégories ont eu accès pendant 4 heures au substrat de ponte trempé: 1) dans du jus de foie, 2) dans du jus dilué 16 fois, 3) dans du jus de foie non dilué mais contenant NaCl (inhibiteur de la ponte) à la concentration de 2 M. Le jus non dilué a provoqué une forte stimulation, induisant la ponte de 80% des femelles. Le jus dilué et celui contenant NaCl n'ont induit la ponte que de 40% des femelles avec des niveaux de stimulation bien plus faibles. La date d'introduction du lieu de ponte et le taux de rétention des ovocytes mûrs n'ont eu auçun effet sur la proportion de femelles réagissant à ces 3 types de stimulation.
Mouse embryos at the 2-cell stage were cultured in the presence of cytochalasin B (CB), cytochalasin D (CD), colchicine (COL) or colcemid (COM) for up to 72 h. Cleavage was arrested in the 2-cell and 8-cell embryos cultured in CB or CD but the blastomeres continued to differentiate, since chromosome replication occurred in the blastomeres at approximately the same time as control embryos underwent cleavage; an increase in the incorporation of [3H]uridine into RNA was also detected. Furthermore, the cleavage-arrested embryos acquired the necessary information to undergo morphogenesis; these embryos when explanted to fresh medium after 48 h culture in CB or CD underwent compaction within 15–60 min and started to cavitate to produce trophoblastic vesicles within 5–6 h at the same time as when the control embryos were undergoing compaction and beginning to form blastocoelic cavities. In contrast, the embryos arrested in the presence of COM or COL showed none of these differentiative, biochemical or morphogenetic changes. Hence, differentiation of blastomeres and morphogenesis is apparently coupled with nuclear divisions and the information does not reside within the blastomeres at the 2-cell or 8-cell stage. The trophoblastic vesicles produced after cleavage arrest subsequently gave rise to only trophoblast giant cells and no embryonic derivatives were detected.  相似文献   
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