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A novel murine model of intrauterine infection/inflammation-induced preterm birth based on direct endoscopic intracervical inoculation is described. Using this model, we investigated infection-induced premature pregnancy loss in normal and interleukin (IL) 1beta-deficient mice. Seventy-four CD-1, HS, C57BL/6J wild type (IL-1beta+/+), and C57BL/6J IL-1beta-deficient (IL-1beta-/-) mice were inoculated intracervically using a micro-endoscope, at a time corresponding to 70% of average gestation. Intracervical injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or Escherichia coli reliably induced premature birth: 100% of mice intracervically injected with LPS and 92% of mice with a positive endometrial E. coli culture delivered prematurely within 36 h after inoculation. No losses were observed in mice inoculated with saline. Pregnancy loss was associated with increased uterine tissue cyclooxygenase-2 gene expression and uterine content of IL-1beta, tumor necrosis factor alpha, macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha, and IL-6, as well as elevation of nuclear factor-kappaB activity in uterine tissues. Although IL-1beta-/- mice exhibited decreased uterine cytokine production in response to bacteria and LPS, IL-1beta deficiency did not affect the rate of pregnancy loss. This model using direct intracervical bacterial or LPS inoculation is useful for studying preterm pregnancy loss in genetically altered mice in order to develop novel interventions for infection-associated preterm labor.  相似文献   
Interleukin-11 (IL-11) is a member of the gp130 family of cytokines. These cytokines drive the assembly of multisubunit receptor complexes, all of which contain at least one molecule of the transmembrane signaling receptor gp130. A complex of IL-11 and the IL-11 receptor (IL-11R) has been shown to interact with gp130, with high affinity, and to induce gp130- dependent signaling. In this study, we have identified residues crucial for the binding of murine IL-11 (mIL-11) to both the IL-11R and gp130 by examining the activities of mIL-11 mutants in receptor binding and cell proliferation assays. The location of these residues, as predicted from structural studies and a model of IL-11, reveals that mIL-11 has three distinct receptor binding sites. These are structurally and functionally analogous to the previously defined receptor binding sites I, II, and III of interleukin-6 (IL-6). This supports the hypothesis that IL-11 signals via the formation of a hexameric receptor complex and indicates that site III is a generic feature of cytokines that signal via association with gp130.  相似文献   
Poliovirus has a single-stranded RNA genome of positive polarity that serves two essential functions at the start of the viral replication cycle in infected cells. First, it is translated to synthesize viral proteins and, second, it is copied by the viral polymerase to synthesize negative-strand RNA. We investigated these two reactions by using HeLa S10 in vitro translation-RNA replication reactions. Preinitiation RNA replication complexes were isolated from these reactions and then used to measure the sequential synthesis of negative- and positive-strand RNAs in the presence of different protein synthesis inhibitors. Puromycin was found to stimulate RNA replication overall. In contrast, RNA replication was inhibited by diphtheria toxin, cycloheximide, anisomycin, and ricin A chain. Dose-response experiments showed that precisely the same concentration of a specific drug was required to inhibit protein synthesis and to either stimulate or inhibit RNA replication. This suggested that the ability of these drugs to affect RNA replication was linked to their ability to alter the normal clearance of translating ribosomes from the input viral RNA. Consistent with this idea was the finding that the protein synthesis inhibitors had no measurable effect on positive-strand synthesis in normal RNA replication complexes. In marked contrast, negative-strand synthesis was stimulated by puromycin and was inhibited by cycloheximide. Puromycin causes polypeptide chain termination and induces the dissociation of polyribosomes from mRNA. Cycloheximide and other inhibitors of polypeptide chain elongation "freeze" ribosomes on mRNA and prevent the normal clearance of ribosomes from viral RNA templates. Therefore, it appears that the poliovirus polymerase was not able to dislodge translating ribosomes from viral RNA templates and mediate the switch from translation to negative-strand synthesis. Instead, the initiation of negative-strand synthesis appears to be coordinately regulated with the natural clearance of translating ribosomes to avoid the dilemma of ribosome-polymerase collisions.  相似文献   
Developing cardiac myocytes divide a limited number of times before they stop and terminally differentiate, but the mechanism that stops their division is unknown. To help study the stopping mechanism, we defined conditions under which embryonic rat cardiac myocytes cultured in serum-free medium proliferate and exit the cell cycle on a schedule that closely resembles that seen in vivo. The culture medium contains FGF-1 and FGF-2, which stimulate cell proliferation, and thyroid hormone, which seems to be necessary for stable cell-cycle exit. Time-lapse video recording shows that the cells within a clone tend to divide a similar number of times before they stop, whereas cells in different clones divide a variable number of times before they stop. Cells cultured at 33 degrees C divide more slowly but stop dividing at around the same time as cells cultured at 37 degrees C, having undergone fewer divisions. Together, these findings suggest that an intrinsic timer helps control when cardiac myocytes withdraw from the cell cycle and that the timer does not operate by simply counting cell divisions. We provide evidence that the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p18 and p27 may be part of the timer and that thyroid hormone may help developing cardiac myocytes stably withdraw from the cell cycle.  相似文献   
In this study precision-cut liver slices have been used to evaluate the effects of the flavone tangeretin, the flavonoid glycoside naringin and the flavanone naringenin (the aglycone derived from naringin) on xenobiotic-induced genotoxicity. Liver slices were cultured for 24 h in medium containing [3H]thymidine and the test compounds and then processed for autoradiographic determination of unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS). The cooked food mutagen 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) markedly induced UDS in cultured human liver slices and both 2-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) induced UDS in cultured rat liver slices. Tangeretin (20 and 50 microM) was found to be a potent inhibitor of 5 and 50 microM PhIP-induced UDS in human liver slices, whereas 20 and 50 microM naringenin was ineffective and naringin only inhibited genotoxicity at a concentration of 1000 microM. In rat liver slices 50 microM tangeretin inhibited 10 and 50 microM 2-AAF-induced UDS, whereas 50 microM naringenin and 100 and 1000 microM naringin were ineffective. None of the three flavonoids examined inhibited 5 microM AFB1-induced UDS in rat liver slices. The inhibition of PhIP- and 2-AAF-induced UDS by tangeretin is probably attributable to the inhibition of the human and rat cytochrome P-450 isoforms which are responsible for the bioactivation of these two genotoxins. Although flavonoids can modulate xenobiotic-induced genotoxicity in human and rat liver slices, any protective effect is dependent on the particular combination of genotoxin and flavonoid examined. These results demonstrate that cultured precision-cut liver slices may be utilised as an in vitro model system to examine the modulation of xenobiotic-induced genotoxicity by flavonoids and other dietary components.  相似文献   
High-throughput DNA sensors capable of detecting single-base mismatches are required for the routine screening of genetic mutations and disease. A new strategy for the electrochemical detection of single-base mismatches in DNA has been developed based upon charge transport through DNA films. Double-helical DNA films on gold surfaces have been prepared and used to detect DNA mismatches electrochemically. The signals obtained from redox-active intercalators bound to DNA-modified gold surfaces display a marked sensitivity to the presence of base mismatches within the immobilized duplexes. Differential mismatch detection was accomplished irrespective of DNA sequence composition and mismatch identity. Single-base changes in sequences hybridized at the electrode surface are also detected accurately. Coupling the redox reactions of intercalated species to electrocatalytic processes in solution considerably increases the sensitivity of this assay. Reporting on the electronic structure of DNA, as opposed to the hybridization energetics of single-stranded oligonucleotides, electrochemical sensors based on charge transport may offer fundamental advantages in both scope and sensitivity.  相似文献   
A novel and patented procedure is described for the sonochemical fabrication of a new class of microelectrode array based sensor with electrode element populations of up to 2 x 10(5) cm(-2). For some years it has been accepted that microelectrode arrays offer an attractive route for lowering minimum limits of detection and imparting stir (convectional mass transport) independence to sensor responses; despite this no commercial biosensors, to date, have employed microelectrode arrays, largely due to the cost of conventional fabrication routes that have not proved commercially viable for disposable devices. Biosensors formed by our sonochemical approach offer unrivalled sensitivity and impart stir independence to sensor responses. This format lends itself for mass fabrication due to the simplicity and inexpensiveness of the approach; in the first instance impedimetric and amperometric sensors are reported for glucose as model systems. Sensors already developed for ethanol, oxalate and a number of pesticide determinations will be reported in subsequent publications.  相似文献   
Convective fluid motion through artery walls aids in the transvascular transport of macromolecules. Although many measurements of convective filtration have been reported, they were all obtained under constant transmural pressure. However, arterial pressure in vivo is pulsatile. Therefore, experiments were designed to compare filtration under steady and pulsatile pressure conditions. Rabbit carotid arteries were cannulated and excised from male New Zealand White rabbits anesthetized with pentobarbitol sodium (30 mg/kg i.v. administered). Hydraulic conductance was measured in cannulated excised rabbit carotid arteries at steady pressure. Next, pulsatile pressure trains were applied within the same vessels, and, simultaneously, arterial distension was monitored using Optical coherence tomography (OCT). For each pulse train, the volume of fluid lost through filtration was measured (subtracting volume change due to residual distension) and compared with that predicted from steady pressure measurements. At 60- and 80-mmHg baseline pressures, the experimental filtration volumes were significantly increased compared with those predicted for steady pressure (P < 0.05). OCT demonstrated that the excess fluid volume loss was significantly greater than the volume that would be lost through residual distension (P < 0.05). After 30 s, the magnitude of the excess of fluid loss was reduced. These results suggest that sudden onset of pulsatile pressure may cause changes in arterial interstitial hydration.  相似文献   
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