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Aging is associated with spontaneous degenerative changes of renal function and structure. The aim of this study was to determine changes of the endothelin (ET) system and NO tissue bioactivity during the physiological aging process. Renal protein expression of ET-1 and ET-3, ETA, and ETB receptor mRNA expression, ET receptor binding and distribution, and tissue NO metabolite content were determined in adult, middle-aged, and senescent normotensive female Wistar rats. In senescent animals, medullary ET-3 content increased 3.4-fold (p<0.05 vs. adult), whereas aging did not affect ET-3 levels in the cortex. Local NO bioavailability, determined by NO metabolite tissue measurements, decreased in the cortex only. ET receptor binding capacity--predominantly due to ETB receptor binding--was lower in medulla than in cortex. Aging had no effect on ET-1 binding capacity or ET receptor distribution, whereas with advanced age gene expression of both receptors decreased. In conclusion, aging causes distinctive expressional changes of the renal endothelin system in otherwise healthy rats. The pronounced increase of endothelin-3 in the renal medulla is associated with preservation of local NO metabolite levels, changes not observed in the cortex. These findings could be important for pathologies and possibly therapy associated with renal aging.  相似文献   
Changes in the locomotor rate of the ciliateTetrahymena pyriformis were used to quantitatively evaluate chemical interactions produced by: cadmium in combination with varying amounts of calcium, andcis-dichlorodiammineplatinum (II) (cisplatin) with varying amounts of sodium chloride. Cadmium (as CdCl2) produces a measurable decline in the locomotor rate of the cells. Cadmium's detrimental effect can be reduced by the addition of calcium (as CaCl2) in combination with cadmium. At a ratio of 30∶1 (calcium: cadmium), cadmium's negative effect upon motility is essentially nullified. It is suggested that the “protective” action afforded by calcium stems from the chemical similarity of the two cations and their involvement/competition for molecular sites responsible for the energy release and/or delivery of ciliary activity. Cisplatin will also effect a reduction in ciliary activity. However, the interaction between cisplatin, sodium chloride, and the cell appears more complex than that found with cadmium-calcium. At the lower range of chloride (as NaCl) used in this study, increased chloride concentration produces an increase in cisplatin's action against ciliary activity. At the higher levels, the chloride reduced cisplatin's negative effects. It is suggested that the increases in cisplatin's effects are caused by mass chemical action of increased chloride, which increases the concentration of the nonpolar cisplatin. The reduced effects found with the higher concentrations of sodium chloride may be because of the presence and action of elevated NaCl in/on the cell. This study clearly demonstrates differences in biologically relevant chemical interactions occurring with the two sets: cadmium-calcium and cisplatin-chloride.  相似文献   
Eucalyptus species are grown widely outside of their native ranges in plantations on all vegetated continents of the world. We predicted that such a plantation species would show high potential for acclimation of photosynthetic traits across a wide range of growth conditions, including elevated [CO2] and climate warming. To test this prediction, we planted temperate Eucalyptus globulus Labill. seedlings in climate‐controlled chambers in the field located >700 km closer to the equator than the nearest natural occurrence of this species. Trees were grown in a complete factorial combination of elevated CO2 concentration (eC; ambient [CO2] +240 ppm) and air warming treatments (eT; ambient +3 °C) for 15 months until they reached ca. 10 m height. There was little acclimation of photosynthetic capacity to eC and hence the CO2‐induced photosynthetic enhancement was large (ca. 50%) in this treatment during summer. The warming treatment significantly increased rates of both carboxylation capacity (Vcmax) and electron transport (Jmax) (measured at a common temperature of 25 °C) during winter, but decreased them significantly by 20–30% in summer. The photosynthetic CO2 compensation point in the absence of dark respiration (Γ*) was relatively less sensitive to temperature in this temperate eucalypt species than for warm‐season tobacco. The temperature optima for photosynthesis and Jmax significantly changed by about 6 °C between winter and summer, but without further adjustment from early to late summer. These results suggest that there is an upper limit for the photosynthetic capacity of E. globulus ssp. globulus outside its native range to acclimate to growth temperatures above 25 °C. Limitations to temperature acclimation of photosynthesis in summer may be one factor that defines climate zones where E. globulus plantation productivity can be sustained under anticipated global environmental change.  相似文献   
Ovarian cancer is associated with high mortality due to its late onset of symptoms and lack of reliable screening methods for early detection. Furthermore, the incidence of ovarian cancer is higher in postmenopausal women. Mice rendered follicle-depleted through treatment with 4-vinylcyclohexene diepoxide (VCD) are a model of ovary-intact menopause. The present study was designed to induce ovarian neoplasia in this model by treating mice with 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA). Female B6C3F1 mice (age, 28 d) received intraperitoneal sesame oil (vehicle; VCD– groups) as a control or VCD (160 mg/kg; VCD+ groups) daily for 20 d to cause ovarian failure. Four months after the onset of dosing, mice from each group received a single injection of DMBA (VCD–DMBA+ and VCD+DMBA+ groups, n = 15 per group) or vehicle control (VCD–DMBA–, n = 15; VCD+ DMBA–, n = 14) under the bursa of the right ovary. Ovaries were collected 3 or 5 mo after injection and processed for histologic evaluation. Immunohistochemistry was used to confirm classification of neoplasms. None of the animals in the VCD–DMBA– and VCD–DMBA+ groups (that is, mice still undergoing estrus) had tumors at either time point. At the 3-mo time point, 12.5% of the VCD+DMBA+ mice had ovarian tumors; at 5 mo, 57.1% of the VCD+DMBA+ and 14.3% of VCD+DMBA– ovaries had neoplasms. Neoplasms stained positively for inhibin α (granulosa cells) and negatively for keratin 7 (surface epithelium), thus confirming classification of the lesions as Sertoli–Leydig cell tumors. These findings provide evidence for an increased incidence of DMBA-induced ovarian neoplasms in the ovaries of follicle-depleted mice compared with that in age-matched cycling controls.Abbreviations: DMBA, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene; OSE, ovarian surface epithelium; VCD, 4-vinylcyclohexene diepoxideApproximately 20,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer annually, of whom 15,000 are anticipated to die of the disease. Ovarian cancer ranks fifth in deaths by all cancers and first in cancers of the reproductive system.12 The survival rate of ovarian cancer patients improves greatly when the disease is detected early,2 but fewer than 20% of ovarian cancers are found at an early stage due to the lack of reliable screening methods for early detection. Because approximately two-thirds of ovarian cancer cases are diagnosed in women older than 55 y, the incidence of ovarian cancer is increased in peri- and postmenopausal women.12 For this reason, research using relevant animal models of menopause is needed to advance the understanding of the biology of neoplasms in the postmenopausal ovary.Ovarian cancer can be due to transformation of surface epithelial cells, germ cells, or sex cord and stromal cells. Almost 90% of all ovarian cancers are thought to be derived from the flat-to-cuboidal epithelial cells (that is, the ovarian surface epithelium [OSE]) that cover the ovary.6,49 Alternatively, fewer than 5% of ovarian cancers are classified as sex cord–stromal tumors, which include granulosa cell tumors, and Sertoli–Leydig cell tumors.18 The incidence of sex cord–stromal ovarian cancers is highest in women older than 50 y, but has also been diagnosed in premenopausal women.18 The etiology of ovarian cancer is not completely understood, but factors associated with development of the disease include ovulation, altered levels of gonadotropins (luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones) and steroid hormones (estrogens and androgens), germ-cell or follicle depletion, altered expression of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, altered levels of growth factors and cytokines, and exposure to environmental agents.41Recently, an ovary-intact mouse model of menopause was developed by using the occupational chemical 4-vinylcyclohexene diepoxide (VCD).24,25,27 Repeated daily dosing of mice and rats with VCD selectively destroys ovarian primordial and primary follicles by accelerating the natural process of follicular atresia.14,15,42,44 Because VCD does not target larger follicles, the animal continues to ovulate normally until no more follicles can be recruited. Thus, ovarian follicular depletion in the VCD-treated mouse is gradual. As with women undergoing perimenopause, VCD-treated mice show increased levels of follicle-stimulating hormone,27 irregular estrous cycles, and declining levels of estrogen24 as they become follicle-depleted. In addition, residual ovarian tissue is retained after ovarian failure. Therefore, preservation of residual ovarian tissue in the VCD-treated follicle-depleted mouse makes this model ideal for studying the physiology of the postmenopausal ovary. The VCD-treated mouse model of peri- and postmenopause has been used to study several menopause-related disorders including atherosclerotic lesion development,28 diabetic kidney disease,20 osteoporosis,51 and metabolic syndrome.39 Because the VCD-treated mouse has been shown to be relevant for studies related to both perimenopausal and postmenopausal stages,50 it is a useful candidate for studies of ovarian cancer.Even though spontaneous ovarian tumors in rodents have been reported,36 the paucity of these cases precludes their use in modeling ovarian cancer. Therefore, much effort has been put into developing relevant animal models for ovarian cancers. One such model involves the use of the carcinogen 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA),8,21,23,43 a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon that induces carcinogenic mutations by forming DNA adducts.9 Recently, the DMBA model of carcinogenesis has been combined with the VCD model of menopause to cause ovarian cancer in F344 rats.13,19 However, no studies have characterized the combined use of both chemicals in mice. Developing this combined model in mice is important because of the existence of various genetically engineered mice that have potential relevance to enhancing our understanding of the biology of ovarian cancer.The present study was designed to determine whether ovarian failure affects susceptibility to the development of ovarian neoplasms in mice and to model DMBA-induced ovarian neoplasia in VCD-treated follicle-depleted mice. VCD-treated follicle-depleted mice and cycling controls received ovarian injections with DMBA to induce neoplasia. The incidence of neoplasms was determined by histologic evaluation, and the lesions were classified through immunostaining for keratin 7 and inhibin α.  相似文献   
Objective: To describe the prevalence of night eating in a community cohort of black and white girls, using different definitions of night eating as described in the literature. Research Methods and Procedures: Three‐day food diaries collected as part of the National Growth and Health Study were examined to identify episodes of night eating, which was defined in five different ways: eating >25% of daily caloric intake after the last evening meal, eating >25% of daily caloric intake after 7 pm, eating >50% of daily caloric intake after the last evening meal, eating >50% of daily caloric intake after 7 pm, or eating between 11 pm and 4:59 am. Results: Frequency of night eating varied tremendously depending on how the behavior was defined. For the least restrictive definition (>25% of total intake after last meal), 50% to 70% of girls reported one night eating event; for the most restrictive (>50% of total intake after last meal), only 1.5% of 11‐year‐old girls' diaries and 3.5% of 19‐year‐old girls' diaries contained a night eating event. The frequency of night eating decreased dramatically (typically by a factor of 10) if the inclusion criteria required multiple night eating events in a given week. Discussion: A standard definition of night eating behavior is needed to advance the field. An agreed‐on operationalized definition that includes time of day, amount of calories consumed, and a frequency criterion would enable cross‐study comparisons and encourage the examination of developmental and clinical considerations of night eating behavior.  相似文献   
Jenik PD  Jurkuta RE  Barton MK 《The Plant cell》2005,17(12):3362-3377
Pattern formation and morphogenesis require coordination of cell division rates and orientations with developmental signals that specify cell fate. A viable mutation in the TILTED1 locus, which encodes the catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase epsilon of Arabidopsis thaliana, causes a lengthening of the cell cycle by approximately 35% throughout embryo development and alters cell type patterning of the hypophyseal lineage in the root, leading to a displacement of the root pole from its normal position on top of the suspensor. Treatment of preglobular and early globular stages, but not later stage, embryos with the DNA polymerase inhibitor aphidicolin leads to a similar phenotype. The results uncover an interaction between the cell cycle and the processes that determine cell fate during plant embryogenesis.  相似文献   
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